Absolute Delusion [Das Erotica]

Music, Arrangement, Lyrics: J.A. Seazer (J.A.シーザー)
Chorus: Tokyo Konsei Gasshodan (東京混声合唱団) &
Engeki Jikken-shitsu "Ban'yū Inryoku" (演劇実験室 "万有引力") Theater Laboratory "Universal Gravitation"

Absolute Seduction "The Erotica"
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Aelia laelia crispis
Orgia alchemy
Moon, sun, light, shadow, dualism existence
Libido plasma
Aelia laelia crispis
Orgia alchemy
Geometry, reproduction, albedo, mystique
Libido enigma
World-creating adultery, sexual congress of all things
Everything is one absolute desire: solutio
Aelia laelia crispis
Orgia alchemy
Eros, the Thanatos principle competes with flirtation
Libido natura
Aelia laelia crispis
Orgia alchemy
Holy instinct, before the creation of heaven and earth
Libido atman
She flirts, and so I yearn for Aphrodite
Absolute seduction melting together into one: "The Erotica"
Aelia laelia crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia laelia crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia laelia crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia laelia crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia laelia crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia laelia crispis orgia alchemy
Absolute Delusion [Das Erotica]
Translation by Verthandi
Aelia Laelia Crispis
Orgia alchemy
Moon, sun; light, shadow; a dualistic existance
Libido; plasma
Aelia Laelia Crispis
Orgia alchemy
Geometry; reproduction; alpedo; Mystery
Libido; enigma
Genesis; the union of all Creation
All is one absolute desire, soltio
Aelia Laelia Crispis
Orgia alchemy
Eros; Thanatotic principle competes with flattery
Libido; natura
Aelia Laelia Crispis
Orgia alchemy
The Holy instinct; before the Creation of Heaven and Earth
Libido; Atman
Burnt by flattery; Aprodite
Fusing into a single absolute delusion [das Erotica]
Aelia Laelia Crispis orgia alchemy
Aeria Laelia Crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia Laelia Crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia Laelia Crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia Laelia Crispis orgia alchemy
Aelia Laelia Crispis orgia alchemy
Zettai Biwaku "Ta Erotika"
As Provided by Ayu Ohseki
Aeria raeria kurisupisu
Orugia renkin
Tsuki taiyou hikari kage dyuarisumu sonzai
Ribidoo purazuma
Aeria raeria kurisupisu
Orugia renkin
Kikagaku seishoku arupedo shinpi
Ribidoo eniguma
Sousei soukan banbutsu kougou
Subete ga hitotsu no zettai yokubou sorutio
Aeria raeria kurisupisu
Orugia renkin
Erosu bi wo kisou Tanatosu genri
Ribidoo natura
Aeria raeria kurisupisu
Orugia renkin
Seinaru honnou tenchi kaibyaku izen
Ribidoo aatoman
Bi yue kogareru Apuroditee
Hitotsu ni tokeau zettai biwaku "Ta Erotika"
Aeria raeria kurisupisu orugia renkin
Aeria raeria kurisupisu orugia renkin
Aeria raeria kurisupisu orugia renkin
Aeria raeria kurisupisu orugia renkin
Aeria raeria kurisupisu orugia renkin
Aeria raeria kurisupisu orugia renkin
As Provided by Ayu Ohseki
月 太陽 光 影 デュアリスム存在 
リビドー プラズマ
幾何学 生殖 アルペド 神秘
リビドー エニグマ
創世相姦 万物媾\合
エロス 媚を競うタナトス原理
リビドー ナトゥラ
聖なる本能\ 天地開闢以前
リビドー アートマン
媚ゆえ焦がれる アプロディテー

Translation Notes From Ayu Ohseki:

Aelia laelia crispis
Part of an allegorical inscription that 16th and 17th alchemists long puzzled over. Carl Jung translated it in his Mysterium Coniunctionis: "Aelia Laelia Crispis, neither man nor woman, nor mongrel, nor maid, nor boy, nor crone, nor chaste, nor whore, nor virtuous, but all."

Orgia alchemy
Orgia is the plural of orgion, an ecstatic form of worship in ancient Greece associated with Dionysus.

Geometry, reproduction, albedo, mystique
The kana says "arupedo," but it probably is supposed to be "arubedo," i.e. "albedo," an alchemical process literally known as "whitening" that is vital in the creation of a Philosopher's Stone.

Everything is one absolute desire: solutio
Solutio is a major alchemical process closely linked with water, purification and dissolution; it is the process by which matter returns to its most basic, undifferentiated form.

Eros, the Thanatos principle competes with flirtation

The Thanatos principle refers to the "death drive" postulated by Freud as being the self-destructive urge of living things to die. The Eros principle or life instinct, which is the urge to create life, its its opposite. The two principles war against each other.

Libido atman
Atman (literally "self") is a concept important in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions, and refers to one's true self.

Translation Notes from Verthandi:

Aelia Laelia Crispis
This name begins an allegorical inscription (supposedly discovered in Bologna) that confounded 16th and 17th century alchemists. Translation from "Mysterium Coniunctionis" by Carl Jung:

Aelia Laelia Crispis,
Neither man nor woman, nor mongrel, nor maid,
nor boy, nor crone, nor chaste,
nor whore, nor virtuous, but all.
Carried away neither by hunger, nor by sword,
nor by poison, but by all.
Neither in heaven, nor in earth, nor in water,
but everywhere is her resting place.

Lucius Agatho Priscius,
Neither husband, nor lover, nor kinsman,
neither mourning, nor rejoicing, nor weeping,
[raised up] neither mound, nor pyramid, nor tomb, but all.
He knows and knows not [what] he raised up to whom.

This is a tomb that has no body in it.
This is a body that has no tomb round it.
But body and tomb are the same.

Perhaps coincidentally, there are two species of orchid named laelia crispa ("a popular summer flower whose white and purple blooms are large and fragrant, with ruffled petals and lips") and laelia crispilabia ("purple or pale magenta flowers").

orgies, but also in the more classical sense; an act of devotion. Early Greeks used the words "orgia" and "mysteria" (mysteries of faith) interchangably.

Roman god of erotic love. In psychoanalysis, Eros is the insatiable pleasure-seeking instinct; the urge to life.

Roman god of death. In psychoanalysis, Thanatos is the self-destructive instinct that urges us to stay in our proverbial coffins.

the great ultimate being of the RG...er...Rig Veda. The original meaning of the word was "breath" or "soul" or "vital principle" (cf. German "Atmen"). Atman is the universal spirit. But more interestingly: "In the Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad, Atman is explicitly called a Person that created the universe by first splitting himself into male and female halves."

a Germanic variation of "Aphrodite," the Greek goddess of erotic love.

Revolutionary Girl Utena music by KING Records, US release by Geneon. Content from these releases compiled here by Giovanna for Empty Movement. Fan-translations belong to named creators and reproduced with their permission. Yay!