I provide dates for how recent the hosted copy is, because I frequently go back and make minute changes even weeks after I finish a trace.
Trace By: Rhyaniwyn
Completed: March 18th, 2008
Gio: Here's something a big different: high-resolution vectored images of the various rose crests from the series! Thanks, Rhyaniwyn!
Trace By: Sey
Completed: December 11th, 2007
Gio: Sey vectors in a somewhat stylized way that doesn't exactly match the series artwork but is nevertheless awesome. Here's Akio looking..uh..pretty?
• Final trace. (With background.) 1387x1145, PNG-8, 118KB |
Trace By: Sey
Completed: December 11th, 2007
Gio: Just so we're all clear on this: Touga is a jerk. But he makes for good vector fodder.
Trace By: Wiebe Haanstra
Completed: September 30th, 2007
Source Image: Screen capture from episode 38. View the original.
Gio: Another gorgeous piece, this time the pan of Utena getting stabbed in episode 38. Dramatic subject matter, Wiebe goes for, huh?
Trace By: Arki
Completed: July 9th, 2007
Source Image: Screen captures from episode 15. View the original.
Gio: Arki called this 'Sleeping Whore', which is funny since that's probably the only time Kozue isn't a whore! Awesome work, Arki!
• Final trace. (With background.) 1600x1200, PNG-8, 507KB |
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: July 2007
Source Image: Screen capture from episode 25. View the original.
Notes: A gift piece. When Yasha heard I was vectoring this shot, she requested an alternate version where his expression is a bit more aggressively sexual. Which is to say he's smirking. This alternate version is also offered here.
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: June 2007
Source Image: Screen captures from episode 29. View the original.
Notes: Forum member Sey was the the clever first person to ask for a vector for their birthday. Since Ruka doesn't get much love, I figured hey, why not. This is a vector done of one of the images soon to be in the gallery.
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: December 2006
Source Image: A cell sketch from the SKU game. View the original.
Notes: Mmmm. Saionji. The other guy ain't bad either. I took major liberties with the shading of their hair, because I could.
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: December 2006
Source Image: Screen captures from a digital copy of episode 36. View the original.
Notes: This was my Christmas present to Yasha. What? Homoerotic swordpulling is an excellent present! I swear! Well she liked it anyway. Come on...you like it, too. It's hot.
Trace By: Wiebe Haanstra
Completed: December 7th, 2006
Gio: Yay! Already people are donating, and such a gorgeous picture! Fantastic trace job. Eerie and sexy at the same time! Wow!
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: October 2006
Source Image: Screen captures from a digital copy of episode 30. View the original.
Notes: I did this in preparation for the Mrs.Ohtori shrine's overhaul and only ended up using the silhouette. Har!
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: September 2006
Source Image: Screen captures from a digital copy of episode 38. View the original.
Notes: This was a panned shot. And by panned I mean gorgeous. Also was my technique trace; I used it to build the basic tutorial.
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: August 2006
Source Image: Screen captures from a digital copy of episode 25. View the original.
Notes: This was a panned shot. It's been on my list, but got bumped up when I wanted it for a front page layout to complement the Akio shrine layout.
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: May 2006
Source Image: The SKU Juju book scan of an image from episode 35. View the original. (Part of the image was missing, and taken from a screenshot, the whole cell gets rotated in the shot.)
Notes: This is kinda the image that started the whole mess. I got a laptop, which I promptly named Akio, and realized this picture fits its wallpaper almost perfectly. I had to have it. Smile you son of a bitch.
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: May 2006
Source Image: Screen capture from a digital copy of episode 25. View the original.
Notes: This was just me screwing around, which is why it's smaller than most vectors I do. Many of my favorite images of Akio don't include his face; this right here is just a huge stretch of highly innervated erogenous zone. Bon Appétit. (It's even hotter when he's mad, oh god.)
Trace By: Giovanna
Completed: June 2006
Source Image: A cell sketch image from the SKU Sega Saturn game sketchbook. View the original.
Notes: This trace was done using only a cell sketch for a guideline. I think it came out pretty damn good considering that. Proportions here were altered, his right arm/shoulder was moved down, closer to his body.
I wasn't sure whether to call this a loincloth or a fundoshi, which I think is supposed to be tied under instead of left hanging in the front. Boy if there's anyone standing behind him, they're getting an absolutely glorious view of his ass.
• Full-size final trace. (Plain white background.) 963x1914, PNG-8, 129KB
This trace was last altered 9/5/2006. |