This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Giovanna wrote:
YOU. GET OUT OF MY CHILDHOOD. like bein' all up in yo' childhood. It's friendly. And it appreciates me. You know it does.
Can my title be Gio's Doppelgänger?
There are pictures of me at a very young age wearing a princess dress and proudly brandishing a plastic sword. Same goes for me dressed up as a cowboy and a Power Ranger. I've always had an active fantasy life--to a fault. If I was acting girly, I was going to kick some ass while I was doing it and be the hero, and if I was acting boysy--same thing.
I also pretended to be a mad scientist a lot. I had a crush on Bill Nye (Shut. The fuck up.) and dreamed about starting out as his lab assistant, and then surpassing him in Sheer Genius, taking over Nye Laboratories, and taking him as my bitch, winning him over with my unparalleled genius. I pretended to be James Bond's anthropomorphic cat-partner (yeah, you heard me, a black cat with neon green eyes named Neona) and going on secret missions with him as his brilliant protégé. I was obsessed with Goldeneye at the time, so I pretended Severnaya after the Goldeneye blast had become a haven for anthropomorphic cats effected by the "radiation" (I didn't understand EMI at the time, clearly) who lived in peace with the Siberian otters and squirrels (think Redwall, my other mad fantasy obsession). James Bond was taken captive by Alec Trevelyan (who had somehow survived) somewhere nearby in Siberia, where Neon, in search for him, had found her kin in Severnaya, and they busted James Bond and Moneypenny (who fell in love in jail) out Redwall-warrior style.
And that the tip of the iceberg for my childhood fantasy life.
Currently--I have a ton of fantasies I indulge in. If I'm in the middle of an RPG, it tends to be me as the glaive-toting intellectual Black Mage-figure, calm and collected and quirky, but gentle beneath the exterior, mysterious and seemingly omnipotent, in a sprawling and beautiful world where water defies gravity and lush forests mingle with cyberpunk-esque cities. I have found a soulmate the caliber I could only imagine--though my imaginings always incorporate a degree of realism, imperfection, which makes them all the more real and dear to me--and I still maintain my independence while knowing that person is always there for me. It's an Alucard-Integra sort of relationship, maybe. I've had my heart shattered twice, but I still believe it's possible to find that person. Utilizing my brilliance and ability to slip unnoticed through situations, like something otherworldly, I rescue that special person from certain peril, and we rest together somewhere warm and comfortable while it storms. And we talk until we have to continue venturing about life, the universe, and everything, with many a loving word thrown in and "intimate moment" in varying degrees of... intensity. And the perils we face make us realize how precious we are to one another. Sure, there may be issues with me being cold and distant and overly-intellectual, or visa-versa, but we work through them. I usually imagine a person who is more touchy-feely and emotional than I am, to balance out my personality. And, realistically, I have issues with insecurity, so I need somebody who is always telling me I am loved and showing that.
Or, I'm a psychic Pokemon trainer (STFU ) of the same personality and character-cut as above, going on similar adventures in the Pokemon world. There is more mature, darker danger afoot than featured in the show or the game (I mean, come on? "Team Meanie"? Do hardened badasses really talk like that?), and as a renegade intellectual loner used to keeping to herself, must aid in the saving of the Free World as we Know It. Nobody knows her nature--is she good? Or bad? But proves good and helpful beneath the exterior, yadda yadda, provides a lot of Bebop-esque insight the has provided on her travels throughout the world, and saves the world through technological prowess, yadda yadda. etc. You get the idea.
There are similar scenarios for being a Zaibach sorcerer (think Escaflowne and Folken ), a Duelist (of course), etc. Oddly I don't place myself in the X universe; I'm more likely to place myself in a character's skin (Seishirou, in other words). I could go on all day. And and you'll probably hit one. Female who disguises herself as a dashing young boy to study alchemy in a very Tamora Pierce-esque fashion, a sage a'la Shiek from Zelda, etc etc.
If I'm going to have my fantasy, I might as well jerk my ego off and be as badass as I wish I was in real life.
Giovanna wrote:
morosemocha wrote:
Also, when I was a kid, I never really dreamed about Princes. HOWEVER, I did used to play that I had a cooking show, ala the Frugal Gourmet (who I thought was THE BOMB, as a kid) where I made mud pies, and stole my mom's gel SHOUT! to use as a topping. Oops.
I used to eat shaving gel & brushes... ya know... like the old kind where you used a brush to lather up the gel? I ate that stuff.
I was only two. Two-year-olds put everything into their mouth.
As far as sappy fantasies... well...
I hope that when I die, my spirit will be able to join my dead hubby's & we can spend the rest of eternity just being with each other & dancing along the stars. mouuu... I'm so embarrassed now!!!
Giovanna wrote:
I must be broken. Stars, candles, and roses are all things that aren't romantic to me at all, but rather really cool stuff to enjoy whenever you have time or money.
Edit: Rain. I think, overall, rain is romantic to me.
It doesn't make you broken - it just makes you unique. And you need someone adaptable. My grrl really isn't into the candles and flowers bit, either, so I rarely ever use them.
As for rain... thunderstorms, baby. Thunderstorms. I'd love nothing more than to be wrapped up in my grrl underneatha tree while there's thunder in the disctance. The rain is pouring down, plastering our clothes to each other, somehwat cold, but we never feel it as we're content to keep each other warm.
I think one of the reasons I like Counting Crows as much as I do is Adam Duritz's imagery about rain and fading. One of the things I love about living in Florida is frequent thunderstorms. The drought-ish conditions up here suck. In the summer, when I was a kid, we used to have a thunderstorm every afternoon. Now we hardly ever have them.
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (12-13-2006 10:29:03 AM)
Man, so many people I'd like to quote! Too many, so I didn't
I think I only had one instance of a pretend-marriage when I was a little kid, and we made the cake out of snow and put Power Rangers on top. But I was the one who always climbed over the fence to see him.
Anyway, whenever we played house in school, I insisted on being an 80-year old grandmother who played baseball - EVERY TIME. I kid you not.
Oh, I just remembered a second instance of my young self and marriage - there was the time I expressed my desire (at maybe age five or six) to marry my best friend. She said we couldn't because we were both girls, and I told her we'd just go to Hawaii, because I somehow got the idea that that was legal there (I now know that its only 'domestic partnerships' and not marriage).
But I've never wanted to get pregnant and have a baby.
As for all the fantastical fantasies... well, I've always thought it would kick ass to be an anime character. Uh, but not in an anime like Beserk, that would kinda suck. And on one level, I'd like to be in Utena, but I would wanna be a duelist, not a regular student, - but on the other hand, I don't really want Akio trying to pick at my poor brain.
A Day Without Me wrote:
And on one level, I'd like to be in Utena, but I would wanna be a duelist, not a regular student, - but on the other hand, I don't really want Akio trying to pick at my poor brain.
I wouldn't mind that. Only because it's Akio!
As for my own fantasies, I don't really have anything specific. I just need more sleep in my life, which doesn't seem to be coming so easily due to all my responibilities and busy schedule. But it would surely be fun to escape all this just for once!
Sappy fantasy, huh...
I used to imagine me and some imaginary friends in a band and that we were famous u_u
>_> i used to imagine me as a prince.
And me with friends u_u
Ragnarok wrote:
Chrono Trigger was great, but overall I'd choose FFVI!
Also an excellent game, for different reasons.
I missed the Prince on a White Horse fantasy requirement of my childhood. My sappy fantasies usually involved being apart of a book/video game/anime that I was interested in at the time, as well as my own stories with characters that I had created. I had a very active imagination when I was younger.
Aww, yay!
My fantasy is walking in the rain without an umbrella or a coast, just walking and getting soaked
then him walking up to me and hugging my tightly
And maybe a quick kiss on the cheek?
I'm a freak...
I used to read alot of romance novels and watch disney moves when younger... so basicly i wanted a nice man with tons of money!! and still do!! (but their are now their are a few other things i want in a man)
A troubled person only my love can save! ...sappy fantasy or a codependent nightmare.
I liked rescuing animals as a little kid, and now I like to rescue people. Both in daydreams, and in real life, I try to. :considers going back to the animals:
I used to imagine Kurt Cobain (before death) & I, together, romantically, singing something equivalent to that Avril Lavine song "Skater Boy", but it was like, 'loser girl' version.
When I was little, my Barbie's would kiss right away, but would wait a long time to have sex. While, my playmates Barbie's would have sex right away, but also get married right away. My Barbie's never married, only lived together with dogs. I remember playing out long, dramatic, soap-opera-esque scenes with those dolls, twin sisters with shakey home-circumstances, meeting twin Ken dolls, and escaping the life of domestic drama for a house in the hills with the stuffed animals.
I've wanted to live IN, almost every book...with the exception of the few true crime novels I've read.
My sappy childhood fantasy never had anything to do with a prince or princess. Instead, I made up a little fictional world of my own, where I'd stuff in any character I saw in a cartoon, read in a book or played in a game. Because, at the time, it never crossed my mind to create one of my own. I still remember that the entrance to the "other world" was a door with bars, surrounded with a lot of gray. There was a character that would have the keys to it and open the door whenever I saw/played/read something new, so new arivals could come in. Oh joy. (: Plus, there was a lot of angst coming from the gate-keeper, but no matter how hard I try, I can't remember how he looked like.
I was a strange child, because I had that fantasy. But I had that fantasy, because I was strange. d: Kids were mean to me, so I found a substitute for people. Today, my sappy fantasy would include fiction being real. As strange as it may sound, somewhere in the back of my mind, I do believe that fiction is real. Somewhere.
Frosty wrote:
When I was little, my Barbie's would kiss right away, but would wait a long time to have sex. While, my playmates Barbie's would have sex right away, but also get married right away. My Barbie's never married, only lived together with dogs. I remember playing out long, dramatic, soap-opera-esque scenes with those dolls, twin sisters with shakey home-circumstances, meeting twin Ken dolls, and escaping the life of domestic drama for a house in the hills with the stuffed animals.
Wow. There are a lot of people on this board that make me wonder HOW ON EARTH someone else had THE EXACT SAME childhood as me.
Mine used to have such soap opera lives. But I only had one Ken doll, so he got a metric ton of little plastic Barbie ass. They got driven off cliffs all the time. And brought back to life all the time. I had an early fascination with both witchcraft and science fiction.
morosemocha wrote:
Frosty wrote:
When I was little, my Barbie's would kiss right away, but would wait a long time to have sex. While, my playmates Barbie's would have sex right away, but also get married right away. My Barbie's never married, only lived together with dogs. I remember playing out long, dramatic, soap-opera-esque scenes with those dolls, twin sisters with shakey home-circumstances, meeting twin Ken dolls, and escaping the life of domestic drama for a house in the hills with the stuffed animals.
Wow. There are a lot of people on this board that make me wonder HOW ON EARTH someone else had THE EXACT SAME childhood as me.
Mine used to have such soap opera lives. But I only had one Ken doll, so he got a metric ton of little plastic Barbie ass. They got driven off cliffs all the time. And brought back to life all the time. I had an early fascination with both witchcraft and science fiction.
My barbies... well...
I never had a Ken doll, so I had to use my animal plushies instead...
Umm... bestiality anyone?
But, it's not like they had sex or nuthin'... Heck, I didn't know what sex was until I was in the third grade (which is also when I decapitated my Barbies, flushed their heads down the toilet & sent their bodies going down a river in my backyard... I was a 'special' kid...)
So they would be goin out with my beanie babies, and I would then dress them up and stuff.
Hey, am I alone in being the kid who could NEVER keep track of those poopy little Barbie shoes?
Oh... and my favorite Barbie was my Anastasia (from the cartoon, which I LOVED) Barbie. She was so lovely & she was built rather petite, with small breasts, thin hips, & beautiful pale skin. And she also had the lovelyest chestnut hair in the world. I think she was the only Barbie who ever looked pretty to me. I always thought the others were wierd. Especially how their undies were surgically grafted to their skin.
For a while my mommy was freaked out because I said that I wanted to marry my Anastasia Barbie. Heheh... I guess it's all Barbie's fault that I'm a bi now, huh?
Yes... now I am on the search for a woman with pale skin, thin hips, small breasts, chestnut hair, no movable joints, no nipples, & feet that never change their position. So far, no luck.
SOMEDAY I SHALL FIND YOU, MY NO-NIPPLED BRIDE!!! SOMEDAY, YOUR PRINCE SHALL COME!!!! *riding off galiantly into the sunset on a white steed*
ONWARD!!! *hits the sun* ow... *sizzle*
But Hya, dear, if they don't change postion, you're pretty lacking on the IFD content, and we just can't allow that. For, y'know. Your own good. We'd have to buy you one of those sex swings you hang from the ceiling.
morosemocha wrote:
But Hya, dear, if they don't change postion, you're pretty lacking on the IFD content, and we just can't allow that. For, y'know. Your own good. We'd have to buy you one of those sex swings you hang from the ceiling.
I always wanted one of those... and not just for sex! I WANNA SWING IN MAH ROOMM!!!
hyacinth_black wrote:
I always wanted one of those... and not just for sex! I WANNA SWING IN MAH ROOMM!!!
My coworkers were just discussing how awesome sex swings are. I the only person that played with K-Nex? Screw Barbie dolls. You couldn't get me away from my K-Nex.
I wish I had some right now.
K-nex were awesome. I had a facination with anything I could build shit out of, or take apart. I have a twin brother who was really into RC cars around preschool age and I'm pretty sure I spent more time destroying his toys than playing with my own.
I had a fucking pile of barbies for a while. Not really because I played with all of them, but relatives would buy them for me as a token gift when they didn't know what to give. I also had a bunch of those late-80's body issue Maxie dolls, which pretty much looked like mannish barbies. My parents weren't in the best money situation at the time so when I asked my dad for a Ken doll he cut the Maxie doll's hair short and bought it Ken clothes. I will never let them forget this.
Hinotori wrote:
Love it!
I'm remembering my "non-name-brand" Barbies, which usually were sectioned off as the bad step-mothers.
I did not have K-nex, but I did play with legos far longer than other children my age... And, anyone old enough to remember LITE BRIGHT!!!!! Oh the glorious toy.
I played with my brother's toy cars all the time. And my Barbies were active participants in the French Revolution extremely often.
I was also a child whose favorite show was Yen Can Cook, so god knows I was a strange child.
When I was little, I always used to imagine myself as a character in whatever book I'd read recently. (I was a big reader as a child, mostly because we didn't have a TV--and I was especially into fantasy novels.) The characters would be in the middle of scene XYZ and my character would step in and the scene would play out with me included. I'd also add other scenes. I was always best friends with the protagonist. That was my favorite. I also used to pretend that I was actually a unicorn trapped in the body of a human because of a spell gone wrong and I'd walk down the hallways of my elementary school thinking to myself, "this is so disappointing, having to be around all of these humans. I feel so weighed down with this body. I've barely retained any of my grace. I can't wait until I figure out how to become a unicorn again." etc etc etc.
My other really major childhood fantasy was that I was a fashion designer and I would make myself instant coffee and sit on the floor of my bedroom with tons of paper and pencils and make fashion magazines. While sipping said instant coffee. Because that made me feel really adult.