This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Razara wrote:
*Magically appears inside duelling arena*
Sorry, Pallas Athena, but BioKraze already has a challenger. We just need to wait for Sevelle-sama to get here.
*Dodges the flash of lightening from BioKraze and says to Razara:*
"My apologies...I'll be training somewhere in the Elysian Fields if anyone needs me."
*Looks back at BioKraze and says, "Your destiny lies with me. Dona AkiGio knew this to be true." and with that cryptic message she jumps dramatically from the dueling platform only to hit the ground 4ft beneath that was covered by fog and slowly crawls to the OTHER side of the ground to continue the freefall to the earth and then dissappears into the shadow that formed from her body*
Last edited by Pallas Athena (04-23-2007 05:05:29 PM)
BioKraze wrote:
Don't you pay attention, Hentai Girl? I used a device to clear off all the slime about a couple hours ago!
I had to read so much, of course not. *looking at self in mirror fixing her beautiful hentai hair*
now we need that Yaoi pet so the rumble can commence... i want my bride by my side. come razara. theres a nice seat by me here out of the way of the fury of the fight. *pats beside her*
Well, then. I'm going to hide in a shadow dimension until I get finished updating my website. Don't bother calling me back until then.
*opens a wormhole portal and steps in, sealing it up behind him...*
*Bows respectfully* Thank you, KTK-sama. *Takes a seat next to her*
and now, the waiting game... *pulls out poptarts* mnch mnch mnch.....
I'll be Poptart duelist, RainTart or PopRain.....RainTart...PopRain...:
::joins Yasha and angelic on the balcony::
::brings popcorn as a peace offering::
...I'm NOT cleaning up after Bio. The Poptart Bitc -err, Bride can do that.
naw...thats what we have sweepy the poptart janitor for...
*mnch mnch mnch* i smores
*A wormhole opens in the middle of the Arena floor, and Bio walks out. He focusses on a very distant dove, and holds his right hand out, palm outstretched as if he were going to use his hand as a gun...*
"Spinning power, glowing bright...RAY WHIRL!!"
*A halo of white Ray Energy fires out of Bio's hand and strikes the distant dove. Instantly fried to a crisp, the dove falls to the earth below. Bio grins with pleasure.*
Well, where's Sevelle? If he doesn't show up soon, he defaults! *Bio recalls his war uniform and Rose, which should probably be posted sometime soon... Anyway, the rose is mint green with a touch of blue. Kinda like the animators mixed Saionji's and Miki's rose colours together. It's pretty, actually...the only aesthetically pleasing thing about the deranged Duellist, really...*
EDIT: On a totally unrelated note, who nominates me for the title of "Self-made Asshole"?
Last edited by BioKraze (04-23-2007 05:35:37 PM)
Keep your pants on Bio. its not like the arena is going somewhere. *throws used Akio lube at him...splat.*
Oh, you're just ASKING for trouble, Hentai Girl...
*holds his hands above his head and incants*
"Thunder building, power overwhelming...RAYSTORM!!"
*Spears of Ray Energy rain from the heavens, in all the colours of the rainbow. The spears of light smash into the Arena floor, causing massive destruction as they explode in a shower of light and fire. The Arena floor now looks like Swiss Cheese, and KTK, Yasha, Razara and angelicreation have all been severely burned by the bolts of Ray Energy, as has been Bio.*
(very weak): Aw, shit. I forgot...that was the untargeted one. I meant to use Raynova, honest!
*stares at the four fried chicks.* (still very weak): Oh, well. Not my problem...
The champion duelist seems to be missing.
*gets binoculars*
That spell hits EVERYBODY! The only one who's immune is Razara! And that's because it's poor form to kill the Poptart Bride!
EDIT: Isn't ANYBODY gonna be on my side? What, are people afraid of me or something?
Last edited by BioKraze (04-23-2007 05:44:13 PM)
Thats it... Akio powers activate!! *gets bulge in front of pants* SHIT! not those powers!! *bulge goes away* damn!
Im sorry people.... you shouldnt have seen that...that was a different power...i guess i mixed Bible Black with Akio.....anyway *flips open a panel in the arena wall and hits a button. dueling music starts playing throughout the arena*
You amuse me, Hentai Girl. Care to challenge me? I'm bored, I could use the practice... *flexes his fingers idly, as he has no muscle to do the same with. Besides, it's all about the fingers, isn't it?*
Isn't End of the Poptart the last one you duel?
NO!(bad habit. sorry. *No* is my word) As a duelist I shall be nicknamed Rain...just rain or rainbow
I second the nomination.
::is bored, and decides to go seduce classmates::
Later, kids. I need to go teach boys the proper way to make a woman climax.
BioKraze wrote:
*Senseless violence*
BioKraze, either calm down, or I'll sic my Attack Kitten on you.
(I'm not engaged to you at the moment, so, yes, I do have the right to threaten you.)
*cheers to the poptart bride*
How would a black poptart duelist thing go?
Remember that you can't be harmed by my Ray Attacks, Razara. Now, is anybody gonna filler-challenge me while we wait for Sevelle? I PROMISE not to use my special attacks except for my Limit Break, okay?
And if you folks are curious, I DO have a Limit Break. But it's more of the Desperation Attacks from FF6 than an original Limit Break...
None of those attacks involve RP consent.
I think with the way duels are set up, Sevelle is the current default champion, so he's the only one that can be challenged.
There's no dueling in the arena unless it's official. My attack kitten will see to that. Her name is God-Modder, and there's nothing you can do to stop her, because she's invincible.
Kinda like the Guardian from FF6 when you fight him in the World of Balance? Ouch. But can I practice my Ray Attacks? I PROMISE not to touch anybody on the forum with them...'cept for Life Ray and Ray Aura. Because those are my only two healing spells.
EDIT: We need a practice dojo for all sorts of things. I think I'll open one up...
Last edited by BioKraze (04-23-2007 06:38:33 PM)
Maybe you should use this time to prepare for the duel...? (The MS-Paint part.)