This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I need to post here. This is fun!
Setokai or Regular Student?: Regular. I don't think I'd care and would be too busy in my own world.
Symbolic Item?: My lock and key pendant or my headphones.
Your Rose?: My rose would be a dark red rose. No reason.
Why Duel?: I want power and love. That's why!
Your Fighting Style?: I guess I'd be part of the Kendo team.
Win/Lose?: I'd lose both times. Because of my lack of motivation.
Red Angel wrote:
What about those of us who are rose brides? O:
Yeah! What about us?!
Red Angel wrote:
What about those of us who are rose brides? O:
"All girls are rose brides", aren't they?
Setokai or Regular Student?: Apparently I'd be in the student council. I always magically find myself in higher positions than normal students and have NO idea how I got there. Though really my hobby is making people just and angry and messed up as me. Hrm.
Symbolic Item?: Probably my pocket watch?
Your Rose?: A fake blue rose. (like, one that's nonticeably not really blue and reddish inside. People always seem to give me roses like that.)
Why Duel?: I'm not sure if would duel or not. Unless someone else needed me to. We're trying really hard to keep me being peaceful and that would ruin it. I really don't want any of the silly little possible prizes End of the World has to offer really. (Does dueling go on your transcript/resume?)
Your Fighting Style?: Kendo.
Win/Lose?: My rose bride has REPEATEDLY told me I best not lose. Losing is absolutely out of the question. Not even to be thought of.
...I need to start collecting Rose Brides. (already have four! Haha!!) Any takers, ladies?
Setokai or Regular Student? Regular student at first, but then I'd somehow weasel my way into the Student Council and become one of Akio's photography buddies. It'd be sweet.
Symbolic Item? A packet of artificial sweetener.
Your Rose? Grey.
Why Duel? Mostly just for the thrill - my ambitions in the SKU universe would probably be really similar to Touga's. I would also enjoy all of the mind-games everyone plays on everyone else... I guess that makes me a mixture of Shiori and Touga, which is... not great. At least I'm not Saionji.
Your Fighting Style? Manipulative... no particular style, moreso playing off my opponent's weaknesses than anything else.
Win/Lose? I'd lose. I'd lose badly. But I'd fight again, and probably lose again as well, upon realizing that only somebody with the innocence of Utena really has the emotional conviction and nobility to make it through to the end.
Jellineck wrote:
Hmmm, I'd probably fight to gain the power of Dios to force humanity upon the cruel. I'm the sort who lets her cynicism overpower her idealism... I go from feelings of euphoria and optimism to distaste and dread from the human race all the time... so some sort of catalyst would have pushed me over the edge and I would decide that humanity will keep screwing themselves over and the only solution is to gain the power of Dios to force an end of cruelty and whatnot.
Sounds like a pretty good incentive to just destroy the world and bring about the true apocalypse, then.
In my occasional nihilistic fantasies at the palm of the mind, I might consider that. Then I look at some cute puppies and it goes away.
Haha, indeed little furry things make the world look wonderful. Nah, destroying the world would just bring about eternal boredom. If someone explained that to the antagonists of X/1999 the series would have ended a long time ago.
Setokai or Regular Student?: Regular stoodint. only because im not into student government things.
Symbolic Item?: Black with red accented lolita top hat. I love it to death. *huggle*
Your Rose?: Metallic Silver!!! ok...maybe a navy blue... navy blue with silver edges?
Why Duel?: To get in Touga's pants!
Your Fighting Style?: dirty fighting...i would kick Utena in the face. i don't know how to sword fight! i would just be terrible and do whatever..including the lowest thing you could do to a girl with long hair...pull it. DX
Win/Lose?: I honestly don't know...we would have to see how it unfolds of course.
st0dad wrote:
Wouldn't it be cool if dueling involved any sharp object?
Anything sharp? A pair of scissors would work well. Or perhaps a swiss army knife for versatility. Ooh, how about one of those compasses we had to use in school? You know, with the huge pointy end that can kill a horse?
Maybe this should be it's own thread. I'm sticking with my katana, regardless...
Or someone goes nutz and brings a shard of broken glass or a half-smashed bottle....
I would totally duel with a half-broken bottle.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I would totally duel with a half-broken bottle.
Thank you, now I'm having mental pictures of Nanami getting into a bar fight.
EDIT: I guess I should actually answer the survey now...
Setokai or Regular Student?: Regular Student with options of getting on the Council later.
Symbolic Item?: A barrette.
Your Rose?: Indigo, roughly the color of Ruka's hair. Wouldn't mind being a Black Rose Duelist either.
Why Duel?: Why not? If ultimate power is there for the taking, take it. If you don't, someone else will.
Your Fighting Style?: In an ideal situation, I'd basically be a Duelist in Rose Bride's clothing. It wouldn't be hard to do the same thing that Anthy's been doing to them.. Be everything they want you to be, and more. Then turn on them.
Win/Lose?: Miki and Saionji? No problem. Juri? Kinda difficult if I don't know how to push her buttons. Touga? I doubt it unless I throw him off as hard as Utena did in episode 12. As for Utena, I'd probably lose...but not before trying to convince her that I want what's best for Anthy, which may or may not be true.
Last edited by Raven Nightshade (11-19-2007 07:09:08 PM)
Or an orgy instead of a bar fight! Yeah! Gangbang! Everybody jump the queen!
...okay, I'll shut up now...
I think that I would like to duel with a pair of hedge clippers. It seems like the most affective way to cut a rose off of someone's chest.
Just thinking about fighting Utena in a duel... was anybody else annoyed at how she pretty much cheap-shot everyone by pulling the Dios card?
I knew she had to win, but still, it's unfair to the other duelists in a major way. I was so happy to see how Jury managed to defeat the Dios effect in both duels - she really is a supreme character.
Yeah, first time I see the Juri duel, it was a shock to me that she actually blocked the attack O_O
I remember in another thread, someone said that if Ikuni-san had more budget, he should make the dueling arena more exclusive to individual duelist with regard to their mindset and such.
That would be awesome if that was the case. They DID do something like that for the BR duelists.
Oh yeah... if you end up being a BR duelist, what would be on the students' desks?
Setokai or Regular Student?: Propably a regular student. Unless I was invited to join the Seitokai, ofcourse. Assuming that I didn't know what I know about them.
Symbolic Item?: This is a toughie. I really don't put so great signifigance to objects. Though if I had a first edition of some classic volume with a signature, I would hold to it with all my might. Alice in Wonderland, perhaps?
Your Rose?: Very deep red.
Why Duel?: For philosophical reasons; either to prove or disprove the Power of Dios and learn to understand it. And correct a few things in the world that I think need fixing, but I wouldn't be telling this to everybody.
Your Fighting Style?: The same as in real life, though a lot better. Namely long sword fencing, in Italian School style. Modified a bit so I'd aim to the rose, instead to lobbing of the opponent's head.
Win/Lose?: No idea. As I am, I'd propably lose since my convictions aren't all that great, but after a year in Ohtori? I imagine that Akio'd find a way to fan my flames, if he saw fit. But in the background I'd dig in as much into the reasons of duelling, as the duelling itself.
Setokai or Regular Student?: Regular Student.
Symbolic Item?: Necklace. Much like Juri's locket. (But it's not a locket)
Your Rose?: I say Black mostly because the Rebirth and Slavish Devotion. (I got that from Wikipedia)
Why Duel?: To gain respect/love from the one I love/admire and to free myself. (I'm alot like Juri DX)
Your Fighting Style?: Rapier.
Win/Lose?: I'd win n_n Well, if she didn't use Dios. I'm not awesome like Juri-san. </3 But if I could get past Dios, I wouldn't hesitate and would win. I'm too passionate to lose easily.
Setokai or Regular Student?: I think I'd be a late addition to the seitokai, or in their good graces. It's how things usually go for me, but I think I could see myself as a black rose duelist.
Symbolic Item?: Papers. Model sheets and storyboards from my friends.
Your Rose?: A smokey violet or red-orange.
Why Duel?: I want that power for success. I want to be accomplished and successful, but I have a ways to go. I could see myself as a black rose duelist too.
Your Fighting Style?: You know when you play Mortal Kombat at the arcade and instead of putting in the actual key combo, you just mash the buttons until you hope something works? Yeah. With one of those fancy 18th century swords too where it's more flash and pizazz than function.
Win/Lose?: Well, Utena doesn't seem to have much experience with sword fighting aside from fighting the other duelists and invoking Dios's power, so I think I have a shot.
Setokai or Regular Student?: A regular student. I'd be the girl who stands out from the norm, who doesn't follow the unwritten rules.
Symbolic Item?: My laptop. It symbolises my own "perfect world".
Your Rose?: Light Pink. Symbolising my innocent demenor and longing to be free.
Why Duel?: I'd duel to make those naysayers stop being cruel to me. To show them all that I AM strong enough, that I DO have a backbone, and that I CAN hold my own.
Your Fighting Style?: Probably traiditional Samurai. Or Kendo.
Win/Lose?: Lose. It signifies that, no matter what, you cannot please everyone, and pain is everywhere. It's part of life and growing up. By losing I have the ability to grow, and to take non-constructive criticism easier than before.
Setokai or Regular Student?: Other. I would be a teacher on campus, the truely childlike adult who is underestimated by most.
Symbolic Item?: A notebook in which all my stories would reside. The fairy tales that are more like Sinbad the Sailor and original Brothers Grimm. The hidden adult trying to break free from an unending mental childhood. Or at least to help others break free.
Your Rose?: Grey for ambiguity.
Why Duel?: I would want to free others from a cage I myself cannot/will not step out of myself, though I know the way to freedom. It's not so much self-rightousness, more like the selflessness that made soldiers belly flop onto live grenades in WW2 so their buddies wouldn't die in a foreign "hell".
Your Fighting Style?: Not kendo, but something that seems slow but extremely evasive- like ba gua with a sword. I would fight with a bastard sword with a tartan cloth tied to it, like the doomed Scots that tryed to remain a free, independant nation.
Win/Lose?: It's a toss up. Hidden passion, ingeniouss and slow, unyeilding strength might save my but the first time, perhaps not. My black rose duelist would sort of be like Shiori-someone who both resents me for the strength I hold within and for the weakness I seem to exude, as if it were a mask. I wouldn't have a Rosebride the third time, because my attention would have gone to Anthy. I would tell the victor that if I win, I would take on the curse of the Rose Bride rather than become the victor so that both current victor and Rose Bride could move on.
Minato wrote:
Your Rose?: I say Black mostly because the Rebirth and Slavish Devotion. (I got that from Wikipedia)
You sure that Mikage won't mind?
I wonder if we can duel with matches? I'd figure go into the arena smoking, then throw the cigar on Utena's breast when she's close enough and watch the rose burn... The Cowboy-Bebop guy would do that!
Setokai or Regular Student?: Regular student! Like I can handle Student Council. Plus, I'm slightly afraid of heights, and I don't know how high their elevator goes.
Symbolic Item?: I'm not sure, but it's probably my can of eclipse mints. If you hear the mints clanging on the can, you know I'm coming! Plus, those are my happy pills, and it hides my evil breath -- but not for eternity! Symbolic, yo.
Your Rose?: Ah, though one. I can't say rainbow, can I? No, so it might be gray -- which is a sort of that plain-violet color you see sometimes, except much more plain, not quite like stone.
Why Duel?: For something to do, to feel important if just for a moment. I have no idea why I would want the Rose Bride, though. I'd probably just duel out of spite for Utena or someone else, like a Black Rose duelist.
Your Fighting Style?: I'm not disciplined enough for kendo or fencing. Mine would either be copyed from someone else's style, or it'd be the rough, not-so-sloppy type that little boys used to do when people still believed in dragons. Oh, knight-style! Is that it?
Win/Lose?: Oh hell, I'd lose. Not only am I immature and selfish, I can't even open my school's heavy doors! I'd be dodging for a whole ten minutes before my rose is chopped off. But I am known to get unexpectedly I might accidently poke Utena's rose off. Or sneeze on it, or something.