This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Bigwig: "Oh Ms Tokikago" ... that is just sick... Woah wait you mean Momoka?.. You've out crazied yourself Ringo and it isn't cute at all this time.
I wonder if the frog is related to the one who enjoyed mounting Chu-Chu. <g>
This episode. Holly hell. I don't know who's crazier, Ringo or Penguin No. 2. It's interesting to see Ikuhara the show's sexual undertones kicked up a few notches.
I'd really like to see more of the older brother, though. Whatever he's up to would be a nice change of pace from the Ringo plot. Then again, it actually looks like her story might go out with a bang soon anyway. It's certainly building to a climax, anyway.
Last edited by dirufacade (08-26-2011 09:21:05 AM)
LOL i loved the "bigwig" part XD
^diru, i actually disagree XD i dont care for the older brother myself, and his part of the story...meh. his part didnt seem as interesting as whats going on with ringo to me i really love ringo though XD even after the ending of the episode... she's still charming and cute to me
ohhh but this episode...i was pretty surprised what the "m" in project m was...
OMG! What is Ringo planning to do to Tabuki? I'll just laugh if she finds him in bed with Yuri next episode.
Also why does the entity possessing Himari seem so concerned about initiating Project M? Maybe this is more proof for my theory about this entity being Momoka.
The_A_Man wrote:
Also why does the entity possessing Himari seem so concerned about initiating Project M? Maybe this is more proof for my theory about this entity being Momoka.
that's pretty interesting...i've never thought of the lady being momoka...but she's so rude when talking about ringo, maybe because she never got to know ringo, so she cares more for tabuki?
"if it is momoka, maybe she loves tabuki so much she only wants him to have children with someone with her own blood? anyways, thats interesting to think about.
EDIT:Thank you satyreyes
Last edited by yuzukelly (08-26-2011 11:58:44 AM)
Yuzu, you can make spoilers by turning the text white:
I liked the part where Darth Vader turned out to be [color=white]made from people[/color]!
I am amused at all the sexual imagery that started gushing forth like a pent-up geyser in this episode.
Not surprising, of course, but still rather amusing. And what a note to leave the episode off at!
I'm wondering if Ringo has actually read the diary from cover to cover, or is she just reading the pages as she goes along her plan for Project M.
I am very curious as to what the end of the diary says.
EDIT: I was just thinking about Tokikago's relationship with Ringo. Given their conversation in Episode 4, what she did in Episode 7 actually comes off [spoiler] pretty "malicious", since it was her idea to invite Ringo over to a party where she was to announce her engagement with Tabuki, while knowing FULL WELL that Ringo has an obsessive love over him. All I can say is, how very Anthy of her to smile like that. <_< [/spoiler]. Ringo isn't too far from her conjecture about how Yuri is an "Actress", in my opinion.
Also, random note, for those who watched episode 7, did you notice how the [spoiler] "Paris" song is written by a certain "Ikuni Ikami"? Ikuni has a god complex, not that I would put it past him to make a self-insert like that [/spoiler]
Last edited by Hiraku (08-27-2011 11:46:47 PM)
what do you guys think of the 95/subway thing possibly being a reference to the Sarin Gas Attacks?
Last edited by artemis88 (08-31-2011 02:47:56 PM)
about the cult that carried out the 1995 sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subway, from Wiki,
"Aum Shinrikyo is the former name of a controversial group now known as Aleph. The Japanese police initially reported that the attack was the cult's way of hastening an apocalypse. The prosecution said that it was an attempt to bring down the government and install Shoko Asahara, the group's founder, as the "emperor" of Japan. Asahara's defense team claimed that certain senior members of the group independently planned the attack, but their motives for this were left unexplained."
Ringo Oginome was born on March 20, 1995, the date of the gas attack.
It is kind of hard to get around the sarin gas attacks in a show that has two parents and one sister, all young, confirmed dead or MIA at about the right time, and with an anniversary already established as a significant date. I expect that if we were Japanese it would be really obvious that the show was referencing the attacks. So obvious, in fact, that it's possible the show will just let the actual events of 1995 sit in the background, comfortably insinuated as an explanation for the main characters' traumas while the action in the modern day continues. But that's just a guess
That said:
artemis88 wrote:
Ringo Oginome was born on March 20, 1995, the date of the gas attack.
Do we know this? If memory serves, one episode established that Ringo was fifteen on March 20, 2010 -- Curry Day -- but we have no reason to think that Curry Day is the same day as Ringo's birthday, do we? It seems like that would have been mentioned.
Last edited by satyreyes (08-31-2011 02:57:33 PM)
Hiraku wrote:
I'm wondering if Ringo has actually read the diary from cover to cover, or is she just reading the pages as she goes along her plan for Project M.
I am very curious as to what the end of the diary says.
EDIT: I was just thinking about Tokikago's relationship with Ringo. Given their conversation in Episode 4, what she did in Episode 7 actually comes off [spoiler] pretty "malicious", since it was her idea to invite Ringo over to a party where she was to announce her engagement with Tabuki, while knowing FULL WELL that Ringo has an obsessive love over him. All I can say is, how very Anthy of her to smile like that. <_< [/spoiler]. Ringo isn't too far from her conjecture about how Yuri is an "Actress", in my opinion.
Also, random note, for those who watched episode 7, did you notice how the [spoiler] "Paris" song is written by a certain "Ikuni Ikami"? Ikuni has a god complex, not that I would put it past him to make a self-insert like that[/spoiler]
I SO agree!! XD " i thought that was so cruel of yuri. and how she was like "ohoho you should bring your boyfriend!" i dont like yuri.... ok i'm gonna admit i hope somehow ringo will be with tabuki,'s probably not gonna happen ahh i noticed the "ikuni" part...ikami..i didnt catch that though
IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS WEEK'S EPISODE O_O i cant wait to see what's gonna happen XDD
true, any references to '95 would be far more obvious to Japanese viewers. has her birthdate as March 20, 1995. I think it might have come from the novels? or in that one episode..? I can't remember..
Last edited by artemis88 (08-31-2011 03:06:33 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
So obvious, in fact, that it's possible the show will just let the actual events of 1995 sit in the background, comfortably insinuated as an explanation for the main characters' traumas while the action in the modern day continues. But that's just a guess
My guess is that the attack is connected to the group/agency/cult which uses the half-black/half-white penguin logo (the KIGA penguin).
But what if the Takakura parents themselves were somehow involved in the attack? We've seen the same logo on the jacket of the Takakura father. Could that be the reason why Kanba and Shouma feel that their family deserves a mysterious "punishment"? Have they learned of it only once their parents disappeared? Is it somehow connected with Momoka's death, as Kanba hides the pictures of their parents from Ringo after he entered her room and learned of her past (and Momoka's, probably)? Ringo's mother has a moment of hesitation when she learns that Shouma's family name is Takakura, as if she already heard that name somewhere in the past...
Thinking about it, could the KIGA apple we see in the OP be a reference to the "poisoned" apple of Snow White - we've seen a Schneewittchen book in the first episode, right?
satyreyes wrote:
Do we know this? If memory serves, one episode established that Ringo was fifteen on March 20, 2010 -- Curry Day -- but we have no reason to think that Curry Day is the same day as Ringo's birthday, do we? It seems like that would have been mentioned.
Right from Episode 6:
Ringo's father: Isn't it sad that her birthday will always fall on Curry Day?
Ringo's mother: But tomorrow is Momoka's...
Ringo's father: Yeah, the anniversary of her death. But is also Ringo's birthday!
Can't wait for tomorrow's episode...
the_architect wrote:
Thinking about it, could the KIGA apple we see in the OP be a reference to the "poisoned" apple of Snow White - we've seen a Schneewittchen book in the first episode, right?
We've also seen that Ringo has a Death Note. Maybe the apple is a reference to Ryuk's famous fondness for apples, itself probably a reference to Genesis (as is Snow White's apple, for that matter). Ringo's name itself means "apple," of course, but that only delays the question.
the_architect wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
Do we know this? If memory serves, one episode established that Ringo was fifteen on March 20, 2010 -- Curry Day -- but we have no reason to think that Curry Day is the same day as Ringo's birthday, do we? It seems like that would have been mentioned.
Right from Episode 6:
Ringo's father: Isn't it sad that her birthday will always fall on Curry Day?
Ringo's mother: But tomorrow is Momoka's...
Ringo's father: Yeah, the anniversary of her death. But is also Ringo's birthday!
I stand corrected! Thank you I must have been distracted by the moray eel. How has Ringo's mother never noticed before that one of her daughters died on the other one's birthday? With parenting like that, no wonder Ringo flipped out and is now able to spend nights sleeping underneath someone's floorboards without drawing scrutiny.
Last edited by satyreyes (08-31-2011 04:35:30 PM)
Oi, can some kind soul point me in the direction of Penguindrum 8? I can't track it down today. Maybe I'm exhausted from work but I can't find it. x_x;
or maybe [gg]'s sub isn't ready yet?
Last edited by dirufacade (09-02-2011 07:11:35 AM)
Usually takes a few hours for it to show up on streaming sites. I see them uploaded around 11 or so. I just googled it right now and it looks like it's available for your viewing pleasure
Oh snap, shit just got real. Episode 8 was amazing.
oh, Sho. you better not really be gone
Danger: Please do not imitate rapists.
Every episode, I think "man, how are they going to top that?," but now they've gone and topped that -- [literally!]
So now the question is, how will they top that?
I haven't watched episode 8 yet...waiting for the gg subs
Anyway, I found in some places that many people say it's overhyped. What do you Utena fans think? Is Penguindrum overhyped?
And I also find many are disliking this series in the process because of Ringo...
Last edited by Maya-chan (09-02-2011 07:45:09 PM)
Overhyped? I'd certainly be guilty of overhyping it if that were the case. I've been raving about Penguindrum as being potentially "the best" anime, and I'll stick to that. Amazing animation quality, beautiful soundtrack, masterful direction. Ikuhara's direction is brilliant. The area where I'd be worried about it falling through is whether or not the plot can sustain the amount of build-up it's getting -- a bad ending could ruin the entire thing, as the show's premises & Ikuhara's background on Utena set up some pretty high expectations.
Now, I imagine if you find Ringo distasteful, you'd hate the show without a doubt. The content definitely appeals to weirdos as the target audience. All of the people I've pushed the show have loved -- not liked -- it except for a single prudish substitute teacher who claims that "I probably would have been okay with it when I was a teenager, but now that I'm older that's just WRONG. (Shudder-shudder)"
Idk. I'd be generally skeptical about the opinions of the broader anime culture as Naruto, Bleach and other high-flash, high-violence or slapstick shows are also the high-selling programs. Symbol-dense quirky shows appeal to same sort of high-brow niches as independent films, literary novels and experimental music. This isn't intended to demean so much as to say that it's shocking to me the show's getting the excellent reception it *is* getting -- it's not a style I'd expect would have broad appeal and it lacks to the sort action geek content that shows like Evangelion uses to hook that core of its audience.
WHOA. That's one thing SKU lacked.
That bust statue in the piano room familiar to anyone?
Ringo, stop it, there's a limit to how crazy you can be! (That limit being "this is broadcast television".)
I want to see what happens with half the diary gone. And with Shouma, of course. Being Shouma is suffering.