This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Okay... I was watching too much anime... AGAIN... and I realised how many anime twins there are in this wonderriffic world.
1. Hyatt (Excel Saga) & Hayate (Naruto): They're both ALWAYS SICK, their names sound the same, they both have a lover of the same sex (it's a speculation in both anime, but we all know that Hyatt & Excel get it on when Hyatt isn't dead, & that Hayate & Genma are bumpin' uglies all night long)
2. Every nerdy guy from a shoujo manga/anime EVER: THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!
3. Lord Ilpalazzo (Excel Saga) & Akio (If you don't know what anime he's from, YOU ARE ON THE WRONG FORUM!): Okay, so they don't 'look' similar, persay, but their hair is the same. And they're both bent on world domination. And they both have rabid female followers.
4. Sanzo (Saiyuki) & Yuki (Gravitation): O_O THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON!
5. Gojyo (Saiyuki) & Hiro (Gravitation): once again... THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON!
6. Me (hyacinth_black) & Jenny Matel (Cosplay Complex): I swear to god, I AM JENNY!
7. Najica (Najica Blitz Tactics) & Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon... DUH): They look the same, and they're cool the same!
Here is my anime lookalike list from the top of my head.
Utena and Milfeulle Sakuraba (Galaxy Angel) Both have Pink hair, they are also full of cutsy goodness, look good in uniform and incredibly lucky.
Juri and Emi Isuzu. (Tenjou Tenge)
Angela Brooks from Someday's Dreamers is Robin Sena from Witch Hunter Robin, minus the personality. They have the same voice actress too.
I know this may sound a little bit strange... but don't Kanae Ohtori & Michiru Kaiou (Sailor Moon) look similar... in that wierd... I-never-noticed-it-before-but-now-that-I-do-it's-kinda-spooky way?
-Hina from One Piece [as shown in my icon] looks /exactly/ like Utena. Their names even rhyme! And Hina has a military-ish outfit with looks a lot like Utena's. My speculation is: after the end of the series Utena gets amnesia, decides her name to be Hina and 18 yeats later joines the Marines. That is the only explanation.
-Robin, also from One Piece, and Anthy - so they look nothing alike, but their personality is too similar! They both pretend to be happy and smile vacantly all the time while deep down they're full of angst. D: I them both.
-Kyo from Fruits Basket IS Ichigo from Bleach. Same personality, same looks.
-Urahara from Bleach and Sven from Black Cat.
-Yoruichi from Bleach, Anthy and Sister Miyako from Kannazuki no Miko - triplets separated at birth:
Last edited by Hina the Prince (10-26-2006 03:32:22 PM)
Hina the Prince wrote:
-Yoruichi from Bleach, Anthy and Sister Miyako from Kannazuki no Miko - triplets separated at birth:
Haven't seen One Piece, but as far as Kannazuki no Miko goes... when I watched that I noticed the similarity with Anthy as well, and wondered if it was a deliberate decision rather than a coincidence
What about Same Anime Look-Alikes? The first time I saw Mari in the preview, I thought, "Oh, my god! Why is Mitsuru trying to kiss Shiori?!" And it wasn't until a month later that I finally managed to get my hands on the rest of the series, so I was left wondering about that for a long time.
Miki and Ami for Sailor Moon look fairly similar, but what gets me the most is that they have the same voice actress.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Haven't seen One Piece, but as far as Kannazuki no Miko goes... when I watched that I noticed the similarity with Anthy as well, and wondered if it was a deliberate decision rather than a coincidence
I don't know about you, but I sure find the angsty, pretty lesbian chicks by the name of Himemiya who sit in the rose garden sipping tea while thinking about their so-damn-innocent-they'll-probably-never-realize-they're-gay love of their lives in both series somewhat suspicious.
Hina the Prince wrote:
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Haven't seen One Piece, but as far as Kannazuki no Miko goes... when I watched that I noticed the similarity with Anthy as well, and wondered if it was a deliberate decision rather than a coincidence
I don't know about you, but I sure find the angsty, pretty lesbian chicks by the name of Himemiya who sit in the rose garden sipping tea while thinking about their so-damn-innocent-they'll-probably-never-realize-they're-gay love of their lives in both series somewhat suspicious.
Yeah, that was pretty suspicious too. Almost blatantly so.
Hina the Prince wrote:
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Haven't seen One Piece, but as far as Kannazuki no Miko goes... when I watched that I noticed the similarity with Anthy as well, and wondered if it was a deliberate decision rather than a coincidence
I don't know about you, but I sure find the angsty, pretty lesbian chicks by the name of Himemiya who sit in the rose garden sipping tea while thinking about their so-damn-innocent-they'll-probably-never-realize-they're-gay love of their lives in both series somewhat suspicious.
Oh no, it's just a coincidence. (we really need a silly smiley sticking out its tongue here)
Two disclaimers: I'm sorry these two aren't from Utena, and, having found it uncredited, I'm also sorry I don't know who made this picture. Still, it's pretty brilliant: Gendo the Stampede.
vitupera wrote:
Two disclaimers: I'm sorry these two aren't from Utena, and, having found it uncredited, I'm also sorry I don't know who made this picture. Still, it's pretty brilliant: Gendo the Stampede.
I... I guess it... no... no it couldn't possibly be true... but... GYAAAAAAAH!!
What about Same Anime Look-Alikes? The first time I saw Mari in the preview, I thought, "Oh, my god! Why is Mitsuru trying to kiss Shiori?!" And it wasn't until a month later that I finally managed to get my hands on the rest of the series, so I was left wondering about that for a long time.
Miki and Ami for Sailor Moon look fairly similar, but what gets me the most is that they have the same voice actress.
When I bought the first DVD of the Black Rose set & saw Mamiya on the back being all evil to Kanae, I was all like 'ZOUNDS! ANTHY HAS A JEKYL/HYDE THING GOIN ON!!! OHNOEZ!'
And I did not know that Miki and Ami have the same voice over... humm... Miki also has the same voice over as Xianghua from Soul Calibur II... too bad they look nothing alike... T_T
Ger wrote:
Tasuki (Fushigi Yuugi) and Kyo (Fruits Basket) anyone???
How about not only Tasuki and Kyo but also Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) too, though a bit more manly looking.
and what of Ryoga (Ranma) and Kouga (Inuyasha)
Momiji from Fruits Basket and Honey from Ouran High are pretty much the same person, looks and personality wise. They're both high schoolers who look (and act) like they belong in high school, and they both have blond hair and brown eyes...and they're both associated with rabbits.
There's also another Fruits Basket/Ouran comparison. (Not sure if I should put a spoiler warning here... Anyway) Barring the fact that one of them is really a girl, I think Haruhi from Ouran and Yuki from Fruits Basket are somewhat alike too, both in personality and looks. That's just my personal opinion, though.
hyacinth_black wrote:
3. Lord Ilpalazzo (Excel Saga) & Akio (If you don't know what anime he's from, YOU ARE ON THE WRONG FORUM!): Okay, so they don't 'look' similar, persay, but their hair is the same. And they're both bent on world domination. And they both have rabid female followers.
You know what? I almost choked to death on my Coke, here. I mean, that association is the unlikeliest, most hilarious one I could imagine sober.
I imagined Akio shooting overadoring Utena with a bazooka to calm her down.
Shouldn't he be Touga, anyway?
Edmont Dantes from Gankutsuou and Alucard from Hellsing. The voice actor does it...
Hina the Prince wrote:
-Hina from One Piece [as shown in my icon] looks /exactly/ like Utena. Their names even rhyme! And Hina has a military-ish outfit with looks a lot like Utena's. My speculation is: after the end of the series Utena gets amnesia, decides her name to be Hina and 18 yeats later joines the Marines. That is the only explanation.
-Robin, also from One Piece, and Anthy - so they look nothing alike, but their personality is too similar! They both pretend to be happy and smile vacantly all the time while deep down they're full of angst. D: Ithem both.
-Kyo from Fruits Basket IS Ichigo from Bleach. Same personality, same looks.
-Urahara from Bleach and Sven from Black Cat.
-Yoruichi from Bleach, Anthy and Sister Miyako from Kannazuki no Miko - triplets separated at birth: … tytsy2.jpg
Ahem...... other way around.Popularity aside(given that Bleach is like the one of the hottest anime out there now and Shonen Jump is so ubitiquous), the Fruits Basket (manga) debuted a full 2 years BEFORE Tite Kubo created Bleach. Furuba (1999) Bleach(2001)
wip wrote:
Ger wrote:
Tasuki (Fushigi Yuugi) and Kyo (Fruits Basket) anyone???
How about not only Tasuki and Kyo but also Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) too, though a bit more manly looking.
and what of Ryoga (Ranma) and Kouga (Inuyasha)
Koga is Ryoga, with a ponytail
If you hack off Jin's (Samurai Champloo) ponytail he and Kyouya (Ouran High School) could be identical twins. X_X
I cant even begin to start thinking of all of the men i have found in other animes that all look alot like Touga!..
but the one i would identify the most with Touga is a man called Biryuu (or something like that) from Devil Hunter Yoko (and i know theres an H in there, but where!? )
Aqua is such a nice color... one of my favorites along with purple.
yeah... that was random.
Razara wrote:
Miki and Ami for Sailor Moon look fairly similar, but what gets me the most is that they have the same voice actress.
Makes me wish for some Juri/Ami action.
Momiji from Blue Side and Akari from Battle Athletes Victory are fairly similar looking.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Makes me wish for some Juri/Ami action.
Here. I've only skimmed through it, but it has the Juri/Ami pairing.
I don't remember much from Sailor Moon, because I haven't seen it in years, and the last time I watched it I was very young. Yesterday I started to rewatch it. What episode does Ami appear in?
She's Sailor Mercury... so pretty much all of them after her identity is discovered. She doesn't seem like Juri's type, though. I wrote a positively horrifying Juri/Michiru fic when I was 14 that I'm very very happy has been lost in the great caverns of the internet. It doesn't make them any less of a valid paring. I see Michiru as Juri if things turned out just a little bit differently.