This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Something my peeps and I discuss a lot...what SKU character type are you...would you challenge Utena and why?
Setokai or Regular Student?: Firstly, I'd definately be a member of the Setokai...why? Because I was on my HS student council! I was the Historian, keeping records of events (usually lame-ass football games. standing in the bleachers photographing our team losing) and keeping a book of it. I'd have the same amount of power as Miki, but not popularity. I'd be the goof of the setokai and chances are no one would have any real respect for me.
Symbolic Item?: I'd have a little symbolic item; definately my digital camera. I bring it with me wherever I go, and even if someone's in the middle of talking, I'll snap a photo of them. Doesn't matter the mood, either. As long as the person looks pretty. That's what I use as my excuse. "WTF? I'm crying to you and you took a picture?" " look very pretty." "..."
What does my camera symbolize? I have no clue. ¬.¬; If I tell Razara about myself, chances are she'd be able to figure it out before me.
Your Rose?: My rose would be dark red. Not for any symbolic purpose, but because dark red is the closes to brown, and I've never seen a natural brown rose or a dyed one. >.>;
Why Duel?: ...I'd do it for respect. Mainly because all my life, it's the one thing I desire most and can never seem to achieve. For the first duel, I'd be jealous of Utena for being respected soley for playing sports and dressing like a boy. "What? dress like a boy. How does that command respect? I photograph beauty and I just get patted on the shoulder...You don't deserve to revolutionize the world, you wouldn't understand the power you'd recieve!" I'd be nice to Utena at first, definately, then pull a Juri when I realized she's exactly opposite of me.
As for the second duel, I'd probably be alienated from the rest of the setokai, resenting them for certain reasons. Resenting Juri because she's secretly weak to love, but still everyone fears her. Resentment for Touga because all he needed to be popular was a perfect bone structure. Resentment for Miki because he and I are equals in the talent factor. He plays brilliant music and I take brilliant pictures, yet everyone loves -him-. Resentment for Saionji because he's a jerk but still ever-so-popular. Definate resentment for Utena because despite her naivety. Akio would probably see me for who I really am, a jealous loser who would take advantage of any power she's given, and give me a li'l joyride in his purring convertible.
Your Fighting Style?: My skills as a swordfighter? Kendo. My father is a sensei for Kyokoshin style karate, but he also knew kendo and taught me a little of it. I wouldn't be able to rival Saionji, but chances are he'd feel I was at the top of the team next to him 'n' Touga.
Win/Lose?: I would lose both times. Mainly because my selfishness and jealousy would get in the way. First duel, I'd bring my camera and give it to Anthy. "You should take pictures of the duel..Utena is pretty and would be photogenic. Just, you know...leave me out. I'm ugly compared to her, and I'm better off behind the camera. DON'T DROP IT!" I'd tell Utena that she needs to use her respect to get herself ahead, and that's what I plan to do when I win the rose bride.......then SoD would hand me my ass on a silver platter. At the end of the duel, I'd be pissy and defeated, as Anthy would stroll up to me showing a picture she managed to take. It'd be of me losing my rose. But, it's a damn good picture! "Wow...look at how pretty I look...the angle of my chin, the curvature of my legs! Wow..I'm going to print this out!" and I'd walk away from them both, as if proud that even though I lost, I looked good doing it.
The second duel, I'd have no rose bride. I want all the power to myself! This time I'd have my camera around my neck, snapping pictures as we dueled. "Utena, you look so pretty, I can't help it, but don't think I'm distracted. I WILL beat you this time!" Again, I wouldn't be good enough to defeat Utena, and as she sliced my rose off, her sword would go through the strap of my camera and it'd fall...I'd try to catch it, but it'd smack against the ground and the lens would break. "NO! My Nikon! Goddamnit! Not my Nikon!!" I'd fall to my knees, holding it close to me like it were a dying child...then, Anthy'd walk over, pick up the lens, and comfort me. "Staz, the camera's not broken, just the lens, which is detachable. You can buy new one."
"...Yeah...I can..."
Afterwords, Utena and Anthy would see me surrounded by a group of friends while photographing Juri or Touga. They'd all be paying attention to how gorgeous Juri/Touga was modeling, but I'd feel like they'd be shocked at how damn good my photographing skills are. Anthy'd have something wise to say to Utena about it, but I dunno what.
What about the rest of y'all?
Edit: I made my duel scene more cool. :B
Last edited by st0dad (11-16-2007 10:55:19 AM)
Setokai or Regular Student?:Regular, but if a classmate insisted, I would totally join the Setokai. Probably as treasurer. I tend to handle others money better than I handle my own
Symbolic Item?: Hands down, my sketchbook. I draw far too much when I shouldn't be and when I would be in meetings, I would probably be sketching something interesting
Your Rose?: My rose would probably that pretty lavenderish color, because it represents enchantment-the fact that I am very easily mesmerized.
Why Duel?: I want to be free of my fear of failure. I would sooner not do something than fail.
Your Fighting Style?: I'm most likely a natural talent, but I would do much better in my 2nd duel than in my first. I'm mad observant like that.
Win/Lose?: Lose the first time by a very slight margin, because if I have to play to win I do pretty alright. If the deal is sweetened by the second duel, I probably would win because when I am motivated I do 10 times better.
Setokai or Regular Student?: Outskirts Setokai, or replacement person similar to how Nanami was.
Symbolic Item?: A magenta ribbon, either tied around my neck, wrist, hair... symbolic of being restrained.
Your Rose?: Magenta.. dark pink with a hint of purple. weee...
Why Duel?: For knowledge. I was s surprised that was never used in the duels.... The desire to see what makes the world work. Buut... I'd probably end up changing my ideals if I where to know Anthy.
Your Fighting Style?: Rapier, so fencing style, with quick movements and alot of dodging.
Win/Lose?: Accidentally getting to the end through pure chance, but then failing miserably at the last duel, probably getting myself killed or something close to that. Either that, or I'd win once and then whomever normally had the Rose Bride would win her back.
Setokai or Regular Student?: Interesting question. I might wind up on the Council had I nothing else to do. Likely, filling the ambassador role.
Symbolic Item?: Glasses, skewered a bit to the left.
Your Rose?: A gray rose.
Why Duel?: To get to the bottom of it all, once the whole thing starts, to understand what's going on. As for the unconscious motive - to get to the end of something, to actually finish a cycle before going off on a tangent.
Your Fighting Style?: *grins* Errr... Sword-street fighting? Pseudo-kendo, actually, I never had any official training.
Win/Lose?: I'd likely lose to someone who had more emotions invested in this than I did. But I'd cause a lot of trouble for Akio in the process, by sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.
Edited for the opportunity to insert End of the World jokes.
Last edited by Werekat (11-15-2007 11:20:38 PM)
Setokai or Regular Student?: (I’m thinking if I were still in high school, as an adult just call me Tokiko…hmmm maybe that’s not exactly right either.) I’d be a regular student. I don’t have the immediate chops to be a duelist at the on set. I would probably end up as a black rose duelist. I can see myself going in for help and being twisted into a Black Rose Duelist. I think mostly because I close a lot of my feelings off. I would therefore have to “go deeper” to emerge with my full vicious intentions.
Symbolic Item?: I’m not certain.
Your Rose?: Black.
Why Duel?: To kill the Rose Bride, because that is my function as a Black Rose Duelist.
Your Fighting Style?: Elegant but brutal like Juri’s/Shiori’s
Win/Lose?: As a Black Rose Duelist I will have no choice but to lose. Black Rose Duelists are not meant to win being pawns of a pawn. I’m uncertain though if I would be allowed to simply forget and go on or if I would be held over and used as a tool of further manipulation.
Setokai or Regular Student?: Setokai as unlike in normal schools, being in the student council in Ohtori means you practically rule the school.
Symbolic Item?: Galileo thermometer
Your Rose?: Carnivorous
Why Duel?: So I can get my own episode as well as a groovy duelling song with a title like: Plasma Mongoose Ideology
Your Fighting Style?: I would use the Urumi and I might even use the oldest trick in the book... *points behind Utena* "Look! A major distraction."
Win/Lose?: If my duelling song becomes a fan favourite, then I win even if I lose.
What a neat topic!
Setokai or Regular Student?: If I had a choice, I'd join the Seitokai. More likely I'd be a random transfer student and end up becomming a Black Rose duelist. Failing that, Akio would get me, without fail. I can imagine exactly how either scenario would go, too.
Symbolic Item?: None, if I'm just in there as a one-shot character. If I have time for a developed backstory, it would be my glasses. They represent a personal limitation that kept me from one of my dreams long ago.
Your Rose?: Dark blue.
Why Duel?: Power. Those without it are dependent on those who have it. I want to be able to control my own destiny completely, without having to worry about the influence of others. But as a Black Rose duelist, I suppose all that would become secondary.
Your Fighting Style?: Iaijutsu. I keep my katana in its sheath most of the time, lashing out at the last second. I'm sure there's a way to make this symbolic too.
Win/Lose?: Ha, not much trumps the Power of Dios. Even if I was able to win somehow, I think it would be at a great personal cost to me (my honor or morality) such that I would either disqualify myself or lose the subsequent duel.
Cool topic!
Setokai or Regular Student?
As a Highschool student I looked down on authority as much as possible so I would probably be a regular student. But I'd make sure to assert my position as something of a rebelious one, someone who has the skills to belong to the Setokai but couldn't be bothered. I would, however, kill to get a chance of belonging to Mikage's seminar.
Symbolic Item?
A mirror.
Your Rose?
Either black or dark purple.
Why Duel?
Because I could. I would duel to set myself apart from the flock, so to speak. I'd probably contest the Setokai's exclusive rights to duel by trying my utmost to beat them all. I would duel to succeed and thus validade myself. My motives would be mostly of a very selfish nature.
Your Fighting Style?
I can't say, I have no training in this area whatsoever. I would elect speed over power if possible.
Lose, that's a given. Too many unresolve emotional issues to have a chance at winning. I can also see myself easily becoming a Black Rose Duelist, odds are I'd be converted without even having to take a trip down Mikage's elevator.
Awesome topic! I'm back for the weekend, so I need to reply here...
Seitokai or Regular Student?
Seitokai, of course. The funny thing is, that this Wednesday, the Student Council (YES! WE HAVE SOMETHING CALLED "THE STUDENT COUNCIL" IN TTC) asked me to become The Archivist - a guy responsible for the schools chronicles and so on. So why shouldn't I be a member of the council in Ohtori
Symbolic Item
A small amber necklace. Don't ask me why. I like ambers...
Your Rose?
Why Duel?
Because of revenge. I would feel unappreciated, or I wouldn't have a girlfriend, or anyone in a tight relationship. I'd hate Touga and Saionji for being playboys, I'd hate Utena for waiting for an imaginary prince, and for possesing a pretty girl, I'd hate Miki because he doesn't need to do anything, and girls adore him. I'd hate Juri for being a lesbian, because if she is one, I'd have no chance with her. Oh yeah, and Nanami for adoring her brother, instead of looking for a guy. Damn.. there are lots of people I'd hate...
Your fighting style
Hmm... as a re-enactor I can call myself quite skilled at fighting ordinary swords. So no fencing... I'd use probably a fast, not heavy sabre, for the sake of elegant movement and quickness
Who can match the Power of Dios? Three obvious losses.
The first one would be probably in Miki - like style... by realizing, that I really don't have any chance to win The Bride's love that way. I would also become a Black Rose Duelist with all this envy in me. I'd probably pull the sword from my own body, as a loner.
And finally Akio car ride - maybe he would show me naked Anthy or let me "woohoo" with her at the back seat of his car, to make me believe, that I can still win. Then he would make the car jump, and on the another day I'd lost with Utena again, when I'd realize how strong the bond between them is.
Oofff... a long one... who's next?
Setokai or Regular Student?: Regular student. I wouldn't want the responsibility of being on the Student Council, or to be controlled by End of the World.
Symbolic Item?: Last year, I had to write an essay about what would symbolize me, and I never handed it in. My symbolic item would probably be a cat, but not for any of the reasons that the kitten symbolizes Nanami. One of these days I'll think of something better that could symbolize myself, but for now I'm going with that.
Your Rose?: Crimson, because it's my favorite color.
Why Duel?: Most likely due to stupid teenage angst issue like the rest of the Black Rose Duelists. Probably to protect someone, or to just prove that I'm not weak.
Your Fighting Style?: I'm torn between whether I would prefer fencing or kendo.
Win/Lose?: I'd lose, probably because I would be too busy petting the 100 kitties on the tables to pay attention to my opponent. And then once I lose I could have kitties attack Utena. It would probably be symbolic, somehow. (I wonder if being attacked by 100 cats could be fatal?) Still, my dueling outfit would probably look like Kozue's, but it would be the same color as Keiko's, and my duel song would be about... Uh... Artemis from Greek Mythology, or something.
Setokai or Regular Student?:
Regular student. I wouldn't be able to fully grasp the bigger picture and duel under the will of EotW. I'm more than sure that I'd end up a Black Rose duelist.
Symbolic Item?:
I really have a hard time deciding on this. I'm going to say gloves. Not thick, winter gloves, but elegant ones. Like Wakaba's hairclips, they won't all be the same color. Some will be white, some red.
Your Rose?:
Black, probably. I imagine myself as a Black Rose duelist, as stated. However, if I had another color for some reason, I'm going with violet. I'm shocked at how many fans of this color have already posted. A very dark blue would suffice as well.
Why Duel?:
Why not? I'm twisted and I'm selfish, and I don't feel like I'm in the world I deserve. I know I'm not a good person, and this theory is supported by the tinge of pleasure I feel when other people can't have their way, either. It's a very backwards cycle-- I couldn't have the things I felt I deserved, so I became spiteful of the things I once desired. But now, my pettiness has created a human being who doesn't deserve anything, and that person has manifested themself in my subconsciousness. There is a deep rooted distrust in people stemming only from the raw desire to have someone trust me.
Your Fighting Style?:
I'm going to go with Kendo, but I would probably use a more elegant blade. Something resembling Mikage's, perhaps. Is that a sabre? I used to know all the swords like the back of my hand. I wouldn't mind a blade like Kanae's, either.
Lose. Definately lose.
Last edited by dollface (11-16-2007 01:47:05 PM)
What about those of us who are rose brides? O:
...didn't Lynx in Chrono Cross have an attack where kitties attacked? (well... kinda.)
Setokai or Regular Student?: That depends if I had the offer or not. If I ever saw the castle of Dios, I would most certainly join. It's been my dream to find something beyond the mundane and apparent. The politics and manipulation would annoy me to no end, but it'd be worth just to get a chance to research that power and know it exists. If not a Council member but somewhat aware, I'd do everything in my power to get closer to it.
Symbolic Item?: Probably a pendulum. I'm lead by what I believe to be a higher force of intuition, but that might just be silliness on my part and is bound to point me the wrong way. Perhaps a fragment of a shattered mirror, a sickle, or a silver paper crane.
Your Rose?: Blue, probably deeper blue. Blue is both a positive and negative color and is one of the most diverse in terms of symbolic meanings.
Why Duel?: I would want to gain the power of Dios, mainly to satisfy my curiosity in knowing what it is. Curiosity would be my main drive. Also, if I had someone close to me who was dying or deeply hurting, I'd probably seek it to save them.
Your Fighting Style?: Point the other way, then stab. I'm too small and too weak, partially due to factors outside of my control. I've dome some kendo, but not enough. For all my lack of muscle mass, though, I'm fast and pretty agile due to dance and yoga training. I would probably have to rely on my wits and find my way around direct fighting, like Touga. If not I would really rely on that sneak factor and utilize a dagger.
Win/Lose?: Utena? Everybody loses. Everybody else? Eh, not likely on terms of pure strength. If I were fighting for someone else, I'd have a much better chance at gaining the favor of Dios. But fighting someone like Touga or Juri would be like sand-blastting a soup cracker on my part. Juri on pure skill, but Touga and Akio...I'd be too busy snorting immaturely at their sexual tactics to concentrate. The Akio car ride would pretty much of me breaking into nervous fits of laughter, blushing, and reciting odd quotes. I'm sure they'd enjoy it.
Well isn't this just a fun idea?!
Setokai or Regular Student?: Definitely not a regular student because in school I never was one of those 'admire the special people' sort of students. I was weird, and smart, and I didn't care about fitting in anywhere, but I liked to run my clubs efficiently. That said, after becoming a duelist, I'd probably realize I have serious issues with how the Student Council is being run and end up forming a rival organization.
Symbolic Item?: Probably a notebook/clipboard. I CONSTANTLY have to have a notebook with me to sketch and write ideas down upon.
Your Rose?: Well orange was taken already so a nice yellow-green. If Saionji can have a green rose, so can I!
Why Duel?: Hmmm, I'd probably fight to gain the power of Dios to force humanity upon the cruel. To force depth and substance and personal understanding upon frivality and delusion. I'm the sort who lets her cynicism overpower her idealism often... I go from feelings of euphoria and optimism to distaste and dread from the human race all the time... so some sort of catalyst would have pushed me over the edge and I would decide that humanity will keep screwing themselves over and over again.. leaving the only solution being to gain the power of Dios to force an end of ignorance and the utter failure that is mankind.
Or the funny answer, I want awesome duel music and the chance to screw around with the cast.
Your Fighting Style?: Hmmm, I'm not much into fencing... and kendo can be rigid... I'd possibly do a Chinese style of sword fighting. Abiding by the rules and whatnot.
Win/Lose?: I could win if Utena got to know me and would feel to guilty to defeat someone with delusions of bringing out a better world. If I lost... hmm... probably I'd loose focus mid-duel... being taken in by stories and concepts... thinking of the philosophy and reasoning behind what's happening so much that I forget to concentrate on the moment at hand. The lesson would be to live for the moment and accept what happens at that moment.
My special animal will be a goat. A goat that constantly steals my notebook and eats the paper out of it.
Last edited by Scortia (11-16-2007 03:13:39 PM)
Hmmm, I'd probably fight to gain the power of Dios to force humanity upon the cruel. I'm the sort who lets her cynicism overpower her idealism... I go from feelings of euphoria and optimism to distaste and dread from the human race all the time... so some sort of catalyst would have pushed me over the edge and I would decide that humanity will keep screwing themselves over and the only solution is to gain the power of Dios to force an end of cruelty and whatnot.
Sounds like a pretty good incentive to just destroy the world and bring about the true apocalypse, then. In my occasional nihilistic fantasies at the palm of the mind, I might consider that. Then I look at some cute puppies and it goes away.
Hot Topic! No I do not mean the store, I mean this topic.
Setokai or Regular Student?: Regular because I am too carefree to join a council.
Symbolic Item?: On each table in the duelling arena, there will be a kilo of C4 wired to a mercury switch, now that will make for an interesting duel, particularly if you accidently bump the table.
Your Rose?: Purple roses (enchantment) The giver of the purple rose seeks to convey that he or she has fallen in love with the recipient at the very first sight.
Why Duel?: Nothing impresses a girl like showing off your killa duelling moves.
Your Fighting Style?: The sword I would use would be the classic Gladius which is a short sword that was used by the Romans as it is easier to fight up close with and it would be less dangerous for me to cut off her rose with than a long sword which requires a greater level of skill.
Win/Lose?: If I do win and I keep winning up til the duel named Revolution, I would find out what would happen if you were to thrust the Sword of Dios into Akio’s body, would he die or would he revert back to Dios again?
Black Rose Duelists of the World unite!
Hrm...fascinating subject...I, too, shall contribute...
Seitokai or Regular Student? Regular student, all the way. I wouldn't want to be a part of any student council, even out of Ohtori.
Symbolic Item? I'm not really sure what my symbolic item would be. Probably something inconsequential, like a decoration. Symbolism of shallow meaning and living.
Your Rose? Black. I'd be fighting as a Black Rose duellist. And I know just the button for Mikage to push -- inferiority.
Why Duel? To prove that I can excel at something. Anything, as long as it has meaning to somebody. I'm always trying to prove myself to others that I can succeed.
Your Fighting Style? I'd use a dagger or knife of some sort, perhaps a dirk, even. I'd not give up until I'd either slashed my opponent's rose off or slashed my opponent in the chest. I'm a very wild and untamed fighter, with no true skill or talent to speak of.
Win/Lose? I'd lose every single time. To anybody. My fighting skill is undeveloped. I'd lose to anybody who challenged me. I'd even lose to you guys. Though I might draw some blood in the process, which would disqualify me instantly, even if I did win somehow.
Whoo, neat concept!
Seitokai or Regular Student: I wouldn't be a meber of the student council, per se, but I'd probably be an assistant, helping the members out in order to spy on the council and see what they were up to.
Symbolic Item: A rainbow wristband. LOL. Because, yeah, I'd be the out and proud student of Ohtori. This would probably freak Juri out a lot
Rose: Probably red or orange, becuase I'm secretly very passionate
Why Duel? I wouldn't have a personal reason to duel, at first. I think I'd just want to participate to satisfy my competitive personality. But after I learned about "Revolutionizing the world", I would probably think it was a load of bullshit and fight for Anthy, so that everyone else couldn't use her for their own gain.
Your Fighting Style: Amatuerish, with no technique to speak of. I'd be very agressive, and try to overpower whoever I was fighting, or else wear them out before going for the final blow. I'd fight with a wooden, european stlye sword; probably something very long/heavy like a claymore.
Win/Lose: Against the regular council members, I'd be more likely to win the longer the duel went on, because I have a lot of stamina. Against Utena, I'd lose for sure, but we'd probably recognise that our goals were similar, and become allies.
This is probably going to sound familiar.
Seitokai or Regular Student?: Seitokai. I go where the power is.
Symbolic Item?: I don't need a symbolic item.
Your Rose?: Red. Blood red roses are my favorite. All of the things they can represent are parts of me.
Why Duel?: ...I go where the power is. Honest, that's my only reason to duel.
Your Fighting Style?: Probably kendo. I'm not really into fencing.
Win/Lose?: WIN, dammit. Or at least try my hardest.
Seitokai or Regular Student?: My first inclination would be to say regular student, as school elections are simply popularity contests, but this is Ohtori after all. I think I'd be part of the Seitokai because I'm both capable enough and damaged enough for Akio to find me interesting.
Symbolic Item?: A dagger.
Your Rose?: Blue, the color of the unattainable love, wish, or dream.
Why Duel?: More than one person I know has described me as a prince, and I would be fighting for the strength to measure up to that assessment.
Your Fighting Style?: Early European fencing, from when swords were larger and heavier.
Win/Lose?: Nobody can beat Utena, especially not me. As for the rest... fighting skill doesn't seem to have anything to do with who wins and loses in the arena, especially given that the duels mix several fighting styles. I'm probably a good enough manipulator to use Saionji and Nanami's tempers against them, provided I manage to keep a cool head but I don't think I'd be able to beat the others.
Seitokai or Regular Student?: Perhaps not the Seitokai but instead another group inside Ohtori. Either that or the Seitokai thenselves.
Symbolic Item?: My necklace with a green heart on it like my av has
Your Rose?: Red
Why Duel?: At first because I want to impress Akio and I figure if I win his sister that gets me that much closer to him but later after I start to understand what happened to him I decide I want to rescue him from himself.
Your Fighting Style?: Not really any particular style but damn I am good.
Win/Lose?: In another universe maybe.
For the sake of answering this question, I will shift my color back to this one
Seitokai or Regular Student: Seitokai. I'm a good record keeper and is currently a budget handler. If I recall, no one in the Ohtori Seitokai handles money matters My reason? Cool uniform, get to be involved in big thing like the duels to revolution, and yeah... resume
Symbolic Item: My mac laptop or my TI-89. Actually, more likely my mac laptop because I literally carry it with me all the time to perform my daily tasks. ALMOST all my daily tasks except transportation mode.
Rose: Violet. According to a website, it's a combination of choleric impulse and melancholic tendency
Why Duel? I want to find the truest, purest feeling in the world because I'm sick of people having to put on masks and having to make impressions to get by in life, to the point where you'll have to hide yourselves from even your family and friends. My duel is "Sincerite"
Your Fighting Style: With a schmitar like Nanami's, I know I do best with slashing and slicing.
Win/Lose: I would ultimately lose because I lack the optimism Utena has in life, much like Juri.
Last edited by Hiraku (11-17-2007 12:30:35 AM)
I found out that Nanami's sword doesn'y look like a real scimitar... more like a sabre, but... let's keep it as it is now...
Wouldn't it be cool if dueling involved any sharp object? Like a duelist owned a pair of Katars? I mean, Nanami pretty much broke that whole "dueling with a long, pointy object" when she showed up to the arena with a 2nd weapon and was still allowed to duel. I bet Akio'd be curious to see what opponents brought up with them.
If that were the case, my weapon'd totally be dual kodachis...I'd go Aoshi on their asses....BOOYAH.