This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Lady Chani wrote:
... … cess26.jpg
Aaaaaand, the last one of the day..... a golden Utena with a different Boy's uniform recolor. It matched her Bride's dress. ^_^
I've seen another rendition of this image at DeviantArt some time ago. I'm not sure if the artist is a member here, so if you are in this forum please inform me and I'm more than willing to take this post down. ^^0
Photomanipulation by Laiqalasse. Click on image for full view.
FencingCaptain for some reason all I see of your pic is the red X
One character that gets neglected a lot by both Akio and SKU fans is Kanae Ohtori, so I decided to remedy that oversight.
I would be lying if I said that it was my best work but I was feeling a little lazy today.
Tamago wrote:
FencingCaptain for some reason all I see of your pic is the red X
I apologize for that; I forgot to open the security settings for the image URL.
It's all better now. ^^0
FencingCaptain wrote:
Tamago wrote:
FencingCaptain for some reason all I see of your pic is the red X
I apologize for that; I forgot to open the security settings for the image URL.
It's all better now.0
Yes I see it now, Chigusa and Ruka together... Groovy!
Tamago is a fanservice machine.
totally awesome.
FencingCaptain wrote:
Lady Chani wrote:
... … cess26.jpg
Aaaaaand, the last one of the day..... a golden Utena with a different Boy's uniform recolor. It matched her Bride's dress.I've seen another rendition of this image at DeviantArt some time ago. I'm not sure if the artist is a member here, so if you are in this forum please inform me and I'm more than willing to take this post down.
0 … alasse.jpg
Photomanipulation by Laiqalasse. Click on image for full view.
My. I think I have to track this girl down. OMG. That's..... just wow.
I hope the color look better this time:
Tamago wrote:
Anthy as the Corpse Rose Bride
I think you need to ask Saionji and Miki how they feel about this corpse business.
I suspect Akio will be perfectly fine with continuing to hit it, though.
Giovanna wrote:
I suspect Akio will be perfectly fine with continuing to hit it, though.
When Akio wants a cold, stiff one at the end of the day, it ain't always mean he wants a drink.
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
Lovely job!
Last edited by Tamago (02-08-2007 03:19:39 AM)
Necrophilia...."crack open a cold one"
Y'know, Utena would make one cute Irish lass!
Want proof?
I hate you all.
It was meant to be a normal, every-day Katsuki recolor. Really, it was.
But then, because I wanted to lighten down Anthy's skin, and didn't want either of them to have such unnatural colors of hair when I was recoloring Utena's to be blonde, I made her hair into brown hair, and it does look nice on her somewhat paler skin. (akjsfdjksafj on paling down Anthy's skin-tone.... it's nigh unto impossible to give her Utena-toned skin without it looking terrible)
Then, I took it one step too far and made this.
hyacinth_black wrote:
I could imagine the pickup lines she could use now:
Utena: You got any Irish in you?
You: Yes
Utena: You want some more?
After all, what sort of hot-blooded Irish Lass would she be, if she didn't make the first move?
Lady Chani wrote:
Thats pretty damn awesome piccy hun, there is one problem thou, its Anthy's mouth, it needs fixing up badly but that aside, really cool colouring job
Last edited by Tamago (02-08-2007 02:38:06 PM)
Lady Chani wrote:
I hate you all.
It was meant to be a normal, every-day Katsuki recolor. Really, it was.
But then, because I wanted to lighten down Anthy's skin, and didn't want either of them to have such unnatural colors of hair when I was recoloring Utena's to be blonde, I made her hair into brown hair, and it does look nice on her somewhat paler skin. (akjsfdjksafj on paling down Anthy's skin-tone.... it's nigh unto impossible to give her Utena-toned skin without it looking terrible)
Then, I took it one step too far and made this. … cess37.jpg
Reminds me a tad of Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo.
That's a good thing, though! I love Mihoshi!
Tamago wrote:
Lady Chani wrote:
Thats pretty damn awesome piccy hun, there is one problem thou, its Anthy's mouth, it needs fixing up badly but that aside, really cool colouring job
Damn. I have no idea how to fix that.
Lady Chani wrote:
Damn. I have no idea how to fix that.
Its ok Lady Chani, I can fix Anthy's mouth and smooth out the colours a bit but I can see that you are getting the hang of the re-colouring.
So I gave the clean up a try.
Now for a little bit of Scotch influence...
Irish Utena is adorable. This recolor stuff is a blast to look at. Someone give Touga freckles! What kind of redhead doesn't have freckles?
The fake kind.
Tamago wrote:
Lady Chani wrote:
Damn. I have no idea how to fix that.
Its ok Lady Chani, I can fix Anthy's mouth and smooth out the colours a bit but I can see that you are getting the hang of the re-colouring. … cess37.jpg
So I gave the clean up a try. … Lanthy.jpg
I see. You'll redraw lines if you have to. I just wince at my redrawing-of-lines skills.... I think my mouse makes my lines jaggier than they should be. >>;;;; It's.... pretty bad.
I didn't think of lightening her feet at all. Dur.
Though, you brought Anthy's right leg back to her original color....
Past that, I like what you did. What program do you use for your recolors and edits, Tamago?
Lady Chani wrote:
Tamago wrote:
Lady Chani wrote:
Damn. I have no idea how to fix that.
Its ok Lady Chani, I can fix Anthy's mouth and smooth out the colours a bit but I can see that you are getting the hang of the re-colouring. … cess37.jpg
So I gave the clean up a try. … Lanthy.jpgI see. You'll redraw lines if you have to. I just wince at my redrawing-of-lines skills.... I think my mouse makes my lines jaggier than they should be. >>;;;; It's.... pretty bad.
I find that using the Line Tool makes up for the shakiness that would occur if you tried to use the Pencil Tool.
I didn't think of lightening her feet at all. Dur.
A lot of people forget that fact as even blacks then to have fairly light underfeet.
Though, you brought Anthy's right leg back to her original color....
I think you will find that is the rest of Utena's back not Anthy's leg.
Past that, I like what you did. What program do you use for your recolors and edits, Tamago?
I been using Adobe Photoshop 5.0 which is what I got on an old disc, I wish I had 7.0 thou.
i decided id try it out...