This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Just curious: were there any particular plot twists in Utena that are your personal favorites?
Mine is the exact nature of eternity that the tired, half-dead Dios shows a young Utena: that eternity is goddamn scary, and is not a good thing. After some 10 episodes when the Seitokai tries to figure out what the heck is Utena's eternity, and which of their own daydreams it relates to, it suddenly turns out that it's not a dream, but an utter nightmare.
As a side note: this is the nature of the Prince's quest: to destroy the eternal cycle (the eternal revolution, heh). The Prince gets people out of their versions of eternity and lets them go. But when Akio himself becomes a kind of channel for this eternity, making an eternal cycle out of the process of freeing from the cycles, it's pretty natural that he gets to fall.
Oh man, there are just so many good plot twists. Here are the ones that really got me:
-"The Prince Who Runs in the Night." It seems like it's going to just be one of those "we're low on budget so here's a clip show summarizing the past season" kind of deals that every series does, but... wow.
-Nanami walks in on Akio and Anthy. Yes, they were hinting at it for some time. Yes, I should have seen it coming. But still...
-Episode 38. I remember my reaction as clear as day.
"Hmm, Akio just pushed Anthy toward Utena. What, for her safety? Or is he giving up? Maybe he's-- OH MY GOD SHE STABBED UTENA!!!
I mean, holy living frack. Still gives me goosebumps. Seriously, that's got to be the best cliffhanger since Star Trek: TNG "The Best of Both Worlds."
OnionPrince wrote:
-"The Prince Who Runs in the Night." It seems like it's going to just be one of those "we're low on budget so here's a clip show summarizing the past season" kind of deals that every series does, but... wow.
I completely agree. I find that one of my favorite episodes is a "mere" recap episode.
Werekat wrote:
Mine is the exact nature of eternity that the tired, half-dead Dios shows a young Utena: that eternity is goddamn scary, and is not a good thing. After some 10 episodes when the Seitokai tries to figure out what the heck is Utena's eternity, and which of their own daydreams it relates to, it suddenly turns out that it's not a dream, but an utter nightmare.
Oh, you're right on the money with that. I adore this episode because of how... scary it is! It truly, deeply frightens me, and there are few things in the world, much less in anime, that have chilled me to the bone the way that episode did. Yet another reason why SKU has remained so amazing through the years.
Any time Jury showed up in a "Nanami" episode. Something wtf!? worthy always seemed to happen. I'd like to think those were the ones where we saw what the student council members were really like without the duels.
One plot twist spread over an entire episode, and one spread over two arcs.
The one where Akio has sex with Utena, and the one he has sex with Anthy.
"Hotel room? Utena, what are you thinking?
Oh shit, it looks like they're really going to...
uh, what is she babbling ab...
... fuck."
Ep 14: "That looked&sounded a bit as if..."
some time later: "Uhm, are they...?"
later still: "Holy shit, I think they are...!"
Ep 31: "Yeah, that was pretty much how I felt."
The Curry Episode where Nanami and gang keep running into elephant trouble, I mean whats gonna happen next? Elephants on surfboards...WTF! You got to be shitting me, Surfing Elephants???
Saionji not being a total douchebag.
When he was sort of sweet to Wakaba...
When he calmly was shirtless with Touga...
Whooda thunkit?
Surfing elephants for the win!
If I ever change my avatar here (I'm quite comfy in this one), maybe I should go for the surfing elephants...
My favourite plot twist, apart from the above mentioned Dios and little Utena scenes, was pretty much everything regarding Nemuro/Mikage. I have a soft spot for pink haired guys who managed to keep their absolute cool girlish hair colour not withstanding so I sympathized with Mikage the moment he appeared on screen. But the sudden revelation that Mamiya is actually Anthy (and that was one of the freakiest moments in the entire series) and the exposition of how Mikage became who he is completely caught me by surprise and made me truly love his character.
Also, all those moments when my opinion of a character (mostly negative) does a drastic turn and completely changes. This happened with Nanami whom I more or less hated until her drama with Touga begins to unfold. By the time she catches Anthy and Akio in the act I already felt sorry for Nanami. Same goes for Saionji whom I also did not particularly like until he has those charming moments with Wakaba. To my extent this also happens with Touga although I never grew to actually liking him.
It's not so much a plot twist (because they have only the barest of interactions with the plot), but when I was watching episode 34 and realized that the shadow girls were there, talking to Utena, taking an actual hand in things, it kind of blew my mind. Far, far creepier than when they were just shadows on the wall and voices on the radio.
I've always liked the episode where the SPG put on their play for Anthy, Utena, and Akio. Showing that they knew what was going on and were trying to wake Utena up to it.
The real story behind Utena's memories of Dios and Anthy. So damn chilling.
And, of course, Anthy being Miki and Kozue's step-mom. ;)
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
The real story behind Utena's memories of Dios and Anthy. So damn chilling.
Agreed. The revelation that the reason Utena decided to become a Prince was because of Anthy in the first place never fails to get to me no matter how many times I watch it.
There are so many! How can I possibly choose? I have to say though, I was absolutely floored by the scene where Ruka forced himself on Juri. The mood of that scene was so intense; and it was one of the first times where I kind of sat back and went, "whoa, this is really happening?" I thought it was done so well, and I never saw it coming. I guess I didn't expect Ruka to be so forceful. ^.^
Like many had said, the part where they revealed the truth behind Utena's desire to be a prince.
And then, there's Juri's second duel. Her reaction when the locket snaps off was priceless. I can play that in my head over and over and over without getting sick of it.
Let's see, the part where Anthy was trying to jump off the building. And, then there's the part where she backstabbed Utena. And lastly, the whole scene from Utena's rejection of the prince to open the door despite all odds. I was rooting for her, big time
Even... after the major twist where she slipped...
Last edited by Hiraku (11-05-2007 02:13:28 PM)
ArsenicForBreakfast wrote:
There are so many! How can I possibly choose? I have to say though, I was absolutely floored by the scene where Ruka forced himself on Juri. The mood of that scene was so intense; and it was one of the first times where I kind of sat back and went, "whoa, this is really happening?" I thought it was done so well, and I never saw it coming. I guess I didn't expect Ruka to be so forceful. ^.^
The slow movements in this scene are very difficult and expensive to animate, because of the level of detail required. But it was necessary...the slow turning of the head...the subtle shifts in expression...perfection.
This one just about made me jump out of my chair when I first watched it, I was so pissed off.
But what pissed me off more was the asparagus omelet scene...I almost stopped watching the show, and I still don't enjoy watching that episode, but I certainly can't claim that it was gratuitous.
Just to add... Ruka freaking dying. He seems to be just fine when he returns then you find out that as soon as the duel was over and then BOOM he's dead. I know Ruka is the object of much hate, but I ADORE him. The poor man knew he was working on borrowed time... but we didn't know. He came in and exitted and no one really cared. Juri may have for a second, but that didn't make me feel any better about it. I always get sniffly at the abruptness and lack of concern over his passing.
The first time it's apparent that Anthy is sleeping with Akio. We're all still thinking "man this is a cutely weird little series" at that point then HOLY CRAP INCEST!
Anthy is Mamiya... W..T..F moment of them all!
When Ruka pushes Juri on the wall. Rrrr...!
Utena&Dios&Anthy-as-a-witch scene
Stabbing Utena, and everything in 39th Episode
Touga's confession on duel arena. He kissed Utena's hand so gently!
Last edited by dlaire (11-09-2007 06:08:15 AM)
Stormcrow wrote:
ArsenicForBreakfast wrote:
There are so many! How can I possibly choose? I have to say though, I was absolutely floored by the scene where Ruka forced himself on Juri. The mood of that scene was so intense; and it was one of the first times where I kind of sat back and went, "whoa, this is really happening?" I thought it was done so well, and I never saw it coming. I guess I didn't expect Ruka to be so forceful. ^.^
The slow movements in this scene are very difficult and expensive to animate, because of the level of detail required. But it was necessary...the slow turning of the head...the subtle shifts in expression...perfection.
This one just about made me jump out of my chair when I first watched it, I was so pissed off.
But what pissed me off more was the asparagus omelet scene...I almost stopped watching the show, and I still don't enjoy watching that episode, but I certainly can't claim that it was gratuitous.
I love asparagus omelet scene, it's so... evil!
I felt nauseous after finishing the renowned Utena + Akio = sex episode. I was so disgusted with the character that I seriously contemplated dropping the series. I'm really, really glad I didn't, but still... It was shocking.
One of the other ones which I found intense(there are so many!) was that moment during the Utena's battle with Wakaba when she's holding Utena's hair and screaming. That was such an eyeopener and a fantastic piece of character development. It was the first time I cried during the series.
My favorite plot twist is that even after Anthy stabs her, (expectable, you could tell Anthy was all about Akio through and through,) and that Anthy was sleeping with Akio, and possibly was using her, she still goes and saves the girl.
WTF? I still don't know if I find this unrealistic or a perfect plot twist.
I can't help but grin everytime I watch the end of Juri's first duel. The first time I watched it, when Juri wrenched Utena's sword out of her hand into the air, I thought: "That could do some damage, it'd be funny if it hit someone or one of their roses." I laughed so hard I almost cried.
On a serious note, I think Mikage's duel and the following scenes are really unnerving, with the pictures all falling down at once, and then with even more so with Anthy being Mamiya.
Need I say more?
Also, when we got to see the real Mamiya's face, who's picture was really in Juri's locket, Utena losing against Touga, Ruka's true intentions, the truth about Utena's past, and, of course, the infamous backstab. This show has so many good twists!
I like a bunch of the really epic ones that have already been mentioned, but I also like a couple that are just really satisfying.
1) Wakaba dueling Utena, pouring her heart out.
2) Tatsuya going through Mikage's seminar and getting rejected. THE WORLD IS NOT SO BLACK FOLKS.