This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Analyze SKU from any perspective that has not been discussed on this site, or has seen limited exploration.
Responses must be over 1000 words.
No suggestions???
I could do Akio as the tragic hero. I'm pretty sure that doesn't come up much.
Giovanna wrote:
No suggestions???
Utena is all in Shinji Ikari's head?
Giovanna wrote:
I could do Akio as the tragic hero. I'm pretty sure that doesn't come up much. school-sherlock
Akio is like so many of the world's problems that humanity have to face: it is so powerful /impossible to destroy, that the only way for the people it plagues to deal is to forcibly change their own perspectives, so they can outright ignore it as they go on with life (which is pretty much what Anthy did with Akio in the end).
That being said, I'm surprised I don't see anyone doing anything extensive on Tatsuya the "failed" Black Rose Duelist, when he is the only character in that show that Akio's forces cannot corrupt. Doesn't that make him, even more than the seduced Utena (though she fights the seduction at the very end), the "Last Great Innocent" of SKU ?
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (10-08-2012 03:42:44 PM)
Tatsuya is the only one of the Black Rose potentials to come to Mikage and show his deepest desire at that time to not be a selfish one. That is why Mikage cannot use him.
See his portion of the elevator scene...
Tatsuya: There was a girl I had been watching for a long time.
Tatsuya: She was a princess to me alone.
Tatsuya: But, she left me to see another man.
Tatsuya: I'm sure she is being deceived.
Tatsuya: Oh, and she was such an innocent girl...
Tatsuya: I'm sure he'll do all sorts of bad things to her, like... or... or even...
Tatsuya: But it's okay. No matter how much of her purity she'll lose, she'll come back to me.
Tatsuya: Because of my love for her.
Tatsuya: Yes, 'cause in the end, love always wins.
Tatsuya: I would be able to make you happy. I would be able to give away anything for your sake.
Tatsuya: I would... I would...
Tatsuya: Why can't it be me?!
Mikage: You're really a good person, aren't you?
Mikage: So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home.
Mikage: This isn't a place for someone like you.
Compared to Keiko's...
Keiko: I admired Nanami-sama from the bottom of my heart.
Keiko: That's what I believed, and I've been serving her.
Keiko: But actually, that wasn't true.
Keiko: I was only with Nanami-sama to get close to Touga-sama, even the littlest bit.
Keiko: Without that reason, who'd want to be with her?
Mikage: Deeper... Go deeper.
Keiko: That selfish...
Keiko: I'm a single girl! What's wrong with me falling in love with someone?
Keiko: Why do I have to hold back because of her?
Keiko: Just because she's Touga-sama's sister, she monopolizes his love.
Keiko: Even right before my own eyes!
Keiko: And that girl has no idea...
Keiko: I felt all this time!
Keiko: She doesn't even try to understand!
Mikage: I understand.
Mikage: I suppose you have no choice but to revolutionize the world.
Mikage: The way before you has been prepared.
He is concerned for her, and, in the end, places the blame of the situation on himself rather than another. It's a common theme through all the other Black Rose potentials that DO become duelists. The blame for the situation always goes on another. Whether that's actually how it should be or not is up to interpretation, but is one of the defining differences. That and he acts out of perceived love, rather than jealousy, envy, or hatred.
Still working on the content of mine, gimme just a bit longer D:
gorgeousshutin wrote:
That being said, I'm surprised I don't see anyone doing anything extensive on Tatsuya the "failed" Black Rose Duelist, when he is the only character in that show that Akio's forces cannot corrupt. Doesn't that make him, even more than the seduced Utena (though she fights the seduction at the very end), the "Last Great Innocent" of SKU ?
I've actually got an essay on Tatsuya on proper. I wrote it before IRG existed. I've changed my mind about a number of specific points since I wrote it, and I committed at least one factual error, because I've learned a lot from IRG But if you're jonesing for something about Tatsuya to react to, you can read that essay here.
My first impression was that Tatsuya got turned away because Wakaba wasn't a duelist. There's probably a deeper reason though.
Thanks for the link to your well-written article, satyreyes!
Just a small thing to point out:
Tatsuya’s got rotten luck. Perhaps more than anyone else in the series, he deserves to be with the one he loves; but the world of Utena is not a place for normal people with no inner demons to face. Thus his beloved is already in love – with a man she’s going to have to pull a sword out of in a week’s time. By then it’s too late. Tatsuya, we presume, has left the campus, taking the path that Mikage shows to him and no one else: the one that lies outside Ohtori Academy. Like only a few others – Tokiko, Ruka, and ultimately Anthy – he has left the garden within which Akio says no one can ever grow up.
Tatsuya has in fact remained within Ohtori afterwards, past the Black Rose Arc until the very end. He later showed up in the beginning of episode 30 (and got credited in's script as "guy" ) where and he Wakaba talk about kissing, and was prominently featured in episode 39's post-revolution clips existing dialogue-less beside Wakaba and her new friend.
Lurv wrote
My first impression was that Tatsuya got turned away because Wakaba wasn't a duelist. There's probably a deeper reason though.
I think so too
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Tatsuya has in fact remained within Ohtori afterwards, past the Black Rose Arc until the very end. He later showed up in the beginning of episode 30 (and got credited in's script as "guy"
) where and he Wakaba talk about kissing, and was prominently featured in episode 39's post-revolution clips existing dialogue-less beside Wakaba and her new friend.
This is the "at least one factual error" I mentioned. It's actually kind of embarrassing to reread the essay now.
satyeyes wrote:
This is the "at least one factual error" I mentioned.
Ah . . .
All in all, it's refreshing to see someone write anything on Tatsuya, whose "failed duelist/pawn" status makes him note worthy amongst the SKU cast.
It is in my personal canon (meaning it is debatable and not fact-solid) that Akio, like Anthy, can be made to give up the quest for Dio's power had he met someone who could accept his bad sides/secrets (like how Utena accept Anthy's); I always thought that had things turned out differently, unambitious, incorruptible Tats would be just the person who could do it.
Sorry for the double post, but I have this crack observation that's been bugging me for a while, and feel the need to share.
Has anyone else notice how the females in SKU all seem to stop being in awe of Akio (both his beauty and his supernatural powers) sometime after they've actually had sex with him?
Akio's Conquest List
Anthy - Clearly loves only Dios (who, presumably, had yet to have sex with her), and uses Akio only as a means to resurrect the Dios of the bygone days.
Tokiko - Shown liplocking with Akio in the past. Returns as an "old lady" to fearlessly counter Akio verbally right in his tower, and has displayed no fear toward him even while knowing he's ageless. Many think the shutters going down mean she then succumbs to sex with him, but them things coming down can also signal the start of a duel, as was the case in Ep 38.
Kanae - Shown to be worshipful of Akio in her BR ep. Appears again in Ep 30 with a much different attitude towards the man. She now actually berates him for not paying her enough attention like a rich girl would to a servant boy, and had the spunk to try and use her powerful mother as weapon to threaten Akio.
Mrs. Ohtori (the powerful mother) - Despite that "You're my only prince line", I see her using Akio like she would any male escort. There is little respect or awe on her part there, only the excited anticipation of fulfilling her base needs with the man meat.
Kozue - Shown calling Akio Daddy Long Legs in Twin Duel ep prior to walking off with him into the dark night. Is then shown switching target to Anthy by the end of the very same ep.
Utena - Well, we all know how her attitude towards him changed from before to after the act.
Akio's Yet-To-bonk (but since interacted) List:
The teachers of Ohtori, all of whom shown to be either in awe of him, or is attracted to him (like OldMaidAgainstUtena).
Wakaba - Attracted to Akio to the point of seemingly forgetting Saionji, which might've remained the case till post-revolution.
The males (like Touga), seem to stay in awe of Akio for much longer periods of time after the sex when compared to the female partners. Does this imply that Akio can satisfy/dominate male partners a lot better than he does the female ones?
Being busy myself, I so wish someone else would get an essay going on this topic. Really.
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (10-10-2012 09:54:09 PM)