This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Patch Adams is a cute movie. There, I said it! Stop the hate!
And I saw Babe for the first time today. And I cried.
What else do you like that you're embarrassed to admit?
I collect pictures of rabbits online. Honestly. I have a folder just for that purpose. I also attend rabbit shows and take pictures of the cutest long eared bits of fluff with my cellphone. I take plenty of pictures of my own bunny. I proceed to change the colours so that she might look freaky. I dream about entering my bunny on a rabbit agility contest even though I know she'd just chew on the leash and ignore me anyway.
Oh and I also cried when I saw Babe
Last edited by Nocturnalux (10-27-2007 05:39:11 PM)
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
I saw that movie when it came out in the theatres. I think I liked it, but I was a little kid. Who knows.
Anyway, embarrassment? I'm not really embarrassed by anything I like because really I'll admit to anything for a self-deprecating laugh. Hmm, I guess I like Disney-related things more than a real boy should, and I even smiled when my friend sent me a postcard with the Disney Princesses on it--and that was just last month.
Last edited by mazoboom (10-27-2007 05:44:29 PM)
I love the movies Mystery Men, Clue and Clueless. They're all so incredibly dumb, but the quirkiness in them is just fantastic!
My Bowling For Soup CDs are total guilty pleasures as well. They're great for when I feel like being an adolescent male. ^_-
I used to have a rabbit when I was a kid! She was sooooo adorable! I took her everywhere!
My mom got her for me because I was afraid of the Easter Bunny after I saw a man in one of those suits.
She got sick and died though.
Oh I'm sad.
And I also admitted to being afraid of the Easter Bunny X3
Don't be sad here is my bunny, hope she can make you smile:
To this day I am afraid of clowns. I cannot cope with the absurd jollity.!!
oh a lighter note, I dressed up as a bunny for Mardi Gras when I was 8
Awww! Thank you for the bunny!
I'll admit I'm still afraid the Blair Witch will get me in the woods.
I'll admit I will choose one food over another if it's pink.
I'll even admit that I loved the song Rainy Day Man. X3
Dross wrote:
I'll even admit that I loved the song Rainy Day Man. X3
Me too. And I still like the songs that Raye sang during her early R episode when the festival at her school.
I, a 28 (nearly 29) year old guy, have a weak spot for cute things.
Be it kittens, cutesy anime, kids' movies (good ones, not the dumbed down kind), or whatever... if it's cute, I'll probably take a look at it.
So yeah... if I was a girl I'd probably be like Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh. Or Nobue from Strawberry Marshmallow. Maybe I'm just in touch with my inner 12-year-old girl.
I love the Spice Girls and I wish I owned their movie. There I said it.
I have a weak spot for plushies. A very weak spot. I even give them names, genders and personalities. My first and favourite is a (now greyish blue) bunny named Bebe. Some years ago, she went in for shoulder surgery at the seamstress' shop. I still love her after almost 22 years of owning her.
And I'm a 22 year old guy. I think I'm more in touch with my feminine side than most guys would care to admit. (Except for Imaginary Bad Bug. Cute things are my weakness too. )
I adore small, cute, fluffy things like kittens and rabbits.
I love cute stuff, too.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I love Namie Amuro. As bad as her music is, I still listen to it. D:
BioKraze wrote:
I have a weak spot for plushies. A very weak spot. I even give them names, genders and personalities. My first and favourite is a (now greyish blue) bunny named Bebe. Some years ago, she went in for shoulder surgery at the seamstress' shop. I still love her after almost 22 years of owning her.
And I'm a 22 year old guy. I think I'm more in touch with my feminine side than most guys would care to admit. (Except for Imaginary Bad Bug. Cute things are my weakness too.)
Oh yeah, I have a stuffed animal collection and I sleep with a stuffed dog, an Eeyore pillow, and a panda-face pillow. Oddly enough, I didn't even think of it as something that could be embarrassing.
What makes me embarrassed, is that I like Pokemon, although it's a synonym of being a shitbag and a total loser....(at least in my town). I love not only the games wich I play, but also the anime, manga, card game and movies connected with Pokemon. I must admit, that some of them look really... antropomorphic and attractive (Gardevoir ). Oh well...
I collect porcelain dolls. I love dolls. Basically, I'm this guy...
Last edited by Jellineck (10-28-2007 01:41:41 AM)
I am afraid of telephones. For no reson. Whenever they ring, I'll try to stay as far away as possible. Telephones are my monsters.
Jellineck wrote:
I collect porcelain dolls. I love dolls. Basically, I'm this guy... … zutaka.jpg
Why are you trying to seduce me with pictures of Muraki-sensei?
...Seduce you? Whatever do you mean?
(Fanart done by erlondeiel)
Last edited by Jellineck (10-28-2007 12:10:03 PM)
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
I am afraid of telephones. For no reson. Whenever they ring, I'll try to stay as far away as possible. Telephones are my monsters.
Me too! Nowadays I don't even pick them up. I just let them ring away. I hate telephones and dislike cellphones as well...anyone who really wants to reach me can email me. I have phone phobia
Edit: argh, Muraki makes one feel guilty...he's amazingly evil but heck, one is *still* attracted to him.
Last edited by Nocturnalux (10-28-2007 04:36:18 PM)
Muraki is definitely one character that me feel all kinds of guilty because he is one twisted son-of-a-betch.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I have a gajillion ideas for fanfic that could turn out really, really great, but I can never get them down on paper because I am so out of practice.
RuneScape. I'm always so embarrassed to admit to anyone that I like playing RuneScape, but I still think that it's really fun... Well, completing quests is fun, at least. And other stuff.
I played Runescape for a while, but I was more a Kingdom of Loathing fan.
I love Muraki. Seldom do characters come across with such a penchant for lovely clothing, fine conversational skills, and a penchant for dolls. Combine that with the predatory build of Rhett Butler contrasted with an angelic face and and delicate features, and all my senses are appealed to. I am irresistibly drawn to the juxtaposition of the beautiful with the grotesque.
And I'm addiced to Oregon Trail II. RuneScape is much cooler than that.
I watched every bit of Fruits Basket, and I loved it!
Also, I've followed the Brangelina saga from day 1!