This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Somehow, we have a general trivia thread but not an Utena trivia thread. I'll start us off with...
1. Only two duelists ever cut the rose from Utena's chest. One is Touga. Who's the other?
2. What color of rose frames...
A. Touga when he's introduced for the first time?
B. Utena when she first climbs to the arena?
C. Shiori when she first gets a rose border?
3. As the last duel of the Black Rose Saga is ending, Akio gets a phone call. How does he address his caller?
Please post answers, questions, commentary... whatever There's so much about this show that I'd never notice no matter how many times I watched it. Answers should be posted in white text so as not to spoil. To do this, just type [ color=#ffffff ] (spoiler text goes here) [ /color ] without the spaces. Answers can then be viewed by highlighting the white space. Happy trivia'ing!
I know you think Akio cuts Utena's rose off, but no -- he just deflowers her.
Last edited by satyreyes (04-01-2007 10:40:30 PM)
I have this feeling this is going to turn into a "Stump Giovanna and Yasha" thread.
In fact, I'll give a cookie to anyone that can stump them. Or at least post something they seriously need to go rewatch to find out.
As for myself, I've only watched Black Rose and beyond once, so I suck at this trivia.
Last edited by angelicreation (04-01-2007 10:44:27 PM)
I think...I am not as big a fan of Utena as I might've hoped.
morosemocha wrote:
I think...I am not as big a fan of Utena as I might've hoped.
Dude, you can be an enormous fan of Utena while still sucking at Utena trivia God knows I do; I'm rewatching the show, and these are just the things that jumped out at me. A week ago I'd have had no idea about any of them.
hikari wrote:
I have this feeling this is going to turn into a "Stump Giovanna and Yasha" thread.
I have no problem with that
Last edited by satyreyes (04-01-2007 10:49:49 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
1. Only two duelists ever cut the rose from Utena's chest. One is Touga. Who's the other?
(Technically, it's Nanami, though she had already lost the duel at the time.)
2. What color of rose frames...
A. Touga when he's introduced for the first time?
(White roses.)
B. Utena when she first climbs to the arena?
C. Shiori when she first gets a rose border?
(I have no idea... Just kidding. They're orange.)
3. As the last duel of the Black Rose Saga is ending, Akio gets a phone call. How does he address his caller?
(I can hear him say, "Ah, Nemuro-kun," in my head, but what that means only just clicked...)
1. Only two duelists ever cut the rose from Utena's chest. One is Touga. Who's the other?
Hmm.. I have no idea. ): I didn't know there were two. But, I'm going to take a wild guess, so don't be surprised if it's wrong.
My guess(es): Juri? Or Akio?
Edit: Oh! I see that I was way off. Wow, I totally forgot about that one..
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (04-01-2007 10:54:12 PM)
Razara wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
1. Only two duelists ever cut the rose from Utena's chest. One is Touga. Who's the other?
(Technically, it's Nanami, though she had already lost the duel at the time.)
2. What color of rose frames...
A. Touga when he's introduced for the first time?
(White roses.)
B. Utena when she first climbs to the arena?
C. Shiori when she first gets a rose border?
(I have no idea... Just kidding. They're orange.)
3. As the last duel of the Black Rose Saga is ending, Akio gets a phone call. How does he address his caller?
(I can hear him say, "Ah, Nemuro-kun," in my head, but what that means only just clicked...)
Ding, ding, ding, ding, and ding. If you knew these off the top of your head, there must be tons of great trivia in there. Share!
all i know is number 1..the others arent really questions...
Here are some trivia questions.
1/ In episode 4 The Sunlit Garden - Prelude, what score did Utena get on her maths test?
2/ One of the titles Saionji had, was the Vice-President of the Student Council, what became his 'unofficial title' after he was expelled?
3/ What does Miki mistakenly call Chu-Chu?
4/ What does Utena advice the Shadow girl to do when she was doing the wisdom tooth skit in episode 14, The Boys of the Black Rose?
5/ What was featured on the tables in the Duelling Arena during the battle with Wakaba?
6/ In the first part of episode 30, The Barefoot Girl, what is exactly is this 'rare' skill for a guy that Akio have?
7/ Where is the sister school to Ohtori Academy located?
Last edited by Tamago (04-01-2007 11:55:40 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
all i know is number 1..the others arent really questions...
How do you mean?
it took me till i read the answers to follow the questions. the placement was fuzzy. hey! its late over here! im tired! *goes to sleep*
I know 3 answers, but... how do i change the font color?
I'll answer the ones I can! (They're also the ones everyone's likely to know, but I got to them first )
Tamago wrote:
Here are some trivia questions.
3/ What does Miki mistakenly call Chu-Chu?
(He calls him Chuu-Chuu. Chuu is the sound a mouse makes, so it's an understandable mistake. Coincidentally, Miki's own nickname is Mikki -- made by doubling the consonant in much the same way he doubles Chu-Chu's vowel.)
5/ What was featured on the tables in the Duelling Arena during the battle with Wakaba?
(The hairpin Saionji gave her.)
7/ Where is the sister school to Ohtori Academy located?
(Amsterdam. This has probably been remarked upon in every thread in the forum at some point)
Someone answer the others. I'm dying to know!
Last edited by satyreyes (04-02-2007 12:18:08 AM)
Epi_lepsia wrote:
I know 3 answers, but... how do i change the font color?
Mark it up like this...
[ color=white ]Answer goes here[ /color ]
...removing the spaces I stuck inside the brackets.
I thought it had to be color=#ffffff, but it turns out this way works too.
Last edited by satyreyes (04-02-2007 12:22:58 AM)
Tamago wrote:
Here are some trivia questions.
1/ In episode 4 The Sunlit Garden - Prelude, what score did Utena get on her maths test?
38. I think
4/ What does Utena advice the Shadow girl to do when she was doing the wisdom tooth skit in episode 14, The Boys of the Black Rose?
"Pull it out"
6/ In the first part of episode 30, The Barefoot Girl, what is exactly is this 'rare' skill for a guy that Akio have?
Baking a cake! Or maybe just cooking? Pretty sure it's baking, tho...
1/ In episode 4 The Sunlit Garden - Prelude, what score did Utena get on her maths test?
I'm thinking 67...
4/ What does Utena advice the Shadow girl to do when she was doing the wisdom tooth skit in episode 14, The Boys of the Black Rose?
Pull it.
6/ In the first part of episode 30, The Barefoot Girl, what is exactly is this 'rare' skill for a guy that Akio have?
Bake a cake.
HAY FUCK YOU! I didn't see you'd answered. Now that I think of it, that answer sounds better for number 1, I dunno...I suck at the first arc.
Last edited by Giovanna (04-02-2007 12:48:02 AM)
Lol, 'sokay Gio. I know that's what she got in the manga, and I'm reasonably certain it was what she got in the anime too...
angelicreation wrote:
I have this feeling this is going to turn into a "Stump Giovanna and Yasha" thread.
In fact, I'll give a cookie to anyone that can stump them. Or at least post something they seriously need to go rewatch to find out.
As for myself, I've only watched Black Rose and beyond once, so I suck at this trivia.
AHAHAHAHAHA oh angel, you're gonna be giving out a lot of cookies. At least on my behalf. I'm really easy to stump with trivia. Much better at interpretation than actual rememberology.
Did I ever mention that I tried to go to the opera without my car keys once? Yeah. And then there was the time I actually drove part way to work without remembering my glasses... which I'm legally required to wear to drive. Not to mention that at least every other day I tear up the house looking for something that I put down a few moments ago and can't remember what I did with it...
As for the trivia, the only question left is one I don't know. Give Tamago a cookie, angel.
Tamago wrote:
Here are some trivia questions.
1/ In episode 4 The Sunlit Garden - Prelude, what score did Utena get on her maths test?
38, for pass you must get a 40. At least in the manga D:
3/ What does Miki mistakenly call Chu-Chu?
Chuu-Chuu 8D!
5/ What was featured on the tables in the Duelling Arena during the battle with Wakaba?
A gold leaf hairclip.... i think
I wrote:
Here are some trivia questions.
1/ In episode 4 The Sunlit Garden - Prelude, what score did Utena get on her maths test?
2/ One of the titles Saionji had, was the Vice-President of the Student Council, what became his 'unofficial title' after he was expelled?
The Clown of the Student Council
3/ What does Miki mistakenly call Chu-Chu?
4/ What does Utena advice the Shadow girl to do when she was doing the wisdom tooth skit in episode 14, The Boys of the Black Rose?
Pull it out
5/ What was featured on the tables in the Duelling Arena during the battle with Wakaba?
The leaf hairpin that Saionji carved for her in all the different Duellist colours
6/ In the first part of episode 30, The Barefoot Girl, what is exactly is this 'rare' skill for a guy that Akio have?
Baking a cake
7/ Where is the sister school to Ohtori Academy located?
Tamago wrote:
Question about Saionji
Just a question: what's the point of marking spoilers? 99% of everything that's posted on Empty Movement and the forums are unmarked. I don't really see a point in it.
Also, nice thread. You all beat me to those. At least the ones I actually knew.
Noo, it's "Chuu Chuu", it sounds "Choo choo" bus in japanese, "oo" it's "uu" 8D
Maarika wrote:
Just a question: what's the point of marking spoilers?
99% of everything that's posted on Empty Movement and the forums are unmarked. I don't really see a point in it.
Also, nice thread. You all beat me to those. At least the ones I actually knew.
I don't think it's so much about marking spoilers, but marking the answers to the trivia questions so people who want to can guess on their own.
satyreyes wrote:
Ding, ding, ding, ding, and ding. If you knew these off the top of your head, there must be tons of great trivia in there. Share!
So far, I've gotten every question right, but I can't think of any good trivia questions.
Epi_lepsia wrote:
Noo, it's "Chuu Chuu", it sounds "Choo choo" bus in japanese, "oo" it's "uu" 8D
I hate the difference between, "u," and, "uu." Then again, this from the person who complains about how in the dub they pronounce Ruka's name as, "Suchiya," instead of, "Tsuchiya." As though there's a big difference. >.>