This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Those are really good points, both of you. I'd never really verbalized my feelings about those two, but you put them perfectly.
My pet peeve is that everyone shits on Touga in fanfic. The ones who hate him shit on him by making him go bald, or making him an ineffectual middle management type of guy, or basically neutering him. The ones who do like him shit on him by making him into a guy who's really chivalrious and wonderful and sexy and everything you could possibly ever want in a guy... or by making him an Angsty Yaoi Guy who tortures someone, mainly Saionji, because it's fun.
Not to say he wouldn't do that... but that's not all there is to him! He's not just a sexbot or a Prince Charming, and he's not a punching bag either! He's a complex character, guys!
Atropos wrote:
I have a very specific peeve, which is post-series Utena living on her own immediately after leaving Ohtori. I've seen this in a few fics, and it makes no sense. Judging from the attendance at her parents' funeral, she must have had quite a few relatives, even without an Aunt Yurika figure. It's not like the Swords of Hatred aged her four years and made her completely independent. This is a fourteen year old girl; one who's gone through more shit than anyone else at that age, but a child nonetheless.
This is just a headcanon, but I think after the final duel Utena would be too lost and broken to even find her family.
What does bother me though, is when people show her doing just fine living a normal-ish life on her own. It's not normal, or even legal for a fourteen year old to live alone. Nobody will hire a fourteen year old dropout full time, and she'd never be able to sign a lease for herself. If she's on her own, she's struggling immensely, both emotionally and just the day to day survival. I can suspend my disbelief somewhat, but having her live alone and acting like everything is fine and she's just living life doesn't make sense.
BlackBeforeRed wrote:
This is just a headcanon, but I think after the final duel Utena would be too lost and broken to even find her family.
What does bother me though, is when people show her doing just fine living a normal-ish life on her own. It's not normal, or even legal for a fourteen year old to live alone. Nobody will hire a fourteen year old dropout full time, and she'd never be able to sign a lease for herself. If she's on her own, she's struggling immensely, both emotionally and just the day to day survival. I can suspend my disbelief somewhat, but having her live alone and acting like everything is fine and she's just living life doesn't make sense.
Great post. Can't say it any better myself.
I love fanfics. They keep a series lasting longer in the back of my mind after I finish all the canon goodness. However, I do have a few pet peeves.
- I really dislike seeing Nanami portrayed as an airhead with little to no depth at all in her character. Her second duel with Utena was so very groundbreaking. I get that her episodes and mannerisms can be taken in a silly aspect. But geez, this is Utena we're talking about! They forget any messages or character growth Nanami was suppose to have in the anime.
- Shiori being the dreaded whore of Ohtori. You guys got that one though.
- Utena not showing any signs of change from the final duel / leaving Ohtori event. Especially when with Anthy, though that part I guess steers a little towards headcanon.
Last edited by Arreat (08-16-2013 01:13:37 AM)
....I don't like post-series Utena dark fic. Its just the show has such a beautiful positive message and being like LOL NOPE is just grrrrrrr. *buzzes angrily*
Also mischaracterization also makes me buzz with anger.
I'm getting pretty tired of all the otherwise excellent post-series fics that have Touga acting like a horny 12-year-old. Come on, it's like the last season never even happened! I get the concept of plot-convenient regression, hell, I'm pretty sure I've dappled in it myself, but could you at least give him legitimate issues? Or at the very least, new ones?
That said, I think I kind of like to play chicken with other people's fanfic peeves. Sometimes I crash and burn. Sometimes I end up writing emotional tangles that I don't know how to solve.
Wait, I mean:
I think people find it often very challenging to relate to Touga on a fundamental enough level to see what issues would evolve from the man we're left with at the show's end. Especially since yes, he probably would still be womanizing.
My pet peeve is when people who write post series fic feel obligated to smash everyone into the story, even characters that have no place in the story they're telling and are clearly not the ones the author cares about.
That goes for you, too, Ikuhara.
Kita-Ysabell wrote:
I'm getting pretty tired of all the otherwise excellent post-series fics that have Touga acting like a horny 12-year-old. Come on, it's like the last season never even happened! I get the concept of plot-convenient regression, hell, I'm pretty sure I've dappled in it myself, but could you at least give him legitimate issues? Or at the very least, new ones?
This. I know I sort of ranted about it already on the previous page, but it does annoy me when ficcers completely erase Touga's character development -- and he did get development! -- so they can more easily write him as a convenient villain. He never exactly became Prince Charming in the end, but that's still no excuse; hell, ep 35 even implied that he was starting to lose interest in being a playboy! (Though Gio is right, he would still be a womaniser for a good while yet. Old habits die hard, and all that.)
Another of my peeves is when people keep sticking Juri on a sky-high pedestal, to the point where they erase all her flaws (if they even acknowledge them in the first place) in order to make her into this perfect tragic goddess who can do no wrong. I've seen someone put it this way in another thread, but it really is like a lot of writers would rather compliment her than actually pick apart her character. Also, the fact that deifying Juri nearly always goes hand-in-hand with Shiori-bashing. =/
MikoGalatea wrote:
Kita-Ysabell wrote:
I'm getting pretty tired of all the otherwise excellent post-series fics that have Touga acting like a horny 12-year-old. Come on, it's like the last season never even happened! I get the concept of plot-convenient regression, hell, I'm pretty sure I've dappled in it myself, but could you at least give him legitimate issues? Or at the very least, new ones?
This. I know I sort of ranted about it already on the previous page, but it does annoy me when ficcers completely erase Touga's character development -- and he did get development! -- so they can more easily write him as a convenient villain. He never exactly became Prince Charming in the end, but that's still no excuse; hell, ep 35 even implied that he was starting to lose interest in being a playboy! (Though Gio is right, he would still be a womaniser for a good while yet. Old habits die hard, and all that.)
Another of my peeves is when people keep sticking Juri on a sky-high pedestal, to the point where they erase all her flaws (if they even acknowledge them in the first place) in order to make her into this perfect tragic goddess who can do no wrong. I've seen someone put it this way in another thread, but it really is like a lot of writers would rather compliment her than actually pick apart her character. Also, the fact that deifying Juri nearly always goes hand-in-hand with Shiori-bashing. =/
All of this. ALL OF IT.
MikoGalatea wrote:
This. I know I sort of ranted about it already on the previous page, but it does annoy me when ficcers completely erase Touga's character development -- and he did get development! -- so they can more easily write him as a convenient villain. He never exactly became Prince Charming in the end, but that's still no excuse; hell, ep 35 even implied that he was starting to lose interest in being a playboy! (Though Gio is right, he would still be a womaniser for a good while yet. Old habits die hard, and all that.)
Another of my peeves is when people keep sticking Juri on a sky-high pedestal, to the point where they erase all her flaws (if they even acknowledge them in the first place) in order to make her into this perfect tragic goddess who can do no wrong. I've seen someone put it this way in another thread, but it really is like a lot of writers would rather compliment her than actually pick apart her character. Also, the fact that deifying Juri nearly always goes hand-in-hand with Shiori-bashing. =/
Miko, I think this has to do with how some writers write SKU fics more for the sake of broadcasting female-empowering + male-belittling messages, and less out of appreciation of the canon story. By having dweeb Touga or saint Juri or the both of them featured in a fic, the story will be one with slimy male character(s) contrasted dramatically against awesome female character(s) - a set up that makes it easy for these writers to get their own personal agendas across.
Shutin, that was very well put. I've often felt that way myself. I really, really don't like it when a story is pushing an agenda, and it's even worse if it's my favorite character that's getting shit on because of it.
Back in the late 90s when the fandom was young, the majority of SKU fanfics – be they Jacquemart-great or not-so-good – were mostly stories that made attempts to appear canon-based. As the fandom ages, however, canon-disregarding agenda fics start eclipsing series-based fics by overwhelming numbers and popularity. Today, they make up the vast majority of new SKU fanworks, with most getting good numbers of reviews from fellow fans (usually the newer ones) sharing in the same agenda. Oh well
Ugh, I know! Back then, there wasn't so much of an attempt to make the show fit into a message the author wanted to send-- the authors took the canon and tried to extrapolate from it without worrying about sending a message.
I dunno, I don't want to be all 'you kids today' about it, but we really did get more character- and story-oriented fics way back when. I don't even look anymore, for the most part...
Ah yes, those were the good old days. It's been ages since I've tried to look for a Utena fic too.
Last edited by HonorableShadow (09-10-2013 06:23:53 AM)
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Miko, I think this has to do with how some writers write SKU fics more for the sake of broadcasting female-empowering + male-belittling messages, and less out of appreciation of the canon story. By having dweeb Touga or saint Juri or the both of them featured in a fic, the story will be one with slimy male character(s) contrasted dramatically against awesome female character(s) - a set up that makes it easy for these writers to get their own personal agendas across.
I've already seen people accuse the show itself of misandry. I don't agree with that though. While it's true that the show is focused most on the female characters and their empowerment (being a shoujo), I still think the male characters can be interesting in their own right, and it's sad when fics make everything so black and white. Don't they realize it's less interesting that way?
Lurv wrote:'s sad when fics make everything so black and white.
Don't they realize it's less interesting that way?
Same thing with analysis and interpretation of the show itself. Don't people realize that when you make it black and white, you're doing a disservice to the characters by reducing their complexity?
But sometimes people can't do the shades of grey. And you know, that's okay too, as long as they make allowances for the fact that other people have other interpretations. In fanfic, this would probably be translated into making sure that all of the characters are as in-character as possible instead of using them as caricatures.
Lurv wrote:
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Miko, I think this has to do with how some writers write SKU fics more for the sake of broadcasting female-empowering + male-belittling messages, and less out of appreciation of the canon story. By having dweeb Touga or saint Juri or the both of them featured in a fic, the story will be one with slimy male character(s) contrasted dramatically against awesome female character(s) - a set up that makes it easy for these writers to get their own personal agendas across.
I've already seen people accuse the show itself of misandry. I don't agree with that though. While it's true that the show is focused most on the female characters and their empowerment (being a shoujo), I still think the male characters can be interesting in their own right, and it's sad when fics make everything so black and white.
Don't they realize it's less interesting that way?
Is "accuse" the right word for it? If you're talking about the same fandom circles I'm thinking of, then I could've sworn most of those types were actually celebrating SKU's supposed misandry. Either way, I disagree with it, too; just because the blokes are much bigger douchebags on the whole doesn't mean they aren't still three-dimensional characters, and I don't like it when they're flattened into being cardboard monsters just to serve as fuel for fannish propaganda. Besides, feminism =/= misandry.
Hell, I'd even argue that some people are doing the show's feminist themes (and even overall quality!) a disservice by making out that the male characters only exist to be strawmen.
Yasha wrote:
Same thing with analysis and interpretation of the show itself. Don't people realize that when you make it black and white, you're doing a disservice to the characters by reducing their complexity?
Absolutely! I like SKU's many grey areas, thank you very much, fandom!
moo92 wrote:
....I don't like post-series Utena dark fic. Its just the show has such a beautiful positive message and being like LOL NOPE is just grrrrrrr. *buzzes angrily*
Also, would it be alright to just refer to Kanae's hair as being blonde with a green(ish) tint?
Last edited by RhythmFusion (10-05-2013 12:45:18 PM)
Well-written fics with much potential going dead after like two chapters (usually due to low review #s)
Yeah, that's really frustrating, but it also makes it all the more satisfying when you finally get sent a new chapter alert for a long forgotten fanfic.
Frau Eva You know, I think I agree that they might do better in Vegas. I mean, Vegas is basically all illusion and fantasy with no substance. Akio would own the most outrageous casino on the strip: Dios's Castle, where all the workers dress up as princes and princesses and take your money.
I suggested Vegas for one our rose-cons!
Someone needs to write this!
LIke many others, I don't like characters bashing and in fact so far I didn't really read a lot of Utena fanfiction because in two stories that were recommended to me as really good had Shiori as a total bitch (Shiori is my favorite character btw). I also remember an AU fanfic that took place in a medieval world where well Kanae was an evil witch who work for Akio and Saonji is a knight and he is a real jerk who molest a servant (Wakaba). Seriously, WTF.
I also don't like when some characters are described without flaws and that include the characters I like. One things I like in Utena is how the characters have all flaws that make them complex.
I like Juri/Shiori but not when they get too easily together. I even remember one story like this where the author said how much she likes Juri and wanted make her happy by gives her Shiori and by her comment on Shiori she doesn't seems having a good opinion of her. I don't really like when an author like one character, said character like another character the author doesn't really like but pairing the two together just to make the character the author is a fan happy. Often the second character (in this case Shiori) just look like a trophy without right to have own feeling(at least in my eye).
Gaston wrote:
I like Juri/Shiori but not when they get too easily together. I even remember one story like this where the author said how much she likes Juri and wanted make her happy by gives her Shiori and by her comment on Shiori she doesn't seems having a good opinion of her. I don't really like when an author like one character, said character like another character the author doesn't really like but pairing the two together just to make the character the author is a fan happy. Often the second character (in this case Shiori) just look like a trophy without right to have own feeling(at least in my eye).
Tell me about it! I love Shiori and I love the Juri/Shiori pairing, but I really don't like how a lot of fanwork portrays them. From what I've seen (which is admittedly not that much on the fic front, though I've seen enough fanart of the ship to have noticed my own picky standards for it) many fanfics either make it all about Juri while painting Shiori as an irredeemable superbitch who literally does nothing but make poor widdle Juri-sama miserable, or act like Shiori is some prize vagina that Juri inherently deserves to have handed to her without having to make any real effort on her own part. Actually, I think I've only seen a couple of fics that really accounted for Shiori's point of view at all; the rest really flatten the relationship and take out so much of what I love about it in canon.
MikoGalatea wrote:
Actually, I think I've only seen a couple of fics that really accounted for Shiori's point of view at all; the rest really flatten the relationship and take out so much of what I love about it in canon.
What you said make me thinking and I realized my two favorites Juri/Shiori stories are tell entirely from Shiori's point of view and that probably not a coincidence.
Gaston wrote:
What you said make me thinking and I realized my two favorites Juri/Shiori stories are tell entirely from Shiori's point of view and that probably not a coincidence.
Dear Gaston, could this be a reason why you 'Favorite-ed' a certain lengthy, obscure UtenaXPenguindrum fic over at FFML? Because the story opens with a Shiori POV scene? Either way, its author thirst for feedback in all forms, and is thankful for your kind encouragement