This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Ahh, modern television. A sea of crap studded with the occasional shining gem. Sometimes you have to be patient and get through the crust of crap on some of those gems, but they're there.
Things I consider worth sitting through commercials for:
- CSI (Vegas). Sure it's full of Bullshit-o-Vision, but dammit, I'm a sucker for science and crime drama. And I am absolutely, positively in love with Gil Grissom. I may not have a sex drive, but damn if he doesn't make me sigh every time. And he's an Aspie like me!
- Battlestar Galactica. The first time I heard the words "Sci-Fi Channel remake of Battlestar Galactica", I recoiled in horror. I mean, seriously...70s BSG was a total crapfest, and Sci-Fi Channel isn't exactly known for its quality original programming. Imagine my goggle-eyed surprise. This show is so good it's bizarre. Seriously. If you haven't seen it, it's worth the 10 bucks a month for Netflix to grab the DVDs.
- Boston Legal. William Shatner. James Spader. Candace Bergen.
- Dr. Who. Need I say more? David Tennant is so much fun as Doc 10. Though I did kinda like Christopher Eccleston's new-and-improved badass Doc 9...too bad Eccleston turned out to be such a jerk and ditched.
- Mythbusters. This show makes me nerdgasm. And they're Bay Area natives! Once they bought a heavy industrial ceiling fan at the shop RIGHT NEXT TO my old apartment!!
What do you guys watch?
- Leah
ExpositionFairy wrote:
- Mythbusters. This show makes me nerdgasm. And they're Bay Area natives! Once they bought a heavy industrial ceiling fan at the shop RIGHT NEXT TO my old apartment!!
That is one of the best things on TV period, right now. It's also about the only science show left on The Discovery Channel. Can't miss it!
As for other shows currently in production, there aren't very many (I'm not a big TV fan), but I do watch:
The 4400 - The first two seasons were pretty good, the third was hit-or-miss, and the upcoming fourth will determine if the proverbial shark has been jumped or not - it came dangerously close to doing that last season, I thought. Slightly reminiscient of my dearly departed X-Files, it was the only show I set aside time to watch the last couple of years.
My overall favorite show of the last few years, though, was cruelly axed by Fox after only four episodes! I was ecstatic when it was released as a DVD set complete with the nine episodes that had never aired. This show was Wonderfalls. It was quirky, fun, and had clever humor.
I'll also watch documentaries on The History Channel, A&E, or any of those channels when I catch one that interests me.
That's about it though. My tv is mainly used for watching DVDs, playing video games, and watching the news.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (12-01-2006 08:15:25 AM)
Oooo, Mythbusters. I think we can all agree to that.
And, of course, Daily Show and Colbert Report. I want to have both of those men's babies.
Is anyone else watching Heroes? I really like the comic book style in the paintings and the font. The show brings up a lot of issues of difficult choices people may have to make if this were to happen. Although I really don't like that, "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" crap. Compared to all the other people who've died, why should her death matter so much more? Oh, right, because she's a pretty, popular blond white girl.
Last edited by Frau Eva (12-01-2006 08:54:04 AM)
ExpositionFairy wrote:
- Boston Legal. Akio. Touga. Much Smarter Utena.
I absolutely love Boston Legal. Also seconding the babies for TDS and TCR.
Grrr... I don't really watch much tv anymore. I always try to make time for Mythbusters, because I have such a crush on everyone on that show. Even Tory, and cocky pretty boys like him drive me crazy. I prefer cocky men
Uhm....Alton Brown is , as is Tony Bourdain. Oooh, he's such an arrogant bastard. It's so fuckable. Wow, I'm kinda getting into IFD territory....
Fox cancels great things, such as Firefly, which I adore beyond comprehension. Much more then I ever liked Buffy. Didn't they cancel Arrested Development, too? The bf and I loved that show. He took our box sets when he moved, grrr...
I've been watching Ugly Betty at work (they generally frown on streaming media, but give us unlimited access to ABC. Cool!), and I have to say, I totally hated on the show the first time I heard about it, but now I'm a believer. America Ferrera is adorable, and the guy that plays Marc keeps me laughing. Very talented, that one.
Invader Zim, which, like AD, has since been relocated to Seattle. Grrrx2 (the jackass set The Doom Song as my ringtone, because he seems to think I'm a lot like GIR).
Dead like Me because Mandy Potemkin and Callum Blue are also love.
When it was on, I followed Babylon 5 religiously.
The Fairly OddParents. I fucking love this show, and nothing anyone can say or do would change my mind (On the same thought process, I really wish they'd get Rocko's Modern Life, and The Angry Beavers out onto DVD.
Project Runway, because I watched it from the very first episode, and I'll watch it until they end it (even though it's already started to suck a bit).
I've really wanted to watch Heroes, but I never seem to be home when it's on. That really pisses me off, 'cause it was the one show I was really looking forward to this year. Oh well -I know plenty of people planning on buying the box set, so I'll borrow it from one of them sooner or later.
Last edited by morosemocha (12-01-2006 09:20:41 AM)
Prison Break I hate spanish dubs, but oh well, he's still hot, and i end up without nails after each episode. Can't wait for the next season, i hope there's one xD
CSI las vegas D: I've heard that Grissom is going out of the show, that's not possible >_> right?!! When we are so bored, in class, we play CSI ô_o i'm always Warrick >_> 8D (Y) our chinesse classmates are always the corpses, but they don't understand what's going on
Last edited by Epi_lepsia (02-11-2007 11:25:18 AM)
Venture Brothers
Sometimes Mythbusters
I just realised how little television I watch o.o And I'm not even an anti-teevee person.
I like the history channel pretty good too.
Goodness, I seem to have forgotten a few! Thank you all for reminding me about House, The Daily Show, and
The Colbert Report.
[ExpositionFairy wrote:
- Boston Legal. Akio. Touga. Much Smarter Utena.
Hahaha. Now that I think about it...
ExpositionFairy wrote:
Hahaha. Now that I think about it...
IT FITS. It does! Believe me, it fits in the face of everything I value because wow Akio = William Shatner breaks my heart.
But come on. Akio and Touga sitting on a balcony verbally waving their cocks about while they smoke cigars and drink? Seriously. Touga running all around the office having sex with anything that moves (but secretly he wants something more )? Akio uh...having sex with midgets.
They were starting an incest thing there, I dunno the status of it since I've missed the last couple shows. But still...he has Alzheimer's! It's an interesting connection to draw given Akio's so fond of raping everyone else's memory.
The wrestling over Shirley (I would totally, TOTALLY have sex with her.)
morosemocha wrote:
Uhm....Alton Brown is
, as is Tony Bourdain. Oooh, he's such an arrogant bastard. It's so fuckable. Wow, I'm kinda getting into IFD territory....
Gushing (literally ) over the awesomeness that is Tony Bourdain is perfectly fine in any forum I moderate. I honestly adore that man.
Last edited by Giovanna (12-01-2006 12:21:01 PM)
We just got the second season DVDs. I have to stop fangirling over Alan Shore. Seriously.
Hmm, I don't watch a hell of a lot of TV, but I ALWAYS watch NCIS. I'm not crazy about crime shows, usually, but the cast is just terrific in that.
I also watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. I will admit to a fan-crush on Colbert. ;
Mm, I still will watch whatever is on Nickelodeon. I love that channel Well, ok, correction - I'll watch the cartoons on it, the live-action shows make me realize how far out of the target age group I've gotten - their main characters always just seem so whiny and bratty nowadays (ok, ok... I do watch Ned's Declassified, but that's all for live-action Nick crap!).
I used to watch Teen Titans until they cancelled it!
And when Psych comes back on I'll be watching that every Friday at 10
Last edited by A Day Without Me (12-01-2006 01:00:06 PM)
BOSTON LEGAL. My favorite show. I never saw SKU parallels before, but yes, it fits so well. I love Shirley (and agree w/Gio's comments on her.) And Lincoln is very interesting to me. I'd love to pick his psyche apart. And I love his lines. He talks as though he lives in the Victorian era, I think. If not, he certianly talks very strangely. And William Shatner...
And like the others, I love The Daily Show and Colbert Report. I loved Lewis Black's reports on what's wrong with America that were on the Daily Show. I love Lewis Black. I heard some time ago that he's going to have his own show on Comedy Central sometime soon. I think it was called the "Red State Diaries" or something similar. I'm really excited for it to air.
Um yeah, and I forgot to mention that I used to be a huge Buffy fan when it was on. That was the show I grew up on. I liked Angel somewhat, but not as much. And I was diasppointed with its series ending, and how my favorite character, Fred, got her body taken over by a demon thing.
Last edited by belladonna (12-01-2006 02:00:30 PM)
My "quality journalism" trifecta:
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report
Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann
That's about all I can watch news-wise these days. I need my news with a dash of the silly, satirical and biting, or else I will give in to despair that much quicker. And it doesn't hurt that all the hosts are very easy on the eyes. What can I say? I like older men.
Other distractions:
Doctor Who
Mmm, David Tennant... I still haven't warmed up to Billie Piper, though (*spoiler* and won't really have to, come next season */spoiler*).
What little I've seen of it, anyway. Mom's a nurse, so she can provide running translation if the med-babble gets to be too much. Snark = sexy.
Law and Order: SVU
Watching Stabler slowly go nuts was fun for a while. And if my dad were still alive, I can imagine him being a lot like Richard Belzer.
Good Eats
I was a raging Alton Brown fangirl for about a year, and even got to meet him, but I haven't been watching lately. Tony Bourdain is also a welcome presence in my TV box, but I don't think my cable carries the channel his show is on.
Yay Netflix.
Mystery Science Theater 3000
The inspiration for that fun Utena fanfic series and a damn funny show in its own right.
(Coincidentally, also the name of the Mesh song I'm listening to right now.) Why did you have to cancel this, Fox?!
The Office
I'm not playing the US vs. UK game on this one, but I will say I'm more familiar with the US version and that I'm biased toward Steve Carell because I'm a Daily Show fangirl.
Last edited by mercurynin (12-01-2006 03:18:10 PM)
Ahah, I was the same way with Xena. One of my more treasured memories is watching it over the phone with my best friend in millitary academy.
Mmm, David Tennant... I still haven't warmed up to Billie Piper, though (*spoiler* and won't really have to, come next season (*/spoiler*).
UGH. Rose is SUCH a fucking Mary Sue. You have no idea how glad I am they (spoiler) ditched her on some godforsaken planet (/spoiler).
I loved the first season of Desparate Housewives. It was funny and sarcastic and full of eye candy. Then the writing went to hell in the second season and it never really recovered.
P.S. I love you.
P.P.S. - I just set that as my background on my laptop.
P.P.P.S. - You should send that in to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.
Last edited by A Day Without Me (12-02-2006 02:10:09 AM)
I just watched Death to Smoochy the other night. Even with the dorkiest haircut known to man, Jon Stewert is freaking adorable. Gio, you win at life. Again. That's like what, five billion now?
It took me FOREVER to realize who those were. I stared and stared and stared until the glasses clued me in. I had no idea Stewart was so much shorter than Colbert.
.......does that make him uke? ::runs::
I myself have a disturbing weakness for British sitcoms for some twisted monkey reason.
Some of my most favourite shows are:
The Brittas Empire
I just love this nutty show about a man who wants to bring on World Peace through the use of leisure centres, but when the guy (played by Chris Barrie, the guy who played Rimmer in Red Dwarf) is an annoying, anal-retentive twerp named Gordon Brittas, peace is the last thing that ever happens.
The guy has this supernatural ability to rub people the wrong way and somehow callamity follows from poison gas leaks to mafia hits and even attacks from Roman Legions. The supporting cast is pretty weird as well. All in all, One hell of a show.
Blackadder 2, 3 and 4
Edmund Blackadder, Percy and of cause the cunning Baldrick. We all know what this show is about and that the first Blackadder was a f-ing twat but the shows afterwards kick bootay.
Drop the Dead Donkey
Even if it was dated (it featured 90s news events which I can hardly remember too well as I was pretty young at the time) this show cracked me up regularly when they show it on SBS.
Tamago wrote:
Blackadder 2, 3 and 4
Edmund Blackadder, Percy and of cause the cunningBaldrick. We all know what this show is about and that the first Blackadder was a f-ing twat but the shows afterwards kick bootay.
The first series is surely the worst, but I still like it!
Black Books is a great show, too.
Last edited by Ragnarok (12-02-2006 10:29:14 AM)
Tamago wrote:
[b]The Brittas Empire
I just love this nutty show about a man who wants to bring on World Peace through the use of leisure centres, but when the guy (played by Chris Barrie, the guy who played Rimmer in Red Dwarf) is an annoying, anal-retentive twerp named Gordon Brittas, peace is the last thing that ever happens.
The guy has this supernatural ability to rub people the wrong way and somehow callamity follows from poison gas leaks to mafia hits and even attacks from Roman Legions. The supporting cast is pretty weird as well. All in all, One hell of a show.
I have been wanting to see this for ages! I quite like Britcoms myself, my favorites being either Are You Being Served? or Father Ted. I didn't list them, though, as I don't really watch them on TV, so I didn't think to. I'm pretty sure Father Ted is off the air here (BBC America), although AYBS? still runs on PBS.
Tamago wrote:
The Brittas Empire
I just love this nutty show about a man who wants to bring on World Peace through the use of leisure centres, but when the guy (played by Chris Barrie, the guy who played Rimmer in Red Dwarf) is an annoying, anal-retentive twerp named Gordon Brittas, peace is the last thing that ever happens.
The guy has this supernatural ability to rub people the wrong way and somehow callamity follows from poison gas leaks to mafia hits and even attacks from Roman Legions. The supporting cast is pretty weird as well. All in all, One hell of a show.
Chris Barrie is sex.
I'm hoping now Christmas is rolling round there'll be another feature length Poirot avec David Suchet (who is also sex.)
Man to Man with Dean Learner and Garth Marhengi's Darkplace were both amazing comedies, the former just having finished airing on TV last week. Funny as hell.
And I'm always loving Monk on a Saturday. I just wish it was physically.
Sanguine_Rose wrote:
There'll be another feature length of Poirot with David Suchet (who is also sex.)
Thats another guilty secret I have, I like those period piece murder mysteries and what few short stories I have read starring Poirot, David Suchet fits the character way more than Sir Peter Ustinov ever did. (No offense to any Ustinov fans)