This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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Hi guys! Miss me? Probably not, since my old old thread isn't getting any more love.
Anyhow, I come bearing goodies to gloat about and sell.
First, I'll gloat, because everyone loves a gloater. XD;
These little darlings just arrived at my mailbox today. I won them on eBay. I'm sure at least a few of you saw them up there... And I apologize now if I stomped on you in order to get Utena (but you still won Anthy, so don't hate me too much ;_; ) I had no competition what-so-ever for Juri (does that seem odd to you?), so I won her for $10.00.
Next, I also won a FULL BOX of unopened Carddass card packs (15 packs in one box), and after I went through them all, sadly I still don't have a full set, but I've got tons of doubles (and some triples/quadruples) to sell (i.e. get rid of!) I'd also trade with other collectors (if you have any of your doubles still/left), for these ones: 25, 39, 46, 52, 64, 78, 80, 83, 101, 115, 118, 122, 124, 129, 135, Special3 and Special4. I also need #'s 1, 4, 5, 26 & 35 of the PP cards. Then both sets will be complete.
For sale/trade:
There's a generic card list that came in each pack, but there's also an "official" card list spread out among 5 cards (I think 5, I'm missing at least 1). I'll include one of these for free with each purchase, unless you specifically tell me not to worry about it. =3
These are the only two PP cards I have doubles of:
I'm open to offers for the cards, I have no set price. Same goes for trades. It's up to you to make the offer and set your own standards.
Lastly, I still have a bunch of rings available for customizing. They're selling at a steady pace, so before you know it they'll be gone! Cosplay season is coming to a slow "coast" now that Autumn is aproaching, but I can still get one ready and sent out to you before next year's "acceleration"! If you plan on cosplaying an Utena character that needs a ring (and honestly, which one doesn't?), you can count on the quality and durability of my sterling silver rings! You can buy them now on eBay, or if you can't use eBay just PM me and we can set something up right here! Feel free to check out my feedback at two reliable locations, including eBay and LiveJournal. (If you check LJ, browse my shop, too!
Image and Listing: … amp;ih=017
Feedback pages: … TRK:ME:UFS
So I take it you're not selling the plushies, hm?
They look adorable though, you were lucky to get them!
Maarika wrote:
So I take it you're not selling the plushies, hm?
They look adorable though, you were lucky to get them!
Yeeaa~ Nope. ; I just won them on eBay. I certainly don't plan on selling them any time soon.
Thanks! Now I just need Anthy, Touga, and Miki.
I aaaaaalmost bid on the Juri doll.
Then I remembered no one I know likes Juri.
I got allegoriest (and myself~) one of the PP card envelopes last christmas, and neither of us got doubles in our own individual packages of them.
We do collectively own the promo game poster with the boobie squishing picture, and the corner reads THIS IS AWESOME. (seriously.)
While I kinda want cards, I really would kinda like a general price. ;
...had I not so many other interests, I'd surely have more Utena things, but alas~
Red Angel wrote:
I aaaaaalmost bid on the Juri doll.
Then I remembered no one I know likes Juri.
I got allegoriest (and myself~) one of the PP card envelopes last christmas, and neither of us got doubles in our own individual packages of them.
We do collectively own the promo game poster with the boobie squishing picture, and the corner reads THIS IS AWESOME. (seriously.)
While I kinda want cards, I really would kinda like a general price.;
...had I not so many other interests, I'd surely have more Utena things, but alas~
I didn't get doubles from my PP pack either. I bought a handful of cards from an LJ seller, and she accidently sent me the two cards I already had (even though she said she was going to keep them ). The ones I have a ton of are from the Carddass box I bought, which had 15 un-opened foil packs in it. While I got a lot of the cards I didn't yet have, I think maybe a third of the whole box was a double/triple/quadruple by the time they were all opened.
How do you "collectively own" a promo poster? Do you each have one that you got at the same time, or do you like, have it on one wall for a week, then pass it on to the other person's wall for a week, and then send it back ect ect?
Anyhow, I have a journal listing price of $.50 each, but I'm also willing to discount the total if you buy a bunch of them. Let's say... $.50 each, 10 for $4.00, 20 for $8.00, ect... And then there's the big one, one of each card (61 cards total) for $22.00 ($8 off the per card price of $30.50).
i forgot about the duelist rings... be prepared. im gonna need like
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
i forgot about the duelist rings... be prepared. im gonna need like
LULZ. Don't worry, the more the better. $5 off each ring for group orders of 5 or more.
really, shit thats awesome!!
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
really, shit thats awesome!!
Just PM me when you're ready to work out the details.
Argh, if I didn't owe people $80, I would total pounce on the cards. I haven't even pulled out my list yet and I already see cards I'm missing. (And I have no doubles, at least not of Utena.)
I also am going to need a ring by the end of the year, I think. I have to get farther along in my costume first.
Wolfio wrote:
Argh, if I didn't owe people $80, I would total pounce on the cards. I haven't even pulled out my list yet and I already see cards I'm missing. (And I have no doubles, at least not of Utena.)
I also am going to need a ring by the end of the year, I think. I have to get farther along in my costume first.
Heh, I know the feeling... >_>;
Anyways, no one else seems to be interested in them, so if you PM me the list of ones you're missing, I can set them aside for you till whenever. Maybe you can get them and the ring at the same time. Just LMK.
Those rings are eaisly the best thing I've ever seen!
How do you know how big your fingers are anyway? The cosplaying people probble want em more... (._.)
Kashira wrote:
Those rings are eaisly the best thing I've ever seen!
How do you know how big your fingers are anyway? The cosplaying people probble want em more... (._.)
Thanks hun!
Hmm, I have a handful of links that can help you with that. Probably the easiest one, if you already have a ring that fits your ring finger (or the finger you plan on wearing it on), you can use the chart here:
Just put the ring up against the screen to see what size it is. If you don't have a ring that fits, then you can print out the ring sizer that's just below the chart. It has instructions along with it.
If you don't trust your printer to print it properly (or yourself
) you can go to a jeweler to get sized, or try rings on at an accessory shop like Claire's or WalMart. =3
TenjouUsagi wrote:
How do you "collectively own" a promo poster? Do you each have one that you got at the same time, or do you like, have it on one wall for a week, then pass it on to the other person's wall for a week, and then send it back ect ect?
Well, we collectively own the wall too.
and I'll have to wait on the card thing.
The person I was going to get them for might be buying some themselves elsewhere I learnt.
Red Angel wrote:
TenjouUsagi wrote:
How do you "collectively own" a promo poster? Do you each have one that you got at the same time, or do you like, have it on one wall for a week, then pass it on to the other person's wall for a week, and then send it back ect ect?
Well, we collectively own the wall too.
and I'll have to wait on the card thing.
The person I was going to get them for might be buying some themselves elsewhere I learnt.
Ahhh, I see.
That's alright. If they need any of the ones I have left to fill in any blank spots just let me know. I actually sold one of each card already, but I still have some left. I'll be taking new pictures soon. =3
EDIT: And if they turn up any doubles of ones I'm missing I'd gladly trade with them (or just buy from them).
Last edited by TenjouUsagi (09-03-2007 05:57:04 AM)
Pages: 1