This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I'd volunteer to be Saionji or "Tooga," but you do such a good job of being them...
"Tooga" (who will return to being "Touga" whenever it was that CPM dubbed it appropriate) should have a real man's voice for the sake of all that is holy.
The only characters I'm very adamant about keeping are Utena and Anthy. Utena is just a forced version of my own voice and easy to do. Anthy is my homegirl.
Saionji, Wakaba, and Nanami I might maintain for S&G; they're ridiculously appropriate.
Other than that, I'd love it if all of you could find people you're appropriate for. All y'all who have microphones and recording software, which is kind of necessary for this sort of thing, should mess around with your voices and listen to what or who you can pull off well.
Are you going to continue going through the order of the episodes, or are you going to skip some? I'm just wondering because someone could apply for a character that you're not even going to be using yet.
I do plan on going through the series in order, but nothing's going to be set in stone.
If someone wants a part now, then I'll gladly give it to them, and if by the time official recording rolls around they're no longer interested, then I'll just as gladly give the part to someone else or take it on myself. No one's getting paid for any of this; it's just a no pressure, for the love of Utena thing.
What is a voice recording software that you'd recommend? I think I have ACID somewhere... but that's not primarily a voice recording program, though I will be able to make .wav files with it.
Since Episodes 4 and 5 are next, does that mean Kozue and possibly Miki are kinda high-priority?
I'm going to get my faithful nerd friends to help me with the mic bit, since I have absolutely no technological aptiitude whatsoever. However, if it ends up falling through, I just have to add one tiny suggestion. This is exciting, really! I was laughing at Naji's brilliance way before I even came on here!
1. Every time Touga appears, have this sexy theme music playing. Hell, every time it shows his face, or it's even talking. Then reference how incredibly annoying it is.
Oh, and Tsuwabuki should have a British accent. Don't know why, but it fits him.
Jellineck wrote:
1. Every time Touga appears, have this sexy theme music playing. Hell, every time it shows his face, or it's even talking. Then reference how incredibly annoying it is.
Didn't something like that happen in the Yugioh Dub with... That one guy with the game that is exactly the same as the other one?
It might be more suiting if that music were to play for Akio instead. I remember joking a while ago about the Tetris theme playing whenever Juri entered a room. It's too bad that seeing Tetris pieces whenever I closed my eyes got so annoying that I had to stop playing.
Didn't something like that happen in the Yugioh Dub with... That one guy with the game that is exactly the same as the other one?
Goddammit, they always steal my ideas! I was thinknig of a story involving talking cars when I saw the advertisement for that damned Pixar spectacle came on! They've tapped my brain...I know it.
Yes, Akio would work very well, except he doesn't need to advertise the way Touga does. But maybe he should have a sexy theme song every time he appears, then Touga asks where his own theme song is. Then we get this pause and a loud, "Wah-wah-waaaaaaah."
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Since Episodes 4 and 5 are next, does that mean Kozue and possibly Miki are kinda high-priority?
Yes. Yes, they are. I think it would be hilarious if we could find a Miki that sounds like a 13 year old boy instead of a 40 year old woman or a pedophile high on crack. Imagine the comedy that would ensue if would could find a better cast than the original producers themselves.
That is my quest. Hi-ho, Silver!
ShatteredMirror wrote:
What is a voice recording software that you'd recommend? I think I have ACID somewhere... but that's not primarily a voice recording program, though I will be able to make .wav files with it.
I'm sorry to say that I have no expertise in the subject of recording software as I've simply been taking advantage of the free software that came with my lovely MacBook. Any program you could use to make to make any audio file that is clear and compact would do. Up to this point in time, file format has not been an issue for me so whether is WAV, MP3, WMA, or AIFF, I can use it.
Razara wrote:
Didn't something like that happen in the Yugioh Dub with... That one guy with the game that is exactly the same as the other one?
Duke Devlin, and yes. It was "Sexy Back," if I'm not mistaken.
If it weren't for the fact that iMovie completely dies when you put too many files on it, I'd totally go with that for idea for Akio. Alas, it cannot be so.
Why, Apple? Why must you torment me so?!
I'm a woman, but my voice can pass as male quite easily.
I'd love to help with this project if I can. I can manage a pretty good range of tones, excepting really high-voiced characters like Nanami and Wakaba.
I had fun screwing around with a microphone and voice recording program last night. It doesn't sound right, though. I ended up testing out different properties by quoting some of the strangest lines from SKU, such as what was on the video tape in the movie.
I'm probably going to wait until there's a need for Shiori's voice, since I don't sound enough like most of the other characters to be of any help.
Necro'd to start things off!
Here's the deal: I'm going to post a few fake lines for each character. You, the interested candidates, are going go email me with recordings of that line or whichever others you're interested in (in MP3 form or something similar), along with...
1. Your favorite SKU character/s and why.
3. Your favorite episode/s and why.
4. What sort of humor would be crossing the line with you.
5. What name you would like to be credited with.
The first two questions would be in the case of a tie. Say two people had great Juri and Kozue voices, but one preferred Juri and on preferred Kozue or something like that.
Please keep in mind:
This is only a preliminary audition. I am also going to send requests to the YouTube community and have no clue how the parts will be distributed.
While also something I hold dear, the Utena fandubs are mostly just a past time and pure silliness. Your best performance is wonderful, but what really matters is that you have fun doing it.
If you want a super big part, you are going to be mocking the last episode. Think about that.
None of these lines are confirmed as being part of the final dub. Concepts may change.* These are merely represntative of the sort of things they might say.
No pooftas.
If the audio file is too big for a regular attachment, you can use something like You Send It or RapidShare (just remember to send me the link with that one).
I found a tick! Now, onto the lines!
{You will note there are none for Utena. She's mine. }
Anthy: Are you fucking shitting me? Ugh. Passive aggression really loses its edge when no one gets what you're talking about.
Plot twists like these are a good way to make people think there's some deeper meaning to this show. Really, Ikuhara just wanted an excuse to see an underage, interracial lesbian couple make out naked and nipple-less on the remains of a race-car that's flying down the highway. The sword thing didn't hurt his boner much either.
[insert cry of pain here]
You know, Miss Utena, I've never understood why cyanide smells like almonds... Do you think it tastes like to too? I guess what I'm asking is how do you like your biscotti?
Akio: The first rule of the Duels is do not talk about the duels. The second rule of the Duels is DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE DUELS. Any rules between those and rule 34 is unimportant.
My snake is telling you to take a bite of my apple.
That is the star of Venus. Venus rhymes with the word penis. This is why I like to look at the stars so much. Look, those ones form a vagina.
{If you're really feeling impressive, sing a stanza from Maurice Chevalier's Thank Heaven for Little Girls, but that's not required. }
Touga: Baby, you make my software turn to hardware.
No, lesbians love me. I've got long illustrious locks and listen to Tori Amos. The huge, squishy, pre-lubed strap on is just an added bonus.
Utena, I've never felt this way about anyone before... Except this chick I found in a coffin once. She looked just like you, only she had no face.
{Again, feeling really special? Write up your own parody of the chick speech and perform it.}
Saionji: Bitch, you be trippin'! If that motherfucker be a leprechaun, then my name aint Saionji "Da Bomb" Ye-west. Aint no freckles on them cheeks.
Dyke stole my lucky charms.
Hey, Wakabootycall. I carved you this leaf outta wood.
{Do you do a decent Ladies' Man impression? Yes? Try out for Saionji.}
[chuckle] You must have the cutest little blue vagina.
Nanami, there comes a time in a girl's life when she starts getting bored with simple fingerplay. It's not enough to wiggle around with your digits anymore. You need something better. Something bigger. "A penis!" you'll think and gleefully chase after all the man-trim. But after a while, it won't be enough anymore. And when that day comes, you'll know what I've got in this bag.
Miki: Whenever I'm feeling lonely, I think about statistics. Did you know 1 in 50 people have OCD? That's 132044484 people! And maybe even as many as 4% are born with both sets of genitalia!
Could we not? Molestation always makes me nauseous.
Miss Himemiya! You're a hobag!
Nanami: Cats are like the number one threat to all girls. Sure, it might look like totally cute now, but trust me. You're gonna look away for one second and it'll be like fucking your boyfriend behind your back and calling you like all these awful names and stealing your shit and stuff. Like omigawd. Fucking cats!
Any GOOD seventh grader has her own secretary/underage gigollo! You girls are like SO behind on the times.
You are like so totally busted, Anthy Himemiya! You like to keep live animals in your sock drawer, which is where all girls keep their sex toys! You snake-stuffing furfag! HYO HO HO HO!!!
My life is over! The love I felt for my brother all these years wasn't incestuous! Why does God hate me?! WHY?! *sobs*
Shiori: You can't leave me! My fanbase is huge! I am the every-woman that all teenage girls relate to! GET BACK HERE, YOU BLUE HAIRED SON OF A BITCH, OF I'LL STAB YOU IN THE FORELOCK!!
Believe in the power of Christ and you will no longer have these sinful urges.
Remember, Juri: who would Jesus do? Someone of the same gender, say... Judas. Or would he go with the slutty groupie who worships his every word and ejaculation?
Penises are the only known cure for venereal disease. It's true. I heard it in a back alley once.
Fiancée, Beyonce! It's just a quickie in the back seat of his car! Besides, watching Juno made teen pregnancy look like so much fun! Fill me with your juices, older man I just met!
Why don't boys like me and my homoerotic tendencies, overwhelming clinginess, lack of tits, and obsessive personality? So what if I'm exactly like every other school girl, except with no talents? I deserve the best!
Kozue: There's only one post-pubescent cock I haven't had in my vagina at this school and I'm looking right at it.
If that cup's not full of sperm, you can shove it up your ass.
Music teaching is a part of the pedophiliac agenda. It should be purged from our schools and shoved down a stairway.
Mikage: I only started coming here when they offered a discount for card-carrying NAMBLA members. Then tuition was a steal.
You don't want anyone touching your precious mammaries. I mean, memories.
Oh, Mamiya... Looks like I didn't have the Jungle Fever after all.
Mitsuru: Miss Nanami, years ago I made a vow to myself: no fat chicks. I'm pretty sure a cow would fall under that category, but for you? I'd bone one.
If I can fight my way out of the NAMBLA dungeon wielding nothing but a big black dildo and a can of whipped cream, I can take a few middleschoolers no sweat.
Ruka: Juri, it'll all be alright. I promise. I'll get you a new locket and we can put a picture of us fucking in it instead.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn that you're a lesbian. And hate me. I'm going to blatantly disregard your emotions and treat you like shit in order to get you to love me.
Keiko: You're like such a skank. So totally fucking worthless. And now that you're no longer related to Touga, maybe I can be. I'll be his aunt or second cousin or some sexy shit like that.
Sometimes, while I look in your window at night, I think about how miserable and alone you must be feeling right now. Then I orgasm.
Kanae: Akio, do you dislike me for some reason?/Do you usually drive like this?/Are you having an affair with someone?
There's just something about glasses that gives me the creeps! And now I have to get married prematurely to a man who hardly ever sees me because my parents told me to and his sister wears glasses! Why glasses?! Why?!
A-ko: My spoon is too big!
Do you know? Do you know? Do you know what this shit symbolizes?
B-ko: Say hello to my little friend!
Do you know? Do you know? Do you know what this shit symbolizes?
C-ko: Ha ha, Mister Cat! Now all the mice think you're gay because you wear jewelry! No one will suspect that you're just a late 90s cool guy! Wait, Mister Cat, that's my anus! Noooooo!
And then the doctor fucked me in the ass! Proof of adulthood!
Mamiya: I like it when you stick it in me like that. Needles are good too.
My black rose tells me that your mother is an ignorant slut. Don't blame me, I'm just telling you what the rose said.
You're such a whore/skank/slut/hobag/anusface/buttmonkey/dyke/fag/rufus kill.
Suzuki, Yamada, and/or Tanaka: {recite their names in Barbershop Trio style}
A monkey is fine too.
Tatsuya: It's true what they say about nice guys. They finish last, letting the ladies go first. Now wouldn't you like a man like that in the sack?
Mrs. Ohtori: Akio, I am not trying to seduce you. Would you like me to seduce you? Is that what you're trying to tell me?
Teacher-Woman: Not only are you wearing a boy's uniform, but I clearly see that you forgot to shave your legs and pussy today. This is unacceptable behavior for a Japanese schoolgirl!
Guidance Counselor: Really, tight shorts, short skirts... It's all the same to me as long as I can get a whiff of that juicy little pocket you got down there.
Nameless Boy of Shiori's: Wow, Juri! You beat me. But that's to be expected since I've got this horrible affliction of homosexuality.
Random Girls: Woooow~~! He/she/it is so cool/cute/hot!
Random Guys: I play sports with Utena/research with Nemuro (what a hack)/talk to Kozue! It is admirable.
If there's anyone I've forgotten, please tell me. Now, on with the show!
*That said, I'm reasonably sure I'll keep Shiori a Jesus freak. I hope nobody minds.
Edit: Of course there's no rule number two! I have STANDARDS, people.
Last edited by NajiMinkin (07-30-2008 06:31:46 PM)
NajiMinkin wrote:
That is the star of Venus. Venus rhymes with the word penis. This is why I like to look at the stars so much. Look, those ones form a vagina.
I think I like where this is going.
I need a microphone.
Weee I know you don't know me.... but I'd love to try out for Nanami and her henchmen
I am like totally like an expert at the valley girl accent, seriously.
Just one question though... this line is totally confusing o_O:
Cats are like the number one threat to all girls. Sure, it might look like totally cute now, but trust me. You're gonna look away for one second and it'll like fucking your boyfriend behind your back and calling you like all these awful names and stealing you shit and stuff. Like omigawd. Fucking cats.
But.. it could go one of two ways... so is it supposed to be this:
Cats are like the number one threat to all girls. Sure, it might look like totally cute now, but trust me. You're gonna look away for one second and it'll like start(or be whichever) fucking your boyfriend behind your back and calling you like all these awful names and stealing your shit and stuff. Like omigawd. Fucking cats
or did you mean:
Cats are like the number one threat to all girls. Sure, it might look like totally cute now, but trust me. You're gonna look away for one second and it'll like fuck your boyfriend behind your back and call you like all these awful names and steal your shit and stuff. Like omigawd. Fucking cats
wee I'd totally try out I just needed to know which way it's supposed to be cuz >_< I didn't want to just pick one and screw up the line you wanted.
Giovanna wrote:
I need a microphone.
okay why did I immediately take that dirty? my brain is a pervert... that's not what microphones are for!!
Last edited by RoseFire (06-20-2008 02:56:56 PM)
I've been practicing with my mike, but I just don't think my voice is cut out for it, I sound like a chick nomatter what I do. It was fun though
At RoseFire, I was missing a "be" and an "r" in there, I do believe.
Cats are like the number one threat to all girls. Sure, it might look like totally cute now, but trust me. You're gonna look away for one second and it'll be like fucking your boyfriend behind your back and calling you like all these awful names and stealing you shit and stuff. Like omigawd. Fucking cats!
I even recorded myself saying it the way I would for reference. But *please* have your own interpretations, y'all. Except that I really want Saionji to have a lisp and speak like a gangsta. I'm very firm on that.
OITL, there are females characters up for grabs if you'd like to try out for any of them, but you already knew that.
Okay thaaank you!!
*whips out mic* hehehe
Okay... I assume you want us trying out for more than one person lol otherwise our chances wouldn't be as fair...
sooo say I wanted to try out for 3 different people and had 2 sound files for each... would it be okay to send all 6 in an e-mail? Or would you want me to just upload it and give you links in the e-mail?
(sorry for all the questions >_<)
Last edited by RoseFire (06-20-2008 04:02:27 PM)
Oh, when I get home to my mike tomorrow, I gotta give this a whirl.
RoseFire wrote:
Okay thaaank you!!
*whips out mic*hehehe
Okay... I assume you want us trying out for more than one person lol otherwise our chances wouldn't be as fair...
sooo say I wanted to try out for 3 different people and had 2 sound files for each... would it be okay to send all 6 in an e-mail? Or would you want me to just upload it and give you links in the e-mail?
(sorry for all the questions >_<)
Actually, since this is just a crazy pre-audition sort of thing? You can pretty much audition for whichever ones you want. It's all the same to me. Half a part, all the parts... Go crazy!
As I just woke up, I have no clue how to respond to your question. You can send it however, though. What matters is that I receive it and can understand what you're saying. Mostly just that I receive it.
When is the deadline for those of us needing to get equipment? When do we have to get something in to you?
Get something to me before August. This is, again, not a definitive audition. I'd just like to hear what people can do.
I was gonna volunteer too, but then I realized I have no voice-acting talent. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show.