This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
This post will contain the translation of Utena novel #2, "Midori no Omoi." Gio says she'll put it up as a sticky (I believe?) Enjoy!
少女革命ウテナ 「翠の想い」
SHOUJO KAKUMEI UTENA: Midori no Omoi (Green Wish)
by Ookouchi Ichiro
Novel summary:
Anthy is the one constantly at Utena's side, like a shadow. Wakaba says to Utena, "Since Anthy came, something hasn't been right. Stop hanging around with Anthy! What the heck is going on? What is that rose signet?" Utena begins to ponder again her friendship with Anthy...But no matter how she asks Touga, he answers coldly, "You've misunderstood everything." Because of this, Wakaba is mired in the duels and loses with Saionji's sword. Enraged, Utena duels with Saionji...
1. Prologue - pg 6
2. Chapter 1: Shinohara Wakaba - pg 10
3. Chapter 2: Saionji Kyouichi - pg 41
4. Chapter 3: Friends - page 59
5. Chapter 4: Prince - page 84
6. Chapter 5: Painful Love - page 113
7. Chapter 6: The Duelling Arena Forest - page 157
8. Epilogue - pg 189
9. Afterward - pg 196
It was a love letter written on pale pink stationary.
The letter was written in cute, girlish handwriting - the letters a bit clumsy, but written character by character in the most polite way, and the faint scent of flowers remained on the stationary. That love letter was posted on the hallway wall of Ohtori Academy's Junior High common area.
"Whoa, what's that? 'I dance with you'?"
"What a dumbass! Ha ha ha!"
All the ones laughing at the letter were male students. They had no idea how precious above all else that letter was to the one who had written it - no, they didn't want to understand in their foolishness.
Behind these foolish boys in the crowd, Tenjou Utena and Shinohara Wakaba were passing by. Tenjou Utena - this was a girl who wore a boys' uniform, who was an all-around athlete, who was so wildly popular that she was called "The Prince who is even cooler than any boy" by the underclassmen girls. On the other hand, Shinohara Wakaba, walking beside her, was an extremely normal student, in the uniform she wore, in her appearance, in the grades she made.
If one were searching for just one thing to make her stand out, it would be her profession that Utena was her "significant other."
"What's going on with those people?"
That was Wakaba, known for being an eager follower of any new fad. Absentmindedly, Utena surveyed the crowd with a slightly worried expression.
"They've tacked someone's love letter to the wall."
At Wakaba's question, the crowd opened up in front of her and one of the nosy boys answered her.
"Love letter?"
"Yeah. Looks like this girl was writing it to Saionji, the student council vice president," said the boy, and then dived back into the crowd without another word.
Utena, who had changed schools and just arrived at Ohtori, turned slightly at the unfamiliar name. Duellists, Saionji this time, Utena had no idea about any of that.
"Hey listen to this...'I danced with you in my dreams. I'm being silly, aren't I...? What a dumbass!" Laughing voices rose from the crowd. All the girl students passing by averted their faces from this crowd, and hurried on.
What the-!
Utena pushed her way into the rough crowd and ripped the love letter from the wall. Her reply was short, but with more than enough force to silence the unruly onlookers.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Well, it's just something that we were looking at...." the ringleader of the boys grumbled.
Utena shut them up with a short retort: "This is in such poor taste!"
"But...stuff that's tacked up on the's usually for public reading..."
"Don't read it!"
Utena glared at the quieted boys. As if her eyes could bore holes in each of their secrets, they hung their heads like a group that had lost their first match against an opponent.
As Utena gazed down upon the quiet crowd of onlookers, she suddenly saw Wakaba standing at the back, in shock. In her eyes were large, quivering teardrops that could be seen even from that distance.
Wakaba met Utena's eyes. And then in that moment, the tears fell.
As if Utena's words had released her, Wakaba turned and fled.
No way...that letter was...Wakaba?
Without a second thought, Utena chased after Wakaba. She couldn't just let a friend who was crying run off.
In a way, it was in that moment that Tenjou Utena first became involved in the duelling game...
We love you, Ger. (Would say more, boss is up my arse today, though.
Can't wait for Chapter 1! We can't thank you enough, Ger!
I you
Wai! Wai!
Lucky me just got a new printer, too.
Great work, can't wait to read more!
WOOOHOOOO!!! *jumps up and down*
Kekekeke, this moment reminds me of us being sat around Ger in an armchair on a plush rug beside a fireplace. *passes hot chocolate all around*
This is cool!!! Thank you, Ger! *sips hot chocolate*
But... this is Utena novel #2? And it starts with Wakaba's love letter being tacked to the bulletin board? What the hell happened in Utena novel #1? Did it go ahead and get all of the flashbacks out of the way? Was it 200 pages about Saionji slapping Anthy? (Surely not, since Utena's never heard of Saionji in novel 2.) Was it an in-depth psychological profile of Prince Licky-Lick? Or... this is too much to hope for, but was it an account of a previous dueling game?
Last edited by satyreyes (11-30-2006 01:36:11 AM)
satyreyes wrote:
This is cool!!! Thank you, Ger! *sips hot chocolate*
But... this is Utena novel #2? And it starts with Wakaba's love letter being tacked to the bulletin board? What the hell happened in Utena novel #1? Did it go ahead and get all of the flashbacks out of the way? Was it 200 pages about Saionji slapping Anthy? (Surely not, since Utena's never heard of Saionji in novel 2.) Was it an in-depth psychological profile of Prince Licky-Lick? Or... this is too much to hope for, but was it an account of a previous dueling game?
XDDDD no, unfortunately not an account of a previous duelling game, though I know I would love to read something like that. The novels don't go in chronological order - they each deal with a different sub-story of the anime. This one, as far as I can tell, deals with the Utena-Wakaba-Saionji storyline and how Wakaba eventually gets pulled into the Black Rose duels (I hope for some Mikage scenes later on in the book!). This prologue happens before everything in the novel chapter 1 it says that some time has passed, and Utena has already duelled all the members of the Seitokai at least once, except Touga.
Novel #1 is about Utena-Anthy-Miki-Kozue, or so I gather from the summary. I don't have it (BakaElf does), but it seems like it deals with Utena's first duel with Miki.
GER THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!! You are great and amazing!!
Win. Pure WIN. XD
Any chance of a compilation version once the translation's complete? I'd like to get THIS on my PDA, lol. XD
Have I told you lately, that I you?
I can't believe how wonderful this is.... YAY! Ger, your'e so awesome, THANKS!
It is..."Story Time with Ger and the Utena Kiddies"
Thank you Ger!!!
Frosty wrote:
Have I told you lately, that I
I can't believe how wonderful this is.... YAY! Ger, your'e so awesome, THANKS!
It is..."Story Time with Ger and the Utena Kiddies"
Ohhh....*puts on rose-colored glasses and sits down with a (lipstick stained) cup of tea*
You guys are
Gio has said that once I get past the second chapter she'll think about putting up a website for this baby. I'm working on chapter 1 at the moment and I should have the first part of that up soon. Reading wise, I'm more than halfway done with the book. It's really quite good - it's not as much action based (no duels yet) as it is setting up the interaction between Utena and Touga/Wakaba and Saionji and how that eventually will lead to Saionji's expellation from school. I believe there is a duel at the end, though I'm not sure how the timeline goes. There is a picture of Utena duelling Saionji, but I have no idea if that is the actual duel from the Akio arc or if it is foreshadowing of some sort.
Damn rights I am. I think what I'll do is start working on it when you've finished the first chapter, and when you've finished the second the site will go live. That way I have a nice stretch of time to work on a pretty layout and stuff. I think the last manga layout I did involved Touga's penis.
As for the content of the novels, I kinda figured it wouldn't be 'new' material, exactly. I really like what it sounds like they're doing, especially in this case. More Saionji can only be a good thing, he's the most misunderstood character in the series, IMO. Also this is again A GIGANTIC TON OF SERIOUSLY AWESOME, GER.
This is the kind of thing that usually gets lost on the side of the road to fans that don't speak Japanese. Between the novels and the game ROM thread (which I haven't forgotten, Yasha and I are going to be upgrading our hosting soon to hold it permanently) us SKU fans are getting our hands on a whole lot of new material. I'm so happy. I love you guys.
...Aren't we like family?
Just as a note, each of these chapters are quite long, but they're divided into several sections. This is the first part of chapter one.
Part One
Morning. Ohtori Academy greeted the return of its energetic students.
The corridors were filled with students heading to their classrooms and groups of friends chattering amicably among themselves. Some were also wandering the halls in their gym clothes, having finished with morning lessons.
One girl broke into a run down the hall. Her short skirt, typical of Ohotori Academy's female uniforms, fluttered and danced as she ran between the crowds of laughing female students and clustered male students.
Her objective - the girl in the boy's uniform from class 2C - Tenjou Utena.
She sprang onto Utena's back, clinging with all her might. The force of it was so strong that any normal person would have fallen over. But Utena did not fall, just bore up Wakaba on her back with a slightly pained face.
"Morning, Wakaba. You're happy today."
"Yup!!!! Thanks, Utena!!" returned Wakaba cheerfully, still being carried on Utena's back. It was how they greeted each other every morning.
"Oooh ooh listen, Utena."
Still on Utena's back, Wakaba began chattering a mile a minute. "So like, last night, I broke my favorite makeup compact, oh my gosh it was totally the worst thing! Ooh look at that blonde guy over there, he looks so grown up and hot. Just kidding! So anyway, glass went everywhere all over the floor of my room, and I was cleaning ALL night - HEY are you listening?? UTENA!"
"Oh - yes," Utena responded, half-flabbergasted, half-amazed at Wakaba's random conversation. "I'm listening, but before you go any further, could you please get off my back?"
"Oh come on! You're my boyfriend! I love you soooo much, let me stay like this for a bit!"
"Uh, wait, what's this about your boyfriend?"
"U-te-na and ME, of course!" Wakaba grabbed Utena enthusiastically in a hug, her actions perhaps proving more than her words ever could.
It had been about a month since the posting of Wakaba's love letter on the hallway wall, since Utena had begun the duels and been engaged to Himemiya Anthy. Wakaba had gone back to her happy-go-lucky self - at least, that was how it appeared to Utena. Ever since the duel with Miki, no one else had appeared to challenge her to another duel. She hadn't even seen any of the Seitokai members since then, and peace had returned to daily life.
"So anyway, the reason I dropped my makeup compact was cause what happened on the show on TV last night was sooo terrible. The really stupid girl who's the heroine was getting a new boyfriend AGAIN. It's like she can dump them whenever she wants. Geez." Wakaba got off Utena's back, still recounting the events of last night's TV show to Utena in great detail.
"And, she didn't even show up at the place where they were supposed to meet. It was at this big glass window in front of a store - Utena? You didn't watch it? EVERYONE was watching it in my dorm."
"No, I didn't. I live in the East Dorm, remember? We don't have a TV."
The East Dorm was where Utena lived with Anthy. Rumor had it was haunted, and it was very old, to the point where there wasn't even a television.
"But don't you get bored at night? Not having a TV."
"Not really. Anthy's there, though. We talk, drink tea...have a good time. Right, Anthy?"
"Yes, Utena-sama."
Himemiya Anthy smiled sweetly from Utena's side. It was the first time today Wakaba had heard her speak.
"Talking, huh...." Wakaba said, staring at Anthy with an unbelieving look. They had been in the same class since last year, but she had never seen Anthy talk to anyone. Naturally, it seemed like she had no friends. But recently, she had been talking exclusively to Utena, and even responding back to her questions.
It must be boring to be together all the time with her...
Anthy didn't seem to be disturbed by Wakaba's rude expression, though most people would ordinarily look puzzled while being stared at like that.
"Is there anything wrong, Wakaba-san?"
"Uh, no, not really," answered Wakaba, looking away at Anthy's inquiry. But she still felt as if Anthy was staring at her. Flustered, she changed the topic.
"Anyway, Utena. Did you finish your homework for math class today? With all that happened with my makeup yesterday, I didn't have time."
"You and your excuses. You had time, you just didn't do it."
"Oh gosh, you sound just like an old lady. Can't you just listen to me like a boyfriend would?"
"I told you I'm not your boyfriend," said Utena unsympathetically. At that, Wakaba covered her face with both hands and began to cry exaggeratedly.
"Ohh you're sooo cold! I've even changed my hair and my makeup and my hobbies and my wardrobe for you...all for you....and..."
Utena grinned crookedly at Wakaba's dramatic acting. "Are you supposed to be that girl from last night's drama?"
Seeing Utena smile, Wakaba also smiled. No matter what, Utena's smile always made her happy.
Anthy watched the two of them, also still smiling. But from the time Wakaba had jumped onto Utena's back until now, she had not changed her expression one bit. It was the sort of smile that looked almost as if she had donned a smiling mask.
Oh you're just rolling right along! We love you, Ger. So much.
Ohh I'm all giddy trying to pick which of the scans to put in the layout...
Edit: Oh yeah, and I guess I be needin' BakaElf's permission to use the scans. I figure I have that though.
Maarika wrote:
How many parts does a single chapter have?
It really depends on the chapter, really it's just a line break with an asterisk * to denote a new part (usually a change of POV or something). I believe this chapter has about 5.
Someone pass me a s'mores!
Ger, let me just say that you're an absolutely wonderful person for doing this. I really, really appreciate it, and I know everyone else does too. Thank you so much.
Oh gosh you guys, thank YOU for reading and supporting me on this, and especially thanks to Gio and Yasha for making everything possible.
(besides translating this out of the kindness of my heart *cough* I'm also doing this because anything to increase my reading comprehension in Japanese is a good thing XD)
The next part of ch 1 should be up by Sunday....had a busy week catching up on everything since I was gone.