This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Giovanna wrote:
As for Anthy...good morning!
NWS … orning.jpg
If I woke up to that in the morning, it would really be a GOOD MORNING!
Tamago wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
As for Anthy...good morning!
NWS … orning.jpgIf I woke up to that in the morning, it would really be a GOOD MORNING!
I wouldn't be fapping if I woke up to that in the morning.
Tamago wrote:
If I woke up to that in the morning, it would really be a GOOD MORNING!
No kidding. I'd totally tap the hell out of that.
There are a lot of really gorgeous shots of Anthy in the last arc, luckily I'll be so knee deep in gallery work at that point that I probably won't attempt vectoring quite yet.
Lightice wrote:
I wouldn't be fapping if I woke up to that in the morning.
...well that does explain why Akio's way over on the other couch...
Giovanna wrote:
There are a lot of really gorgeous shots of Anthy in the last arc, luckily I'll be so knee deep in gallery work at that point that I probably won't attempt vectoring quite yet.
I think that vector tracing is fun... Does that mean that there's something wrong with me?
Lightice wrote:
I wouldn't be fapping if I woke up to that in the morning.
I would have used the :bonking: smilie instead if there was such a thing.
Raz-tan wrote:
I think that vector tracing is fun... Does that mean that there's something wrong with me?
Hell no! In fact I think there is something very right about thinking that vector tracing is fun, I only wish I had the program to do it myself.
Edit: Added Razara comment
Last edited by Tamago (12-31-2006 05:28:39 PM)
Razara wrote:
I think that vector tracing is fun... Does that mean that there's something wrong with me?
No! I like vectoring, I'm just well aware it's grossly time consuming and I'll have other things on my plate.
Like the one of Akio in the suit. Oh yes. I will finish that.
Giovanna wrote:
No! I like vectoring, I'm just well aware it's grossly time consuming and I'll have other things on my plate.
Like the one of Akio in the suit. Oh yes. I will finish that.
Oh, yeah... I'm looking forward to the finished product...
Giovanna wrote:
Like the one of Akio in the suit. Oh yes. I will finish that.
You might finish it quicker if you can try to restrain the as you work on it.
I'll add to the chorus of gratitude. Thank you, Gio! Take a break and vent whenever you need to, and I'm sure us forum goons will make you feel better with our crazy.
Tamago wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Like the one of Akio in the suit. Oh yes. I will finish that.
You might finish it quicker if you can try to restrain the
as you work on it.
I don't think that's possible.
Tamago wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Like the one of Akio in the suit. Oh yes. I will finish that.
You might finish it quicker if you can try to restrain the
as you work on it.
Oh come on, give me a little credit.
It's not like I'm drawing him in a three-piece suit standing on Wall St or anything.
Speaking of the vector tracing, I appreciate your wonderful job of doing it. It is practically like drawing your own picture and colouring it. Lot of skills and hard work.
Back to the original post (which was what made me register here), Gio, if you are overhauling the gallery, would you like me to rescan the E-graphic cards in the standard you like? I think the same way you do about quality of images and compromising with loading speed for website in the past. I have been increasing image quality in the web stuff I do too recently. So if you like me to try rescan them, I can do that, as long as you tell me what kind of quality and format you like. The old scans are a little too bright for me now ('cause I used to have darker monitor settings way back). I said "try" because while my computer and graphic softwares are newer now, unfortunately my "newer" scanner is not as good as my old one (which I got rid of due to changing computers and new computers no longer has serial ports) that I did the old scans.
Gio... you spoil us, you really really do!
Rushita wrote:
That would be awesome.
You don't have to scan all of them, since I have copies of certain images in the gallery already that are probably higher quality than you're going to be able to scan off the cards, and this time around I really want to focus on the artwork so people don't stumble into several copies of one piece.
These are the ones that I either only have in the E-graphic set or could vastly be improved on copies I have elsewhere: I'm on the fence about this one, I have a more 'complete' copy of the image that has his legs and the rest of his hair, but the clarity is lower. I think ultimately I'll be going with the larger one. Maybe I can have Yasha send me the artbook and give it another try, but I recall the source material being smaller to begin with... He looks so slimy ew ew ew
Now that I see the list it looks longer than I thought. There are like 5 or 6 that I have huge versions of already though, mostly from the program book. I don't know how large the cards are or how patient you are with scanning them. (In my experience, old hardware scans just as well given you're willing to wait longer for a higher dpi.) If the quality you get is really really good than you might be booting a few others out for me.
As for how to get them to me, I would be perfectly happy to get your original scans and let me do the dirty work of cleaning them. I'd say go for the largest size you can get (I'll host them at whatever size I have to to avoid losing any clarity), then save them as a lossless format, bmp or png-24. You can let me break my back over the details and color and saving format.
Like the rest of the gallery, extremely high-quality images that I can get all compression out of will probably stay png-24s because I really want people to get the best image they can. Especially now with the popularity of LCD screens; I do a lot of the decompression work at my job on an LCD screen because LCDs really bring out the flaws in an image that looks perfect on my CRT at home.
Oh I'm so happy! I knew it was a good idea to announce I was doing this.
>< Gio I just love you so much. Whenever I yap to my friends about how cool EM is, this is what I'm talking about. I know of no other website owners who would go "Hey, you know what? I can make this site better and cooler. And I'm going to do it even though it'll take gaint amounts of time and will be a huge pain in my ass." I love you.
Last edited by belladonna (01-01-2007 05:11:49 PM)
I have a fetish for high-quality pictures (even if I do nothing with them but stare) so this makes me happyyyyy!
Gio, your love for is just... tangible. And that's a beautiful thing.
Ok, I'll rescan them then, but it might take a while because I have some other projects on the to-do list. Can you explain what is "PNG-24" though? My graphic software is one that nobody else seem to use these days, so I'll have to give them to you in a format that will work for you, and these graphic terms are different on different software.... Do you mean PNG in 24 bits while I do nothing to compress it? The E-graphic cards are 5"3/4 by 8"1/4 only. Would 600dpi be large enough? (can try higher if you want....but the original print might not be any better in resolution anyway). I will try, but no gaurentee on quality 'cause I really am not too sure about my scanner. It is a fairly basic and cheap scanner unlike my previous one which I did the old scans with. Don't forget I host the scans on my own site too, so I'll have to rescan everything and update my own page anyway.
png-24 is the lossless PNG format, it's basically like BMP. You could give me TIFFs or PSDs or whatever else you want, I'm just trying to avoid jpeg or gif because I don't want any image compression messing up the lines or anything.
As for time, take as much as you need, this gallery business is going to take a while.
Oh and 600dpi should be wonderful.
Progress report! (And a little gloating.)
Episodes 11 and 12 are capped, and by capped I mean I took about 3400 shots between the two. These episodes, 12 especially, are far and away the best animated episodes in the series. Including, I think, the last two. The animators just went a complete orgy and the images pulled from these episodes are gorgeous. My gripe? Software Sculptors apparently decided to take a huge steaming shit on them, because the DVD capture quality noticeably plummets for the second half of the episodes on this disc. I seriously hope the DVDs of the rest of the series look a little less like vomit, because I'm having a miserable time making the caps look good.
My other gripe is these episodes are chock full of panned shots that I absolutely cannot do anything with, and even more panned shots that go both vertically and horizontally, which means no matter how many shots I take, the whole piece is going to be missing parts of the image, though it's usually sky or whatever. I've decided I'm going to pan the shots of this nature together as best I can but leave the blank space where there's no source material. I can't be making backgrounds for the animators, or I'll never get this done.
That said, I just spent far too long making a single shot out of this. Not impressed? Check the episode. He's pulling the sword out as the camera moves, and there's no one shot of his arms that's complete. The only other shot so far that's eaten up that much of my time was of his miserable sister with the swirling snails in the foreground and the moving background and the speed blurring over the screen. I'm still surprised I got a single image out of that, even if it didn't come out quite as crisp and clear as I'd like.
But less talk. More Touga!
Okay fine, so I'd hit it. Hard.
And one for the road. This is, so far, the only liberty I've taken with the original material. In this shot, Utena appears as the screen pans up. Instead of just putting the shots in sequence, I blended them.
Now I'm sleepy. These episodes are all kinds of ouchy on my mouse and eyeballs.
I am swooning at the gorgeousness of that... Touga's mutant forelock...
Giovanna, I adore you. But everyone knows that.
OMG! Perky Movie!Utena and Perky Movie!Anthy and Perky Movie!Touga and Perky Movie!Aki- err. :p EE!
At any rate, I spent the last minute or so going *squee squee squee*, so... I suppose all I can do is thank you, though if you are in need of a cult member, high priestess, oracle, fighting ninja for your army, etc. etc. My services are heartily available.
If you want a sacrifice victim, I can't oblige since I want to enjoy the pictures, but I'm sure I can drum something up...
wow!!! it has really been than long? This makes me apreciate Utena more in whole new levels!!!
By the way I always thought you had the most killer awesome scanner in the whole internet. I have never scaned pictures with that quality ever!!! O.o
Gio... I have to say these are amazing. Image-capping alone is so time-consuming, and then cleaning them up... well, the extent of my image-blending skills is using MS Paint to construct a composite Google Map, but I don't have to play with Photoshop to know how frigging difficult this must be. And then putting together a searchable gallery out of them. Wow.
::sigh:: If only I had half your talent and commitment with respect to something.
*worships at the church of Giovanna*