This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I'm pretty sure there have been variations on this theme before, such as with favorite character and the like, but I'm interested to see how that compares with the character people identify themselves as. So. Who best represents your philosophies and outlooks on life? Any visual or stylistic matches? Similar interests or hobbies? Experiences and memories?
I'll start off by saying I am easily most like Juri. Secondly, Mikage. Then perhaps Shiori, Nanami, or even Saionji (yes, that is ridiculously confusing). I'll have to consider a justification for that odd combination tomorrow.
Ha. Ha. Ha. I'm sure everyone here knows mine.
Jellineck wrote:
I was just about to seriously say that Chu-Chu best represents me. Mostly because I don't really connect with the high-minded ideals that most of the characters have. But I will think about it more, I'm the type of person who looks at the characters of fiction as "other" so I never really try to see whom I relate to.
Ruka. I'll talk more about this when I'm awake. But I got solidly voted as him in some ratings community so I know I'm not the only one who sees the similarities.
I'm gonna have to go with, not Mikage, Nemuro. I like to think that I couldn't be Mikage.
It's not just the age, and it's certainly not because I'm a brilliant scientist...more like I know better, but I sometimes allow myself to be manipulated anyway.
Utena, I suppose. And Juri, when I have PMS.
Since I'm new here, I'm guessing.. Touga?
lol, Chu-Chu
Reminds me of Chobits, "Chi" was named "Chi" cause all she says is "CHI!"
As for me, I'd really have to say Utena represents me.. I guess. I like being all 'hero' or 'prince' to people who can't fight for themselves in real life.. I also enjoy bringing comfort and shedding light to people.. Whenever something is wrong, I quickly confront it.. Though, for the record, I am not as 'Naive' or 'Dense' as Utena..
I also put my "Righteous" belief on the very 1st plate.. When something is wrong, I fight for what is right, though quite very open.. I am a very open minded person, though open-minded doesn't mean you accept everything, you just take a step back to look at the bigger picture to understand more on what's around you..
Also, whenever someone is sad, I always feel it's my duty to break their shell.. And I did so with all people I know.. n_n
Anyway, sorry about ramble about myself..
I can't see further than my nose*, but that doesn't stop me from angsting about things which look quite differently in reality, contrary to my little world that's built out of emo Lego's... That would be Juri. Except, with the insecurities and first-glance ordinariness that plagues Shiori's 'insignificant' existence. That's right. No superpower of scaring the crap out of teachers. Must be a orange curls thing. ]:
* ...but I know what's beyond my eyesight, which dismisses Utena as a potential parallel. ("This is an interesting question", said the footnote. :)
I really see myself in EVERY character.
Except Miki.
Poor Miki and me just don't mesh...
But I think I'm significantly Mikage-Utena-Juri-Anthy-Kanae-Wakaba-Shioriy with some Ruka-Nanami on the side.
The last I got rated, I was pretty much universally declared to be Nemuro. And I agree. Emotionally retarded, intellectually arrogant, out of touch with reality, yearnings at odd moments to be less of an observer and more of a participant...ha, we're like each other's evil twin. He's just more of a scientist and I'm more of an artist.
...still, with that said, I actually share more than a couple of "qualities" with Nanami. I'm a hysterical drama queen who can come across as supremely arrogant, self-centred and confident, whereas inside I'd drown a kitten to stop people from ignoring me.
Clarice wrote:
inside I'd drown a kitten to stop people from ignoring me.
I've felt that way many, many, many times.
But really, I'm pretty spectacularly represented by Saionji. The only real difference is I don't hit people, I'm passive aggressive like Anthy, but in every other way, motivations, drives, past, relationship to friends and probably relationship to parents...Saionji.
...what, were you guys expecting me to say Akio? I wish. A past like that would actually justify some of my neuroses. Alas, I'm not very much like Akio. Working on it, though. Shameless hedonists have all the fun.
Giovanna wrote:
...what, were you guys expecting me to say Akio? I wish. A past like that would actually justify some of my neuroses.
Alas, I'm not very much like Akio. Working on it, though. Shameless hedonists have all the fun.
Hey we should start a club i need lessons too.
As for the character the represents me I took at test that told who i was most like once....fuck i cant recall who it told me. I now really dont quite know who to pick but i have the feeling that i would be one of the non-important background person...damn it i wish that i could find that test and retake it
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
as an Ohtori faceless student
Exactly why im in the IRG hosted Ohtori faceless masses RP. I see NOTHING of myself in ANYONE. Maybe i'll find someone...i'll sleep on it and get back to this stuff.
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (10-09-2007 10:38:57 PM)
HA...join the club of invisible people who want to fuck Touga long time and BTW happy belated birthday.
If I had to pick, I'd say Akio. In that I've never grown up and am secretly a huge bastard; but I used to be good! Unfortunately I didn't get the eternal youth package or any of his social graces. My Ohtori is pretty much all within my own head.
as an Ohtori faceless student
Hah! Probably the most honest representation there is, really. As much as I might like to pretend that I'm a Juri, or Mikage, I'm probably more like...
Random nameless fawning sycophant #7. Though at least I'd have better taste than Touga.
The last I got rated, I was pretty much universally declared to be Nemuro. And I agree. Emotionally retarded, intellectually arrogant, out of touch with reality, yearnings at odd moments to be less of an observer and more of a participant...ha, we're like each other's evil twin. He's just more of a scientist and I'm more of an artist.
Well said.
Tatsuya / the Onion Prince, definitely. Basically a decent human being who lives in a small world, and tries to make that world a better place for himself and the people he loves. Occasionally abrasive and insensitive, especially when he doesn't listen to his own best judgment. Imperfect, but without sadism or masochism. Sorta clueless about the ladies, but sincere and tries hard. Wishes he were getting more -- from the right girl, of course.
You know, somehow I haven't had a Tatsuya avatar yet. I've gone through Miki, Touga, and Mikage, but no Tatsuya yet. Obviously he's next on the list.
satyreyes wrote:
Tatsuya / the Onion Prince, definitely. Basically a decent human being who lives in a small world, and tries to make that world a better place for himself and the people he loves. Occasionally abrasive and insensitive, especially when he doesn't listen to his own best judgment. Imperfect, but without sadism or masochism. Sorta clueless about the ladies, but sincere and tries hard. Wishes he were getting more -- from the right girl, of course.
You know, somehow I haven't had a Tatsuya avatar yet. I've gone through Miki, Touga, and Mikage, but no Tatsuya yet. Obviously he's next on the list.
I always liked Tatsuya. Maybe it's because there's a smidgeon of Wakaba in me too, but I've always thought of him of being one of the most intrinsically decent characters in the show.
...and now I want a Nemuro avatar. I'm just rather fond of Lalla there. Woe.
Giovanna wrote:
Clarice wrote:
inside I'd drown a kitten to stop people from ignoring me.
I've felt that way many, many, many times.
I'm glad someone agrees with me; I wrote that and the thought: "God, maybe that's a bad metaphor and makes me sound like a total fruitloop!" Then I realised I'm comparing myself to anime characters with more than your average neuroses, and embraced teh crazy.
Last edited by Clarice (10-10-2007 01:16:48 AM)
Clarice wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Clarice wrote:
inside I'd drown a kitten to stop people from ignoring me.
I've felt that way many, many, many times.
I'm glad someone agrees with me; I wrote that and the thought: "God, maybe that's a bad metaphor and makes me sound like a total fruitloop!" Then I realised I'm comparing myself to anime characters with more than your average neuroses, and embraced teh crazy.
The only thing that ever stops me is I'm too stubbornly proud to act like I actually want the attention of others.
That's why I'm Saionji.
Sometimes I do this thing where I wear a mask I mean to have seen through, and I get annoyed when people fall for it. Like I present myself in a certain way I mean for people to see beyond to whatever may or may not be beneath, but my mask manages to be opaque enough that no one ever sees through it. It's confusing, and somewhat aggrevating, because you end up thinking it should be obvious, but that people are so dumb that for them it's not. Who is at fault there?
I dunno which character that part makes me. I think it's probably still Saionji.
Take equal parts Anthy and Kozue, mix in blender until mixed thoroughly. Frost with Liberal amounts of Wakaba, and a bit of Saionji for color and texture.
....DAMN, that would be an ugly ass cake.
AnjitheArtist wrote:
Take equal parts Anthy and Kozue, mix in blender until mixed thoroughly. Frost with Liberal amounts of Wakaba, and a bit of Saionji for color and texture.
....DAMN, that would be an ugly ass cake.
I think I'm Anthy and Saionji's secret love child, sometimes. I have Anthy days....I have Saionji days.
Does this mean I slap myself a lot?
I'm not sure. If Kanae and Mikage had a lovechild..
In my opinion, Utena + Anthy = Shiori. And since Utena + Anthy = Razara, then Shiori = Razara.
Would it be easier to just say that I can relate myself to Utena, Anthy, and Shiori?
I would be one of the three guys who get their asses kicked by Tsuabuki.