This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Stephanie wrote:
Sure, he's hot..
He's not hot, he's insanely ridiculously hot ..and evil... and hot and ~~~
Stephanie wrote:
That's fanart, right? It looks like in the movie or TV series..
I think it's from an art book.
I love your avatar by the way.
dollface wrote:
Oh no, we're not saying that you can't feel this way. As I mention, Shiori is not the most likable character, and I certainly don't expect everyone to like her the way I do.
tohubohu wrote:
I'd just like to note that I don't hate Shiori
Well, hate is a strong word
Woah everybody, I never said the word 'Hate'. I agree, it's a strong word, and if someone told me they hated Shiori, I'd probably get defensive, no matter how much I'm trying not to. 'Dislike' is fine. It's more than fine, it's fantastic. I know that because of how childish I had acted a while ago you all probably think of me as a pushy brat, but I swear, I don't think that my opinion is 'right' or that people have to think the way I do. I swear it on Shiori's life! (And THAT is saying something!)
Okay! No more Shiori from me! My lips (err, fingers) are zipped!
Lol, anyway, we've been off-topic.. *started by me, of course.. sorry*
So, if Anthy is looking for Utena, where do you think Utena went?
Where is she?
Stephanie wrote:
So, if Anthy is looking for Utena, where do you think Utena went?
Where is she?
Maybe the Million Swords of Hatred chose Utena to be the next true Prince and she is at present going around saving princesses.
Clarice wrote:
Maybe that's why Utena is so upset. Not just because Anthy's sleeping with the man she loves, but the fact that Anthy made the decision to do this and apparently has been doing it all along while Utena thought she was incapable of doing anything without being told to.
And to add insult to injury, the changes Utena's been struggling to convince Anthy to make are, overall, far healthier than the choices Anthy appears to have made voluntarily. Most of the time I don't give Utena the benefit of the doubt for her believing she knows what's best for people, but even her misguided best intentions for Anthy are an improvement over SLEEPING WITH YOUR ENGAGED BROTHER. It's gotta really sting when you're trying to help someone, and you discover they are using their perfectly functional decisionmaking abilities to hurt themselves. For Utena, perhaps it felt like finding this was hearing Anthy saying 'FUCK YOU I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP', and she had the natural 'FINE FUCK YOU THEN' reaction?
Stephanie wrote:
That's fanart, right? It looks like in the movie or TV series..
I think it's official but Yasha and Giovanna, would know.
brian wrote:
Stephanie wrote:
That's fanart, right? It looks like in the movie or TV series..I think it's official but Yasha and Giovanna, would know.
Official TV series artwork taken from the Maison de Chu-Chu CD-ROM.
I see..
Just last 2 questions (lol, my never ending undying questions)
1.) What were Touga and Sainji's wish anyway? Why are they still trapped in their coffin?
2.) In the movie, in the dancing part.. Why did stars appeared suddenly when Anthy destroyed the water pump? Sure she sacrificed her rose field, but why was there stars all of a sudden?
Stephanie wrote:
I see..
Just last 2 questions (lol, my never ending undying questions)
2.) In the movie, in the dancing part.. Why did stars appeared suddenly when Anthy destroyed the water pump? Sure she sacrificed her rose field, but why was there stars all of a sudden?
Because water flooded the garden. Water reflects light, and so reflected all the stars above the garden. So they appeared to be dancing on stars, as at the height of the garden, only stars would be reflected by the water.
Last edited by Ashnod (10-06-2007 01:57:46 PM)
I see... Thank you for providing fodder to my science-deficit brain
What about Saionji and Touga? What keeps them in coffin?
Stephanie wrote:
1.) What were Touga and Sainji's wish anyway? Why are they still trapped in their coffin?
Hmm! Well, it's true that neither Touga nor Saionji gets catchphrases like Juri's "power of miracles" or Miki's "shining thing." From his conversation with Touga in the Akiomobile, though, it's fair to say that Saionji is looking for "something eternal" -- an interesting parallel between his character and chibi-Utena's. In particular, Saionji's looking for eternal friendship.
Touga is a little trickier. I think "the power of revolution" is about as specific as we ever get. (Isn't there a sequence in Episode 13 where we flash between stained-glass windows as Akio narrates what the duelists are fighting for?) It's consistent with Touga's character to want power just because it's power, without having any particular application in mind. Having power is obviously always a good thing. I imagine his internal monologue went like this:
LETTER SEALED WITH A ROSE: Greetings, Kiryuu Touga! You have been identified as one of the most promising talents in Ohtori Academy.
TOUGA: "One of" the most promising talents? Clearly I need to fire my agent.
LETTER: In recognition of your promise, we extend to you the presidency of the Student Council...
TOUGA: As expected. What's the catch?
LETTER: ...and this Rose Seal. Wearing the Rose Seal qualifies and obligates you to participate in semiregular duels with others who bear the Seal.
TOUGA: This has got to be the most bizarre hoop I have ever been asked to jump through. I wonder how I can politely decline the Rose Seal and still get the presidency.
LETTER: Becoming Champion Duelist will result in your gaining the power to revolutionize the world.
TOUGA: Did I say "bizarre?" I meant "kickass." I'm there.
As for why they're still in their coffins... well, they still have some growing up to do, don't they? I think both Saionji and Touga grow during the series -- Saionji gains some emotional maturity, Touga gets to feel what it's like to respect and perhaps even care about someone (Utena) -- but they're both still a long way from "adulthood." Saionji will never find something eternal, and Touga will never gain the power of revolution; they need to find real aspirations to replace these false idols.
Last edited by satyreyes (10-06-2007 02:25:50 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
Touga is a little tricker. I think "the power of revolution" is about as specific as we ever get. (Isn't there a sequence in Episode 13 where we flash between stained-glass windows as Akio narrates what the duelists are fighting for?) It's consistent with Touga's character to want power just because it's power, without having any particular application in mind. Having power is obviously always a good thing. I imagine his internal monologue went like this:
I'm pretty sure there's a sequence where Saionji asks Touga why he is Akio's bitch, and Touga replies effectively "I want power like his."
Ah yes, I do remember Saionji saying he wanted something 'eternal' and I also remember him saying Himemiya wants the same (but we all know that's not the case as the Rose Bride had no will of her own and only follows what her master wishes, same with Utena telling her to get more friends), though at times, I wonder does he really care for Anthy? He seems to slap her a lot..
Touga, the rather complicated one who wants world revolution..
Yep, both of them needs to grow in adulthood, good point.. Everyone is in their coffin, at least, all characters in SKU
Oops, Ashnod said Touga's reason already.. n_n
Though I laughed at one scene, one character (forgot who) blames Akio for seducing Touga..
Last edited by Stephanie (10-06-2007 02:22:32 PM)
Stephanie wrote:
Though I laughed at one scene, one character (forgot who) blames Akio for seducing Touga..
Stephanie wrote:
I wonder does he really care for Anthy? He seems to slap her a lot..
I said it in the other thread and I'll say it again here, he slaps her out of LOVE!
No, he doesn't really care for Anthy specifically, I'd say, more the idea of someone who will care for him "eternally." Perhaps slapping her was to test how far he could go without losing her love?
lol.. There were also serious times but their lines make me go WTF, lol and laugh like hell XD
Anyway, It's 4:30AM here.. Night-o! n_n
I see.. Yes, I think that's the most reasonable reason.. otherwise, like other abusive relationship physically, could also be the case..
Last edited by Stephanie (10-06-2007 02:32:00 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
TOUGA: Did I say "bizarre?" I meant "kickass." I'm there.
Rember, with great power comes great authority, but absolute power rocks absolutely.
NajiMinkin wrote:
Stephanie wrote:
I wonder does he really care for Anthy? He seems to slap her a lot..
I said it in the other thread and I'll say it again here, he slaps her out of LOVE!
No, he doesn't really care for Anthy specifically, I'd say, more the idea of someone who will care for him "eternally." Perhaps slapping her was to test how far he could go without losing her love?
I think Saionji is under the impression that fate has conspired to unite him with Anthy, at least initially. He probably needs some "higher" order of events to assure that they belong together because he has serious self estime issues and enjoys the vindication of a cosmic authority that has chosen him (and not Touga) to possess the Rose Bride (instead of Touga) in order to gain something eternal (that will not go to Touga) and thus revolutionaze the world. If I am correct then any abuse he inflicts on Anthy will not make him lose her because the stars/destiny/whatever will make sure that they are never parted. He needs to be in a position in which he simply cannot screw up even if he tries. That would make him feel safe and in control.
About Saionji, something occurred to me the other day. If I am not mistaken it is during his first duel, as Utena is gaping at the upside down castle that he states that it is nothing more than an illusion. Ironically he ends up foreshadowing the truth at the very beginning of the series.
Regarding Touga's raison d'être, I agree that he wants power for the sake of having power. That is probably why he willingly tags along Akio's games.
satyreyes wrote:
Isn't there a sequence in Episode 13 where we flash between stained-glass windows as Akio narrates what the duelists are fighting for?
In the shadow play for Episode 34:
The Tale of the Rose wrote:
shadow: Know ye not of the light?
shadow: It is that which is eternal, (Green background, Saionji Shadow)
shadow: shining, (Blue background, Miki Shadow)
shadow: the power of miracles, (Orange background, Juri Shadow)
shadow: the power to revolutionize the world. (Red background, Touga Shadow)
Stephanie wrote:
1.) What were Touga and Sainji's wish anyway? Why are they still trapped in their coffin?
So long as they continue to wish for childish things, they can't grow up. Taking the symbology back to its source, child-Utena refused to leave her coffin unless she saw something eternal. Likewise Saionji can't mature until he accepts that there is no eternity in life, only death. (Unless he finds religion?) And Touga will remain trapped in Ohtori so long as he seeks the Power to Revolutionize the World.
Ragnarok wrote:
So long as they continue to wish for childish things, they can't grow up. Taking the symbology back to its source, child-Utena refused to leave her coffin unless she saw something eternal. Likewise Saionji can't mature until he accepts that there is no eternity in life, only death. (Unless he finds religion?)
I suddenly imagined Born-Again Saionji talking about his conversion
Ragnarok wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
Isn't there a sequence in Episode 13 where we flash between stained-glass windows as Akio narrates what the duelists are fighting for?
In the shadow play for Episode 34:
The Tale of the Rose wrote:
shadow: Know ye not of the light?
shadow: It is that which is eternal, (Green background, Saionji Shadow)
shadow: shining, (Blue background, Miki Shadow)
shadow: the power of miracles, (Orange background, Juri Shadow)
shadow: the power to revolutionize the world. (Red background, Touga Shadow)
That's it!!! Thank you.
Going back to Saionji. In the manga his coffin was called "assumption." I don't know what other English words the Japanese original might mean but it seems to include a lot of gullibility and jumping to conclusions.
Touga never finds out the name of his but it's implied that since he is almost out of it anyway it doesn't matter.
Question! *Again, sorry.. *
1.) What do the cars mean in the duel anyway?
I know Akio drives them and so, but what has it do to in the battling arena itself?
What does it represent?
2.) Why is the castle upside down?
I know it floats, but I dunno why it's turned over..
Last edited by Stephanie (10-08-2007 08:15:53 AM)
The simple answer for the car symbolism would be adulthood and responsibility, I'd say. When you come of age, you can start driving, having sex, going to war... All that neat stuff.
When someone takes a ride in the Pimpmobile, they start out with Akio, the adult, in the driver's seat. After they come to a realization about what they want and are depurified, as it were, Akio vacates the driver's seat, symbolizing that it is their turn to take the wheel and be the grown-up.
I mean, there's more to it, but you'll have to wait for one of our expert analyzers to show up.