This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
and fucked like
, which only turned
who fucked Casanova (Giovanni Giacomo Casanova god that name is hot)
terrified, and aroused.
(Hurrah! Another chapter finished!)
a cat orgy
the frog's bathroom.
(That's a wrap, guys. It ends on the thirtieth page.)
Last edited by NajiMinkin (11-24-2007 10:57:20 AM)
Now we have Tamago or Yasha chronicle our scribblings and archive it.
BioKraze wrote:
Now we have Tamago or Yasha chronicle our scribblings and archive it.
Maybe Yasha or someone else can do it this time as I haven't been archiving it this round due to other commitments.
I'd do it, but I don't feel like going through 30 pages of posts.
But tomorrow, not today. I'm beat, guys.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! You're always a day away!
I went ahead and did it. I added a few quotation marks and probably a lot of typos.
One Word Story: Chapter Seven wrote:
Catherine the Great killed her kitten but did she do it for Nanami or Utena?
So, a fight broke out in the Vegas Jungle Gym where all the marshmallow peeps were hiding from Pedo-Bear and Akio's rediculously oversized electron micorscope.
The window to Keiko's portapotty smashed because Touga had played "Silent Hill" with Saionji, who wore a bonnet while Touga dressed like a gay dancing bear on a ball.
Chocolate coated C-ko while Anthy does nothing but procrasurbate with a cup of C-ko's deadly dihydrogen monoxide.
Utena and Anthy played sim - dates, where Yasha was doing covert operations in platonic Engrish plotting to defenestrate into Saionji's eggcup of testicular "eggs."
"Teehee balls! lick?" laughed the Pedobear.
Fantasy is she of Tenjou_SailorSaturn's policy to place bubblegum on Naruko's ass but Tamago just filled Stephanie's ego with compliments Japanese style!
Kozue pulled off her bra and shoved her into the path of 2 men wearing tight tights.
Tamago and Utena sewed a dress for the lulz of Halloween where slutty, masquerading gypsies groaned ridiculously for the death of Ruka's goldfish.
Legs splayed, Mitsuru begged Steaphanie to send the sirens away from argonautical Argonauts from Prague, home to cocktowers where Akio's gigantic pulsing brain spilled over and ran into the bottom of, Tatsuya's bottom whom Touga was 'manipulating'.
TougaYasha into a car but SexingTouga24/7/365 saw cows swinging from Touga
Yasha which gave the SexingTouga24/7/365 berserk mode a boost smelling like Playdoh and kills Yasha.
Mikage schtupped Kanae, caught a siggy on his throbbing throat-bound hound along the Cape of Good Intentions and Poor Rastafarianism.
The White Devil; Wakaba the Hyper genkily seduced Tamago by dancing her neon nylons away from Jiovannah's "protein"-covered hiney.
That hiney shimmered some day together with its soulmate, full of dreams of otherworldly decay and veracious piety.
Yet again, Barney cruelly violated Miki's molestable ass, groaning "SPAAAAAAAARTAAAAAAAAAA!!"
So King Leonidas grabbed Akio's cock for great justice and crushed it with mind bullets of DOOM.
This made Gio cry AND giggle with her lover, the subject of Hime sama who drank like a camel StephanieTamago_Avatar but not more than Tamago
because Tamago is one strange puppy who makes the dusky Utena wet the bed.
This Tamago_avatar fetch Stephanie her Black Rose who is prince of the Furries.
Hiraku's got a Stephanie frenzy that cannot be torn from Tamago_Avatar or angel's wings.
Akio and Aiko switched clothes to experiment in crossdressing and cosplaying as Akio struggled to fit his 'business' inside Aiko's already pocky-filled pink polka dot two-piece of short and curly undergrowth.
It made Akio want to stroke his pet pussy like Blofeld does to the world of Naruto.
Wakaba was hiding in a dominatrix outfit store, looking for new nipple clamps that a monkey magic token.
Somewhere, a rose rowed a boat harshly up multiple plates of pancakes soaked heavily in mämmi syrup, in order to secure passage to Diosland: and hardcore revolution of Miki's girdle and Kozue's savior, her royal assholiness was pan fried and served with seasoned-Chuchu stuffed with prawns.
Politically correct Arial ate a turtle with chronic fatigue-induced herpes, causing Ruka major problems in his ass muscles, which including his appendix and then pounding, Kozue moaned out Juri's balls!!
Anthy saw Stephanie tired, Tamago's hereso applied lip-gloss onto Utena's ass, which Akio was licking feverently, because he believed in vandalism of the white whale.
Snakes were on the plane as Akio rode into the sunset, sticking his finger down his throat, curing his dragonitus in a flash!
Inside Wakaba's room, agoraphobic agraphobia encroached upon unsuspecting Uparupas, an ass-monkey named Kyouichi Saionji who once smoked an Aussie ace sized reefer, a present from Vince, the lovable drug-dealer, Keiko, and Miss Frizzle who formerly taught Taxidermy 101 during Ikuni's most memorable kinky scenes involving gelatinous fetuses and ovulating Chryssalids on top of the cocktower, BioKraze's bullet-riddled umbrella flaps swaying gently in the breeze caused by flatunlence.
Flatunlent flagellating albions ran screaming through a subway tunnel towards Camelot when they realized that Chu-Chu smokes Cubans, the commie!
He was quickly absorbed by Tetsuo Spongebob Tougapants and transmuted into 2001: A Space Vagina, starring Kozue as Andy Griffith, a Miki-luster who is BioKraze, the infamous dreamer of all things fantastical and free and Shiori the hypocrite who loves to create controversy by kissing Jury in front of the land mines of Don Quixote.
Amidst the commotion, Lord Byron discovered a cure for lesbianism, much to Touga's confusion and Ruka's delight.
Razara, though, went down to set things straight.
In Georgia, she found a cup of whoopass and incestuous banjos played by the Yasha Snowman Trio who guest star NajiMinkin as their lizard queen of doomy goo.
The melted butter on Keiko's head froze when she "I'm sorry Tamago," she said suddenly, making the liquid "mimetic poly-alloy" splash Utena's fingers into a mould that could bartholemize The Great Wall of Lego.
Shaved armpits from the boy who eats too much question marks.
Although exclamations taste better, quotations have that commas never can beat taste.
Keiko was impregnated by Naji's detachable, multifaceted and vibrating possessed shower head that shoots locusts from the massager.
An exorcism was denied by Tamago, whilst BioKraze yelled to his friend to move his holly out of Touga's beltbuckle because a very BIG octopus implant slivered into Saionji's hairy potato sack where it spawned a horde of photos of Nanami wearing her special tan fishnet bodysock and dancing to ABBA music.
Meanwhile Lady Nilamarthieled her ava with crisco lightly flavored with crystal meth icing on a dare made by Akio.
Meahwnile, in Egypt, little he know, that Saionji had practiced on a Realdoll for his eye poking nipples, which looked like thumbtacks so he burnt down the cow shed where Touga kept a stash of mixed cocaine and used blunts.
Juri loves Beyblading into stone walls, since it causes "happy pain" to her nerve endings she screams for orange ice-cream topped with copious poptarts from Poland.
Yuuko peeled off some onion for her sandwich and cried over the little decapitated Pocky sticks imported from Mars.
Anthy the goddess/vampire slayer with bazookas decides to crash a toga party with her sidekick Aiko the Sorceress killed the priestesses who serve the Fool who is me not at all over the place then an evil smell-switcher arrived.
An evil bunnyto death by snorting talcum poweder vivaciously then NajiMinkin suddenly conducted a survey asking whether anyone else had 5'2" toenails.
ShatteredMirror paid dearly to see Ruka's long toenails which were mistaken for SleepDebtFairy's hammer: a squeeky toy named Jim-Jam: James Bond villain who loves Hiraku as a mechaphile Chikane and Himeko because of certian failures in the groin due to repeated beastly savagings in the middle of Nemuro Memorial Hall.
Luckily a dragon boomed with a boombox playing the hit "Praying for Poontang" played by Yasha's Ragtime band.
However, Gio disliked having her giblets spilling beads, so she asked Tamago if squeeing any squash balls would help her copulate better than cocks on a spit.
Meanwhile, a drunken Touga called up Saionji, exclaiming, "WAZZAAAAA?"
Saionji readied his best come back "KIFFLOM, my brother" only to be laughed at and told to fuck himself in a pile of big bean bags.
The delicious old cat stalked Nanami in her go-cart as a parade of pandas protested against past perfect tense poetry pertaining to perverted pilchards parading pretty pink panties pertaining to pornographic potato peeling parties.
Alliteration always awed Akio apparently as any asinine addiction absolutely assumes that aggravation and arousal is amazingly awesome at averting antagonists from aggravating Amish anecdotes, as any archaeologist/adventurer attests the realiability of patterns ending.
Cultural relativism was a hard concept to grasp especially given that chickens cannot masturbate without first obtaining the Sword of George Foreman which can grill Little Twin Stars 'pimpin' grills.
Hello Mimi meowed to the red My Melody hidden in Akio's pants.
The cocktower leaned due to pizza cheese dripping over Anthy's freakish new hairstyle, which resembled Yugi's for world domination.
M&Ms were poured with great care into Wakaba's bellybutton to rinse thoroughly, removing lint bunnies' stuffing for grilling Al-Qaeda suspects.
Utena's hero, namely Captain Underpants, shipped a box of Kleenex into Mr. Right's left kidney due to a wrong address that Kozue gave.
When bears drive V8s, they tend to swim in bukkake lakes while hyenas, on the fast track, prefer slow sexy strokes and pumpkin pie covered in mint ruffles.
The only way Shiori could scream, "DOMON!!!" was by inserting a rather phallic bullhorn into Anty's sarcophgagus which was filled with green jellybabies and brain eating cupcakes from Wyoming.
A lion kissed Touga's bruised ego on the cheek while he cried "Wolf!" to fool a jittery Yasha, a quivering NajiMinkin, a flying Ragnarok, then the Tamago, with utter grace, defused the bomb of Doom Juice.
Pencil stab wounds in pencils and in oranges appeared sporadically throughout Ohtori's rose garden while Akio watched using a special trick while Gio sat spread eagle on the planetarium exposing her Uranus' to Urmom, a planet located in the outher rim of Tsuwabuki's ivy stick.
Akio's tongue explored hitherto unknown realms of her inner small intestine and found fifty ulcer bunnies hopping quickly away from her stinky bowels.
Unknown to Yasha, the Great Pumpkin planned a worldwide porn embargo because of hentai monsters who defaulted on shool loans, hoping that they won't have to return to working at Wal-Mart as greeters.
The smell of sweat and shame woffed through Gio and Tamago as they watched Ikuhara fuck Akio right in movie, up the ass with a pineapple shoved by Anthy, who was the instigator of a unilateral car crash designed to make nuns way sexier than teenage girls.
Wakaba's prince pulled several brightly coloured penis pecking parrots and used them as private dicks.
This made Tamago cracked Tenjou_sailorsaturn's shell using the hammer Haruhi gave him, stolen from Gio's melancholy humor, blessed by a level 16 biomancer for enhanced squicking when used by bisexual hands.
Keiko ordered KFC but didn't realize that C stands CAN'T TOUCH THIS instead of catastrophe of major philosophical implications.
Inside Juri's fridge, Cthulhu rested in waiting for the Appliance Genocide to awaken his followers.
Dios poked Kanae between her boobs with his trusty tube of vaseline enhanced beef jerky, causing her to squirm into a tiny hole in Tamago's barrel of wine soaked Chernobyl chickens and Athena grilled turkey and radish garnished pasta salad.
Yuuko was sniffing at ChuChu's huge collection of felt that was placed conveniently on her head, while ChuChu was licking week-old syrup made from Anthy's Rose Garden's of utter HORROR!
Should the One Ring be found by the One Who Shall Not Be Ringedwith spiked rope, the One Ring shall return to sausage mince after being returned to the ocean, where the awesome old ladies use their powers against the old sunken galleons.
In Empty Movement a thread terrorist will eventually reply to Saionji's apron being too frilly for Nanami to eat her precious one ring.
While eating the plushie stuffing, Yasha spit out a used carrot-flavored spermicide tablet as she killed Mikage with a squirrel.
Many lulz ensued when Akio forgot to fill up Kanae, and hell opened, and lots of art students started sketching the Seitokai while eating delicious cake filled with living Madagascar hissing cockroaches.
BioKraze smashed a moon, AKA Kozue smashed Neptune in attempting to get Akio within the speed limit.
In the pews, there were kangaroos who sang the cold hard blues and danced loose like a moose and the goose full of juice in the cruise, searching for booze tying your shoes in a square because the world is a small shoujo fluff piece approved by Touga's girl groupies.
Aiko bitchsmacked Akio because he delivered false sex dolls to her room, which weren't endowed with big enough "Dick rocks" t-shirts to arrouse Chu-Chu from his midnight cheese binge.
Gio and Akio smoked some weed and fucked like hamsters in heat, which only turned Kozue into a protestant nun who fucked Casanova in the ass.
When you read this tale of love and spandex, you feel terrified, and aroused.
(And finally, after a cat orgy ChuChu went to the frog's bathroom.)
Last edited by Ragnarok (12-03-2007 02:12:06 PM)
*wipes a tear from his eye* That...that was just beautiful, man...
Yet again, Barney cruelly violated Miki's molestable ass, groaning "SPAAAAAAAARTAAAAAAAAAA!!"
The delicious old cat stalked Nanami in her go-cart as a parade of pandas protested against past perfect tense poetry pertaining to perverted pilchards parading pretty pink panties pertaining to pornographic potato peeling parties.
Alliteration always awed Akio apparently as any asinine addiction absolutely assumes that aggravation and arousal is amazingly awesome at averting antagonists from aggravating Amish anecdotes, as any archaeologist/adventurer attests the reliability of patterns ending.
This chapter proves once again that the 1-3 word Round Robin makes for way funnier and way more twisted stories than the traditional 1 word at a time Round Robin.
It is truely a thing of beauty.
Isn't it?
And I was half done
Thanks, though, Ragnarok. I'm notoriously bad at timeliness.
As for the story-- once we hit chapter ten, we have to see about binding this masterpiece as a coffeetable book.
Only if it has pictures!