This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I'm a major webcomic addict... who's got over 18 webcomics he's loved to death!
But I'm sure there're others out there who's in love over 50+ webcomics.
So, I decided to start this thread where we can talk about the latest on whatever webcomics we're following (or no longer following).
Last edited by Yasha (01-21-2014 12:26:16 AM)
Well first off, in case any of you don't know yet, the greatest webcomic of all time ever is xkcd. No, that's not hyperbole. And I can't guarantee that each one meets that standard, everybody has off days.
Number two in awesomeness is probably Wonderella. It's snarky, sharp, and often completely ridiculous.
Other good ones include Questionable Content, Girl Genius, Girls With Slingshots, Menage a 3, and Saturday Morning Breakfast Comics. Apart from Girl Genius, any of those are likely to be NSFW, especially Menage a 3. Also, I used to follow Order of the Stick, but it started to annoy me, and it's updates are terribly irregular, so I don't exactly recommend it. Besides, if you're not at least a former D&D freak, you wouldn't get half the jokes.
Anybody else got any?
Hark! A Vagrant is my all time favorite webcomic! Historical tidbits, Quentin Blake-esque illustrations and the best Top Gun jokes I've ever seen. I just can't tell you how much I love H!AV.
Wondermark is a casual favorite of mine, combining a nice Victorian imagery with just silly little absurd scenarios and the occasional steam punk joke.
Learn Something Every Day, while nothing out of the ordinary, is just kind of interesting to have. The simple little illustrations are kinda cute and there's facts!
Other than that, I reiterate SMBC's amusing qualities and that's all I've got. I was a big fan of Friendly Hostility while it lasted, but could not sustain an interest in Other People's Business. It destroyed EVERYTHING I HAD EVER LOVED about Friendly Hostility and then was just nothing special.
My 2 favorite webcomics are A Softer World and Hark! A Vagrant.
Oh, can't forget Dinosaur Comics! A classic. I also read Menage a 3, SMBC, XKCD, and Questionable Content, but they've already been covered.
Offline has some good ones.
dollface wrote:
Oh, can't forget Dinosaur Comics!
I second, sorry third XKCD and Questionable Content.
I also like FLEM and Savage Chickens.
I am sorry, but you are wrong, Stormy. Perry Bible Fellowship is the best webcomic ever created. I will forgive you, however, because you're all math and stuff so it's no wonder you thought xkcd was it.
You are, however, correct about Girl Genius. I had the luck to actually run across one of the graphic novels at a used bookstore here ( Wee Book Inn has kitteh in it
) and you better believe I snatched that up so fast the dude behind the counter thought I was stealing it.
I believe Achewood also deserves a mention for dry wit.
And for SHEER METAL YEAAAAAAAAAAAH-- Hellbastard. I had the privilege of watching this artist develop from random Something Awful mspaint threads into a full-blown comic. His gimmick was that whenever he had to mspaint himself, he'd mspaint his avatar-- a floating skull with green laser eyes. Really, you can only imagine what kinds of fears a floating skull with green lazer eyes has about parenting.
Which reminds me, I should go and comment on some of hb's comics.
dollface wrote:
My 2 favorite webcomics are A Softer World and Hark! A Vagrant.
You totally beat me to them! Though I give you creds for introducing me to a softer world in the first place.
The only other webcomic I read isn't a humorous one, it's gay sex!
Although I did use to follow that one with the tentacle monsters. Can't remember what it's called for the life of me.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Although I did use to follow that one with the tentacle monsters. Can't remember what it's called for the life of me.
Ghastly's Ghastly Comic? I haven't thought about that one in a while now.
But I'm surprised I forgot to mention PBF! I'm with Yasha on it being at least one of, if not the greatest webcomic/s evvvver. PBF walked the line between hilariously creepy and just a little too creepy like a pro. And the art style! Amazing. If only it'd get picked up again.
Shit, I forgot! Only one of the coolest comics ever, minus! It really captures what it's like to be a kid with an imagination.
Geekpoints: I bought a print of this comic for Gio because she's a total mush when it comes to stars.
There're a couple of nice webcomics that I'd recommend:
Both of them are by the same artist (Megan Rose Gedris). One of her works is "Yu+Me", which is finishing and it's great so far. And another one is "Lesbian Pirates from Outer Space".
Aaand... I also really like Hark! A Vagrant (Ohh!!! Mr. Darcy!! Oh!!!) and A Softer World.
Also, the latest dealio on A Softer World: I can't help but think of Jigoku Shoujo 0_0
Last edited by Hiraku (05-19-2010 10:41:00 PM)
Another XKCD Fan as well as Menage a 3.
I also read Penny and Aggie, Red String, Something Positive.
I also need more people to read Manly Guys doing Manly Things and Samurai Host Club NSFW. Also I want to spread the word about the NSFW Filthy Figments for when it launches in June.
Yasha wrote:
Shit, I forgot! Only one of the coolest comics ever, minus! It really captures what it's like to be a kid with an imagination.
Oh, minus.! It was really amazing sometimes. I was sad to see it end... This one was always my favorite. I thought about buying a print, but it would have ended up stuffed in a drawer or something; hardly fitting for it.
For those who like crime noir mixed with post-Apocolyptic settings (with a dash of gay romance, although it's not very romantic) Two Rooks ( is your best bet. The colouring is nice too (think Sin City; mainly b&w with some colours.)
Aside from some already listed, I'm a huge fan of Misfile and Order of the Stick.
Ozy and Millie
Over, alas. But remains a thing of beauty and awesome
(it has a wise dragon who runs for president with a pancake. lampoons ordinary American life perfectly as well as being quite quotable)
Yasha wrote:
Shit, I forgot! Only one of the coolest comics ever, minus! It really captures what it's like to be a kid with an imagination.
The comic made of pure innocent awesome. I kind of understand why it ended; you really don't want something like that to become repetitive and go out with a whimper, but it was still sad to see it stop.
I read regularly Drowtales, XKCD, Megatokyo and Freefall.
I've also bought both volumes of Gunnerkrigg Court, and am going to start reading the rest of the saga as soon as I got time. I seriously recommend this one to Utena fans; it tells about a girl in a mysterious boarding school, and deals with the constant theme of borders - life and death, human and animal, machine and creature, magic and science...It's extremely cool.
Last edited by Lightice (05-22-2010 05:44:38 PM)
Yasha wrote:
You are, however, correct about Girl Genius. I had the luck to actually run across one of the graphic novels at a used bookstore here (
Wee Book Inn has kitteh in it
) and you better believe I snatched that up so fast the dude behind the counter thought I was stealing it.
I think you mentioned Girl Genius here before, and I blame you for getting me addicted to it. I have now made it my lifelong goal to cosplay as Mama Gkika at a convention.
Oh no one's mentioned Darwin Carmichael is Going to Hell yet! That's my favorite webcomic right now. It's about this guy, Darwin, who has reallllllly bad karma because of something terrible he did in the past. The series follows his life trying to bring his karma back up as well as his misadventures with his BFF Ella and his pet manticore Skittles. If for nothing else Skittles makes this comic worth reading.
Link here!
(because I'm not sure how to embed links and youtube tutorials are not working)
btw xkcd and Manly Guys Doing Manly Things are also really awesome
I’m going to assume that Penny Arcade and Sexy Losers haven’t been mentioned yet simply because it would be akin to saying, “Hey, you know what I like to breathe? Oxygen! You should check it out.”
Nuklear Power and VG Cats might also fall into that category.
So, here are my recommendations:
Head Trip
The artwork is wonderful and the writing is excellent.
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
So, there’s this ninja, who’s also a practicing physician… Look, I’m not going to try to explain it. It just works, okay?
A Miracle of Science
A charming sci-fi story. The plot deals with some interesting concepts like memetic disorders and group minds. Also, mad science!! Unlike most web comics, it’s a completed story, so just go read the whole thing. It’s worth it.
Eegra is hilarious, for all you gamers out there. Dudes, I don't care if you don't have time, CLICK THIS LINK RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW. IT IS AWESOME AND THE THIRTY SECONDS WILL BE WORTH IT.
OnionPrince wrote:
I’m going to assume that Penny Arcade and Sexy Losers haven’t been mentioned yet simply because it would be akin to saying, “Hey, you know what I like to breathe? Oxygen! You should check it out.”
You are so right. That's also why I haven't posted Sluggy, although it's gone downhill bunches.
The Jain's Death
This comic is a little... different. It's about Jain Buddhism, and it is... transcendent. I highly encourage anyone who has spiritual leanings to read this comic; it's just plain beautiful.
I find this amusing... … ans-batman
It's not a webcomic, but it is a comic, and it is on the interwobs. It's called 'The Enigma of Amigara Fault', by Junji Ito.
Click here if you never want to sleep again.
Yasha wrote:
It's not a webcomic, but it is a comic, and it is on the interwobs. It's called 'The Enigma of Amigara Fault', by Junji Ito.
Click here if you never want to sleep again.
I clicked and nothing's working... am I to assume that this is for the best?