This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
It's so prettyful! I love it!
Don't make me choose!
Tamago wrote:
I decided to try my hand at colouring in one of 'A Day Without Me's Wallpapers and here is the result. … yellow.jpg
Stealing! (But not abusing )
Hm ah hm. I tried something strange, and I like the result. Yes, they're all the same sort of "coloring" style, but I though variety would be nice. … aanshi.gif … iecast.gif … /makio.gif … racles.gif
Click on each one to view.
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Hm ah hm. I tried something strange, and I like the result. Yes, they're all the same sort of "coloring" style, but I though variety would be nice. … aanshi.gif … iecast.gif … /makio.gif … racles.gif
Click on each one to view.
I LOVE the colouring style! ..and even though the third is movie-Akio, for some reason it's my favourite. The roses and thorns look hot.
Offline … t=wall.jpg
The first wallpaper I've ever made. >< It's not all that great and didn't spend much time on it....and it isn't really sized properly. I just wanted a wallpaper for my laptop with Dios on it. He is underloved.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:¤t=wall.jpg
The first wallpaper I've ever made. >< It's not all that great and didn't spend much time on it....and it isn't really sized properly. I just wanted a wallpaper for my laptop with Dios on it. He is underloved.
I really like it. It's simple, yet very pretty. :3 You all make me jealous. XD
Here's my first try at a wallpaper (click to view):
I can get it without the text if anyone wants it. I like the white the best.
Just so's y'all know... I haven't put up any wallpapers on the site but I have a bunch. I'm thinking what I should do is link them in this thread and let you guys vote on the ones that should go on the site. I'm terribly uncomfortable about putting my own stuff up there because I'm biased toward it, and that means I might let my standards slip for it.
I want to see more Yasha wallpapers!
And, I didn't see the posts about my walpapers until now. Anyone who wants to use them, feel free.
This is my new one.
Click to make bigger.
edit: And another!
Last edited by Iris (04-24-2008 12:04:17 PM)
Well, I'm hoping this is relevant enough. I'm trying to find the version of this pic, which is in the gallery, before Touga comes onscreen, so it's just Nanami making delicious poses, so that I can see about using it as wallpaper. Does anyone have that? :S
So I took the evening off from my studies and designed a new layout for my Juri site No Angel Came. I have not coded it yet, but I wanted to share a preview with you people. I created a wallpaper to go with it. The image is from Arisugawa's Locket.
layout / wallpaper ::edit:: Now with icon preview.
Last edited by alexielnet (04-27-2008 09:51:35 PM)
Alexiel, that's an absolutely adorable Juri! She's just so cute. I love it.
And here's the Nanami.
Iris, you a real G; thanks fo' helpin' a brotha out.
No problem
Glad it works.
Offline … size-1.jpg - Original … ze-1-1.jpg - Inverted … ze-1-2.jpg - Greyscale … ze-1-3.jpg - Blueprint … ze-1-4.jpg - Bronze
Just another paint-shop wallpaper. Less than an hour. I don't even think it's the proper size or demensions for a wallpaper, I just kind of threw it together. But it looks nice on my laptop
Lyrics are from Poets of The Fall's "Carnival of Rust".
EDIT: I think the links will be better, as the image itself may get cut off on the forums when viewed by different computers. And I added links for the altered versions as well.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (05-07-2008 08:34:07 AM)
That's beauuutiful!!! I wish it was bigger
Iris wrote:
That's beauuutiful!!! I wish it was bigger
Thank you . I have no idea if I can re-size it or not. My computer skills are practically nonexistant.
Oh, and DEAR GOD photobucket's editing stoof. YUMS. I like this wallpapr even better inverted, or bronzy...oh yes. Me
photobucket. Long time.
I love it, too! Saving it, though it's a bit small for my laptop... Perhaps adding some black space around it will do the trick
Offline … lpaper.jpg
I hate how this one turned out. All blurry and boring. Pooh. Maybe I'll shrink it into a sig.
alexielnet wrote:
Here is a wallpaper for any Juri/Miki shippers (friendship or otherwise) out there. … top01s.jpg
Oh god, the bg =
Miki-Juri is so cute, in that whole "if Juri had a penis" kinda way.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Miki-Juri is so cute, in that whole "if Juri had a penis" kinda way.
Or if Miki didn't.
Look, we already established that Miki has a vagina...