This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Calliston wrote:
And I heard asparagus is for pee, but I didn't know about the semen thing. And if we know how to change the taste of semen, does this mean we get to groom our boytoys into eating what will make them taste better?
I eat nothing but strawberries.
Okay, that's a lie. But if we were to get into a much more scholarly discussion on this topic it would have to move to IFD.
Calliston wrote:
I heard asparagus is for pee, but I didn't know about the semen thing. And if we know how to change the taste of semen, does this mean we get to groom our boytoys into eating what will make them taste better?
It's a pity they haven't found a way to make semen taste like chocolate... (You can imagine the rest)
And Tamago, you're sooooo fantastic. In many ways. I would love to try this silverside thing. Unfortunately, I've never heard of silverside and I've got teh same problem as Yasha; I've never seen it anywhere.
Thank you I try my best! But I never expected to find out that Silverside only seems to exist in Australia if what people have been telling me, the next time I get around to posting a recipe, I make sure you can get all the ingredients overseas.
Serious Necro
When I posted this Corned Silverside Recipe more than 2 years ago, a lot of people who were NOT from Australia or England had no idea what a Silverside cut was.
Now I am able to show you the Bristish Cuts and the American version.
It seems that British Silverside is classed as just part of the American Round cut.
Try and ask for the Round cut thats near the Sirlion area at your butcher to get the equiviant to the Silverside. Now go to Tamago's Super-Tender Corned Silverside Beef Recipe.