This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
As I am an autograph collector, I decided to put on a nice topic like that. Did you met any famous people? Who were they, and when it happened. Or maybe you collect autographs, or know a celebrity in person? Share your stories here.
Yesterday, I received an autograph for which I have been waiting 7 months, but it arrived at last . It's Cate Blanchett's photo with a signature. In February I am also going to see Nightwish concert, when they'll be in Poland...
Back when I used to listen to country music, I was able to meet and get the autographs of Chris Cagle and Cledus T. Judd. I even have picture with them, I think. I also might have an autograph from Trick Pony that my friend got me, but I can't remember. Shame I started hating country music shortly after that point... And shame that that's the extent of my autographs.
ha, I used to love them and how I ended up simply not caring. *sighs*
Oh I got Marco from Lacuna Coil to sign my ticket when I saw them live a few years ago. I also took a picture with him.
I don't know if anyone here's ever heard of MeShell NdegeOcello, but I once got her autograph and discussed her tattoo with her.
I had my CD autographed by Brian Molko, Stefan Olsdal, and Steve Hewitt. Placebo! *sigh* I've also had a condom signed by Jimmy Urine of Mindless Self Indulgence. (that same day!). What else... I didn't get anything signed by him, but I met Bobby Steele of The Misfits... and I've met AbbyNex from Psyclon Nine... and I have an autographed drumstick from the drummer of Marazene.
I have the 3 signatures of the old lineup of Candy Spooky Theater. thats Jack, Peggy and Zull. Zull's siggy is on my lolita top hat cause its more special then the other two. X3 Wana see?
Ummm, actually met? Rich Voss.
I did go to a Reel Big Fish concert. Dunno if that counts. (It was awesome.)
Dross has met many many celebrities. *JEALOUS*
I don't really care about autographs. There's really nothing to do with them.
Heh, I guess the only famous people whose autographs I have are Within Temptation. But I cared much more about actually meeting them, and they're very nice people.
Other than that, I also have my Otep's album signed. A friend of the band sent me their albums since at that time I couldn't buy them here. It was very sweet of them to sign it, because I wasn't expecting it all. Otep herself also wrote something like "Hello, Maarika" and drew some things.
William Shatner's horse once frothed on me.
I've boggled and been utterly unable to say anything coherent to Adrienne Rich as she signed a book for us.
I have Holly Near's autograph on one of her albums.
Laurie J. Marks signed one of her books for me -- and so did her wife!
I've chatted briefly with Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman.
Melissa Scott came to dinner at our house.
I've shaken the hand that shook the hand that shook the hand that shook the hand of the great John L.
(And anyone who gets THAT reference wins a no-prize!)
I'm fairly sure 3/4 of you will not have heard of any of the people I mention. Y'all are into music and such, and I'm a major sports fan.
Even though I'm big into sports, I only have two autographs...and I never actually GOT either one of them. My friend got a card autographed by NASCAR driver Elliott Sadler when she went to an autograph session with him in and sent it to me. My other autograph is from NASCAR driver Tony Stewart, and that one's got a heck of a story with it. My brother's ex girlfriend works in a nursing home. One of the residents at the time loved Tony, and when he found out she knew who he was (thanks to me...XD), he love her immediately. He eventually gave her one of the cards that he got autographed by Tony, and she passed the card on to me.
As far as meeting celebrities? I've been within 10-25 feet or so from a couple of drivers signing autographs in their merchandise trailers when I've gone to the NASCAR races. I'm sure I've ran into a bunch of Packers players (almost expected when you live here). And, I swear, I took the order of my favorite hockey player when I worked in a fast food restaurant when I was in high school. XD
Lissa wrote:
I'm fairly sure 3/4 of you will not have heard of any of the people I mention. Y'all are into music and such, and I'm a major sports fan.
Mega sports fan here too. I'd love to get some autographs from my favorite tennis players...But I'm too shy to ask when I'm at tournaments, I guess because there are always so many children asking. As I never got to go to any sort of sporting event, concert, etc. as a youngster, I'm trying to catch up now--but don't have the guts.
Elliot Sadler? Awesome! Although I'll admit, Tony Stewart kind of grates on me, because he has a bit more attitude than I like in my sportspeople. ^_- Still, he's a Hoosier boy, and I'm a Hoosier girl, so I don't hold it against him too much.
I have some books signed by my mother's friend, Johnnie Tuitel, who is a children's book author with cerebral palsy. He gave me personalized signed copies of his books, and is going to be my editor for my children's book Booster, which will be supported by the Humane Society of America.
Same here, Cerise. I don't like asking for autographs, even if a guy is giving them away (like, if he's signing stuff for his fans in a merchandise hauler at the track), which is why the two I have? Probably going to be the only two I'll own.
I love Tony's 'tude, though. It's the reason I started liking him, and got back into NASCAR. I can even name the race that started me back into NASCAR! (I am a geek, I know...). Bristol, spring 2001. Near the end of the race, Jeff Gordon piss Tony off. After the race (which, ironically, was Elliott's first Cup win), while on pit road, Tony drove up, and rear ended Jeff. I hated Jeff Gordon (and still do...), so that immediately made me like him. Of course, the fact that he can win a race driving a cockroach on wheels helps, too. Now, Elliott? He just sort of...grew on me. XD He's one of those guys who's too adorable not to like.
The pic of my Cate Blanchett autograph... crappy quality, but who cares
Oh, I forgot! I have Joe Allen's autograph too, as well as a NASA doctor as well, but I can't remember his name and can't remember where the autograph is currently due to the move. They came to my school when I was in 5th grade to do a little talk. Totally made my school year! As did visiting the Virgil I. Grissom Memorial Museum when I was around that age.
Last edited by Cerise (10-30-2007 01:30:34 PM)
I set off an alarm trying not to walk into Pierce Brosnan at the Tate Modern art gallery in London once.
I have a ticket somewhere around here to a Penn and Teller show signed by them both (I love little Teller, I want to squish him and take him home FOREVER!), and if I actually manage to get out of bed on time in order to catch my train I'll hopefully have David Tennant's signature on Monday. Heh.
Stormcrow wrote:
I don't know if anyone here's ever heard of MeShell NdegeOcello, but I once got her autograph and discussed her tattoo with her.
I've heard of her. The song that most people would know is "If That's Your Boyfriend, He Wasn't Last Night."
Let's see. I had an autograph from a band called Saliva that I don't like anymore, but that's the only one I have. I've met a lot of people though. It pays to be friends with DJ's at the campus radio station.
I got Al Franken to sign my copy of the fifth Gravitation book.
It was all I had!
And I have a personal letter from Mister Rogers as my uncle was his minister in Natucket.
Edit: Almost forgot! Joe from Harry and the Potters signed my Snitch beanie!
Last edited by NajiMinkin (10-30-2007 07:25:38 PM)
Well, most people wouldn't consider them celebrities, but I have met a few people that I consider famous. I crossed the street with Greg Aryes once, and didn't realize it was him until later. Another time, I shared an elevator with him, but he was busy talking. I know that I've met some other voice actors, but my memory is failing me at the moment.
I don't go chasing celebreties, but I did have the great fortune of meeting my favorite comedian and personal hero Lewis Black both times he's performed here. And I got his autograph both times!
Ohhhh man I love Lewis Black. That's awesome.
Most of mine are political.
I once met Hillary Clinton from an essay contest I won.... (Was I smart enough to think of an autograph? nooo... -_-)
Most depressed woman I have ever met.
And, Ronin Harris from VNV Nation signed my gas mask, and I hung out with Voltaire.
Last edited by Iris (10-31-2007 12:30:09 AM)
Somewhere I have a photograph of the Hale-Bopp comet autographed by Thomas Bopp. Because I actually went to an astronomy convention and he was a guest lecturer.
The closest I got to a celebrity was having my hand touched by Alex Kapranos (
) or getting autographs of the girl band Feminnem, for a friend who was too afraid to ask it herself. They were quite friendly, commenting how I tower over them despite the fact they're all wearing high heels. (:
The nearest to what I call a big-time celeb I have ever met, was this Goggomobil guy from a famous Aussie ad.