This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I miss The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest...mainly because I was such a huge Hadji fangirl.
Hiraku wrote:
Another show I've been missing... Futurama. Ah... Bender, how did I live through my days without you...
I saw just talking about Futurama today. True, the episodes that were made had many reruns, but now, it's never on. The best animated comedy series ever. Simspons? You waste your talents, Matt.
Riri-kins wrote:
I miss The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest...mainly because I was such a huge Hadji fangirl.
I had a crush on Jessie. That was the girl's name, right?
Tamago wrote:
American Gothic
The idea of a town where the Sheriff runs the place is actually The Devil was a great idea. Sheriff Lucas Buck deserved more than 1 season.
See, this is one of those shows that I remember, but I only watched a few episodes because I was MAYBE 10 at the time. It took TV Tropes to make this pop up in my head again, even though I get weirded out anytime Gary Cole(the guy who played Sheriff Satan) is on my TV....especially in the Brady Bunch movies.
BalamiyaVardihi wrote:
Yeah, unfortunately. It was pretty much decided by the time the last episode aired. There is a possibility of a direct-to-DVD movie, though.
Check the Wiki, it's pretty damn informative.
Anthiena wrote:
...but I really also miss WITCH. Why, oh why did Winx beat them out? That show threw the Sorting Algorythm of Evil out the window with season 2... ugh.
Oh, no, Winx Club didn't beat them, technically. W.I.T.C.H. was 100% Screwed by the Network.
Season 1 was fine on ABC Family(after moving from ABC), even with occasionally getting bumped for random bullshit. At least there was the sporadic re-air on Disney the next day. The first problem came when Season 2 took forever to show up, which the Writer's Strike taught us is a ratings killer. Then there was the constant pre-empting for random BS...again. Not to mention the constant flipflop between Saturday and Sunday broadcasts for new episodes, to the point where the TV Guide was repeatedly wrong. Then halfway through the season, ABC Family dumps it's entire animation lineup. In a HUGE FAILING OF LOGIC, they move it to Toon Disney....on digital cable...instead of Regular Disney or even putting it back on ABC. I bet there's not one single cable company that offers Toon Disney on basic, no-box-needed cable.
As a result, we get shafted out of seeing the rest of the comic books animated.
Last edited by Raven Nightshade (01-04-2009 06:21:42 PM)
Carnivale. A great, complex series about a magical realism version of the 1930s, but too expensive, and too difficult for the general public. Such a pity...
Mylene wrote:
I had a crush on Jessie. That was the girl's name, right?
Yep. Did you like her in both seasons? I seem to be the only one who didn't think season two was that bad.
Hiraku wrote:
You and me both
Cool! I thought we Hadji fangirls were an extinct species.
Riri-kins wrote:
Hiraku wrote:
You and me both
Cool! I thought we Hadji fangirls were an extinct species.
Technically, I'm a fan"boy", lol. Ahh... But, even though Johnny Quest is no more, I think the show had a good run unlike some unfortunately short ones. I was happy that Family Guy didn't get canceled. At one point, that show just disappeared from the air wave for quite a while, and that got me worried.
I forgot about Jonny Quest. I loved that show.
Hiraku wrote:
I was happy that Family Guy didn't get canceled. At one point, that show just disappeared from the air wave for quite a while, and that got me worried.[/color]
Technically, I think it did get cancelled. DVD sales and Adult Swim reruns (which still draw huge ratings) were largely responsible for its return to TV.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Tamago wrote:
American Gothic
The idea of a town where the Sheriff runs the place is actually The Devil was a great idea. Sheriff Lucas Buck deserved more than 1 season.See, this is one of those shows that I remember, but I only watched a few episodes because I was MAYBE 10 at the time. It took TV Tropes to make this pop up in my head again, even though I get weirded out anytime Gary Cole(the guy who played Sheriff Satan) is on my TV....especially in the Brady Bunch movies.
I'm the same, though I believe I did see all of the episodes aired...although from the DVD set I have downstairs, I believe I missed a couple? I'm not sure. I've owned it for like a YEAR now and I still haven't watched it.
A block of MTV's liquid animation, namely The Maxx and Downtown.
Of cartoons I have to say I really miss Rocko's Modern Life. I really wish Nickelodeon would release that to dvd.
"Laundry day is a very dangerous day."- Rocko
Ah the life lessons.
I second the mourning for the loss of Carnivale. What an awesome show! Besides, I think it would be particularly appealing to SKU fans - the story and setting are very different, but it's similarly packed with symbolism, ambiguity and apocalyptic themes. Also it looked more like cinema than tv, IMO.
Teen Titans (screw you Ben10), that show was awesome, with its rampant pop culture referances and surprisingly dark sense of humor.
Alithea wrote:
Of cartoons I have to say I really miss Rocko's Modern Life. I really wish Nickelodeon would release that to dvd.
Let me say that again.
The show got hacked to pieces when they re-ran it on Nicktoons/The N/Noggin. Then there's all the things they messed with after the initial Nickelodeon run. That was a REALLY dirty show passing itself off as kid's programming.
Epee_724 wrote:
Teen Titans (screw you Ben10), that show was awesome, with its rampant pop culture referances and surprisingly dark sense of humor.
I loved Teen Titans! I wished it didn't end, but I'm glad the series ended the way it did. (I either ignore the movie or stick it further back in the timeline.) Instead of bringing it back, I'd like to see another reboot of the series that falls in the DCAU instead of its own continuity.
Riri-kins wrote:
Mylene wrote:
I had a crush on Jessie. That was the girl's name, right?
Yep. Did you like her in both seasons? I seem to be the only one who didn't think season two was that bad.
I have no idea what season I was watching. It's unlikely that I've seen more than 1/2 of a season's worth of episodes. However, I loved the ones that I did see. I think it was part of the Toonami block that included Voltron and possibly Sailor Moon, although by the time SM ran on Toonami I was already transitioning away from dubs. I turned purist very early in my anime viewing days.
I would have liked to have seen more of Freaks and Geeks personally. That was an interesting show, but it didn't last long. Admittedly, I rarely watched it, but only because I forgot when it was on since it wasn't advertised very much. It was still a cool show though.
Ooo...the first season of Clarissa Explains It All is available on Netflix. I should rent that sometime and wallow in the sheer awesomeness of Nick's live action shows from that era. Too bad Salute Your Shorts hasn't made it to DVD as well.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Alithea wrote:
Of cartoons I have to say I really miss Rocko's Modern Life. I really wish Nickelodeon would release that to dvd.
Let me say that again.
The show got hacked to pieces when they re-ran it on Nicktoons/The N/Noggin. Then there's all the things they messed with after the initial Nickelodeon run. That was a REALLY dirty show passing itself off as kid's programming.
Are you sure you're not thinking of Ren & Stimpy? I refused to buy those DVD sets because they are edited (despite the claim on the box).
Rocko was awesome and one of my favorites as well (and I want to see it on DVD too), but I don't think it ever had the same kinds of problems with the censors that R&S did. Some episodes of Rocko even broke the fourth wall with that kind of stuff. "To Heck and Back" comes to mind.
That said, it goes without saying that Rocko was indeed quite twisted.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (01-06-2009 05:43:34 PM)
Mylene wrote:
Ooo...the first season of Clarissa Explains It All is available on Netflix. I should rent that sometime and wallow in the sheer awesomeness of Nick's live action shows from that era. Too bad Salute Your Shorts hasn't made it to DVD as well.
Must. Have. Now! I loved Clarissa when I was young, and I have to wonder how different it would seem now.
dollface wrote:
Mylene wrote:
Ooo...the first season of Clarissa Explains It All is available on Netflix. I should rent that sometime and wallow in the sheer awesomeness of Nick's live action shows from that era. Too bad Salute Your Shorts hasn't made it to DVD as well.
Must. Have. Now! I loved Clarissa when I was young, and I have to wonder how different it would seem now.
I own this. Seriously. Clarissa was awesome, I grew up with that show. And Pete & Pete. (I have season one of that also, still need 2.) Sadly, Nickelodeon only ever released season 1 of Clarissa, and 1 & 2 of Pete & Pete on DVD before dropping their "Nick Rewind" line altogether.
Apparently the sales numbers didn't justify continuing it. I'm pretty sure there were another few shows released in that short-lived line... I think Are You Afraid of the Dark? was another.
I mourn so deeply for Arrested Development and Dead Like Me. And even though it had a long run, it still should have been longer - Married With Children is one of my favorite guilt pleasures. And I second Futurama. What the fuck were they thinking? The cancellation of Invader Zim marked the death of Cartoon Network. Seriously, the shit they have on now is more dangerous to the minds of children than a movie with boobs. Come on, society.
Last edited by Katzenklavier (01-06-2009 07:28:31 PM)
Invader Zim was Nickelodeon and my how the mighty have fallen. I pretty much miss their entire mid to late 90s lineup, none of which they have really decided to release on DVD in any way.
Another show that was killed prematurely was Trigger Happy TV. One of those shows with the hidden camera where they just do a bunch of random stuff, such as people entering a record store to a bunch of people in animal costumes.
Triforce742 wrote:
Another show that was killed prematurely was Trigger Happy TV. One of those shows with the hidden camera where they just do a bunch of random stuff, such as people entering a record store to a bunch of people in animal costumes.
Trigger...Happy...TV. They flipping cancelled that one too?!?!
I agree that the cancellation of IZ was the downfall of Nick. After Zimmy got canned the shows have gotten steadily worse and more pointless.
Yeah, because Jhonen's world of MYTH ARCS and PLOT DEVELOPMET and INTERESTING CHARACTERS was too much for Nick/kids to handle.
Last edited by BalamiyaVardihi (01-06-2009 10:02:01 PM)
Man. I forgot about Rocko.
I've heard about those. I wish I had the money to set up a real animation network that's for all fans of animation. There are far too many good ones that never make it in the US....