This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
See a sig/avatar? Like it? Hate it? Spout off on the one above you and rate it on a scale of 1 to 10! To be fair, I'll rate my old ones:
My old sig wrote:
He's a pirate werewolf from the hood, she's a headbanging queen of the dead with a warrior soul. They fight crime!
"So basically, the uncertainty principle blows away have the jury with a rocket launcher-repeatedly."
Nin' of
Funny text, though I'm sure nobody on this forum has any idea who Nin' is. Annoyed Casca wins, as does Ultros. 8/10
AACK. In need of new sig!
Very cute, but needs an actual sig! 7/10
i prefer matching sig and avatars..but that avatar is sooooo SMEXY!!
^Is made of awesome, because Haunting Grounds is awesome!
Your stuff is epic strange. 8/10
Last edited by Anthiena (06-04-2008 01:12:16 PM)
Your little avatar makes me giggle. It reminds me of Riko from YnM. XD And the sig makes me nostalgic. 7.5/10
Ditto for yours, dollface! The squad even got Shiori in a top position in the SKU Character Survivor game
(I feel sorry for anyone who has to rate mine xD Feel free to give me a 0. )
Last edited by Asfalolh (06-04-2008 04:30:34 PM)
Asfalolh wrote:
(I feel sorry for anyone who has to rate mine xD Feel free to give me a 0.
I accept your challenge!
Yay for avatars of indeterminate origin! I give you points for good use of abstraction. And for a signature I can't translate! The first line looks French, but even with what I know of the language it doesn't look familiar to me...
Translation of above: I like it even if I don't understand it!
I absolutely love the background concept art for the movie so of course I loved your theme since I first saw it.
Cute avvie. The signature is true. 8/10
Avatar = Sexy
Signature = It reminded me very much of Dietrich Von Lohengrin--in a good way.
Rating for both: 9/10
(I suddenly miss my Panzer Magier half.)
Last edited by Seitokaichou (06-05-2008 01:38:50 PM)
do i even have to say it? Avatar =*Drool*
and the sig is a WONDERFUL link. if you havent clicked it... DO IT NOW!
( Thank you, sweetness. )
Avatar = "Kiss and kill me sweetly." *grins*
Signature = Yes_you_are. You keep KissingT.Kiryuu. *snickers*
Rating for both: 9/10
Last edited by Seitokaichou (06-05-2008 01:31:38 PM)
^ Avatar = Rape. Is. IMMENINENT.
^ Yes, said linky is full of win. Plus, it's so pretty and tasteful and matches your avatar. An elegant, sexy, and ooh-pretty-shiney theme. 9/10
Would've gotten a 10/10, but it needs more GAY.
( Ha~ha! to you. )
Avatar = (Saionji just had his sexy release, or he's in the middle of slapping someone's sexy behind?) SEXY NO LESS.
Signature = That is Saionji up-close and personal.
Rating for both = 9/10
Regarding your avatar well it is the forced sexing time but hey you can not rape the willing. 9/10
The siggy leads to ring goodness.
I deleted my comment which came between Seitokaichou and SexingTouga24/7/365 posts since ST was commenting on Seitokaichou's icon. Considering who is currently in my icon, I thought it might be a good idea to... get out from between the rape comments.
Interesting pairing... and interesting use of emotion.
Thanks and sorry about the forced sexing.
Oh your avatar is pretty.
Ahahaha, I love how desperately you say "Touga and Ruka fuck me NOW!!". It makes me laugh.
Last edited by Epi_lepsia (06-05-2008 03:32:41 PM)
I love your avatar, Epi. Mikage = win. I wonder if he is scheming up a way to get more Pop-tarts?
SexingTouga24/7/365 -- It's cool. My icon just seemed weird in that context. Also, thanks.
Epi_lepsia -- I read the quote you comment on at first as "*R*uck me NOW" and I was wondering if that was the new euphemism the kids are using. Oops.
Razara -- I like the coloring on your icon. Also the crop is really pretty.
Last edited by alexielnet (06-05-2008 03:51:26 PM)
Avatar = Tori Amos (I can't begin to tell you how her song Crucify remains a favourite of mine up to now)
Signature = Interesting links.
Rating for both: 9/10