This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Oh god, oh sweet mother of god.
I have so much respect for him I don't even:
Double post. Sorry.
Found this article about introverts... pretty true. It's not that I don't like to talk, just didn't see the need to :| … introverts
*Really want to encourage people to post interesting news articles here... I personally felt this thread has a lot of potential to exchange ideas and thoughts about current events*
In any case, Steve Jobs is dead... I'll be honest and say that I didn't see it coming. RIP, man. I'll think of you when I use my mac. … dies-at-56
Another recent international news:
Gadhafi era ends: What's next for Libya?
I came across this article. It's not really a NEWS article, but it's something nice to read about:
It's not "Who You Know", but "Who You Are"
I think this article is right about something: ideally, to be successful, the network you built should be the fruit of your work, rather than solely depending on the network to get you to where you want.
But, at the same time, life is pretty complex, so... things might work the other way because I've definitely seen people who, once being promoted to a new job that they've never been involved in, actually proved to be very good at it.
Last edited by Hiraku (11-03-2011 08:41:30 AM)
Clearly, I've been out the loop, because this is the first time I've heard about this: … 09540.html
We're really in a reactionary period right now.
Hiraku wrote:
ideally, to be successful, the network you built should be the fruit of your work, rather than solely depending on the network to get you to where you want
Well it makes sense! Better to be the top of your own pyramid than a stone in another one. But it sounds like the message here is more do the networking based on your competence, not on the alliances themselves. Which is sage advice. Didn't work for me but it's still good stuff and the best of both worlds. The reality seems to be that competence alone is no more useful than networking alone. You need to do both.
Mylene wrote:
We're really in a reactionary period right now.
We really are, but it's very creepy that this kind of stuff is going on under the nose of a Democratic president. We're going to backlash eventually and put a Rep up there, and then what will happen?
Giovanna wrote:
Mylene wrote:
We're really in a reactionary period right now.
We really are, but it's very creepy that this kind of stuff is going on under the nose of a Democratic president. We're going to backlash eventually and put a Rep up there, and then what will happen?
To be fair, President Obama has zero control over Mississippi's constitution. In general -- as we saw with Prop 8 in California -- if a state's voters amend their constitution in an illegal way, it's only after that amendment that the federal courts get to step in. Mississippi's amendment is pretty blatantly illegal under Roe v. Wade, Griswold v. Connecticut, and possibly other cases. What is likely to happen is that a federal court will strike down the amendment as violating the U.S. Constitution, and this decision will be upheld on appeal. The Supreme Court will probably decline to take the case. Even if the justices are interested in revisiting Roe v. Wade, this is not the case they'd choose to do it in; there are too many complicating factors, like the birth control issue and the state's flouting of Supreme Court precedent. So I expect that if the amendment passes tonight, it will get stricken down pretty fast without the Supreme Court getting involved.
I can't see that anyone's written it up yet, but Mississippi's ballot initiative looks to have failed. Sometimes we get to deal with bad ideas the easy way.
What happened at UC Davis yesterday is absolutely appalling, and I feel that more people should know about this:
UC Davis launches investigation after pepper spray video; chancellor calls video ‘chilling’
And now someone I follow on tumblr had likened US to Venezuela. That says something.
Many ppl at UC Davis are now calling for chancellor to resign. tbh, though, I think a reorganization/resystemization of the US police force of some sort should be the priority here. We've seen police brutality happening with all the OWS movement, and now it's happening in Berkeley and Davis.
Last edited by Hiraku (11-19-2011 07:59:29 PM)
Dear America.
What were you thinking? … -detention
So! Facebook mentioned something to me today about Starbucks and support for gay rights and blah-di-blah, so I actually did some follow-up research.
So what the hell is going on?
Well, in January, an executive at Starbucks issued a statement that as an organization, Starbucks supports same-sex marriage and that the company would be putting forth resources to attempt to pass legislation to change the federal definition of marriage.
"We are deeply dedicated to embracing diversity and treating one another with respect and dignity, and remain committed to providing an inclusive, supportive and safe work environment for all of our partners." --Katie Holmes, Exec VP ( … 72500.html)
This statement has been verified on multiple occasions by Starbucks executives and board members and the company is now backed by the HRC (Human Rights Campaign). A lot of opposition has risen to this statement by both those who oppose gay marriage and shareholders afraid of stock losing value from any resulting boycotts.
Wait, what?
A "Dump Starbucks" campaign has been active since January and currently has a small following and carries the endorsement of NOM, the National Organization for Marriage (ironic, really). This pales in comparison to the amount of support that has been piling on from gay rights advocates. An e-card has been organized to collect 300k signatures to show Starbucks execs that the people agree with their message and their decision to broadcast their message. The website has been active for less than a week.
The scoreboard:
Dump Starbucks: 22,452
Thank You, Starbucks: 284,833
What else?
The overwhelming support may not be enough. Many people have voiced valid concerns for business in other countries that are less accepting. I have some issues with both sides of this one. Starbucks is an international organization, yet they don't seem concerned about alienating other nations with differing majority opinions/beliefs. Part of this could be that they're so damn big they don't have to worry about it, and more of it could be to gather more sympathy from advocates; I might just be too skeptical of larger corporations, but the whole protest seems to have only served the purpose of focusing attention on the fact that Starbucks in fact made this statement (the first I've ever heard of it, though I am admittedly ignorant of such matters) and gathering support for the company. Especially suspicious is the fact that Starbucks has previously issued a statement that they avoid and do not associate with controversial political matters:
“It's ironic that even as Starbucks endorsed gay marriage here, its website on involvement in the Middle East claims the corporation does not, 'support any political or religious cause.' Lying to your customers is never a good business model." --Jonathan Baker, head of NOM’s Corporate Fairness Project and Starbucks stockholder ( … paign.html)
NOM is taking an aggressive stance against Starbucks and has stated that they will be funding ads to run in several countries to urge customers worldwide to boycott. I don't know that a thank-you card will be enough if NOM truly has the resources to see that one through.
Regardless, it doesn't cost anything to sign the card and I for one am glad to see another corporation stand up for same-sex marriage! (Other big names include Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Nike, Google, Macys, Home Depot, JetBlue, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and etc.)I'm glad that this issue is getting attention, if only so that I don't have to see ignorant gay-bashers when I want a frappucino. Protest away, gents!
Lemme know if any of the above info is wrong; all of my sources come from googling "NOM dump starbucks" and "gay rights starbucks". Do feel free to be more informed than I am and of course if you want to sign the e-card, you can do so here: ( And I definitely wanna hear what you guys think about this.
This made me smile as a Christian and gay rights supporter.
Jesus hung out with lepers and misfits, so I don't think He'd have a problem with gay people.
I remembered years ago when we were talking about the LHC... And, at the time, there had been worries about whether or not a black hole would be made.
But now, we've gone one step further. Higgs has apparently found the God Particle: Professor Higgs wipes a tear from his eye as fellow scientists find his 'God particle' on 'momentous day for science' - 40 years after he predicted its existence
Birthday party goes bad when sword is produced
I am not making this up. Truth is stranger than fiction.
To cut the cake (or: Extreme Pinata)
Last edited by thothptah (09-27-2012 01:21:06 PM)
As a former costume designer and former journalist, I love fashion journalism with an unholy silly passion, and this article actually goes a way to explaining why: … ag=fashion
Offline … usical.pdf
Jane Feuer on the musical as a self-reflexive genre or tool-set. Indeed, from the Blues Brothers to Babes in Arms to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, musical numbers carrying us to the actual in-film show are intrinsic and etic all at once. Their significance is for us, the audience, not the in-film people, but the in-film people could not operate without them. Even the stage shows in a Busby Berkley musical are for us, not the in-film audience. The filmic space is a brilliant realization and I seriously doubt without Berkley numbers, we'd have achieved so much there so quickly.
Offline … t-his-own/
George Lucas takes his new billions and blows them on other people's educations. Which, is incredibly decent of him.
Hiraku, start posting here again so I don't feel I'm the only one using this thread!
Last edited by Decrescent Daytripper (11-01-2012 01:48:39 AM)
Wisconsin couple says pet chicken alerted them to blaze
Who needs a dog?
I have two articles for you today from the mysterious realm of Brain Science!
#1 is about rat telepathy. What you do is, you put a rat in a box with two levers, and when a light comes on above one of the levers, you train the rat to hit that lever. You repeat with another rat. Now you put implants in their brains so that one rat's brain activity gets electronically piped to the other rat's brain. You put the first rat in the box again, and you put the second rat in a modified box where the lights have been deactivated entirely. The question is, can you train the second rat to hit the correct lever, based on which light comes on in the first rat's box?
The answer turns out to be that, with a great deal of patience, you can -- 70% of the time, anyway. It works even if the first rat is in North Carolina and the second rat is in Brazil.
#2 is about the genetics of psychiatric disorders. Researchers have found, in a large-scale study, that some of the same genes that are risk factors for major depressive disorder are also risk factors for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and autism. Intuitively I have no trouble believing that these five disorders, even though they are classified very differently by the APA, have some piece of a root cause in common. Fascinating stuff. But the real story here may be the reporter's name: I guess Mr. and Mrs. Kolata decided it would be good to name their daughter Gina?
satyreyes wrote:
But the real story here may be the reporter's name: I guess Mr. and Mrs. Kolata decided it would be good to name their daughter Gina?
Gina Kolata was born in 1948, the piña colada originated in 1954.
Nova wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
But the real story here may be the reporter's name: I guess Mr. and Mrs. Kolata decided it would be good to name their daughter Gina?
Gina Kolata was born in 1948, the piña colada originated in 1954.
That... actually makes it even more amazing. The Kolatas didn't have questionable taste in names; they were actually psychic. Like rats!
Last edited by satyreyes (02-28-2013 04:14:13 PM)
Okay, this isn't an article, but I wanted to share it somewhere--
Global Internet Porn Habits (TOTALLY WORK SAFE. I'm actually serious, you could browse it at work.)
The best search term ever is Nigeria's "Things I jack off to." Seriously, if I could just go to any search engine and type in "Things I jack off to" and get porn I like, that would be the pinnacle of human achievement and we'd have to hit the game over button right then to avoid backsliding.