This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Well I know how you feel, 'cos right now I am going to the best boarding school EVAR in Napa Valley (Which is only about an hour from where I live, but still ) and I would really like to stay here for the rest of 12th grade, but sadly I can't ;_;
Wish you luck Gio!
I can't help hearing 'Rose and Release' echo in my head...
All the best to you.
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
I can't help hearing 'Rose and Release' echo in my head...
All the best to you.
I'd show you pictures, but rest assured what I'm leaving looks nothing like Akio.
Giovanna wrote:
I'd show you pictures, but rest assured what I'm leaving looks nothing like Akio.
Amen to that! Then this decision wouldn't be so hard for you to make. Do enjoy your future.
I just realized, this whole best friend living together dealio reminds me of NANA!! Hopefully, it won't end the way the manga is now. I wish you guys have a happy ending.
Paradox wrote:
"If the egg's shell does not break, the chick will die without being born."
Couldn't have said it better myself. I told you once and I'll tell you again, I'm proud of you dear.
Best of luck Gio!
It takes so much bravery to chase one's passion like you're doing. This is why I admire the two of you so much. Well, that and you're sexy beasts obsessed with SKU.
You have all the right in the world to find your own happiness. Hope everything goes alright for you from now own and better know that you will have better company
All those crazy things you hear about Canada... they're all true.
( at least, they are in B.C. )
I came from the UK to live in Canada 7 years ago, and never looked back. There's no point living out your life in a place where you're not happy. Go for it. Ha ha ! We are slowly stealing all the intelligent liberals from the US.
Corpsegoddess can give you the lowdown on US->CAN immigration policy.
This is wonderful! I know how hard it was for you two being so far apart, and there's no reason for such amazing people to be unhappy. The actual move will probably be tiring, and I'm sure neither of you will be on much, but we'll still be here cheering you on! Best of luck to both of you!
Hiraku wrote:
I don't think I'll ever get it. It's in one single continent here, so why do people still have to go through this kind of trouble just to cross a line?
That's because US and Canada are 2 different countries. You might want to look up your US immigration regulations, and regulations for applying for any VISA, like visitor VISA. It is more difficult than doing that for Canada. For US citizen to visit Canada, it is easy to cross that line. But if you want to stay here permenantly, work here, or move your vehicle here, it is a totally different story.
Gio, I very much welcome you to move to Canada, however, it is hard to get immigration here, unless you have already got a work permit. There were a couple of people I would love to get them here in the past, including my ex-boyfriend, but the immigration reguirement was not able to be fulfilled. It is true that I'm a immigrant myself. But I came with my parents through the "entrepreneur" category, which required special skills and lots of money, and the immigration regulations have changed and became more difficult since then. I would suggest seeing a private immigration consultant to see what is the best way to do it.
Good luck!
Congratulations, and good luck! You'll also be living closer to me. <333
Run. Run like the wind.
On a serious note, though -- although I imagine you are/have looked at this already -- do make sure you know about the immigration requirements. It's probably not so bad as you are so close to your home country even when you're in Canada, but as someone who moved literally halfway around the world that sort of stuff is much easier to sort out when you are at home before you go. s to you both!
What a wonderful surprise
I'm very happy for you, Gio and Yasha.
I'm very proud of you Gio, an ordinary girl will never make it. I can only imagine the difficulties that you will meet in your journey, but if you have good friends, why can't you do it?
I promise that I will do my best, as you do it for going in Canada, for living in Rome and with the university.
I will wait you, in the capital city.
Last edited by Sey (09-03-2007 04:57:51 PM)
Clarice wrote:
Run. Run like the wind.
On a serious note, though -- although I imagine you are/have looked at this already -- do make sure you know about the immigration requirements. It's probably not so bad as you are so close to your home country even when you're in Canada, but as someone who moved literally halfway around the world that sort of stuff is much easier to sort out when you are at home before you go.s to you both!
Well this time it's happening in kinda a rush, but they've recently changed the immigration laws in Alberta to be much friendly to imported workers. So I might spend the first month or so waiting for paperwork, but the remainder of the time I should be able to work under a worker's visa. They need people SO much up there and they'll have me for Christmas rush, so I'm pretty confident. Next time I come to Canada I'll be in less a rush and have time to make better arrangements for temporary employment. As far as immigrating in permanently, that probably won't happen until I have my degree. At that point I could very easily get in as a skilled worker, though the paperwork by marriage is much faster so I might go that way. On top of everything else, I plan to travel enough in my life that a Canadian passport would come in handy. (How sad that that's the case...)
Sey wrote:
What a wonderful surprise
I'm very happy for you, Gio and Yasha.
I'm very proud of you Gio, an ordinary girl will never make it. I can only imagine the difficulties that you will meet in your journey, but if you have good friends, why can't you do it?
I promise that I will do my best, as you do it for going in Canada, for living in Rome and with the university.
I will wait you, in the capital city.
I must admit I'm surprised by how many of you are equating this with SKU/saying it's brave of me or something. I'm so...encouraged.
Don't worry about going to Rome, you will do fine! And you will post and tell us all about it. As soon as Yasha and I get a little cash socked away (and I learn my damn Italian), we will visit and moles-..uh...cook for you.
Hurray & Congradulations! This is exactly what needed to happen, and now it has! Wonderful!!!
Frosty wrote:
Hurray & Congradulations! This is exactly what needed to happen, and now it has! Wonderful!!!
But she's still being hard to get a hold of. Check your blasted phone, you!
But...who's going to come with me to the Taste of Chicago next year then?!
It's ok....I know that this is what the Fates want you to do Giovannia, and you cannot go against them.
Hiraku wrote:
But Canada is much closer to Chicago than Florida, right?
*looks at a map from 1912...oh is closer...
silly me.
Giovanna wrote:
I'd show you pictures, but rest assured what I'm leaving looks nothing like Akio.
Sure it does! If Akio were, um, 150 pounds heavier. And drank a lot of beer. And was kind of balding. And lighter-skinned. And badly-dressed. And drove a battered pickup truck with a shotgun rack. And, um, can you tell I lived in the South and was living with a Typical Southern Redneck who had a thin veneer of civility for six years? And that I've heard a lot about Florida?
Congratulations on the leap of faith. I hope the Universe pays you off for yours as well as it paid me for mine.
tohubohu wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
I'd show you pictures, but rest assured what I'm leaving looks nothing like Akio.
Sure it does! If Akio were, um, 150 pounds heavier. And drank a lot of beer. And was kind of balding. And lighter-skinned. And badly-dressed. And drove a battered pickup truck with a shotgun rack. And, um, can you tell I lived in the South and was living with a Typical Southern Redneck who had a thin veneer of civility for six years? And that I've heard a lot about Florida?
This woman knows what she's talking about.