This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Romanticide wrote:
By the way I always thought you had the most killer awesome scanner in the whole internet. I have never scaned pictures with that quality ever!!! O.o
Actually both of the scanners I used for the gallery were cheap crappy ones. I just happen to be patient enough to let it scan at 1000dpi and then clean it up by hand in Photoshop.
By the way, I'ma be coming by some stuff that's totally worth translating. Ger is busy translating a whole novel, but these are just single pages, so if any of you n00bs need practice...
Ahem. Let's post some pictures! I'm almost done with capping and cleaning the first arc.
Oh noes! The pretty boys are fighting!
Grr. Hulk smash!
pwned! Oh darling, why don't I take you into the back room and soothe your ego. With my tongue.
Extra strands of hair make him extra sexy!
I'm posting this one because I god damn drove myself nuts with it. The source material SUCKED SUCKED SUCKED, which is a shame because it's a rather lovely image of him. Did the best I could.
I realize there's a bit of a trend in this post that might alienate a large population of this forum that's more interested in the BITCHES. Here, have some Juri.
Yeah, I'd hit it.
Wow! That is some mad skill right there! Awesome.
Giovanna wrote:
Yeah, I'd hit it.
{juri image}
I concure with the above statement.
I think I'm drooling way too much over the awesome Juri pics to really say anything coherent. I you Gio.
Okay fine, so there's too much manmeat in the thread. And I'm about to start capping episodes Akio is in, so that won't be improving, my dearies. Let's get more of Juri being SMOKIN' in that outfit.
SEX PLZ Juri, right on the ground? At night? On campus?
Giovanna wrote:
You are making me drool all over my keyboard! Is not fair!
Giovanna wrote:
Juri, right on the ground? At night? On campus?
Giovanna wrote:
I am so going to make an IFD version of this pic!
Last edited by Tamago (01-05-2007 01:48:26 AM)
The picture below was what Gio-tan posted earlier.
Giovanna wrote:
The next picture is an edit I did of the above but NotWS version of Juri on the ground.
*worshipworshipworship* Giovanna.
Maarika wrote:
Hehe, it actually looks quite natural.
Thanks I hoped it would look ok and I was worried that I might have the breasts at a wrong angle, I'm glad it turned out ok.
Frosty wrote:
Oh no Tamago, you did an excellent job... they are quite perky!
Edit: Added a TY
Last edited by Tamago (01-05-2007 08:43:45 PM)
Oh no Tamago, you did an excellent job... they are quite perky!
Thanks again, Giovanna for another back-arching batch of scans!
I always thought that it was strange that Utena could get away with wearing a uniform that wasn't either the standard girl's or even standard boy's uniform so I decided to draw up a picture of Utena wearing the standard Ohtori Academy Boy's uniform.
I hope it looks ok
That always bothered the hell out of me.
Utena, episode 1:
"There's no rule stating that girls can't wear the boys uniform. So it shouldn't be a problem"
It wouldn't be a problem it you acctually were wearing the boys uniform.
And it looks great btw.
The edit is very nice, Tamago. A true tribute to Gio's hard work.
And Utena looks very cute in the standard uniform.
dollface wrote:
That always bothered the hell out of me.
Utena, episode 1:
"There's no rule stating that girls can't wear the boys uniform. So it shouldn't be a problem"
It wouldn't be a problem it you acctually were wearing the boys uniform.
And it looks great btw.
Thats exactly the quote that bothered me and thanks
Maarika wrote:
Ohh, it looks nice!
But I think black suits her better though.
I am forced to agree with you there, her special uniform is still the best, I just wanted to see her in a normal boy's uniform.
The edit is very nice, Tamago. A true tribute to Gio's hard work.
And Utena looks very cute in the standard uniform.
Gio's hard work? You mean she drew this sketch that I based my pic on? I used the middle guy as the basis for my Utena pic.
Giovanna wrote:
I absolutely adore this shot. Amazing job, Gio. I'd you in compensation anyday.
Great pic, Tamago.
Yeah, it always bugged me too. At first glance, you might think that if Utena has just entered Ohtori, she's still wearing the (boy's) uniform of her old school. You'll see this in other stories. But the guidance counselor says in the first episode that Utena is going to cause trouble for another term. Meaning, she's already been there for a term. I'd think that would be plenty of time to secure a new uniform.
Suncat wrote:
Great pic, Tamago.
Yeah, it always bugged me too. At first glance, you might think that if Utena has just entered Ohtori, she's still wearing the (boy's) uniform of her old school. You'll see this in other stories. But the guidance counselor says in the first episode that Utena is going to cause trouble for another term. Meaning, she's already been there for a term. I'd think that would be plenty of time to secure a new uniform.
The only theory I can think of that could remotely be possible is that her black uniform was based on a uniform Ohtori Academy had many years ago and as such it would still be technically valid as an acceptable uniform even if it was for the boys. Her red shorts might have been the summer uniform for the boys at the time.
I can easily understand why the aqua coloured suits the boys at the academy wear now would be more popular especially in the heat of summer than the black ones thats for sure.
Black colour traps far more heat than other dark colours and way more than light and white colours. (Proven scientific fact)
Last edited by Tamago (01-06-2007 08:05:06 PM)
Giovanna wrote:
Dare I ask what's the matter Gio-tan?
Last edited by Tamago (01-06-2007 08:14:43 PM)
I'm currently attempting to encorporate images from the artbooks into the screencaps. Because I'm sorting first by source material, a high resolution shot from an artbook is still going in with the screencaps in the episode it belongs to. (High res images will have their own search tag to sort them out.) This is hugely tedious and also unholy since at the moment I'm being enough of a Nazi to remove obstructions on the image. For example, this became this.
FOR THOSE OF YOU PLAYING THE HOME GAME, THAT'S...EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING IN THE GOD DAMN SERIES. FUCK. I almost don't want Akio to show up just because that's even more god damn red to deal with.
This is how I feel about that. I'm going to want to reopen AUCT before this done.
Ahh Gio I'm sorry. That basically just sucks in general, especially with the reds (which I know from experience are a piece of shit to deal with)...
But if it's any consolation, you're doing a fantastic job. I wouldn't have half of the patience to even start on all of that, and what you've posted up so far looks really, really great.
Oh yeah, I know how it feels with "removing obstacles" from images. I call that "image restoration". I used to do that a lot when doing my site layout (or wallpaper). I would get a good image somewhere from the web and majorly edit it, pixel by pixel, draw in missing parts, so it would fit for a layout. (Like...this, became this)
It is very time consuming, but the end result would worths all the hard work. Thanks for the hard work
Last edited by Rushita (01-06-2007 10:24:37 PM)