This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Rushita wrote:
If I follow that range, I should be countertenor, but I'm a female
I thought this was exactly the definition of a contralto?
I used to sing alto parts and even soprano parts on my choir, too, but back then my voice was still a child's (I guess. I'm so bad -read: untrained- that I can't even tell when my voice changed ).
I can't sing. I really can't. My voice isn't awful when I talk, but when I sing... Well, not everyone is able to stand that sound.
I want to hear you guys, I'm sure you're all wonderful. Could you put your songs on youtube or sth like that?
Last edited by dlaire (03-04-2008 02:35:17 AM)
By the graces of wierdness, I shall be paid today. I shall acquire a microphone. I've got a pretty damn unique speaking voice IMHO.
I'm a music director and a vocal coach so I usually don't judge my own voice. I judge other people! YOU CAN'T BE IN THE SHOW BECAUSE YOU ARE AWFUL. That's what I usually do. Well not really just that. That's only once in a while. I help people sing better for theater. However, I have a mezzo soprano/belter voice with a low break. Damn that break.
satyreyes wrote:
Surely "talent" or "how good your voice genes are" must enter into it too, no?
Not as much as you'd think.... I've always been of the opinion that with training and confidence MOST people could sing passably. Not awesome-ly. But passably. And that very few people would be hopeless.
Some things, like range, are determined by your physiology. But range alone doesn't make a good singer, and what you think your range might be can often be expanded under the guidance of a coach.
Maybe it's just because I've met so many people who insisted they had horrible voices, but actually didn't. They just thought they did and hadn't ever been taught a thing about singing. Those two combined...
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (03-04-2008 05:44:06 PM)
Well I'm a trained pianist.... but a closet singer. So I really don't know what my range is persay... probably some sort of an Alto because I know I definitely can't hit high notes. I'll choose to sing as the Phantom over Christine any day, because I can sing his part easily by comparison. (though I switch between both mid-song sometimes which I'm sure would creep people out if I did it in public)
As for style... my style is whatever I'm singing... I'm a permanent karaoke singer as I take on the voice of whomever was the original singer. So it could be Bonnie Pink, Disney princesses, Gackt,... etc... My voice has multiple personality disorder. ~_~
rhyaniwyn wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
Surely "talent" or "how good your voice genes are" must enter into it too, no?
Not as much as you'd think.... I've always been of the opinion that with training and confidence MOST people could sing passably. Not awesome-ly. But passably. And that very few people would be hopeless.
Singing can be closely compared to playing sports. Most people simply don't have the innate ability to become, say, a professional basketball player. To make it in professional sports, a person needs to start with a lot of talent and then work as hard as humanly possible and it's the same for singing. That being said, how many people just play basketball for fun? One hell of a lot. It doesn't matter that they'll never be professionals, they do it because it's fun, and watching a good pick-up game of basketball is also enjoyable.
Most people could never be professional singers. An opera singer needs, in the words of my choir conductor, "an abnormally large pharynx." It's simply needed to generate the huge amount of sound, as opera singers sing over full orchestras in large concert halls and don't use microphones. My conductor is a very fine singer and has performed in good venues with small orchestras but he readily admits that he could never be a big opera star because he just lacks the physical capability to sing in that capacity.
So, summary? Read what Rhyaniwyn said because she's right.
Scortia wrote:
I'll choose to sing as the Phantom over Christine any day, because I can sing his part easily by comparison. (though I switch between both mid-song sometimes which I'm sure would creep people out if I did it in public)
I do the same thing. Especially when singing what I play with flute: when it's too high, I switch to the lower octave without blinking.
I didn't mean to imply that everyone could be an opera singer. Or a professional/top tier singer of any particular style. But an unobjectionably competent singer, yeah, I think most people could be. Personally I find singing so cathartic that it makes me sad when people are afraid to use their voices. :-( I'm not very good, even though I have taken a number of lessons throughout my life.
If you wanna see me doing bad karaoke and promise not to put it on YouTube, I've got some links ;-)
rhyaniwyn wrote:
If you wanna see me doing bad karaoke and promise not to put it on YouTube, I've got some links ;-)
After several attempts, this is the best I could come up with:
Asfa's voice singing Mozart's Nocturn Luci care, a cappella with some background noise from the street works. Forgive the multiple mistakes and the poor Italian accent.
Rae wrote:
Something "classical" (meaning classical sounding): "Think of Me" - Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Haven't had a chance to listen to the other (or Asfalolh yet, will soon!), but you sound great here.
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (03-06-2008 04:26:25 PM)
This looks like a fun bandwagon!
Here's my voice -- the best of several takes on the Rose of Versailles opening song. With super-special-awesome karaoke backing!
For those who have not heard it- You're not here from SH3
Oy vey! Here is a link to my voice post on LJ. The quality is sucky to say the least. Mer.
AnjitheArtist: Thank you for the necro, Anji! *grins* Rawr.
Alithea: I finally have an idea how you sound, dearest! So cute!
I'll contribute too.... I think. >D
Ah, I don't have any mp3s right now, but I have some videos from a chorus concert (sadly, my solo performance wasn't recorded).
Fields of Gold
I have a solo at 3:14.
Moon River
A solo at 1:24.
I had an .mp3 of myself singing Kajiura's Canta Per Me, and one of a Gregorian Chant project I did for my music composition, but I can't find them at the moment.
Last edited by hayama (08-29-2008 11:18:54 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
This looks like a fun bandwagon!
Here's my voice -- the best of several takes on the Rose of Versailles opening song. With super-special-awesome karaoke backing!
It's expired before I have listened to it.. Could you upload this again? Pleaaaaase..?
Asfalolh's file is not found too, Asfa please post this once again!
Hayama, I love Moon River! Your voice is really great
I would like to hear everyone here, if it's possible. Seriously! If I were cruel, I would post myself singing 'Killing me softly'
AnjitheArtist wrote:
For those who have not heard it- You're not here from SH3
Anji dear, I think you forgot to link it to your PutFile site. *smiles* Go edit and let the people hear your lovely voice! *grins* SILENT HILL 3 You're Not Here
satyreyes wrote:
I deleted it a long time ago
I'm thinking about recording something, but first I have to get up the motivation.
What motivation? CHICK SPEECH. NOW. KTNXBAI. *grins*
hayama wrote:
Ah, I don't have any mp3s right now, but I have some videos from a chorus concert (sadly, my solo performance wasn't recorded).
Sorry, hayama. I can't view YouTube. Can you upload them to a file sharing site? *smiles*
Last edited by Seitokaichou (08-31-2008 07:15:49 PM)
Seitokaichou wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
I deleted it a long time ago
I'm thinking about recording something, but first I have to get up the motivation.
What motivation? CHICK SPEECH. NOW. KTNXBAI. *grins*
Fine, fine, as demanded: satyreyes doing the Chick Speech! Seventeen seconds of my voice saying sexy words.
satyreyes wrote:
Seitokaichou wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
I deleted it a long time ago
I'm thinking about recording something, but first I have to get up the motivation.
What motivation? CHICK SPEECH. NOW. KTNXBAI. *grins*
Fine, fine, as demanded: satyreyes doing the Chick Speech! Seventeen seconds of my voice saying sexy words.
I like your voice! It's cool for ringtone, I'm sure!
satyreyes wrote:
Fine, fine, as demanded: satyreyes doing the Chick Speech! Seventeen seconds of my voice saying sexy words.
WIN. And you do have a sexy voice. *winks* Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Sei-san
Re-posted due to FAIL: You're not here from SH3