This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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Something I've been working on little by little since I got back to Florida is a revamp of the multimedia section. When I say 'little by little', I mean at most an hour a week. You know I'd love to dump more time into it, but the days of sneaking gallery work into my office job and pulling five hours a night on coding are kinda gone. I still love EM, though, and still work on it when I have the time and energy.
The new multimedia section will be run on a blog, which is a tricky way of offering category sorting and maybe even a search function. At any rate a more interactive navigation function is the goal here. The site is primarily wallpapers, with a few winamp skins, and I will offer ring tones on the new one. My questions are thus:
1. Is there anything you think should be added? Note: LJ/forum icons will not be an option, instead, I might add a link to the LJ community or something. There are huge resources for that particular thing, and if I put them on the multimedia site, it'll be a very restricted acceptance policy, or I'll get 359837583456 submissions of them for every one wallpaper.
2. What screen resolution do you use? Are most people past 800x600 such that it's pointless to offer it? Are a lot of people wanting widescreen wallpapers now? My tracker no longer tracks screen resolution so I'm in the dark as to what folks are looking for there.
Getting feedback here helps me know what to do with the site to make it better for you guys, so please just toss whatever you want out here.
1620x1080 here. I'll think about multimedia stuffs when I'm awake.
Last edited by Stormcrow (10-19-2008 07:42:10 AM)
I think multimedia would be good, too. Though, I wonder if there's still any more Utena-related merchandise going around. I'm still looking to buy a ring, but can't find it on ebay.
For me, it's 1280x800
The proposed little by little revamping sounds excellent.
Widescreen mos def.
1280x800 here too.
I think it's pretty much pointless offering 800x600 wallpapers, because even if someone had it they could still easily use a higher resolution wallpaper (just scale it down).
Maarika wrote:
I think it's pretty much pointless offering 800x600 wallpapers, because even if someone had it they could still easily use a higher resolution wallpaper (just scale it down).
That doesn't work on all wallpapers. Some wallpapers look bad, especially if there's text, when scaled down.
And I use 1024x768 (or is it 786? I always get it wrong).
What I meant was that if you have 800x600 resolution and want to use a wallpaper that's 1024x768 (this seemed to be the standard screen resolution for a while), then you won't have any distortions with scaling because both sizes have the same aspect ratio. Of course, scaling (or more like cropping) a wide-screen wallpaper wouldn't get that good results. Does that make sense?
800x600 for the desktop, where I do my SERIOUS BUSINESS, and 1024x768 on the laptop, where I surf the Interwebs. I prefer 800x600 myself, but seeing as everybody else has better computers (and monitors) than I do, I'm in the minority here.
I'm a 1024x768, mainly because my eyes won't allow text any smaller.
My new computer will hopefully be able to use something better than 800X600 soon, but not yet. I'm putting Ubuntu on it and my graphics card is rather unhappy about it. In the meantime, I'm 800x600.
I haven't used 800x600 in YEARS, so 1024x768 all the way.
However, for those who are using flat-panels, the standard is probably going to be 1280x1024. If you can afford to offer both options, that's your best bet.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
I haven't used 800x600 in YEARS, so 1024x768 all the way.
However, for those who are using flat-panels, the standard is probably going to be 1280x1024. If you can afford to offer both options, that's your best bet.
Agree with Raven.
1280x800 here.
But 800x600 is still considered a standard (even if it's so obsolete) for a web layout.
About the multimedia section, if you want I can write a script in php instead to use a blog engine(I assume you will use Wordpress). Using wordpress would be very quick since you only need to install it and styling the layout, but a custom script will be as you desire and designed exclusively for that.
So the choice is yours.
Last edited by Sey (10-19-2008 05:51:33 PM)
My screen resolution is 1280x1024 when I use my monitor (19" flatpanel), which is 95% of the time. The other 5% when I use my laptop as a laptop, it's 1280x800.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (10-19-2008 07:18:17 PM)
I'm actually not sure what my resolution is. Sorry I can't help.
Mishi wrote:
I'm actually not sure what my resolution is. Sorry I can't help.
If you go to Control Panel -> Display -> Settings, you can see where your resolution is currently set. If you have something like Windows XP or higher, you might have Control Panel -> Appearance and Themes > Change the screen resolution. I hope this helps.
1600x1200 or 1280x1024, depending on how willing my eyes are to look at tiny text. *squint*
In any case, big wallpapers are good, good things.
Hmm. Based on this I'm thinking of no longer offering 800x600 and using the space to start allowing widescreen format wallpapers.
Sey, I honestly suck so hard are the coding, or at least lack the time to be good at it, that if tricking wordpress into doing what I want is the path of least resistance, than so be it. So far my only problem is that, obviously, the index page wouldn't have any of the 'blog posts', and I'm not sure how to swing that one. That or if there's a tag to have a post always be at the top, but only on the index page (not the searched or category pages) I'm golden. Frankly I haven't looked at the options in Wordpress much, and I should probably do that here.
There is a way to make a post stuck on the main page, it works on my blog but I haven't actually tried it with the blog I have installed myself. Certainly there's a way!
Ok then
Well if you check on wordpress's website you will find the solution, I look there when I lack of ideas.
I'm at 1024x768.
This sounds like an exciting idea, Gio! Don't work yourself to death, though; I think you've already committed karoshi for us like sixty times.
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Mishi wrote:
I'm actually not sure what my resolution is. Sorry I can't help.
If you go to Control Panel -> Display -> Settings, you can see where your resolution is currently set.
If you have something like Windows XP or higher, you might have Control Panel -> Appearance and Themes > Change the screen resolution. I hope this helps.
Thank you. O_o so, it turns out my resolution is currently set to 1680x1050, which sounds kind of weird, and I could set it back to 600x800 but I don't see any reason to. Aside from any delectable desktops that I could probably get at higher resolution anyway.
My mot used resolution is 1400x1050.
If not, I commonly use 1280x768.
I also have a double screen, which I don't know the size of off the top of my head, but I'm probably one of the very few to use its ungodly sized resolution, so I guess disregard that. D:
I'm just the standard 1280x1024 on my desktop. And the less standard 1280x800 on my laptop.
Mishi wrote:
it turns out my resolution is currently set to 1680x1050, which sounds kind of weird
Don't worry, there's nothing weird about it. It's just WSXGA+ which is the widescreen midpoint between 1440x900 and 1920x1200.
Last edited by mazoboom (10-21-2008 04:17:17 PM)
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