This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Giovanna wrote:
So uh, stupid question...
But how is Witcher as a franchise different than, say, Dragon Age or TES? Similar? All I know is people wank over it, it's epic fantasy, and you can have sex with everyone. That's true of both other franchises, but it's characterization and dialogue that bring me back to DA. How does it compare?
It's absolutely not a stupid question, Gio.
So in my opinion, Witcher is mostly focused on good story/characters and great dialogues but at the same time fighting system is kind of neglected, in contrast to DA and TES.
Also, Witcher has its unique, Slavic atmosphere and a lot of references to different works of culture as well as Polish folklore and even world of politics. The franchise is based on extremely famous (at least in Poland ) books by Andrzej Sapkowski, I think it can be called sequel.
Witcher is also more mature - it raises a lot of issues and can be very grim and bloody at times.
Snow wrote:
Yep yep! DA:I is very pretty, and I loved some additions: lovely mounts, crafting your own armor, pimping out things to your liking. I do wholeheartedly suggest the previous games after you finish this one: Origins is still one of the best RPGs in EVER, and DA2, while it got it's share of criticism, did some things brilliantly and was a lovely and emotionally engaging game. I cannot recommend them enough
I've actually played both Origins and DA2 but I merely had passed the beginning. While Origins was a little bit weird, I love story and especially unique in video games type of frame narrative in DA2.
Also, Flemeth kicks ass! :3
Enea wrote:
I've actually played both Origins and DA2 but I merely had passed the beginning. While Origins was a little bit weird, I love story and especially unique in video games type of frame narrative in DA2.
The more I come to realize that Dragon Age 2 is Varric's telling of the events to Cassandra and not the literal truth of what happened, the more I come to love it.
All the enemies that seemingly drop out of nowhere - that isn't meant to real. That's Varric's embellishment of the story, either to make what was something much more low key feel exciting or to play up how awesome Hawke's band of adventures.
And I love how Iron Bull calls Varric out on this in Inquisition.
The important facts and events are still intact - Varric wanted Hawke's story to be accurate. Some of the details, like the fights, became exaggerated for dramatic purposes. Was Meredith really leaping skyward during the final conflict? I tend to doubt it.
That's Varric for you.
Last edited by Ashnod (06-24-2015 07:29:05 AM)
I've just bought Age of Empires 2 HD on Steam Sale. Anyone up for it? :~~~
pschreiber wrote:
I've just bought Age of Empires 2 HD on Steam Sale. Anyone up for it? :~~~
I was unaware it was on sale...I may have to take you up on that. And thanks for the heads up!
The thing that's been keeping me from trying out the Witcher franchise is that the games are so friggin demanding. I even read that the game's engine is fully compatible only with NVIDIA graphic cards as their move to monopolize the market or something. While I love pretty graphics, I'm afraid that even my new laptop wouldn't be able to handle that. My brother's laptop quite solidly ran games like AC3 and Mass Effect 3, but even the first Witcher on the lowest graphic settings was terribly jittery.
In the other news, I'm playing Fallout New Vegas. The Fallout hype caught up to me too. And it's an amazing game, it's just so silly, and the engine and mechanics kick that up a notch.
And then you wander into a burning town with countless crucified people and scattered human remains. And you're suddenly reminded that the game was made by Obsidian.
Last edited by Snow (06-25-2015 09:06:29 AM)
Snow wrote:
The thing that's been keeping me from trying out the Witcher franchise is that the games are so friggin demanding. I even read that the game's engine is fully compatible only with NVIDIA graphic cards as their move to monopolize the market or something. While I love pretty graphics, I'm afraid that even my new laptop wouldn't be able to handle that. My brother's laptop quite solidly ran games like AC3 and Mass Effect 3, but even the first Witcher on the lowest graphic settings was terribly jittery.
In the other news, I'm playing Fallout New Vegas. The Fallout hype caught up to me too. And it's an amazing game, it's just so silly, and the engine and mechanics kick that up a notch.
And then you wander into a burning town with countless crucified people and scattered human remains. And you're suddenly reminded that the game was made by Obsidian.
Did you kill Vulpes Inculta for what the Legion did to Nipton???
Ashnod wrote:
Did you kill Vulpes Inculta for what the Legion did to Nipton???
I stumbled into Nipton quite early in the game and was severely underleveled for that area, and having no recent saves I decided not to push my luck with Vulpes and squad. Now I kinda regret I didn't at least try, they aren't that hard to kill and I don't know if I'll ever run into Vulpes again and make him bite the bullet. I like to think that was the moment my courier decided she would wipe the floor with the Legion, and nothing I saw from them since has made me reconsider. They're assholes.
Ashnod wrote:
And we still need to have a chat about DAI, m'dear.
You're gonna be perplexed, considering when I started playing, but I have just gotten out of Haven for the first time. I've been way more into the repetitive grindy nonthinking most especially not emotionally engaging games of late-- I've been saving my emotions for other things. Maybe when we get together in October I'll have something of worth to say
Yasha wrote:
Ashnod wrote:
And we still need to have a chat about DAI, m'dear.
You're gonna be perplexed, considering when I started playing, but I have just gotten out of Haven for the first time. I've been way more into the repetitive grindy nonthinking most especially not emotionally engaging games of late-- I've been saving my emotions for other things. Maybe when we get together in October I'll have something of worth to say
There's no rush, my dear. Just love chatting with friends who are just as passionate about the setting as I am.
Take your time and enjoy it as it comes to you!
I'm still slowly working on my PS3 backlog(still stuck on FF XIII, but at least I made it to the apex of Taejin's Tower on Gran Pulse).
Unfortunately, said backlog is slowly growing; I just picked up Tales of Xillia from the current PSN flash sale, and I previously picked up Ni no Kuni and Duck Tales from a previous flash sale.
And I wanna either pick up Kamen Rider Battride War or Battride War II or Macross 30.
World End Economica Episode 01: My life on the Moon is boring and I dream of something more. I'm going to run away and become a hedge fund manager!
World End Economica Episode 02: For my friends I will step back into the ring, though I swore I would never manage a hedge fund again.
Hi everyone, if you are a fan of the Ace attorney/Gyakuten Saiban like me, I personally request for anyone into the series to sign this petition for the localization of Dai Gyakuten Saiban, Shu Takumi's latest Ace Attorney game so that the game can be released outside of Japan, I'm interested in the game because it a entirely new continuity that's not confined by the continuity of the mainline and it attempts to implement jury trials instead of the bench trials the mainline games been using since Gyakuten Saiben 1/Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Even if Capcom is too busy localizing Gyakutan Saiben 6, at least this petition will help them consider the English release of Dai Gyakuten Saiben and I don't Takumi's latest Ace Attorney into the same situation Gyakuten Kenji 2 where it's unable to be released outside of Japan, I'm not bitching about Capcom releasing Gyakuten Saben 6 over Dai Gyakuten Saiben because I want Gyakuten Saiben 6 to be released outside of Japan within a year instead of Capcom shifting focus over to Dai Gyakutan Saiben's localization which could take a year at best considering how Japanese Dai Gyakuten Saiben since takes place during the Meiji Restoration and it has themes pertaining to Japan's relationship with Britain which won't Appeal to a American Audience that much, it will appeal much better to British Audience since Sherlock Holmes is one of the main characters and the rest of the game after the first case takes place in Victorian-era England.
A link to the petition: … m=copylink
Last edited by Rosesareawesome101 (09-03-2015 10:31:20 PM)
If you played Dragon Age Inquisition, you need to play the epilogue DLC they just published called Trespasser. It takes place 2 years in the future after the events of the main game - gives a bit more closure to some plots, a lot of information on the history of the setting, and some nice moments with your team. It also, it seems, is setting some things in motion for the next game.
Last edited by Ashnod (09-09-2015 10:09:36 PM)
*rises from the dead*
Just wanted to announce that I've been absorbed in Final Fantasy lately. Specifically the 13 trilogy and 6. I FINALLY finished 13, then bought and DECIMATED 13-2, and I'm slowly working my way through Lightning Returns. I also dug my DS out of storage and found my copy of 6 Advance which I'm taking step by step. A lot of people didn't really like the 13 games. I did. Do. Whatever. I'm a little obsessed. And 6 has always been my favorite title in the franchise. So. YAS. SUPAH HAPPEH.
This August 31, I finished replaying my very favorite Vita-original game, Danganronpa. (It is Ace Attorney meets Battle Royale and it is awesome.) Before moving on with my life, I first took a moment to feel a pang of sadness that I couldn't play the series' offbeat spinoff game. "I wish that game had been localized," I thought to myself. I looked it up on Wikipedia for the first time in several months to remind myself what it was supposed to be about, and I saw some words I had to read a couple times: "Released NA September 1, 2015." In other words, in a bizarre coincidence, this game that I thought was lost to the English-speaking world was instead going to be released the next day. I'm most of the way through it now and I'm enjoying it thoroughly, but if a secret genie was listening to my thoughts and granted the first wish it heard, I can imagine wishes I might rather have made.
The game is Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, and it's... I don't know... Rule of Rose meets... uh... something with bright colors, well-written humor, and halfway decent gameplay? So Katamari Damacy? Except it's nothing like Katamari Damacy? I dunno, I'm stumped. It's a game where you save a city from robot bears with the help of a serial killer and your trusty verb gun, which you power up by using adverbs, so, yeahhh. Also there are some children. This is an advisory to Danganronpa fans that this game exists and you should play it. Everyone else should play Danganronpa first.
DiddlyPanda wrote:
*rises from the dead*
Just wanted to announce that I've been absorbed in Final Fantasy lately. Specifically the 13 trilogy and 6. I FINALLY finished 13, then bought and DECIMATED 13-2, and I'm slowly working my way through Lightning Returns. I also dug my DS out of storage and found my copy of 6 Advance which I'm taking step by step. A lot of people didn't really like the 13 games. I did. Do. Whatever. I'm a little obsessed. And 6 has always been my favorite title in the franchise. So. YAS. SUPAH HAPPEH.
Hey, I'm slugging my way through LR: FF XIII, too! And then I get to figure out what to play next. Maybe either FF X HD or Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend(or whichever one it is that I have).
Also, I'm surprised that StepMania is still a thing for some reason.
Ashnod wrote:
If you played Dragon Age Inquisition, you need to play the epilogue DLC they just published called Trespasser. It takes place 2 years in the future after the events of the main game - gives a bit more closure to some plots, a lot of information on the history of the setting, and some nice moments with your team. It also, it seems, is setting some things in motion for the next game.
May I ask you to tell me a little spoiler? [[Did they finally finish Solas story? He's my absolutely favourite character and I really want to know how they handled this sub-plot but I'm afraid to check it on internet in fear of serious spoilers...]]
Wii U games:
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
This is the one I was really looking forward to, but at times it veers into so hard it's just frustrating levels. I didn't really find a use for the extra characters, just Diddy Kong was fine. However, these are nitpicks in an otherwise top-notch game with great music, excellent level design, gorgeous locations and lots of fun mayhem.
and Super Mario 3D World
Now THIS is the one I was really surprised about. It's Mario so of course I was going to play it but I never expected to like it so much! It's sort of like Mario Galaxy combined with Super Mario Wii; it's a 3D platformer combined with sidescroller elements. So there's enough room for up to 4 players to play very comfortably together with PERFECT camera angles at all times. So much fun with so much content, I love it!
Mario Kart 8
A perfect racing game. On a personal level, I prefer when unlockables are for specific achievements; like you get Rosalina if you beat the Ghost Racer of so-and-so track. I find it more motivating to complete everything. Again, a nitpick in an excellent game.
Ill be getting Toad Treasure Tracker next.
Enea wrote:
May I ask you to tell me a little spoiler?
[[Did they finally finish Solas story? He's my absolutely favourite character and I really want to know how they handled this sub-plot but I'm afraid to check it on internet in fear of serious spoilers...]]
Did they finish it? No, but they certainly added a lot more to it.
How likely is it [that the next DA will take place in the Imperium? I absolutely adored the tidbits of Tevinter history and culture we got in past games, and it seems like a crucial place for the direction the story is taking so far.]
Snow wrote:
How likely is it [that the next DA will take place in the Imperium? I absolutely adored the tidbits of Tevinter history and culture we got in past games, and it seems like a crucial place for the direction the story is taking so far.]
There is a scene which heavily implies this is going to occur, but they don't come outright and say it.
Thanks Ashnod.
Oh, I was almost certain that we will get just a glimpse of [Tevinter] in DA:I. Shame.
Started playing Destiny again. If there are any other PS4 players who have it, I'm always looking for a reliable fireteam, especially for raids. Hit me up on PSN! My username is the same.
Survival horror classic Siren is on sale for $3 in the Playstation store this weekend. Despite its many flaws, it's unbeatable for original gameplay mechanics and creepy atmosphere. The plot seems to go nowhere for the first few hours of play, and then everything falls into place and it blows your mind. Highly recommended for fans of Fatal Frame, Silent Hill, Higurashi, or Shiki. I'm taking another run at it this weekend.
The PS3 remake Siren: Blood Curse is also on sale, which is also a solid game, but I prefer the original.
I finally beat the FF XIII trilogy, but I'll hit them up again at some point, if only for unclaimed trophies, NG+, yada, yada, yada.
Right now, I'm mainly on FF X2 HD, but I've also been playing Tales of Xillia a bit, too.