This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I know this board has a video game thread, but technically, this is a visual novel, so there.
Guys, I have to tell you about Katawa Shoujo. I downloaded it a week ago, and I can't stop reading it.
Katawa Shoujo is a visual novel written in English, and created in a rather fascinating way. It's romance-based, and as a Southern male who watches professional wrestling and listens to 90's gangsta rap, if I'm recommending a romance, it's got to be goddamned good.
It's essentially about a young man who ends up going to a new school, and he meets and ends up going out with one of five different girls. There's the aggressive head of the student council, the tall refined foreigner, the shy little book girl, the mentally disturbed artist and the perky sports girl.
Sounds a little generic, right?
Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. This is a school for the disabled.
The student council girl is deaf, the foreigner is blind, the shy girl has burn scars all over her body, the artist has no arms, and the sports girl has no legs.
I bring this up when I do because that's how well, how classy and how intelligent this story is written, regardless of which of the girls you decide to date. You, like the main character Hisao, might originally just see these girls and define them by their disabilities. But when you really get to know them, you almost stop seeing their disabilities and start seeing them as the real people they are.
Quick note about the mechanics... That's not to say it's not 'hard'... I got lucky the first time around. I played right through (you get unlimited save-states, and I'd suggest saving the second you 'unlock' a girl's storyline) the first time and got Hanako's (the shy girl) best possible ending. But it took me multiple tries to get the best possible endings for Rin (the artist) and Lilly (the foreigner). It's set up so that your first chapter is Hisao's orientation, and the choices you make lock you into a certain girl for chapters 2, 3 and 4.
Oh. Also. It's FREE.
Hardcore Gaming 101 Article: … shoujo.htm
Check it out. Seriously. I don't recommend stuff that often.
Last edited by wblstudios (04-11-2012 07:18:09 AM)
Oh, I know the story behind this game! It actually started on 4chan and became a huge project. I think it was originally meant to be uh, more...4channy, but it actually turned out really sweet and...well...good.
I love this game myself. I read the history behind it and indeed, it was born of a rough sketch of the girls-in fact, in the original sketch, all the choice girls are there! People wanted to see more and make it happen and they sure did. I got the good Rin ending! It helps that the story is very good at hinting at the right choices. It's harder to start, because it isn't so clear sometimes on how to get the other girls. I also like the music a fair bit! It does very well and a few of the titles makes me giggle, like Rin's leitmotif is "Standing Tall"-she's actually kind of short, even with her special legs. It made me feel for the people I "met" in the story. I really enjoyed it and the animation was unusually good for such a project.
Today I torrented something legally.
ETA: I'm only two days in, and already I think this game is funny and smart and charming. Are all visual novels this awesome?
Last edited by satyreyes (04-17-2012 01:43:16 AM)
Downloaded! It sounds great, thanks for the rec.
Hard to believe this is an Original English Language thing, isn't it?
Anyways, I'd finally gotten all of the endings, good and bad, but only got a 99% completion rate (you can check your completion rate in the 'library' on the extras screen). Had to use a strategy guide to get the one scene in Act One I was missing. It was an amazing ride.
My personal favorite girl is poor little Hanako. Technically, she's the most physically capable of all the girls you can date, but her disability still takes a toll on her. I've got a soft spot in my heart for Rin Tezuka, the armless artist, though.
Still on my first playthrough. I think Rin and I are dating, though it's hard to tell with her. After I met everyone, she was the one I was most interested in, and I just kind of fell in with her without trying, which I think is appropriate given who she is.
I remain pretty much dumbstruck by the writing. It's not that shoujo tropes are absent -- they aren't -- but they're deployed very well, with each character having a consistent voice and story. There are several themes at play, gaining definition as the story goes on, but the central theme is how to live a fulfilled life; disability, art, and anxiety are all used as symbols or access points for that main theme. Honestly, I feel like I'm playing a Persona game without the annoying combat parts. Maybe Persona was influenced by the visual novel medium.
You'll know that you're locked into a storyline when you get a brief animated video for that girl. I suggest you save immediately after you unlock a girl's storyline, so you can go ahead and complete all their endings from that save.
Oh, I'm definitely locked into her storyline; I'm just not sure that what we're doing counts as dating in either Rin's or Hisao's mind. I am being a good compulsive saver like any branching story veteran. When I was little I would stick my finger in every branch point in a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and if I ran out of fingers I would start using bookmarks and anything else handy.
Finished Rin's storyline. I didn't feel totally satisfied by the ending; I feel like the central conflict between Hisao and Rin didn't really get resolved. I think a happy ending for those two particular people may just have been unrealistic. Anyway, I needed a long shower to piece things together and feel better afterwards. It was a sad and moving story, and I enjoyed it, but I'm not in a hurry to play again in a different direction.
And I could use a hug.
Last edited by satyreyes (04-18-2012 06:05:14 PM)
The same thing happened with me when I played through Rin's story. I didn't want to say anything until you finished it, though. I didn't go back to the game after hers and I'd only done the Hanako story previous to it (which I liked a lot more and don't have any real complaints about.)
For me it felt like the Rin I met in Act 1 and the Rin in her arc were too different. With a few exceptions, everything I liked about her was buried under the plot and circumstances, while Hisao's attitude becomes worse and worse. When Rin finally returns to how I remembered her it was the end of the story and it didn't feel like any progress had been made at all. Ultimately Rin rejects changing who she felt she had to become in order to pursue art and Hisao... is also there. He gets over his own issues very early, to the point that they don't seem relevant at all. There was tons of potential in concepts like Rin's art and the real purpose of Yamaku which I felt didn't get explored. They're touched on, but Hisao never makes the connections I feel he should have. He doesn't interpret and so the story doesn't either.
Last edited by Ragnarok (04-18-2012 06:28:32 PM)
Ragnarok wrote:
For me it felt like the Rin I met in Act 1 and the Rin in her arc were too different. With a few exceptions, everything I liked about her was buried under the plot and circumstances, while Hisao's attitude becomes worse and worse. When Rin finally returns to how I remembered her it was the end of the story and it didn't feel like any progress had been made at all. Ultimately Rin rejects changing who she felt she had to become in order to pursue art and Hisao... is also there. He gets over his own issues very early, to the point that they don't seem relevant at all.
It's a good thing I quoted you, or I would've missed the white text! It looks like a natural paragraph break on my display settings.
Anyway, I think this observation is fascinating, and I agree with parts of it and I'm not sure about other parts. [I definitely feel like Rin's story is Rin's story. Hisao is important, but not because he's Hisao; he's important because Rin needed a foil for her own development and Hisao happened to be the guy who was pushing her. Rin only pushed Hisao once, with the "grimness" thing, so he fixed it (I guess; we never really hear about it again) and that was that.]
I'm not sure about what you said as far as Rin not being portrayed consistently throughout the game -- because I found her just as confusing as Hisao did. [Her emotional flatness and fatigue and almost nonexistent communication skills are the more perplexing for their sporadic disappearance; it sometimes seems like Rin can emote and communicate just fine when she chooses to, but usually can't be bothered. No wonder Hisao feels so frustrated with her. It would have been fascinating if she had turned out to have a heavily medicated case of schizophrenia, or maybe autism, but we don't get any real explanation for the immense and seemingly self-imposed "distance" between her and others.]
But I'm heartened to hear that I'm not the only one who felt this way, and that you feel Hanako's story is better. That makes me feel more like trying again. Thank you!
I don't think it's necessarily that Rin's character was inconsistent per se. What I mean is that she gets put into a position where all the fun of interacting with her gets smothered. It's sort of like if you were to have a story with Utena where you meet her as she is at the start of the series, but then the majority of the story is just after she loses her duel with Touga. You need to be the Wakaba who sorts things out, but by the time Utena's ready for her rematch the end credits roll.
Utena being mopey and acting 'normal' is still Utena, and it makes sense for her to react the way she does. But that's not how she was up to that point, that's not the side of Utena that makes her who she is. If that makes any sense, it's how Rin's story felt to me.
Mm, I see. That makes perfect sense. Rin is very much an oddball in Act I, but she's an unapologetic oddball -- maybe even an assertive one! [She's the only one to ask Hisao outright what's wrong with him. And if she doesn't talk much, and if what she says doesn't make much sense, that's just her way, and she seems not to care what people think about it. But then the exhibition gets broached and she goes into existential crisis mode. She's all-consumingly focused on her painting, which is not new, but now she is actively throwing up barriers against people -- lest she start caring about them? lest they detect that she already cares about them? I'm not sure. But it is very difficult to reconcile the defensive, withdrawn Rin in this mode with the Rin who sat on a desk and asked Hisao about his condition, which, you're right, was our first impression of her and which we should have been right to take as an indication of what kind of soul to expect from her.]
The more I try to make Rin's story make sense, the more I focus on Hisao. He seems to have made Rin more conscious of her feeling of being submerged, of the need to either change or give up. [He was a catalyst for change for Rin on many occasions -- he pushed her to do the exhibition, he served as her unwitting muse in the atelier, and he made her choose between her apathy and his friendship -- whether these changes were for good or for ill.] So I guess one way to read the story is: Hisao causes a problem, and then helps solve it. But that is probably a little simplistic. Rin felt submerged before he showed up, [and if it is really true that she was trying to make herself understood through her art, the evidence indicates that she was doomed to failure]. So a more generous reading might be: Hisao precipitates a problem that existed without him, and then helps Rin grow in a direction that she might not have grown without him. I can just about get behind that story. [If only Rin weren't so goddamn passive-to-passive-aggressive in the meantime, and if only we had better reason to hope that these two can ever understand each other well enough not to be perpetually frustrated with each other.]
Yes, that's pretty much how I see things as well. [I don't expect Hisao to understand Rin at the conclusion of the story, but I feel there are ways he could try which he doesn't seem to consider. There are tools, for lack of a better word, which the story brings up yet are never seized upon.
The most obvious is Rin's art. Hisao doesn't try to interpret it, he only thinks "it looks nice." Rin's hope that someone will see her art and immediately understand her is completely misplaced, but if someone said to her "This is what I feel when I look at this picture." I think it would help her understand that person and in turn feel that they might be able to understand her. She actively keeps people from having any indication about what she's thinking, to the point that she refuses to give her paintings names. She also simply paints for the sake of painting, I don't think that any of her exhibition works really portray who she really is, which is sort of the point of her rejecting that in the end. She's painting because she's capable of doing so rather than as a true means to express herself.
Another thing is that Hisao doesn't express himself through art either. He joins the art club just because of his interest in Rin and the most progress he makes is being average at watercolours. But he also reads a lot and early on he muses on the concept of a writer creating a story just for the sake of it. Why he never considers writing as a form of art he could try I don't know.
And then there's the school; Mutou specifically goes into a spiel about how Yamaku's (and any school's) real purpose is to teach students to relate with each other and the world at large. At this point Rin is spending all her time alone, doing the exact opposite even though this is her very goal. Hisao doesn't relate this to Rin at all, he doesn't suggest she try spending more time with other people in an effort to become more comfortable with them and try to understand them better.
These possibilities are there, yet don't get acknowledged. Even a failed attempt is at least an attempt and would, I feel, give a lot more hope.]
[Yeah, he does bear some responsibility. The closest he ever comes to actually trying to understand is in Act I, where he's like "durr whats the mural about" and she's like "durr i didnt have any ideas so i just painted a mural," and I guess he figures so much for that and never tries again.] It was a great scene and the game is full of great scenes, but you're right that there was a lot of lost potential as far as how those scenes fit together and develop their themes. I just finished Hanako's storyline, too, and -- apart from the ending, which was thought-provoking and original -- the story had the reverse problem: it was too predictable. It lived up to its potential, but it was exactly what I expected it to be. It contrasted with the moments in Rin's storyline where I was like "holy shit that blindsided me and it's amazing," which is probably why I found the ending disappointing. Grr. I'm all Goldilocks over here.
Hm, playing through Hanako's story first is probably the better order I guess. For me I found it enjoyable, if predictable, and then the final parts twisted things around enough for me to be very satisfied.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying this. I, also, found Rin's storyline to be rather schitzophrenic, chaotic and hard to piece together. [But then again, so is she, so in that context, it almost works.]
For anyone who's trying to gauge difficulty, I'd say Lilly's is probably the hardest storyline. [There are six choices, and three of them matter. You've got to nail ALL THREE perfectly to get the good ending... and you only see the good ending after what's considered the bad ending.]
Second-most difficult is probably Hanako. I truly do like Hanako best of all. [Again, to get the best ending, you have to nail the two choices that matter.]
Medium difficulty is Rin. [Through all the chaotic branches and different choices, even some three-part choices, it's all going to come down to one decision whether or not you get the best ending, and it might not be the choice you suspect.]
Emi is pretty easy. [You actually have to try pretty hard to get her worst ending.]
Shizune's, however, is the easiest. [There's only one choice. And that choice? F*CK MISHA OR DON'T F*CK MISHA.]
All in all, it was a beautiful ride, and really handled the subject matter with class.
Because instinctively disliking a person apparently means I should probably learn more about them, this weekend I played the arc of Haruhi Suzumiya -- wait, sorry, I mean Shizune. It was good and I recommend it. She is not Haruhi Suzumiya, as easy as it is to caricature her that way. I think I liked her story better than Hanako's; she seemed more complex and fully realized as a character, and she challenges Hisao more on a number of levels. The writing is very funny, with sign language deployed creatively if not always consistently throughout; deafness, sign language, and interpreters really help play up the theme of communication, which ought to be a natural strength of the romance genre in general. Surprisingly, the arc takes us more or less all the way to graduation, in order to give itself breathing room to show a changing and often fraught friendship. And oh my god, you have to meet Shizune's father.
I learned from the KS website that each arc had a single writer, a different writer for each arc. (The editing and direction must have been excellent, because the narrative voice seems pretty consistent from arc to arc so far.) Learning this made the stark differences between Rin's story and Hanako's story make more sense to me: they're the products of different minds. Rolling that in with the other stuff I learned from the website, it is nothing short of a miracle that this game got made, much less that it is pretty good!!
Coming out of lurk mode to comment on how thankful I am to hear this game is finished and playable, I had no idea!! I remember playing the demo several years (?) ago, and I thought it was fantastic! My favorite character at the time was the girl with the long, dark hair who had half of her face burned.
I am frightened to read the entire thread because I want to experience the game without preconceptions, but I do have a question or two….
1) Can I play this game without a walkthrough and be able to get the ending for whomever I choose? I know in some of these games it isn’t as simple as –finding where the character you like is hanging out and being nice ever after- but in others, that is all you have to do. I like to stay away from walkthroughs if possible, but I would rather use one and get my chosen ending rather than screwing up the first play through.
2) Are there H-scenes? I’m so curious!!
PS – Satyre, as I see you questioned whether all visual novels are this awesome, I must recommend to you my favorite EVER17. It has one of the most complex, yet, brilliantly resolved storylines I have ever experienced in ANY form of media. It takes several playthroughs to get to the bottom of the story, but it is well worth it. Also, Phantom Inferno* & Hourglass of Summer are two others that are at the top of my list (and I’ve played these games quite a bit!). I highly recommend them if you ever find yourself bored and in the mood for an amazing story, with characters that are written so well you feel as if you have made real friends by the time the story ends.
*Contains H scenes
Frosty, I've only played through the game twice, but I thought it was easy enough to get the ending I wanted. It helps that I save a lot, though.
On my first run I went after Hanako too. I did the Emi path after that, and to be honest I prefer that one so far. I like Emi more than I thought I would. Now I'm on Rin's path, but I haven't gotten far.
Frosty wrote:
1) Can I play this game without a walkthrough and be able to get the ending for whomever I choose? I know in some of these games it isn’t as simple as –finding where the character you like is hanging out and being nice ever after- but in others, that is all you have to do. I like to stay away from walkthroughs if possible, but I would rather use one and get my chosen ending rather than screwing up the first play through.
It depends a lot on the object of your affections. There are five eligible bachelorettes, and some of their stories are much more interactive (and therefore more challenging) than others. You can definitely see Shizune's whole story on the first try without a walkthrough, but Rin and Hanako are harder; they both have a lot more choices than Shizune, and some of the choices matter and some of them don't, and it's not always obvious which are which. On the plus side, holding down... I think it was Left-Ctrl... lets you zoom past scenes you've already seen, if nothing has changed, so it really is not that much trouble to get back to where you went wrong from the beginning of the game.
2) Are there H-scenes? I’m so curious!!
Yes, and I haven't found any of them tasteless, though one or two were a little creepy (in a good way and for reasons having nothing to do with physical handicaps).
ETA: What I mean by this is that these scenes aren't creepy because the women's handicaps are fetishized. That doesn't mean that their handicaps have nothing to do with it.
Last edited by satyreyes (05-27-2012 09:15:31 AM)
You also have the option to turn off the H-scenes.
Hi Frosty!
Frosty wrote:
1) Can I play this game without a walkthrough and be able to get the ending for whomever I choose? I know in some of these games it isn’t as simple as –finding where the character you like is hanging out and being nice ever after- but in others, that is all you have to do. I like to stay away from walkthroughs if possible, but I would rather use one and get my chosen ending rather than screwing up the first play through.
The way this game works, Act 1 is where you meet all the girls. (From what I understand the original demo was just the first act.) Through the choices you make, at the start of Act 2 you'll be locked into a single character's story arc. The choices from that point on, of which there are fewer, will determine how you progress through their arc. You don't have the option of pursuing another girl without going back to Act 1 and making different choices.
The first time through it should be easy to lock on to one person's path and assure you get to focus on their arc. Later playthroughs, from my experience, can be slightly trickier only if you want to make choices that you hadn't made the first time, because this can conflict with the chosen girl's story. For example, I ended up unlocking Emi's route before Rin's even though it was Rin I was interested in, simply because I made one choice out of curiousity to see what would happen.
You don't need a walkthrough at all, unless perhaps you want to see every scene possible.
satyreyes wrote:
On the plus side, holding down... I think it was Left-Ctrl... lets you zoom past scenes you've already seen, if nothing has changed, so it really is not that much trouble to get back to where you went wrong from the beginning of the game.
Pushing Tab works as a toggle for skipping already seen content.