This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
1. founder
2. enrage
3. pounds
4. stone
5. poem
6. colour (or rather, color- american english, feh)
7. control
8. sheathe
9. hemp
11. blame
12. fabulous
13. cataract
14. genius (the obvious answer here is 'salons'. Am arguing semantics; the question is 'workplace of both' which implies a singular answer, not a plural one)
15. seize
16. salt
Last edited by crystalwren (08-12-2012 08:43:27 PM)
Oh, my! I was utterly unprepared for how much fun it would be to watch you all bash your heads into the walls of my simple puzzle garden. Really, "crosspollination?" Your incomprehension is incomprehensible! It's enough to make anyone reading your prose blush.
Overlord Morgus wrote:
Also, it's not like you to let someone else tamper with your work. If you want it to be your crime, you should try restoring the original puzzle.
And leave you with nothing to do? I think not! Now, I admit that involving Ivy was a thorny proposition, but in the end I decided to hedge my bets.
What if all the answers are...horrible plant puns?
Actually, that's a horrible idea.
Also, if anyone wants, I can throw possible answers into to get a look on how things look in the puzzle grid.
A puzzle garden. Hmm.
Gazing, as at the sun could be squinting. You would need to add on one space, for the G.
A retro fabric could also be plaid (add a space for the D), vinyl (add a space for the L) or Denim (add a space for the M).
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-12-2012 10:59:12 PM)
New Zealand Laurel
Japanese box hedge
Dwarf Japanese box
Camilla Japonica
Nandina Domestica
None of these are ringing quite true, though.
Also, my head hurts and I've done barely any actual work today. Keep this up, Mr Riddler, I swear I'll sic Batgirl in her Batbra(TM) onto you.
Last edited by crystalwren (08-12-2012 10:59:57 PM)
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
What is the point of a crossword with no crosses?
I also agree. I'm appreciative for the game, no matter how rude/amusing I think this pushy fellow is, but how are we supposed to check our work with no crosses? Hypothetically, we could pick any words that seems to fit with just the correct number of letters. For all we know, "dork" is the answer to number 10, if only because I like the image of a bunch of angry dorks, in arms, ready to defend the cathedral.
Last edited by jmie5 (08-12-2012 11:55:09 PM)
[] Means I do not have a solid answer.
1 soldier*
2 violent
3 money
4 water
5 prose
6 blush
7 leaning
8 [Could be scabbord, victor, winner, something pertaining to Christianity]
9 Vinyl
10 Irish
11 Scot
12 [Could be fabulous or Blissful]
13 [Could be Squinting]
14 [Could be Salon]
15 [Could be Grasps]
16 [Could be Ion]
So what's interesting here is that if I put these words in and in appropriate cases remove one box or add one box to some of them to make them fit, the squares across the widest part of the middle of the puzzle read:
Ivy Truly is Chaos, with Ion being shifted so that the phrase has only 15 letters in it (it would make Grasps and Salon definite answers to 15 and 14)? Ivy truly is clever? Moving around Scott so that the last part starts with an S and not a C to spell something like smart, shrewd or sneaky? A five or six letter word, most likely starting with C or S, that has something to do with poison or plants or danger?
I hate to be so hung up on something being written across the middle of the puzzle but it's so far the only way I can see of checking my work.
*dankies, Harley. Be sure to check Riddler's underwear and see if it's covered in colorful question marks for me, k?
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-14-2012 12:02:51 AM)
Hiya folks! The one and only Harley Quinn here! Mistah J and I had a fallin' out. I shot at him, he tried to blow me up--just a little lover's spat, ya know? Well red's outta town and Catlady's been no fun since she started hagin around B-man, so I had nowhere to go. Luckily enough, I ran into old Eddie, and he offered me a place to stay.The place is real swell too! A king size bed, all to myself. I sure do miss my Puddin, though *sigh*.
I miss red too. That gal sure likes her alone time with her plants. Makes since though; humans can't get close to her. Except for yours truly, of course
Anyway, since I'm stayin at Eddie's place, I thought I might as well drop in and see what he's been doin on this forum of yours!
Eddie told me all about his plan and these puzzles he's been workin on, and he made me promise not to tell anyone that the first answer is soldier--aw crud.
Anyways, he sure was happy about how no one remembers what he said about Ivy's toxin, and how it's good for plants and bad for everything else.
I don't know what he's doin with these puzzles, but they sure seem hard! Good luck, everybody!
Harley! I told you not to divulge my secrets to anyone! I can't imagine -
Oh. You don't know the word "divulge," do you. How thoughtless of me. I promise to be more considerate of your needs in the future.
Good eye, Light!! The middle phrase starts shining through!
8. Lackey would make "truly" fit.
If 1 is Soldier, then.....
2. Violet 7. 12.
3. 8. 13.
4. Waiter 9. 14.
5. Pros? Rose? 10.Iris 15. Grass
6. Bush 11. Scott
or something?
Ohh, I see. Soldier, violet -- we thought they were solder and violent. So you can take the answers to the clues and get another word by changing the number of letters.
Does it seem to anyone else like there are a lot of plants in M_S's list?
1. Soldier
2. Violet
3. Monkey
4. Waiter
5. Rose
6. Bush
7. Coroner
9. Viny
10. Iris
11. Scout
12. Flamingo
14. Salmon
15. Grass
16. Lion
*updating with other's answers
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-15-2012 09:48:44 PM)
I think that 7 is "cornrow", derived from "corners." Q and E are used to lean and peek around corners in FPSes.
I think 12 is "flamingo," derived from "flaming."
Based on OITL's guesses and mine, the current guess at the middle phrase is: IVYTOUC_ISCO_MAN
It looks like the 8th letter is H: IVYTOUCH
What answer for 8 could yield an H?
I also think 9 could be something other than "vinyl," something with E as its second letter, so you would get "IVYTOUCHES" as the first 10 letters.
Davine, what about "Knight" for 8?
It seems that I wasn't barking up the wrong tree so much as chopping it down...
Davine Lu Linvega wrote:
I think that 7 is "cornrow", derived from "corners." Q and E are used to lean and peek around corners in FPSes.
Well, all she is doing is taking away or adding a letter, not re-arranging them, and changing cornrow into corners doesn't add or take a letter.
But CORONER works. Since it is a human occupation, Ivy took away one of the Os to make the word into corner.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-15-2012 09:48:24 PM)
Your progress so far:
The answer to clue 8 is a bit awkward-sounding, but it's on and you'll know it when you have it. A guess has come close.
The answers to clues 9 and 13 have both been suggested in this thread, but not correctly transformed into the grid-filling entries.
Nice -- so much for #9! OITL, you're the only person I'm sure has understood this puzzle's gimmick completely; do you feel like sharing?
Last edited by satyreyes (08-18-2012 04:25:05 PM)
The actual answer has nothing to do with Ivy's clues. She took the Riddler's original answers, and if they were animal or human related (such as an occupation or an animal) she removed one letter to make a new word. If the word was plant related, she added one letter to make a new word. These new words that Ivy created are the words that the numbered, written clues below the grid are referring to. To suss out the original, Riddler-created answer, you first look at her clue.
So, for number 8, "One who puts a sword away" you can see the grid has SEVEN spaces. That means what we are looking for is either a SIX letter long plant-related word that when you add an extra letter to makes a word what means, "One who puts a sword away" or an EIGHT letter long animal or human related word that when you minus one letter spells a word that means "One who puts a sword away."
For example, it could be SHEATHES. While sheathes is something a plant can potentially do, it more often relates to the human act of putting a sword away. Ivy thus took away the last S, turning the word into a noun (the SHEATHE itself) instead of a verb. The original clue may have read something like, "to put a sword away."
It could be BLEARER, which is anything that blurs the eyes. Since plants, to my knowledge, have no eyes, this makes it human related. Ivy thus took away the L, making the word BEARER, much as like a sword bearer.
13, "Gazing, as at the sun" could be STARRING. An actor starring in a big time role is a human related occupation, so Ivy took away one of the R's to turn the word into STARING, which plays in to the phrase, "as at the sun" kind of like a pun. Because the sun is a star. Maybe? D:
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-18-2012 05:01:08 PM)
SHEATHE, BLEARER, or STARRING as words for people? I'm absolutely scandalized that you think so little of me! All fourteen of the words you've filled in so far are legitimate names for a plant, animal, or person - and so are the other two. You're already staring right at one of them, but you're not seeing it -- look for the plumage. The other is a flower whose name sounds like the thespian who played the Joker, only more so.
Of course, even if you deduce the last two words, you'll still have to glean the final solution. Perhaps Ivy's toxin is too strong for you after all!
Last edited by The Riddler (08-18-2012 09:14:24 PM)
So 8 is Heather, to which Ivy added an S to make Sheather. Staring was originally Starling.
The sentence, "Ivy touches con man" appears across the middle of the puzzle as a result.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-18-2012 10:40:16 PM)