This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Arki wrote:
Maarika wrote:
Are you, by any chance, the Ends of the World?
Close. I am the Ends of Homosexuality.
Want a ruler? It's straight. As am I. So chose a ruler like me and heterosexuality will prevail! Follow, minions. Follow.(The cult gives out T-shirts and they're not white.
Um, I know you're about to get lynched and all, but could you do me a favor and knock me up real quick first? I'd really appreciate it.
Vote: No Lynching
We've all been so blind. The reason why we accidentally lynched one of are own is because gay people don't exist in the first place. Homosexuality is just a story parents tell their children to make them behave.
Not that I would know, since my parents are dead...