This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So I don't know if any of you guys are fans of Mark Does Stuff, aka Mark Oshiro, who has a series of blogs where he reads/watches things completely unspoiled (read the site rules before posting).
I personally love his stuff, and I was super excited when I saw that he would eventually be doing Utena. Well, the time is finally upon us - he's announced that Utena is coming up around May, possibly June. He also has video commissions available - most are already claimed, but a few are still available. There's a list and how-it-works here: … commission and here: … f-running/
I know that's probably a lot to take in for someone who's never heard of his site, so I recommend reading his (completely free and available online) reviews of Twilight, or his great and also readily available reviews of the Harry Potter series/films to see if you like his stuff. It's also possible to browse his sites and read his reviews of various TV series and books, the only thing that costs money is access to downloads of videos or his compiled e-book format review packs.
Personally, I commissioned some Black Rose saga episodes and will be checking back to make sure everything is claimed closer to when it's on the schedule. Anyone else here a fan? If not, I highly recommend it - there are plenty of Utena fans in the community from what I can tell, and the people there (including Mark) love symbolism, strong characters, and story arcs with millions of layers, so I think it'll be a big hit. If you are a fan, let's buy up all those commissions
I'll stick around just to talk about SKU, but I don't really like the site itself.
I've been a fan of Mark for a loooooong time now (although I never really participated in the comment section, but perhaps I should start doing so...), and so I am also really excited that he's doing Utena! His reactions to it and opinions about it will no doubt be very interesting, I think.
@Atropos, well, you've sparked my curiosity; how come?
^ It's one of those things where it becomes more about the person watching the show than the act of watching itself. Note that the camera is on him for the entirety of his videos, that his recaps tend to focus on his own connections over deeper reading of the text. I mean, it's fun, but if I want actual analysis I'll stick to IRG.
Last edited by Atropos (04-11-2014 03:57:41 PM)
Oh, well, that makes sense, and his format is definitely very... blog-ish. I personally really like Mark's more introspective or even anecdotal posts, but I can definitely see why people wouldn't, you know?
I was there for the early Mark Reads.
Like, that and Gaia's writers' forum were where I cut my teeth on the internet, and they're both toxic communities.
And I remember this one thread, where there was a huge argument about how to refer to transgender people. And like, shit went down. Mark stepped in and people got in trouble and shit.
But the thing was, no one ever gave any explanation, and I'm pretty sure the people who got in trouble and got yelled at were just confused. But no one tried to clear things up for them. No one ever thought to tell these people why the way they were talking about this issue was disrespectful. And like, this was back when it really wasn't as common knowledge as it is now.
So… unless something's changed (and last time I read the commenting protocols, it really, really hasn't) the Mark Reads comment sections are very much like the worst parts of tumblr, except occasionally passive-aggressive instead of aggressive-aggressive. And Mark… Mark isn't just encouraging this culture, he's enforcing it.
I'd like to see where he goes with SKU, but it's for SKU's sake, and that's it.
Kita-Ysabell wrote:
So… unless something's changed (and last time I read the commenting protocols, it really, really hasn't) the Mark Reads comment sections are very much like the worst parts of tumblr, except occasionally passive-aggressive instead of aggressive-aggressive. And Mark… Mark isn't just encouraging this culture, he's enforcing it.
Now I'm curious. He sounds like a very strong cult of internets celebrity sort, and there's nothing wrong with that. To be honest I've strongly avoided making myself a presence of that sort on the internet, since I'd just draw nothing but ire and possibly lose my license for saying anti-nursey things.
Is he a foot in the mouth sort, though? I think a lot of the time people backtrack into being kind of passive aggressive douchebags when they're misinterpreted. If you're going to be a demon, play the part, so to speak.
Giovanna wrote:
Is he a foot in the mouth sort, though? I think a lot of the time people backtrack into being kind of passive aggressive douchebags when they're misinterpreted. If you're going to be a demon, play the part, so to speak.
Nooooo, not that I saw.
He's a very strong proponent of authenticism, i.e: you can't relate to an experience (and GOD FORBID you try to talk about it) unless you've lived it.
Like, he'd have posts where he was like, "So, some people were talking about how I didn't talk about the gender politics of this part of this story, but as a gay man, I really can't explain what it's like to be subjected to misogyny, so… I saw the misogyny, and intentionally didn't talk about it, because that would be MANSPLAINING, and that would be bad."
Which feels distinctly to me like it's defeating the purpose of having a socially-aware criticism in the first place. Except then sometimes he'd be fine with talking about the misogyny in some other work, so I don't even know. He was just very preachy about it, and the preachyness extended to how he moderated the comments. Like, I think you'd get told off for telling someone to kill themselves, (lol Luka's ballsackgate) but ad hominem attacks were a-okay so long as you centered them around what kind of -isms the subject of your tirade was supposedly an example of, and public shaming was the go-to for trouble in the comments.
I've only been a fan of the site for a couple years, so I managed to miss the big meltdowns as far as I'm aware.
It's true that Mark is hyper-aware of experience/authenticity when it comes to potentially triggering or controversial issues, although in my personal experience he's always followed an "I don't feel qualified to say something" with a "if you feel qualified please feel free to discuss it in comments". I find it to be a really safe and comfortable community in the sense that I feel as long as I'm careful in how I speak, others will also take care in replying to me, even if I bring up things that are difficult and upsetting for me personally. I can see how the strict anti-trigger rules - which are definitely chosen and enforced by Mark and a few mods, and not subject to huge debate - can be a deal-breaker for those who want more free discussion of the sort IRG offers. However, I think it has its place on the internet as a safe haven for people who want to connect emotionally to TV and literature, to bring up the wonderful and horrible personal associations that media can bring up, and often just have ridiculous coded conversation about how little Mark is prepared for what he's about to watch, all while knowing that if someone was to show up and try to troll/harass the hell out of the community as happens in so many popular forums, the mods would do everything they could to get that shit out within a day or two.
I don't know if the community has gotten better or not, but I do remember a situation at the beginning of Mark Watches Supernatural a couple months ago where someone got really upset because they felt there was a lot of fan-bashing and judgement going on and one comment thread was escalating quickly. I was worried the person would just get banned (since the people they were arguing with were long-time commenters) but the mods and Mark really stepped up and talked out the issue so (I think) everyone understood each other better. That was actually one of the incidents that made me feel good about being part of the community.
As I said before, though, it's definitely a YMMV kind of place, since it's based around making things comfortable for the most easily triggered rather than the least, but for me Mark's reactions, his insight into the media he watches, the way he sometimes points out things I've never seen before on a show I've seen a million times, and even those personal stories are all what keep bringing me back to the site for more. That's really the point of it, in my opinion.
ETA: I still don't feel like I've done a very good job of explaining my experience with the site/community, but one point I should have made is that drama or attack of any sort have been very thin on the ground. Almost all the comment threads I've lurked or participated in have been solely about enjoying a particular series. Not to say anyone else's experiences to the contrary are false, I 100% believe them. It may just not be the common thing nowadays, or I may be picking the right series
Last edited by Pratyeka (04-11-2014 11:11:20 PM)
This is the last I'll say about it: "safe" is the last way I'd describe the Mark Reads comment section.
It might have been a goal of the rules, but, as I mentioned, it was a matter of "make this a 'safe space' for people with 'legitimate' issues by publicly humiliating anyone who's accused of stepping on that." Public humiliation and moderator-approved verbal abuse does not make me feel safe. I can respect the idea of a safe space, but less so one that also drags literary critique into its sacred circle, (more for the "but then your literary critique will be shitty!" than for the "but that defeats the purpose!" although I think both are legit complaints) and definitely not one that enforces its "safety" policy through insults and shaming.
If it's become a more positive community, that's great, but I'm fine over here, thanks. And I'm generally a pretty forgiving person, but I just don't trust Mark as a moderator.
EDIT: Also, I must admit that the particular flavor of "This is a great series! That is a great series! Everything is awesome!" just isn't to my taste. I like to pick apart narrative media like a serial killer with an internal anatomy fetish, so holding up all the good parts as SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME and kinda glossing over the drawbacks just isn't my thing. I don't fault Mark for that, it's a totally fine way to look at things, it just doesn't do much for me, and I'd be lying if I said this didn't factor into my decision to occasionally prod Mark Does Things with a ten-foot pole and then go back to my little corner of the internet content that I'm still over the need to be a part of Mark's fanclub.
Last edited by Kita-Ysabell (04-11-2014 11:27:29 PM)
Okay, sorry, I lied. I'm just going to take the chance (as I really should have done in the first place) to try to be communicate more clearly what exactly I don't like about Mark Does Things and why.
Pratyeka, I think you're right on identifying the goal behind the policies as a means of prioritizing Mark's comment sections as "safe spaces," and while I disagree that this is the best way to go about building a strong community, I can respect that intent. My respect erodes somewhat in the face of that intent being focused on interpreting media, because I think what you identify as "free discussion" is absolutely essential to approaching media in a socially responsible way, and the head nods to "feel free to discuss this in the comments if you feel qualified" are rendered somewhat disingenuous both by the qualifier (you will be judged on your qualifications to talk about a subject, so it's really better to keep quiet unless you have your Validated Identity License on hand) and by the stated goal of creating a "safe space." (if your experience was traumatic, it might be considered triggering, so watch out) Generally, it creates a culture of silence which is very much not in service to what I interpret to be the goal of social justice. But that, for the most part, is a matter of "Well, it's not how I would do things."
What I find unforgivable was the way that these ends were accomplished while I was there. See, there's a reason that the rules at IRG were what caused me to join the forum, and it boils down to this:
The Most Glorious Set of Rules and Guidelines I Have Ever Seen on the Internet wrote:
If none of these work, can you trot out your wounded dignity in front of 700 people? Well, actually, no, you can't. That would pressure the other person -- and everyone listening -- to stop contributing or run their posts through your filters before posting. When we're all trying to pass through 700 people's filters, the forum asphyxiates. (Have you ever tried to breathe through 700 layers of cloth? ) Instead, it's best to accept that when you interact with people with different backgrounds and expectations, sometimes you get offended. It is your personal responsibility to deal with it in a mature and reasonable manner, the same way it is in real life.
Have you ever been subject to that act of having someone "trot out their wounded dignity" because of some perceived slight you've offered them, when you had no intent of doing so? And then watched as the rest of the community, including those with the only authority in the situation, descended on you like a pack of wild dogs to support that accusation? All in public? Have you ever seen it happen, in any forum, and then watched as the accused was banned, without any recourse? This is the sort of thing I witnessed in the worst cases of the Mark Reads comment meltdowns, and it was horrible, it was horrible to watch, it was horrible to be subjected to, and I never never want to go back to that.
And to be honest, what you've described with recent events sounds like a retread of this pattern: one person spoke up against the grain, a whole group of people with power in the situation (having earned status as "long-time commenters") objected publicly to that expression, and in the end, they were rewarded by being given a voice in the ensuing (still public!) resolution, thus validating the tactic of enforced consensus, when they should have been told off behind the scenes, or even banned for the use of that tactic. It sounds like it was done more elegantly than the situations I witnessed, (what with a furthering of understanding and all) but doing a horrible thing elegantly only excuses it if they make a television show about it. (Looking at you, Hannibal.)
Uh, so I'm gonna call that Why I Don't Follow Mark, Part I: High Costs. Stay tuned for Part II: Low Benefits, later!
Kita-Ysabell wrote:
The Most Glorious Set of Rules and Guidelines I Have Ever Seen on the Internet]
I'm really glad our policies have attracted people to the forum. I know they've driven others away, and there are 'safe' places for them, evidently like this guy's place. We as moderators have discussed these policies at length, and while our degree of agreement varies (some of us are more hardcore than others), we all agree that ultimately, the maturity level here should approach what adults and young adults can reasonably expect from conversing in public spaces in day to day life. If flipping your shit over a misinterpretation or difference of opinion would be considered uncouth in the middle of a bookstore, well. Why should we expect any different from the net? There's a difficult balance to strike. I do believe that when appropriate, a trigger warning is a good idea, or at least courteous. By the same token, the non-moderator in me thinks that if day to day life doesn't come with trigger warnings, we're doing our society overall a disservice suggesting they'll be protected from those things. We do all need a safe space, though. So we try to kind of tow the line there.
I haven't made a lifestyle choice out of browsing this fellow's site, to be honest, but he sounds like the backlash of any genuine attempt at social justice, which continues to call itself by that name. The culture of silence you speak of works--I don't go on sites for this reason, my voice would be immediately and unceremoniously snubbed out. Personality traits that make me easy to approach if a bit cynical and friendly if a bit gruesome in day to day life are completely against what's acceptable in these spaces. It's kinda sad, because I get the impression these groups are largely comprised of people younger than me, if only by 5-10 years. It makes me worry about where they're going to be developmentally at my age if they're never taught to get along with people.
I'd like to continue to participate in this discussion representing someone who enjoys Mark's site, but I don't know that I can contribute much more than the fact that it has been a safe space for me, sometimes in ways I felt IRC couldn't be*, and the fact that I simply haven't seen or been aware of the same issues in my time on the site.
Additionally, now that I'm aware this is a problem, I agree that it's a serious one and I would rather stay on the site and try to do something about it when I see it than give up on a community that has brought me a lot of joy and a lot to look forward to through some huge life changes the past couple years. The only thing in these posts that I have a hard time agreeing with or seeing the other side on is the idea that by enjoying the community I've become like a Mark-cultist. I mean, I think he's a good guy, but I'm not giving him all my worldly possessions just yet.
*I love IRC to death, but there are things I can't handle, and after years I've accepted that it's just a part of who I am and what I've experienced and not a cultural phenomenon of sensitivity. It's not often, but once in a while there are threads or comments on IRC which I see, am triggered by, and skip/leave. I don't mind doing so - it's a version of what I do in real life as well - but for me it's also nice to have a place where the triggering events almost never happen.
I'd just like to say that I'd give my front teeth if Shadowjack did an IWIW thread for Utena. Maybe he'll do it once he finishes this latest season of Sailor Moon.
Atropos wrote:
I'd just like to say that I'd give my front teeth if Shadowjack did an IWIW thread for Utena. Maybe he'll do it once he finishes this latest season of Sailor Moon.
I hadn't heard of Shadowjack but I can see where my afternoon is going.
In case you didn't know, this has begun. First episode is free; others are $0.99 each.
Atropos wrote:
In case you didn't know, this has begun. First episode is free; others are $0.99 each.
Also, I and other members of the forums are providing some video download links in the Black Market section of the MarkSpoils blog.
ETA: thanks for the Shadowjack rec, by the way, I'm most of the way through R and loving it.
Last edited by Pratyeka (05-23-2014 06:27:29 AM)
Oh, God, he got to episode 23. Thinking back on it, I was kind of nonchalant about the whole thing...which makes me wonder what sort of horrible traumas I went through to make me such a blasé child.
Atropos wrote:
Oh, God, he got to episode 23.
Thinking back on it, I was kind of nonchalant about the whole thing...which makes me wonder what sort of horrible traumas I went through to make me such a blasé child.
I know, right? Both 22 and 23 were great for reactions. I think I must have been watching too much bizarre anime when I first got to Utena because I was the same way about the Mikage reveal. I can barely wait for his reaction to the new ED animation on 26, he's been so excited about things like smiles and hand-holding. I'm also planning to have tea and chocolate as well as a pillow (for crying and/or punching) nearby when 33 comes out.
Ugh, the commenters' reactions to Episode 19 are much as I thought they'd be. And what's worse is that they essentially say, "NO MARK, YOU WATCHED IT WRONG, TATSUYA IS A BAD GUY." Because, of course, it's not like SKU is an extremely subjective show or anything.
Atropos wrote:
Ugh, the commenters' reactions to Episode 19 are much as I thought they'd be. And what's worse is that they essentially say, "NO MARK, YOU WATCHED IT WRONG, TATSUYA IS A BAD GUY." Because, of course, it's not like SKU is an extremely subjective show or anything.
Interestingly, one of the commenters attempted to refute those people by quoting Satyreyes.
You have arrived, Satyreyes. You have arrived.
(checks) Two, in fact!
I was surprised when he thought Anthy was the prince; that's one of the early theories I had when I initially watched the show.
Last edited by RhythmFusion (06-16-2014 03:10:31 PM)
Atropos wrote:
Ugh, the commenters' reactions to Episode 19 are much as I thought they'd be. And what's worse is that they essentially say, "NO MARK, YOU WATCHED IT WRONG, TATSUYA IS A BAD GUY." Because, of course, it's not like SKU is an extremely subjective show or anything.
Subjective as it is, this is the first time in a decade plus of being in the fandom that I've ever heard anyone suggest Tatsuya was a bad person.
Well, Tatsuya can come off as sort of "nice guy"-ish...