This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Colored manga scan of Miki Kaoru.
Done with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
This is just for my roleplay profile; the actual scan (with Juri behind him) is still yet to be finished. ^_^
Fencing Captain, so pretty pretty
I love how sparkly he is. He's made of glitter.
FencingCaptain wrote:
Colored manga scan of Miki Kaoru.
Done with Adobe Photoshop 7.0. … rofile.jpg
This is just for my roleplay profile; the actual scan (with Juri behind him) is still yet to be finished.
"Oh Miki you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind, hey Miki!"
You certainly are gifted with patience--something that I'll never have. Lol.
Can't wait to make my Touga bully your Miki. *grins*
*feigns innocence* But of course, I'm kidding.
Last edited by Seitokaichou (08-20-2008 05:09:52 PM)
Necro'd for great justice! And because this thread was fun.
Half-assed attempt at making Nanami and Touga actually look like brother and sister.
Edit: And another.
I didn't start out with the intention of making Anthy into Sailor Neptune, but it quickly went down that route.
Last edited by dollface (11-30-2008 12:54:52 PM)
dollface wrote:
Edit: And another. … 21copy.png
I didn't start out with the intention of making Anthy into Sailor Neptune, but it quickly went down that route.
So pretty! Sailor Neptune's hair color =
Any recolor is kind of going to do this, but the recolored Nanami really makes me think of palette-swapped creatures in old video games. As in, Utena would enter the final dungeon, and suddenly there would be all these student council members with other student council members' colors as generic enemies, or something like that. (She needs a hair streak, though. Maybe the... thing near the front, that I could never quite figure out?)
Also, Anthy-as-Michiru totally inspired me to go search for that old Ikuhara interview that talks the scrapped End of the World idea for a Sailor Moon movie. And then suddenly I've wasted an hour following random Ikuhara-related links. Woo, Internet!
(Also also, they are both very pretty, which should go without saying.)
End of the Tour wrote:
Any recolor is kind of going to do this, but the recolored Nanami really makes me think of palette-swapped creatures in old video games. As in, Utena would enter the final dungeon, and suddenly there would be all these student council members with other student council members' colors as generic enemies, or something like that.
All hail the holy Palette Swap!
I don't even have MS paint, so I can't contribute!
But, everything I've seen, even ones that many of you are not 'proud' of, still look wonderful.
My favourite being the golden-haired Anthy waaay back in the beginning of this thread.
Anyone think about doing a Dios/Anthy-ish Saionji?
I know it'll probably look weird, but, I'm curious....
I love the Touga/Nanami pic, Dollface.
Huzza for Recolor revival ... and the Touga/Nanami disturbingly cute.
End of the Tour wrote:
Any recolor is kind of going to do this, but the recolored Nanami really makes me think of palette-swapped creatures in old video games.
That's what I thought too (and also probably why I like the idea so much).
Madam Cheezy wrote:
Anyone think about doing a Dios/Anthy-ish Saionji?
I know it'll probably look weird, but, I'm curious....
Your wish is my command! Linked because he kinda sucks. There was a point during the coloring where he had blue hair, and it actually looks pretty good.
And, just for the hell of it, I'm jumping on the Irish!Utena bandwagon from way-back-when.
Alright, well, she's sort of a flaming-pink mixed with red... she looks a bit like a drag-queen now. Damn, it's just my luck that once I finally figure out how to do these nicely, this thread dies.
EDIT: Since we've done crossover recolorings, here's one that was begging to be done. AKIO-LIGHT!
Last edited by dollface (12-02-2008 05:53:01 PM)
Both of those Saionji pics are glomp-able!
Thankees, dollface!
The Utena one looks very nice too! And the Light one actually looks a bit creepy to me, but in a good way. Like, I dunno....looking at it might kill me, but
Anyone up to the challenge of making Chu-chu not look so dense?
OMG Tamago I'm scared of ChuChu now!
I'm going to see his eyes in my dreams tonight...and not in that good way...
Put back the fruit of the tree of knowledge, ChuChu, and look dense again! Densssssssse!
dollface I lurve Irish Utena. Mostly because she's deliciously naked, but the hair/eyes is a good touch too.
Akio-Light is, well er...he is... *screams and faints*
That's right, he would bring forth the true End of the World, just like Tamago said. And I also agree with Madame Cheesy re the tasteful killing he would inflict.
(I missed you too, cherie Kate!)
Tis not really a re-color... but i bring you... PUCHU-CHU!
You thought chu chu was scary before?
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
...That's awesome. So awesome, it scares me.
I promise I'll take a break after this one, but here's a Juri-Shiori hybrid.
She slightly disturbs me. Shiori, you'll have to let me dye it next time.
I would now like to be the meat in a Akio-Saionji/Akio-Light sandwich.
*is waiting for Clarice to see Mellokage who is made of Awesome*
And Puchu-chu scares me, but it totally works.