This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I was wondering what the SKU people's names meaning or about the real and other wise names of people in the rose gardern? for example one of the web masters name is
Giovanna Providenza Spadaro.
Giovanna is, when you translate across genders and languages, a form of the name John. It means 'God is gracious'.
Providenza is a Sicilian spelling of the Italian for providence, meaning prudence, foresight, a care in planning.
Spadaro is one of many many Italian surnames derived from 'spada' or sword. Usually it's used to indicate a sword maker, although it can also mean just someone who uses swords, is in in the army. (Back when swords were in practical use...)
So I guess in all you could say my name means 'God's gracious, foreseeing swordsmaker.'Maybe I should just post that to the thread...
she rocks and her name is very nice... I know that at some point akio explains his name to utena but cant recall it.
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (01-24-2007 08:54:00 PM)
Akio: That star conspicuously sparkling up there is Venus.
Utena: Ah...
Akio: The Morning Star...
Akio: My name, Akio, was derived from the name of this star.
Utena: Wow, that sounds kind of romantic.
Akio: The Morning Star,
Akio: ...also known as Lucifer.
Utena: Lucifer?
Akio: The star that was originally an angel, but chose to become the Devil.
Akio: If you look up from this earth, it's always by the Sun.
Akio: And unless the Sun sinks, it can never shine.
Akio: And what do you suppose it thinks when it does shine?
I don't know why I bothered to cut and paste from the scripts something I know by heart.
your pic fucking rocks and thanks is that really a banana? or tougas...
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
is that really a banana? or tougas...
Hah, Touga wishes.
BTW: Himemiya: "princess shrine"
OMFG please let's run with the 'swords of hate = pissed off princesses' thing here. I never noticed until now.
Giovanna wrote:
I don't know why I bothered to cut and paste from the scripts something I know by heart.
So you don't mispell anything and have to go edit after psoting.
Or just 'cause.
Shiori Takatsuki is high Zelkova serrata [it's a type of tree with purple leaves see: ](Takatsuki) "branch weave" (Shiori).
And my name is easy. Alithea is Greek for Truth. (I'd like to thank my father and the show Kung Fu for that.)
Last edited by Alithea (01-24-2007 10:58:23 PM)
thanks your name looks neat but what does
Shiori Takatsuki is high Zelkova serrata
I always call those trees "Shiori Trees."
Miki's name means "trunk" and Kozue's name means "treetop." Basically, they're two parts of a whole, and there's a lot of symbolism involving their names in episode 26.
My name in real life is Marianne. (Marianne the Marionette Mistress... Should be easy to remember, right?) I've always been disappointed that the meaning for my name always comes up as "A combination of Mary and Ann." So just now I looked up the meaning of those two names... Apparently my name means Sea of Bitterness-Gracious. (Sea of bitterness?!)
Razara wrote:
You know what's odd? Almost all the names in SKU refer to plants or flowers somewhere. I can't imagine where the symbolism comes into play...
(loller Touga's name means 'winter bud', his last duel episode is called 'The Love that Blossomed in Winter'!)
I don't know the cool Greek meanings or anything for myself, but my real name, Kate[how very cheerleader-esque ], is derived from the Shakespearian name "Katarina" or "Katherine". My name basically means ill-tempered or "shrew-like". Does anyone know where I could find any kind of Greek or Latin for my name? I hate to say it only means shrew
I wonder if the trees in this scene are Shiori Trees? New leaves seem to be budding after winter... Perhaps this shows that Shiori is turning over a new leaf? (Bad joke.)
Wakaba's name means Young Leaf, and Saionji carved a young leaf for her.
I just wanted to point this out, because I love the tree symbolism so much... Miki is supporting the birdhouse from the bottom of the nest box (trunk) and Kozue is supporting it from the top (treetop.)
Giovanna wrote:
Razara wrote:
You know what's odd? Almost all the names in SKU refer to plants or flowers somewhere.I can't imagine where the symbolism comes into play...
(loller Touga's name means 'winter bud', his last duel episode is called 'The Love that Blossomed in Winter'!)
So the sybolism for all the students names being plants or plant related is that each student is a growing being. They are young just blossoming students.
So Touga is Winter bud. Think about this he's all about himself through a good portion of the series. One could say he is trapped in winter. Nothing grows in winter, things remai ad they are. He's still enclosed within him self. Self is all he strives for. Please sure for himself. Power for himself. By the end of the series he starts to show sings of change. He cares for someone other than himself. He's started to grow and the bud can blossom. He's reached Spring.
Shiori is branch weave and that lovly tree with the purple leaves. The branch weave is the key part of her name. Branches weaving together, tagling amongst themselves. When Shiori meets Ruka she weaves bundle of lies in order to get close to him. She tries to weave various mischief in order to hurt Juri. But when you are growing a plant that has weaving branches you have to be careful that the intertwining branches don't choke each other off. Shiori's webs get so tangled she starts beleiving the lies she's told herself (like she loves Ruka). She stunts her growth, tanggled in mess of her own creation. She's just as trapped as her photo is in Juri's locket, unable to change.
Juri Arisugawa. Juri is tree glass and Arisugawa is existence like river. Lets look at Juri, tree glass. think of a glass tree. Trees are grounded, and strong. Juri proves to be a fairly level headed young woman, and the way she holds herself on the outside she appears to be strong. But Juri is tree glass. Glass can be strong but glass can also break. The slightest hit could send a crack through her. With her dealings with Shiori and Ruka it is obvious Juri may appear strong but she is more fragile than people realize. When she is hurt though she may still appear to be strong, there may be some small fractures in the glass. Juri is breakable though she tries not to admit it. her last name intersts me as well...existence like river makes me think of someone who just goes with the flow. Juri does seem to just sort of go along with thing in the student council sometimes, hardly bothered by anything. However it conflicts with the nature of her first name, being a tree, being rooted to the ground unable to move, but growing unseen.
Okay I'm at work and I don't have time to do anymore.
dollface wrote:
I don't know the cool Greek meanings or anything for myself, but my real name, Kate[how very cheerleader-esque
], is derived from the Shakespearian name "Katarina" or "Katherine". My name basically means ill-tempered or "shrew-like". Does anyone know where I could find any kind of Greek or Latin for my name? I hate to say it only means shrew
Katherine has its orgin in Greek and means taintless/pure. It actually has nothing to do with being a shrew. Infact if you think about that play Kate didn't not want to wed. She wished to remain as she was, single, thereby pure, and she was shrewed because of what others were forcing upon her, plus she was a rich bratty there you go.
Alithea wrote:
dollface wrote:
I don't know the cool Greek meanings or anything for myself, but my real name, Kate[how very cheerleader-esque
], is derived from the Shakespearian name "Katarina" or "Katherine". My name basically means ill-tempered or "shrew-like". Does anyone know where I could find any kind of Greek or Latin for my name? I hate to say it only means shrew
Katherine has its orgin in Greek and means taintless/pure. It actually has nothing to do with being a shrew. Infact if you think about that play Kate didn't not want to wed. She wished to remain as she was, single, thereby pure, and she was shrewed because of what others were forcing upon her, plus she was a rich bratty there you go.
Acctually, if you look up Kate on many sites I've stumbled across, the only thing they will tell you is "Derived from Katarina, Katherine. Shrew-like".
Gender: a boy or girl's name
Meaning: little seal (Does that mean I have to watch out for Canadians with clubs?)
Meaning: armor that protects the wearer's whole body
So therefore you could say that my name suggests that I am a fully armoured baby seal.
Utena goes into a lovely monologue at the end of the comic about her name. Well. Actually. Now that I've pulled out my copy of the last volume to type it up, it really isn't as lovely or as long as I'd remembered. Regardless:
"My name means "calyx"...the cup that shields the young flower. I will protect her..."etc--the rest is irrelevant and a lil too soppy for my tastes.
( name just means "lily," I guess. Not too interesting. I was named after Lillian Hellman, though, I think that's pretty cool at least.)
Edit: I looked up my full name--my first and middle name are "lily" and "bright/clear/famous", respectively, so I guess "famous lily"? I was trying to figure out my surname, but unfortunately it is one of those that was changed when we came to the "new country"...which was quite a few generations back, so I don't actually know what it originally was. So...I THINK I found the original name...I know it's German, starts with a G, and sort of sounds like my actual last name...but anyway, the name that I found that is probably my original family name means "brave & hardy spear."
Famous lily spear? Lily of the famous hardy spear? Teehee.
Last edited by Nessy (01-25-2007 07:41:21 PM)
Well, I know my name and middle name together mean 'spice of dionysis'.
My full name (and I HATE posting it, but I love you folks!) is Terrence Elric Kelly.
Depending on who you ask, my first name means instigator or abettor; my middle name means noble ruler and my last name means strife or intelligent.
The intelligence and my nature of instigation ring true. The nobility, though, I cannot be sure of.
Andrea Marie.
Andrea is usually defined as womanly, but really, it's just the feminine of Andrew, which means manly. Also, in most latin countries, Andrea is a boy's name. I was named for the Andrea Doria, which my mom liked the sound of. ::shrug:: And Marie is derived from Mary, which is irksome as it's so common. If I'd been a boy, I'd've been Angelo Anthony... which I rather like, actually.
My sister has a far more original name: Elisa Antonietta. So. Cool.
Last edited by morosemocha (01-25-2007 07:05:33 PM)
My first name is an extremely alternate spelling for the British Isles during the Roman occupation, but that's not where my mom got the name from. My middle name is either derived from Dionysus or is an alternate spelling of the goddess occasionally referred to as the mother of Aphrodite.
As for my user name, there was this reality show on TBS where these straight guys had to dress like women all the time, and they were given drag-queenish girl names. One guy got the name Raven Nightshade, and I screamed at the top of my lungs, "That's it! That's my new name!" I love it because it's so multi-purpose. It could be a drag name, a stripper name, a porn star name, or a goth name...or any combination of the four.
Raven, you have the same middle name as me.
I recently found out that I don't have a middle name. I always thought that my middle name was Nancy, named after my mother's sister, but apparently not. It's because my first name was supposed to count as a first and middle name, but legally, it only counts as a first name.
I can make my middle name whatever I want, but I don't know what to choose...
Well, my name means 'admirable, wonderful'. My last name means 'king's wood'.
A Day Without Me wrote:
Well, my name means 'admirable, wonderful'. My last name means 'king's wood'.
This raises certain intriguing questions.
I'm Susan Patrice.
I know that Susan is from the hebrew Shoshannah but that's about it.