This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I'm a bartender, so I have lots of lewd drunk stories, but my most shocking stories hail from my summer at the strip club, where I served drinks as opposed to dancing...
(G-rated versions of adult situations - be warned)
I was bringing a round of drinks to the back room, where the lap dances are given when one of the dancers passed out and thudded to the floor. I was in full-blown mother hen mode, circling around, near hysterics. I asked the other dancers in the vicinity if they knew if this particular girl had been taking anything strange. Not one stopped dancing, as a lifeless body lay on the floor, and I received the rude answer, "Why ask us, how should we know, call the manager!" The manager arrived, and tossed the girl into the strippers dressing room. The manager yelled at her, she needed to be on stage in a few minutes, and then her dancer friend jumped on her and began punching and smacking her. "How could you pass out like this, I need that phone number you have! How could you do this to me?" Yes, a nude stripper fight broke out! When I returned to the dancer's dressing room to check on things a few rounds later, those two were passed out (nude) on opposite corners of the room. The other dancers were literally stepping over them, as if they weren't even there. If it wouldn't have been so pathetic, it would have been hilarious.
Same place...
All the cocktails were college girls making quick money for the summer. We each used strategies to calm the grabby customers, and mean dancers. When the old men would look lustily up and down, asking, "Why aren't you on stage?" I would answer, "Oh, I'm not an extravert, I'm more of a funny person." Then told a joke. Thereby, becoming the "funny buddy" instead of the sex object. It always served me well, UNTIL... I was laughing and joking with a cowboy and his dancer, China. All evening, my jokes were better than the next, they were very impressed, and cowboy kept his hands off all right. However, the dancer was so taken with my comedy show that she grabbed my face and French kissed me. I hadn't really planned for this situation. I stood there, mouth shut, holding my drinks, and when she finished I nervously stammered out something like, "Will you be alright getting home tonight?" Obviously, she was drunk and I was suggesting that she might want to be extra careful, drunk enough to make out with a random stranger, but I did not realize until I heard the cowboy dirty laughing, that my question came out like a proposition. Like, "I'll take you home!" Kiss. Okay, I'll take you home! YES! It looked like I was propositioning the stripper. Ooops! The best joke of the evening! Oh well, did I spill a single drink, friends? Not a one.
Before the strip club, I worked in an upscale bar with very strict regulations regarding ask trays. The second someone put one out, if you weren’t busy, you were to clean it. So, I brought that "level of professionalism" (heh) to the strip club. I was constantly emptying ash trays. For some reason, this offended THE most glamorous stripper! First, she asked me sarcastically if that was my job. Then, every time I would pass her little group, she would grab the ash tray and emphatically wave it in the air. Even the guys she was sitting with looked at me apologetically, she was being so overtly rude. She even had a stupid little nickname for me, Ash Tray girl - clever nickname from a clever intellect! I would compare her to Nanami picking on Anthy. But Anthy had her revenge! Once I quit that horrid establishment, I returned with my best friend and her wealthy old boyfriend. He placed lots of cash on the table, and called that stripper out to sit with us. When she arrived, my friend and I loudly exclaimed we'd rather a different dancer. Every other girl sat with us, and was tipped extravagantly, except the Mean One. The horrified expression on her face when she recognized Ash Tray girl at the coveted table, priceless!
Interestingly enough, I interviewed almost every dancer, during the course of my employment, as to why they were working in such an establishment. Most popular answer = fatherless children. Unfortunate, huh.
Frosty wrote:
Wow., I think you win. Although I did have one lady last night who called up to yell at us because there was pubic hair all over her room. I was like "...well, maybe you should be more centralized while shaving?" Apparantly it was all over the sheets, the bathroom and the shower. She started going a bit nutty about her kids, and I just kinda blew her off. Oh well, she talked to a manager, so that's the end of my involvment.
How do you get to be a bartender? I've thought about it, 'cause the ones here at Disney clean up . Is there online school of bar-tendering or something?
So Frosty, did you take the stripper home with you?
I always thought it would be somewhat amusing to work in a Strip Club or bar for hysterics - and your post show that I was right!
Yasha wrote:
Spanking story
Yes this is the best job ever kidding, but the 100$ for the spanking that is for the fucking win!!!!
Edit: For huge block of text.
Last edited by Giovanna (12-11-2006 09:42:42 AM)
Frosty wrote:
Adventures in bartending
hahahahahahahahahhahahaha Best Revenge ever this sounds like a stand up act...maybe become a Professional Comedian... you have really funny material.
Edit: For large block of text.
Last edited by Giovanna (12-11-2006 09:43:18 AM)
The best comedy material comes from real life. And frankly, if you don't laugh about it, it's kind of depressing.
I'm a waiter. I work at an IHOP that's about a ten minute drive from my house. I was working the other day around two o'clock so people who'd slept in (it was a Saturday) were still comign in and ordering breakfast. On my way back to the kitchen from delivering eggs or whatever to a table, I passed my next-door neighbor. Actually, I almost tripped over her foot.
She didn't recognize me.
Now, this isn't someone I never interact with. She's been my neighbor for fifteen years. When her youngest sister and I were little we'd play together and try to avoid the only other kid on the block who was our age, because he was a little bastard. She quite literally watched me grow up, and she didn't recognize me. I guess it's true. If you're wearing a blue apron, you become invisible.
Although on more than one occasion, I've seen people who were customers of mine outside of work, and they've recognized me. What does that say, especially given that my neighbor doesn't recognize me?
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Although on more than one occasion, I've seen people who were customers of mine outside of work, and they've recognized me. What does that say, especially given that my neighbor doesn't recognize me?
She doesn't see you for the steaming hunk of sexy that we do? Maybe she's not a Mrs. Robinson, but for you I could be.
Why thank you, Mrs. Robinson.
I don't like my work apron, but it does help keep me clean. And I do get to wear a tie.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Why thank you, Mrs. Robinson.
I don't like my work apron, but it does help keep me clean. And I do get to wear a tie.
I like guys in aprons
Well I'm sure YOU would recognize me at work then. Though I think I look better in a suit than an apron.
I think the only weird work story I have unfortunately doesn't involve a bar or anything, although it does involve alcohol.
Last season I musically directed Annie Get Your Gun. When I hired my pit (orchestra) I hired this one keyboardist. He was kinda obnoxious and seemed to drink a lot. He was like 21 or so.
Well anyway, in the middle of the first act one night I look over . . . he's not there. He crawled out of the pit, up onto the stage during a blackout to go to the bathroom. In front of the audiance. YOU DON'T DO THAT. That is ridiculously unprofessional. Holy crap. So I gave him hell about it and said don't do it again.
A couple nights later during the first act he's waving his hands around saying he needs to leave to go to the bathroom. I'm like "We only have 10 minutes left in this act, you can go then." So what does he do?
He pees in a Gatorade bottle. In the pit. During the act. In front of an audiance. (Who luckily don't notice as it is dark and I guess he was really quiet.) I didn't even know about it until I saw him scurry out of the pit at the end of the act with bottle in hand and someone pointed it out to me.
So yeah, I don't hire that guy anymore.
The best stories ALWAYS involve alcohol.
But that's...kinda gross. Eww.
Right now I'm just envying your pitsters for having an actual pit to play in, instead of the cramped hellhole that was backstage.
morosemocha wrote:
How do you get to be a bartender? I've thought about it, 'cause the ones here at Disney clean up . Is there online school of bar-tendering or something?
Hahaha - hair story!
Different states have different liquor laws. I went to a bartending school when I turned 18, so I could go to college & work at night. I'm not sure, but I think each state may have a program. Mine was the Texas School of Bartenders, just a 2 week course. If I remember correctly, you went 4 hours a day learning how to hand pour, memorizing popular mixed drinks, the proper glasses and shots. Basically everything you would learn a few days at the real thing. It's just a piece of paper that you don't need to have if it isn't required. Some states require that you have a "bar card" which means you have taken a test regarding "alcohol safety". You learns such gems as: don't serve drinks to drunks.
If your state doesn't require a bar card, then you have it made... You don't need the school - nowadays, bars usually use a cola drink gun to pour the alcohol to keep you from serving the customer 25 cents more liquor than they paid for. And, almost every bar has an index file of all the drink combinations, hidden somewhere in the bar. When someone orders something you have no clue, or forgotten, just take it to the index. After a few weeks, when you learn the liquor combos, when people come and ask for some shot you've never heard of before, you just ask them what it tastes like, and what color it is supposed to be - you can replicate nearly anything.
No bar card, great. Next, LIE in your resume about previous bartending experience, once they put you back there - all the bartenders will help you. It *IS* a generalization, but I've noticed unlike the rivalry that tends to follow the wait staff, bartenders stick together. If you're interested I can scan in the book, which has all the drink combos you'd ever need, your virtual online tutor. I do recommend bartending, fast cash, AND, a lot less running around than the poor wait staff... ALSO, all you deal with are drinkers, so mean customers turn friendly after a few rounds! Yay!
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Nah, me = too dumbfounded, but I should've. That stripper HAS had reoccurring appearances in my fantasies since then...
My assumption on forgetfulness: neighbor lady is just too self-involved. I would fashion your apron & tie a combo restraint device. Useful during work AND play.
Another funny work story, from my days cocktailing at Harrah's casino: A lady, dressed in all black leather, walks in...sits at a slot machine...and removes her top. She's just sitting there, playing the slots...TOPLESS. Nice. Security presented her with a free T-shirt from the gift shop.
Frosty wrote:
If you're interested I can scan in the book, which has all the drink combos you'd ever need, your virtual online tutor.
Ooo ooo I am! I am! Actually a coworker just went to bartending school, maybe I'll ask if I can borrow her book when she stops leaving my ass to dry out here skipping work EVEN THOUGH WE'RE BOTH SICK SO I GET STUCK HERE DEALING WITH HER SHIT AND MY SHIT AND MY BOSS'S SHIT AAAAAAUGH. Ahem. Anyway, I was reading it and hit the Phantom Martini. It's totally like the Phantom of the Opera because there's a black olive in it. Hurr! For some reason it struck me funny and I laughed like an idiot for about an hour. I think it had something to do with me not really thinking he'd be a martini kinda guy.
I love mixed drinks. Actually I love just about all manner of alcohol except for beer, but some drinks are just so stupid sounding I can't keep my dignity while ordering them. Like an appletini. Cosmos are yummy, though.
Ooo ooo work story fresh off the presses.
Gio: Is it plugged in?
Boss: NO
Gio: Is the battery in?
Boss: NO
Gio: Is there any power source at all going to the computer?
Boss: NO
Gio: Maybe you should plug it into the AC adapter.
(twenty minutes later)
Please note she was completely oblivious to my smartassing there.
Appletini's are some of the most wonderful things on this earth.
I suppose this isn't a story, so much as bitching that I just have to get out of my system.
It's exam week. I'm tech support for the system my school uses for its online classes.
Everyone is freaking out cuz OMG they're gonna FAIL if WHATEVER doesn't get to WHOMEVER by WHENEVER. Their (guess-what-it's-not-an!) emergency is most definitely NOT my emergency.
Ok, here's a work story...
Person wrote:
My name is ________ and I am taking ______. We were told to acsess our account for the blackboard, but I was not able to access it.
Ok, he's provided SOME information, which already gives him a head start over MOST of the people we deal with every day.
I reply: Blah blah blah, please make sure you actually know where Blackboard is and that you actually have your login username and password. If you are still less stupid than most of the people we deal with every day, please tell me if you are receiving any error message when you attempt to log in, using right browser and settings (described), etc.
Person wrote:
Yes, when I type in what my username and password are supposed to be, I get an error message. I am not sure about your other questions, but my other classmates can sign in.
Come on, please. Give me something. Seriously, HOW FUCKING RETARDED CAN YOU BE?!
Person 1: Are you getting an error?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: ...
Person 1: ...
Person 1: ...
Person 1: ...
Person 1: ...
Person 1: Ok...? And it says...what?
Person 2: Oh! You want to know what it says??
Person 1: Well, it MAY know, relevant.
Person 2: It says something about an error occured when logging in.
Person 1: ...It would say that, wouldn't it.
Person 1: *shoots self*
I have a story. This is basically a day in the life of a wildlife attendant. I work in the middle of nowhere, keep screwy hours, and the complex is several acres big so the head doesn't always know what's going on at the tail. Most of us have one little special area we work in and everything else becomes "not our problem."
Here's something lovely that happend over the summer:
I handle the mountain lion that can't go back into the wild. My job is basically feed the guy, keep him aclimated to people since he's stuck with us, and make little puzzle-for-treat type things so he stays stimulated and not depressed. We keep the shed with the crap pretty far friom Chandler's enclosure, so I cut through the woods a few times a day to get his toys. There's a pretty random port-o-potty on a slab of concrete in that area. Strapped around the port-o-potty is an old metal garbage can. I never really gave the thing much thought, until one day I was mucking around the woods and I heard someone SCREAM AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS.
I was slightly worried Chandler got out and attacked someone (which he never does, but if he did I'm kind of worried it'd be on my ass) so I ran to help this lady out, and it was a custodian who knocked over the garbage can.
What was inside the garbage can, was a writhing white mass of maggots. Thousands. Of. Them. Some of them were (I swear) as big as my freaking pinkie. Some brilliant individual tossed some meat in there a few weeks ago and the rest of us brilliant individuals never got close enough to the thing to think to clean it out. Watching all those maggots was pretty terrific, though.
Giovanna wrote:
Here's a link to the most common drinks, you would want to memorize. The book does make it simpler, by grouping drinks with the same base liquors (vodka drinks, run drinks), same glass sizes (Collins family). If your friend just graduated, she may not want to part with her book just yet. In that case, I can send you mine. Drinks don't really change over time, just the Popular Shots.
Other than that, if you have an empty liquor bottle, fill it with water and place a spout on the end. Have a shot glass and a large glass nearby. Practice pouring ONE shot into a large glass. Count quick "one two", which will equal a shot...then check it by pouring that into the shot glass. If you run over, GREAT!
Spinning bottles....only do it when the tiniest amount of liquor is left. Jillian's BANNED bottle spinning in Houston, because of my broken glass fiascos. They sell plastic bottles to perfect the art, if one is interested. I can't juggle a BALL, much less a bottle. But I can throw the bottle into the air and catch it, Looks Cool, is just a trick of the eye - one could do the same with a jug of milk, but then that isn't so sexy.
Gio, your boss sounds like an evil version of the pointy-haired manager of the Dilbert comic strip. I remember from other posts, your job is filled with horrid people. YAY, leave those assholes & become a bartender... except, I doubt you wanna work a bar in the pleasantly populated area you've described Homestead to be. It's the same here too though, and I get by. Maybe, the alternative would be better!
Hinotori wrote:
Work with a lion, OH, I love them! That must be such an awesome job. ADD, the nifty bonus of watching squirming maggots scare people and you're Living The Dream!
It's a mountain lion, a cougar/puma/etc, but it's still pretty cool. From what I've heard they're one hell of a lot easier to handle than the other big cats. There's a big cat rescue not too far from here so if I ever have a reason to stop at this job I may use my previous experience to get me hired at that place. ;p Either way, I'm just as happy with snakes and birds and this tentative PHd in Paleontology I'll be going after in the near future.
BUT YOU GET TO WORK WITH BOOZE which I also like. o: In fact, it's probably a bad thing that I know as much about cocktails as most of my bartender friends and can just as easily pour a shot into a regular glass without thinking about it with my thumb over the opening. I'm pretty sure that's actually the early stages of stealth alcoholism.
Frosty I really don't need to get turned on every time I change into my work clothes.
Giovanna wrote:
Frosty wrote:
If you're interested I can scan in the book, which has all the drink combos you'd ever need, your virtual online tutor.
Ooo ooo I am! I am! Actually a coworker just went to bartending school, maybe I'll ask if I can borrow her book when she stops leaving my ass to dry out here skipping work EVEN THOUGH WE'RE BOTH SICK SO I GET STUCK HERE DEALING WITH HER SHIT AND MY SHIT AND MY BOSS'S SHIT AAAAAAUGH. Ahem. Anyway, I was reading it and hit the Phantom Martini. It's totally like the Phantom of the Opera because there's a black olive in it. Hurr! For some reason it struck me funny and I laughed like an idiot for about an hour. I think it had something to do with me not really thinking he'd be a martini kinda guy.
I love mixed drinks. Actually I love just about all manner of alcohol except for beer, but some drinks are just so stupid sounding I can't keep my dignity while ordering them. Like an appletini. Cosmos are yummy, though.
Ooo ooo work story fresh off the presses.
Gio: Is it plugged in?
Boss: NO
Gio: Is the battery in?
Boss: NO
Gio: Is there any power source at all going to the computer?
Boss: NO
Gio: Maybe you should plug it into the AC adapter.
(twenty minutes later)
Please note she was completely oblivious to my smartassing there.
that's great and i think that i would die laughing at her and i second what you said about drinking
i heart all things liqour related
i wont touch BEER...eeeeewwwww
and at least wine (not that i am a fan of it) is regarded as classy.
I mentioned this ina message to Yasha, and figured I ought to share it with you guys,
"I deal in last names. Stankavage, Assenheimer, and the day that Mr. Cox rear-ended Mr. Beaverson in the parking lot all live in infamy. "
Others that live on? Manuel Hung, Rong Ho, and Richard Dicks. We keep a file of the good ones.
Just a lil' somethin' somethin' to brighten your day.
Mr. Cox rear-ended Mr. Beaverson...
If you ever find a Mr. Long who's engaged to a Miss Cox, be sure to let us know. Because then it'll be the Long-Cox wedding.