This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Rae wrote:
Dude. The last time I read those books was when I was ten. I was crazy. Every week when a new episode came out, I printed out the screencaps on the website. I seriously had a crush on Christopher Ralph (Tobias). I even got the official actor biography book (with pictures)!!!!
Well, in general, I had a crush on Tobias all around. It's cool to be a bird.
OH MY GOD ME TOO. I hated the show for how much it mauled the books, but I was so happy Christopher Ralph was Tobias. He was so, so, so yummy. AND LIKE ALMOST THIRTY, WTF?
That was crazy, but who cares? I'd still invite him to Yasha's naked house party.
I'm so excited! My best friend just loaned me Fragile Things. I was too tired and drunk to start it last night, tho, so I'll probably start it sometime tonight.
I'm reading Sextrology, since I'm a gemini it points me to be one kinky young lady. HA!
morosemocha wrote:
Rae wrote:
Dude. The last time I read those books was when I was ten. I was crazy. Every week when a new episode came out, I printed out the screencaps on the website. I seriously had a crush on Christopher Ralph (Tobias). I even got the official actor biography book (with pictures)!!!!
Well, in general, I had a crush on Tobias all around. It's cool to be a bird.OH MY GOD ME TOO. I hated the show for how much it mauled the books, but I was so happy Christopher Ralph was Tobias. He was so, so, so yummy. AND LIKE ALMOST THIRTY, WTF?
That was crazy, but who cares? I'd still invite him to Yasha's naked house party.
Yasha wrote:
Trench Kamen wrote:
I'm reading Tamora Pierce's Trickster's Choice, AND very much enjoying it.
Why yes, I am a thirteen-year-old girl at heart.SHITE.
Read the Song of the Lioness Quartet, STAT! Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen are awesome books, but Alanna resonated far more strongly as a character in my opinion. I actually read those books young enough that I think they had a big impact on who I am and what I believe.
Been there, done that. Along with The Immortals and Protector of the Small.
Seraphita is actually pretty interesting. If I weren't completely indifferent towards religion, I would probably love it. I still find it kind of unrealistic that one person can talk non-stop for 26 pages. It was pretty irrelevant, too. I want to try to read that out loud to see how far I get.
I'm also rereading a book called White Fang at the moment. It's about wolves.
Razara wrote:
I'm also rereading a book called White Fang at the moment. It's about wolves.
I remember a movie about it.
I just finished Peter Pan!!!
Well, today in the mail I got my copy of Volume 2 of Someday's Dreamers: Spellbound by Norie Yamada (artwork by Kumichi Yoshizuki ), so I am going to re-read volume 1 (I've probably forgotten most of it already), so I can continue on!
Just finished off The Epic Of Gilgamesh. Not exactly a book, but it something I was currently reading.
Just finished a quick re-read of Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore.
Long story short: Newbie vampire finds wide-eyed Midwestern dork to run errands for her during the day. It's a romantic comedy.
I want to read Five Rings.
Oh, come on! Saionji probably has a good copy of it! It's widely regarded as THE book on Kendo, written by none other than Miyamoto Musashi, the legendary samurai. It deals with the five rings of the elements and how they fit into the grand scheme of things. I would love to read my mother's copy. The trick is to find a copy that the translator hasn't pissed all over with his or her own commentary.
Kind of like finding a decent dub of Sailor Moon. Or a person who can do Akio well enough in English.
BioKraze wrote:
Or a person who can do Akio well enough in English.
Jeremy Irons. Not only is he more than qualified, his voice could melt Europa's ice cap.
...There's so much fucking pathetic nerd in that post I don't know where to begin.
OMG if I got a chance I would fuck Jeremy Irons' brains out.
For some reason whenever I watch him act he makes me sad. WHY IS THAT?
Currently reading Only Revolutions by Mark Z Danielewski. It's CAH-RAZY. Gonna start American Gods by Neil Gaiman next.
Last edited by Emiemipoemi (04-16-2007 10:02:21 PM)
Giovanna wrote:
jeremy irons geek out
...Obviously, you've given this some thought.
I the Zombie Coffee Girls story in Fragile Things.
I love Neil, but anthologies drive me nuts -I'm really not fond of short stories.
But so far, this one has been perfect.
Everything has felt so...right.
morosemocha wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
jeremy irons geek out
...Obviously, you've given this some thought.
Ithe Zombie Coffee Girls story in Fragile Things.
I love Neil, but anthologies drive me nuts -I'm really not fond of short stories.
But so far, this one has been perfect.
Everything has felt so...right.
I loved that book so much. I really enjoyed the short story about Sherlock Holmes.
Emiemipoemi wrote:
morosemocha wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
jeremy irons geek out
...Obviously, you've given this some thought.
Ithe Zombie Coffee Girls story in Fragile Things.
I love Neil, but anthologies drive me nuts -I'm really not fond of short stories.
But so far, this one has been perfect.
Everything has felt so...right.
I loved that book so much. I really enjoyed the short story about Sherlock Holmes.
I don't read anthologies in proper order, I just kind of ...pick and choose, so I haven't read that one yet. The creepy one about the boys and the playhouse? Creeeeeeeeeepy, creeepy. I like How To Talk To Girls At Parties, but....if anything out of there is going to get a Hugo, I'm not entirely sure it should be that one. Meh. I'm sure those comitties know more then me. Or however it's spelled.
Edit: ::CRACKS UP:: WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THAT?! I almost peed my pants laughing!
Last edited by morosemocha (04-16-2007 10:17:08 PM)
Emiemipoemi wrote:
OMG if I got a chance I would fuck Jeremy Irons' brains out.
I've been saying that since I was eight years old.
morosemocha wrote:
Fragile Things
Damn I need to get my paws on that, already.
For me, I've been reading The City of Falling Angels, by John Berendt. This is the author that wrote the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, which was a ridiculously good movie. I had intended to read that, but then I found his other book was on Venice and I was like BITCH GIMMIE. What he does is nonfiction that feels a bit like fiction; he tells the stories of the people he meets. The names aren't even changed. The drag queen from Midnight was so popular in the book that she wrote her own book. But he meets such strange characters you almost can't believe they're real, and in their individual stories, he's managing to capture the living spirit of the city they come from. In this book, his being in Venice falls in line with the fire at The Fenice* opera house. For some people he talks about this is a major theme, in other stories, it's more of a backdrop. Either way I'm really enjoying it, it has the same appeal as good historical fiction in that it gives you an impression of a culture, and at the same time, it's a series of character studies. All in all, fun stuff.
*Which means phoenix. Also it has burned and been rebuilt rather a few times.
Giovanna wrote:
Emiemipoemi wrote:
OMG if I got a chance I would fuck Jeremy Irons' brains out.
I've been saying that since I was eight years old.
morosemocha wrote:
Fragile Things
Damn I need to get my paws on that, already.
For me, I've been reading The City of Falling Angels, by John Berendt. This is the author that wrote the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, which was a ridiculously good movie.
Oh, god, Midnight is one of my freaking fave books.
I'll loan it to you when we eventually get together -I got my copy at a thrift store for 95 cents -Fabulous! Apparantly the movie is a pretty faithful adaptation, but I haven't gotten around to seeing it. Hmmm... I love his writing style, tho -I'll have to pick it up this one you're talking about, it sounds awesome. I'd load you Fragile Things, but sadly, not mine. I'm waiting for the paperback.
Dr. Adder by K.W. Jeter.
Some really twisted crap right thar.
morosemocha wrote:
Edit: ::CRACKS UP:: WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THAT?! I almost peed my pants laughing!
morosemocha wrote:
I'll loan it to you when we eventually get together -I got my copy at a thrift store for 95 cents -Fabulous!
I love everything about that sentence. I haven't read Midnight, so I can't say how faithful the adaptation is, but I loved the film, and frankly didn't know for a long time that it was a book and that it was based on actual people. Maybe I'll get the DVD and force you to watch with me.
If nothing else, Kevin Spacey's performance is...well he's Kevin Spacey. Unlike Keanu Reeves, he can actually maintain the accent.
Razara wrote:
I'm also rereading a book called White Fang
Oh, that's a fantastic book!!! Not only a story about wolves, but about men! (For what I remember, it shares little with the movie). I remember it as my favourite book about five years ago or so.
dollface wrote:
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Love, love, love it. Mesopothamic / sumerian literature, about... two thousand years bC? (lol, nobody will believe I'm actually taking Ancient History, I don't remember something I was taught six months ago! ). The very first Carpe diem, that's for sure...
I lately read L'aventure ambigüe, by Cheik Amidou Kane. I don't know if there is any translation in English (probably yes, but I haven't found it on the Internet), but for anyone who understands French or Spanish, is quite a enjoyable reading.
Just finished American Gods. YAYYY.
Emiemipoemi wrote:
Just finished American Gods. YAYYY.
American Gods is definitely YAY. I need to re-read it sometime, and Good Omens. Haven't had any time for pleasure reading recently, since I'm in the process of completing final papers/exams. As soon as that's over, I think I'll get back to reading The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery and random bits of Angela Carter.
just finished reading "Necklace of Kisses" the last installment in the Weetzie Bat Books
I recently finished "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman and I nearly had an orgasm. Go. Read it now.