This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Epi_lepsia wrote:
I hate hyuugacest.
Me too, Epi. There is nothing to the idea of pairing Hinata and Neji. I'm fine with incest, but justified incest. All of the incest pairings on SKU are fine examples of justified incest. I mean, good grief, Neji spent the first 70 episodes hating her, damn near killing her in the process. Now we're expected to believe they pair up willingly, especially with Hinata being a raging Naruto-sexual? I'd buy it if it was an arranged marriage, but it'd still be a loveless one.
Oh, and since we're talking Naruto, I don't like Sakura with Naruto or Sasuke. She's never going to do anything impressive enough to make Sasuke get his head out of his ass, and she's never going to be in love with Naruto. Besides, I'm too much of a Sakura/Ino, Naruto/Sasuke, Naruto/Hinata fan to think otherwise.
Oh, and I don't like Shikamaru/Ino, but I'm afraid that's what will happen. They always say that men marry women that remind them of their mother.
YamPuff wrote:
And I do NOT approve of Watanuki x Doumeki from XXXholic. Even though I didn't read much of the series.
I have read 9 volumes of the series and I still don't aprove it!!! Those guys just have ZERO chemistry!!! And the only reason they seem to be a almost-canon pairing is because Clamp said so, everybody in the cast says that they seem to get along really well but they don't!! They are totally imcompatible!!! It's true they have learned about each other but knowing another person is not the same as falling in love.
I mean, I know there is a lot of hard core fans out there of Asuka and Rei from Eva being an item... But I think it's pretty creepy. Rei's like an emotionless doll, and Asuka is a 3/4's German bitch, and the whole thing just seems kind of off to me. But I dunno, that's just my opinion.
MadHatter wrote:
I mean, I know there is a lot of hard core fans out there of Asuka and Rei from Eva being an item... But I think it's pretty creepy. Rei's like an emotionless doll, and Asuka is a 3/4's German bitch, and the whole thing just seems kind of off to me. But I dunno, that's just my opinion.
I don't think that anyone's suggesting them being a canon couple. I mean, Rei barely even acknowledges Asuka's existance in the series while Asuka loathes Rei for being so doll-like.
Rei's not emotionless, though. She's unable to express her emotions. There's a difference.
Last edited by Lightice (03-18-2007 09:35:37 AM)
Lightice wrote:
MadHatter wrote:
I mean, I know there is a lot of hard core fans out there of Asuka and Rei from Eva being an item... But I think it's pretty creepy. Rei's like an emotionless doll, and Asuka is a 3/4's German bitch, and the whole thing just seems kind of off to me. But I dunno, that's just my opinion.
I don't think that anyone's suggesting them being a canon couple. I mean, Rei barely even acknowledges Asuka's existance in the series while Asuka loathes Rei for being so doll-like.
Rei's not emotionless, though. She's unable to express her emotions. There's a difference.
True, you have to remember that there ARE times when Rei smiles, and the moment before her death, she sort of "cried".
Personally, I'm more in favor of Shinji and Rei instead of Shinji and Asuka. I feel that the latter two were just being randomly slapped together without really having a connection besides the fact that Asuka is the only one who has the guts to beat Shinji to a bloody pulp.
Hiraku wrote:
Hiraku wrote:
Lightice wrote:
MadHatter wrote:
I mean, I know there is a lot of hard core fans out there of Asuka and Rei from Eva being an item... But I think it's pretty creepy. Rei's like an emotionless doll, and Asuka is a 3/4's German bitch, and the whole thing just seems kind of off to me. But I dunno, that's just my opinion.
I don't think that anyone's suggesting them being a canon couple. I mean, Rei barely even acknowledges Asuka's existance in the series while Asuka loathes Rei for being so doll-like.
Rei's not emotionless, though. She's unable to express her emotions. There's a difference.True, you have to remember that there ARE times when Rei smiles, and the moment before her death, she sort of "cried".
Personally, I'm more in favor of Shinji and Rei instead of Shinji and Asuka. I feel that the latter two were just being randomly slapped together without really having a connection besides the fact that Asuka is the only one who has the guts to beat Shinji to a bloody pulp.
Yeah... You're right. But in all honest truth, I don't think anyone on that show is good for each other. They're all so damn emo (but I guess with all that's going on it can't really be helped, huh?).
MadHatter wrote:
Yeah... You're right. But in all honest truth, I don't think anyone on that show is good for each other. They're all so damn emo (but I guess with all that's going on it can't really be helped, huh?).
Agreed. Hell, you could argue that Shinji and Rei'd be a bit on the incestuous, or even Oedipal side as a couple - Rei's a clone with DNA of Shinji's dead mother and Lilith.
Still, there isn't much time for any kind of romance in Eva. Everybody's too busy in having a nervous breakdown to bother about relationships. And besides, there's something twisted and disturbing in every possible relationship shown. Kind of like Utena, actually.
Sorry for the spoilers, BTW, but it's been over ten years since the series came out - it really shouldn't be a big deal, any more.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Epi_lepsia wrote:
I hate hyuugacest.
Me too, Epi. There is nothing to the idea of pairing Hinata and Neji. I'm fine with incest, but justified incest. All of the incest pairings on SKU are fine examples of justified incest. I mean, good grief, Neji spent the first 70 episodes hating her, damn near killing her in the process. Now we're expected to believe they pair up willingly, especially with Hinata being a raging Naruto-sexual? I'd buy it if it was an arranged marriage, but it'd still be a loveless one.
Oh, and since we're talking Naruto, I don't like Sakura with Naruto or Sasuke. She's never going to do anything impressive enough to make Sasuke get his head out of his ass, and she's never going to be in love with Naruto. Besides, I'm too much of a Sakura/Ino, Naruto/Sasuke, Naruto/Hinata fan to think otherwise.
Oh, and I don't like Shikamaru/Ino, but I'm afraid that's what will happen. They always say that men marry women that remind them of their mother.
EW!! ShikaIno is HORRIBLE!! I kinda preffer ShikaTema
No, not really, i picture Sakura with Rock Lee more than with Sasuke or Naruto.
I don't like Steven x May (pokemon advance )
This is kind of random, but...
Why did Aragorn choose Arwyn over Eowyn? Arwyn kicked ass in the first movie, and just turned into the damsel in distress from there.
Trench Kamen wrote:
This is kind of random, but...
Why did Aragorn choose Arwyn over Eowyn? Arwyn kicked ass in the first movie, and just turned into the damsel in distress from there.
That's something you'd have to ask Tolkien. Romance, in my opinion, wasn't the biggest element in LOTR, so I don't feel he puts a lot of thoughts into romantic relationships.
Meh, I didn't like Arwen very much anyway, so I have no idea.
Edit: But it worked out for the best, because Faramir was far better for Eowyn than Aragorn. IMO. That's probably just me being biased though, because I love Faramir with all my heart.
Last edited by dollface (11-25-2008 03:11:16 PM)
Trench Kamen wrote:
This is kind of random, but...
Why did Aragorn choose Arwyn over Eowyn? Arwyn kicked ass in the first movie, and just turned into the damsel in distress from there.
Well in then book she neither kicked ass, neither was a damsel in distress, actually... she did nothing worth mentioning.
And Eowyn didn't had a crush on Aragorn, and how she met Faramir and both fell in love was showed in the books.
Also, through Arwen's and Aragorn's relationship they were able to bring elves closer to humans and end the feud between them (or something like that, I can't really remember).
I haven't forgiven Tolkein for not pairing Legolas off with some hot guy so yeah, that's what I think.
Romanticide wrote:
YamPuff wrote:
And I do NOT approve of Watanuki x Doumeki from XXXholic. Even though I didn't read much of the series.
I have read 9 volumes of the series and I still don't aprove it!!!
Those guys just have ZERO chemistry!!! And the only reason they seem to be a almost-canon pairing is because Clamp said so, everybody in the cast says that they seem to get along really well but they don't!! They are totally imcompatible!!! It's true they have learned about each other but knowing another person is not the same as falling in love.
Thank you! That's exactly what I thought. Just because they fight all the time and are two bishies in a CLAMP series everyone HAS to pair them. >.> Just compare them to Kazahaya and Rikuo; super hot OMG WTF chemistry going on between those two. Doumeki and Watanuki are just blah, their personalities alone and together as a pair.
Besides, watanuki is just so damn straight.
YamPuff wrote:
I haven't forgiven Tolkein for not pairing Legolas off with some hot guy so yeah, that's what I think.
Romanticide wrote:
YamPuff wrote:
And I do NOT approve of Watanuki x Doumeki from XXXholic. Even though I didn't read much of the series.
I have read 9 volumes of the series and I still don't aprove it!!!
Those guys just have ZERO chemistry!!! And the only reason they seem to be a almost-canon pairing is because Clamp said so, everybody in the cast says that they seem to get along really well but they don't!! They are totally imcompatible!!! It's true they have learned about each other but knowing another person is not the same as falling in love.
Thank you! That's exactly what I thought. Just because they fight all the time and are two bishies in a CLAMP series everyone HAS to pair them. >.> Just compare them to Kazahaya and Rikuo; super hot OMG WTF chemistry going on between those two. Doumeki and Watanuki are just blah, their personalities alone and together as a pair.
Besides, watanuki is just so damn straight.
It's more one-sided, actually. Doumeki has strong feelings for Watanuki, but not necessary romantic, but definitely extremely protective. He, in some people's opinion, is the NICE version of Seishirou
Romanticide wrote:
Trench Kamen wrote:
This is kind of random, but...
Why did Aragorn choose Arwyn over Eowyn? Arwyn kicked ass in the first movie, and just turned into the damsel in distress from there.Well in then book she neither kicked ass, neither was a damsel in distress, actually... she did nothing worth mentioning.
And Eowyn didn't had a crush on Aragorn, and how she met Faramir and both fell in love was showed in the books.
Actually Eowyn did have a crush on Aragorn in the book. Nothing more came of it than in the book, though. Arwen wasn't present in the books for most part, since Tolkien couldn't find a space to put her into, so he incorporated her story in the appendix. Aragorn chose Arwen because he had known her since his youth, they'd been in love all that time and as a bonus, it was the destiny.
Also, through Arwen's and Aragorn's relationship they were able to bring elves closer to humans and end the feud between them (or something like that, I can't really remember).
Huh? There was no feud of any kind in the books and elves were already dissapearing from Middle-Earth so there wasn't exactly a chance for any to form. It was just one of the few unions between the two races - there were three in the whole history, if I remember correctly.
Last edited by Lightice (03-24-2007 04:08:39 PM)
YamPuff wrote:
I haven't forgiven Tolkein for not pairing Legolas off with some hot guy so yeah, that's what I think.
Quoted for truth.
Dude, I would've been perfectly fine if they just included Legolas making out with most of the male cast as an extra on one of the LOTR movie DVD's.
Why does anything has to be yaofied???
Romanticide wrote:
Why does anything has to be yaofied???
It's natural to reach for the impossible. Plus, it keeps our creativity running
That's why we have trillions of fandoms and such.
Last edited by Hiraku (03-26-2007 12:01:22 AM)
As of now you don't even have any cred to speak of. Not watching all the movies indeed.
A Day Without Me wrote:
Dude, I would've been perfectly fine if they just included Legolas making out with most of the male cast as an extra on one of the LOTR movie DVD's.
THATS what I think of that idea.
Last edited by YamPuff (03-26-2007 08:24:03 AM)
Romanticide wrote:
Why does anything has to be yaofied???
That's why.
Honestly, I ed when I first saw this, because whenever I see Elrond in the movies I think of The Matrix.