This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
On a related note, Sat, play Undertale. It's cheeky, cute, the characters are the kind you fall in love with, and it will make you cry warm happy tears forever, all with a gorgeous retro music box soundtrack. It is also terrifying, brutal and it hates you so much, why do you only ever hurt those that love you, Sat, no soundtrack for you. It all depends on how you play it.
I don't actually have the heart to replay it, I feel such an obligation to the characters.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (10-26-2015 04:34:44 PM)
I've already played Undertale. I was on its Kickstarter bandwagon relatively early. Because obviously.
I also have only played through once. And oh my God, the... the less said about the ending, the better. I have heard things, though, OITL. Interesting things. Things that suggest that if you love the characters that much, you had better replay it, because things don't work out the way you may have been led to assume they will work out. That is about all I can say in this space without spoilers, and folks, this is a game you don't want spoilers about. Have you played Frog Fractions? You know how even mentioning that Frog Fractions is a game you don't want to have spoiled for you is kind of a spoiler? Yes, that.
There's still stuff being discovered, for example (MASSIVE, MASSIVE SPOILERS)[when you sing with Shyren and monsters start gathering, on a normal or pacifist run, you'll see Sans selling tickets to it made of toilet paper. On the Genocide route, it notes that a figure in a hoodie is watching you from a ways off. This is right after you'd have killed Papyrus. Or that if you kill Shyren and only Shyren, our favorite tough fish will have a special line for it. "And she was just starting to sing well, too!"]
Don't say I didn't warn you about spoilers.
And then there's the whole Wingdings thing. The less you know about it, the better. Literal IRL creepy pasta.
(( Hey all,
Games I'm currently playing:
Deus Ex Machina; Demonbane: Completed, but somehow all my work was deleted, so I figured I'll play it again. And I do enjoy me some Cthulhu Mythos.
School Days HQ: Where not all of the endings are harem endings. And, its one of the first games I've played that actually gives you more than the obvious options. It caught me off guard the first time it did it to me.
Princess Waltz: Completed, but also had these saved files deleted as well. Still, it's so well done a story that I don't mind replaying it.
Recettear: Cute and adorable game, but I keep messing up the debt payments. And, now I'm back to the beginning somehow too (after unlocking a number of the people).
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Well… I made it the super-secret true-final boss… but… haven't been able to beat him. Yet.
Disgaea 4, A Promise Unforgotten: Well, I'm stuck in the DESCO and Fuka show. Stupid level 1700 Fuka-gynoids.
Atelier Rorona, The Alchemist of Arland: Well, the alchemy game is super fun… but… stupid me and not realizing that one of the items I had was, literally "unique". So… now I have to start over-over again.
Catherine: Stuck on one of the nightmare stages, and I can hear the churchbell... I just have 100% success rate at not being able to reach, said, churchbell
Criminal Girls Invite Only: Technically completed, but I might go back, and see some of the final stories of the other inmates.
Persona 4, The Golden: Technically completed, but I never made it to full bond-level with everyone. So… now I'm going through it again, trying to get max out those bonds.
Child of Light: I guess about 25% into it. So far, it has been keenly entertaining… though I keep calling the light-elemental "Ignatius"… which isn't quite his name.
Dungeon Travelers 2: Generally started. Has a very Might and Magic feel to it… but with a preponderance of girl adventurers. I picked it up mostly to support ATLUS bringing out niche games. Shoot, it was one of the reasons I picked up Thousand Arms years ago.
Corpse Party: I transferred this from my PSP, and now I have to start over again. Previously, I had at least gotten about the first two chapters done.
Though... now that I look back at some of the games you all have been playing, I kinda feel really, obnoxiously mainstream with these games. Um... anyway, that's what I'm working on. ))
CarolineWellwater wrote:
Child of Light: I guess about 25% into it. So far, it has been keenly entertaining… though I keep calling the light-elemental "Ignatius"… which isn't quite his name.
I love Child of Light so much, one of my favorite games. It made me cry
onsenmark wrote:
I finally beat the FF XIII trilogy, but I'll hit them up again at some point, if only for unclaimed trophies, NG+, yada, yada, yada.
Right now, I'm mainly on FF X2 HD, but I've also been playing Tales of Xillia a bit, too.
I still haven't beaten FFXIII:LR, but that's due in massive part to a huge fanfic project I have going coupled with the fact that I've started playing Destiny again. As much as I love RPGs, shooters are my passion. I mean, RPGs are what started me on gaming with my dad introducing me to D&D and FFVI (my all-time fave FF title and the one I can tell you the most about aside from the 13 trilogy). I do already know the ending to LR, though, and I 100% approve of it. I've actually considered replaying 13-2 again for the purpose of research since I sort of breezed through it and didn't pay too much attention to some of the cutscenes but I've been putting it off because Serah annoys the hell out of me. All in all, I'm totally obsessed with the series. Satyr can verify this. Haha. If you ever have any questions concerning lore or anything, feel free to ask. In my experience most people find it rather convoluted.
Cibele is on discount on Steam for a few more hours so I decided to buy it.
A bit of second-hand embarrassment and it was somewhat short, but really nicely done and sweet. Overall worth it.
Snow wrote:
Cibele is on discount on Steam for a few more hours so I decided to buy it.
A bit of second-hand embarrassment and it was somewhat short, but really nicely done and sweet. Overall worth it.
Was interested in getting this game but every single review on its steam page is negative.
(( Hey YamPuff,
I love Child of Light so much, one of my favorite games.
I have to say, Child of Light is weirdly addicting. I've finally found Rubella's brother Tristris. So, now I have happy and sad clowns ... or manic and dramatic, depending. Anyway, the happy-sad-clowns appeal to my odd sense-of-humor so much. ))
Currently playing: 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors
and of course always - Submachine. Going through parts 1-9 while waiting for the final installment. Does anyone even know what I'm talking about? ;d
malna wrote:
and of course always - Submachine. Going through parts 1-9 while waiting for the final installment. Does anyone even know what I'm talking about? ;d
Oooooh yes!
I love Pastel Games to bits and pieces, and Submachine and Covert Front are among my favorite games in general.
Been playing too much Black Ops 3 recently. The 'one more game' mentality is going to kill me.
Just beat Undertale (pacifist run.) I wanted to replay again on genocide run but I can't bring myself to reset. I might use another Window's account to replay the game,[ one where it doesn't remember my first set of choices.]
Last edited by HonorableShadow (11-13-2015 09:30:33 PM)
CarolineWellwater wrote:
(( Hey YamPuff,
I love Child of Light so much, one of my favorite games.
I have to say, Child of Light is weirdly addicting. I've finally found Rubella's brother Tristris. So, now I have happy and sad clowns
... or manic and dramatic, depending. Anyway, the happy-sad-clowns appeal to my odd sense-of-humor so much. ))
I love those two! Some of Tristis's dialogue is really good.
(( Hey all,
Has anyone tried the game Higurashi: When They Cry, from Steam? I picked it up, not knowing much about it, and haven't played it yet... and now I'm curious about. It's sitting in my Steam To-Do bin.))
Heheheh. I haven't played the game, but I've seen the anime adaptation of it. If the game is half as good as the show, you're in for a treat, and you definitely should avoid spoilers.
Think i'll give Planescape another go. Couldn't get into first time round but a friend has convinced me to give it another chance.
I'm still playing Destiny, but it's starting to get boring. I started playing Barony again. Not sure if anyone's played it. It's a dungeon crawl game with Minecraft graphics. And it's addictive. The only goal is to clear all of the levels of the dungeon. No side-quests, no rambling NPCs, just the dungeon crawl. I mean, there are merchants and all, but you have to search them out. And when you die, you die. No save points or any of that, though if you log out you can start where you left off as long as you didn't die. Hours of my life have been spent on this game. And the maps are randomized, so it's always different!
I also started a new game on FFXIII and XIII-2. I don't really care for 2, but I need to brush up on the plot for a side project I have going. XIII on the other hand, I'll probably end up playing as many times as I've played FFVI, which I'm also replaying. As far as XIII and XIII-2, I played through them both recently enough to remember where everything is and how to get all of the legendary items and weapons and all that. VI is another story. The last time I played through all the way was forever ago. It's kind of a drag in the sense that I'm pretty sure I missed out on one of my favorite Relics in the game, but it's amazing being able to rediscover stuff like that. I'm currently slugging my way through the Dragon's Den/Diabolos side quest stuff. Not my favorite task, but well worth the effort.
I've been thinking about getting FFXIV, but I've heard mixed things about it. I have a friend and a brother-in-law who swear by it and other people I've talked to say it's a waste of time and money. Fallout 4 is another potential purchase, but I'm leaning more towards FFXIV. I'm just not a fan of Fallout. I thought I'd enjoy 3 but it got old fast. It's one of the few games I've started and have absolutely no intention of finishing. Most of the people who recommended it to me said it was essentially TOS: Oblivion, but with guns and radiation monsters and the like - and it is. I'm not sure if the post-nuclear war setting is where my lack of interest rests or what. I LOVE the Elder Scrolls games. I guess I just didn't like it. :/ I didn't really get into DA either. Granted, I did enjoy Origins, and 2 was alright, but...meh.
Yet another game I'm considering buying is Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. It looks pretty cool and I had a great deal of fun with all of the other titles, but after Black Flag it began to feel like the CoD series; same gift, different wrapping paper...So yeah.
One game I DID buy is a PS3 remastered version of Shadows of the Collosus/Ico. Hooray, 2-in1! I spent a lot of time on SotC back in the day and I'm looking forward to revisiting it.
Anywhooooo, I suppose I've gone on long enough. Haha.
Right now, I'm making my way through Tales of Xillia. It's actually pretty good. Seriously.
Also, Elize and Leia are adorable. And Alvin is kinda punchable.
But yeah, I'd break my moratorium on getting any more games(until I finish my backlog)for the sequel. Just saying.
Last edited by onsenmark (11-25-2015 12:25:03 AM)
onsenmark wrote:
But yeah, I'd break my moratorium on getting any more games(until I finish my backlog)for the sequel. Just saying.
I keep saying I need to clear out some titles from my backlog but new games keep coming out or I rediscover old games and...Ugh. At this point I feel like my only hope of completing them all is to pass the torch on to my god daughter. Lmao
onsenmark wrote:
Right now, I'm making my way through Tales of Xillia. It's actually pretty good. Seriously.
Also, Elize and Leia are adorable. And Alvin is kinda punchable.
But yeah, I'd break my moratorium on getting any more games(until I finish my backlog)for the sequel. Just saying.
Ooh, I love Tales games but I haven't played either of the Xillias yet. Right now I'm playing Zestiria and loving it. These games are so much fun.
(( Hey satyreyes,
I don't want any spoilers or anything for When they Cry, as I'm not done with episode 1 yet... but... apparently I've entered the "room full of crazy" section of episode 1. It's... highly creepy. I guess this means I'll have to get the second episode from Steam. ))
Pretty creepy, right? They use the same trick as Utena, putting mindfuck alongside tons of color saturation for maximum dissonance. The cartoony style only makes it worse. I hope you keep enjoying!
And -- you have only begun to understand the depth of the crazy.
So a couple nights ago I decided it was time to play Bioshock.
To give you an idea of how out of the loop I am, I didn't realize Bioshock was a FPS. The way people talk I was sure it was an RPG. Hah.
Giovanna wrote:
So a couple nights ago I decided it was time to play Bioshock.
To give you an idea of how out of the loop I am, I didn't realize Bioshock was a FPS.The way people talk I was sure it was an RPG. Hah.
I hope that isn't too much of a turn off. Rapture is a wonderful setting if you give it a chance.
Last edited by Ashnod (11-29-2015 07:30:13 AM)