This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Gah, agreeing with dollface. This is rather depressing. Dx I wish they'd have something more positive in it, too. Or some solutions/suggestions, perhaps.
Your Existing Situation
Having difficulty making progress and unwilling to put forth further effort. Seeking more comfortable conditions where she can avoid anything disturbing.
Hm, not sure about this one. Doesn't really feel like it applies to me.
Your Stress Sources
Unfulfilled expectations have led to uncertainly and an apprehensive watchfulness. Badly needs to feel secure and protected against further disappointment, being passed over, or losing standing and prestige. Doubtful that things will be any better in the future, but inclined nevertheless to make exaggerated demands or reject compromise.
That's more or less true, I suppose.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Emotionally inhibited. Feels forced to compromise, making it difficult for her to form a stable emotional attachment.
Believes that she is not receiving her share--that she is neither properly understood or adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform, and close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.
Unhappy at the resistance she feels whenever she tries to assert herself. However, she believes that there is little she can do and that she must make the best of the situation.
Circumstances are such that she feels forced to compromise for the time being if she is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation.
This is depressingly accurate. Ouch. I still haven't been able to get emotionally involved with anyone. Well, on a more positive note, I already knew this about myself so at least it didn't come to me as a depressing Eureka moment.
Your Desired Objective
Wishes to find her stimulation in a voluptuous atmosphere of sensuous luxury.
Ha, I do?
Your Actual Problem
Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, and she is distressed by the lack of any close and understanding relationship. She attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as she desires them to be.
Does not dealing with problems count as escaping? I just don't have the time and energy for my personal problems. And the second part of the first sentence is sadly true, too. This is probably the biggest issue I have to deal with and I have no idea what to do.
Your Actual Problem #2
Has a fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants. This leads her to employ great personal charm in her dealings with others, hoping that this will make it easier for her to reach her objectives.
Does SKU just attract people with depressing situations or something......
Your Existing Situation
Having difficulty in standing up to the demands imposed on him. Finds a great effort is involved and wishes to have the situation eased.
Your Stress Sources
Unfulfilled expectations have led to uncertainly and an apprehensive watchfulness. Badly needs to feel secure and protected against further disappointment, being passed over, or losing standing and prestige. Doubtful that things will be any better in the future, but inclined nevertheless to make exaggerated demands or reject compromise.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels that he is receiving less than his share and that there is no one on who he can rely for sympathy and understanding. Pent-up emotions make him quick to take offense, but he realizes that he has to make the best of things as they are.
Circumstances are restrictive and hampering, forcing him to forgo all joys and pleasures for the time being.
Becomes distressed when his needs or desires are misunderstood and feels that he has no one to turn to or rely on. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense.
Circumstances are such that he feels forced to compromise for the time being if he is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation.
Your Desired Objective
Desires a conflict-free haven offering security and physical case. Is in need of considerate treatment and loving care. Fears the emptiness and solitude of separation.
Your Actual Problem
Disappointment at the non-fulfillment of his hopes and the fear that to formulate fresh goals will only lead to further setbacks have resulted in considerable anxiety. He is trying to escape from this into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, protecting him from dissatisfaction and lack of appreciation.
Your Actual Problem #2
Needs to achieve a stable and peaceful condition, enabling him to free himself of the worry that he may be prevented from achieving all the things he wants.
I bring you more colour tests, a Chakra test I refound after I tried it for fun a few years back, my results unsurprisingly, are abysmal. And a colour personality test what does your favourite colour say about you sort of thing. I don't have a favourite colour, but I have been told by someone that I remind them of a dark purple, also when I looked at the colours I just went for the first colour I was attracted to, and purple just happened to be it. Very fitting. Although not entirely accurate a lot of the main parts of the others fit the family and friends I know who like those colours. Hands over to the forum.
Whaaaaaaaaat? How did it do that? Usually quizes fit me because they're so vague and can mean anything, but the results of this are surprisingly concrete. Well, to a point.
I love colors.
Your Existing Situation
Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated.
Your Stress Sources
Has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and to stand out from the herd. This desire for preeminence isolates him and inhibits his readiness to give himself freely. While he wants to surrender and let himself go, he regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, he feels, will lift him above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Exacting in his emotional demands and very particular in his choice of partner. The desire for emotional independence prevents any depth of involvement.
The situation is preventing him from establishing himself, but he feels he must make the best of things as they are.
Your Desired Objective
Feels the situation is hopeless. Strongly resists things which he finds disagreeable. Tries to shield himself from anything which might irritate him or make him feel more depressed.
Your Actual Problem
The need for esteem--for the chance to play some outstanding part and make a name for himself--has become imperative. He reacts by insisting on being the center of attention, and refuses to play an impersonal or minor role.
How the FUCK did this do this?! Jesus Christ. I am shocked... and a little embarrassed.
Your Existing Situation
Readily participates in things that provide excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated.
true? maybe? I really could need some "exhilarated feelings" (wtf means that word exactly? XD)
Your Stress Sources
Feels that life must yield more than it is and that her hopes and desires must somehow be realized--that they must be granted in their entirety. The existing uncertainty causes considerable worry and she is tensely on her guard against missing any opportunity. Anxious to avoid further setbacks, and loss of standing or prestige. Tries to make sure that she will not be overlooked and badly needs security.
...amen to that
Your Restrained Characteristics
Believes that she is not receiving her share--that she is neither properly understood nor adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform, and close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.
*nods wordlessely*... too much truth in the morning...
Your Desired Objective
Sets herself idealistic but illusory goals. Has been bitterly disappointed and turns her back on life in a weary self-disgust. Wants to forget it all and recover in a comfortable, problem-free situation.
... yep. true.
Your Actual Problem
The fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants increases her need for security and freedom from conflict. Is therefore seeking stability and an environment in which she can relax.
.___. do i have to answer that?
Your Actual Problem #2
Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, and she is distressed by the lack of any close and understanding relationship or adequate appreciation. She attempts to escape from this into a stable and secure environment in which she can relax and feel more contented.
tried but never worked. In my family, of course.
that's too much truth in the morning uu; *hides in corner*
Your Existing Situation
Working to improve his image in the eyes of others in order to obtain their compliance and agreement with his needs and wishes.
Your Stress Sources
Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which he imposes of himself or by his own choice and decision.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Has high emotional demands and is willing to involve himself in a close relationship, but not with any great depth of feeling.
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left him listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him.
Your Desired Objective
In despair and needs relief of some sort. Wants physical ease, a problem free security, and the chance to recover.
Your Actual Problem
Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.
Your Existing Situation
Needs warm companionship, but is intolerant of anything short of special consideration from those close to her. If this is not forthcoming, is liable to shut herself away from them.
I am liable to shut myself away from people for periods of time, but I believe I demand no more than the standard consideration, and I don't do it out of some sense of spite...
Your Stress Sources
The existing situation is disagreeable. Feels lonely and uncertain as she has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and wants to stand out from the rank and file. This sense of isolation magnifies the need into a compelling urge, all the more upsetting to her self-sufficiency because of the restraint she normally imposes on herself. Since she wants to demonstrate the unique quality of her own character, she tries to suppress this need for others and affects an attitude of unconcerned self-reliance to conceal her fear of inadequacy, treating those who criticize her behavior with contempt. However, beneath this assumption of indifference she really longs for the approval and esteem of others.
My existing situation is work. There are bits of this that seem right, like, "upsetting to her self-sufficiency because of the restraint she normally imposes on herself" and "wants to demonstrate the unique quality of her own character..." However, I don't "need" the approval of other people, I "want" it. And obviously it can hurt if I don't get it, but my foundation of unconcern isn't an affectation.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels she is receiving less than her share, but that she will have to conform and make the best of her situation.
Sometimes and I hate everything about that attitude
Circumstances are restrictive and hampering, forcing her to forgo all joys and pleasures for the time being.
Your Desired Objective
Longs for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a situation of idealized harmony. Has an imperative need for tenderness and affection. Susceptible to anything esthetic.
No thank you on the tender bonds. Sympathetic bonds, sure. I'm not sure I know what idealized harmony means. Yes, susceptible.
Your Actual Problem
Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, and she is distressed by the lack of any close and understanding relationship. She attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as she desires them to be.
Yes, no, and sort of. Don't need "fresh" goals, worried about pointlessness of same goals. Have close and understanding relationships. "Substitute" world? Not exactly, but I do tend to think it's brave to live and make decisions as if the world is the place you want it to be, rather than the place it may be. This presupposes that the world is actually shittier than you want it to be and lacks sympathy for certain ideals you would like to integrate into your everyday existence. Related to Utena.
Your Actual Problem #2
Greatly impressed by the unique, by originality, and by individuals of outstanding characteristics. Tries to emulate the characteristics she admires and to display originality in her own personality.
Oh, yes. On Facebook I am a member of the group, "I am sexually attracted to talent." I hope I do less emulating than implied.
Your Existing Situation
Imaginative and sensitive, seeking an outlet for those qualities-especially in the company of someone equally sensitive. Interest and enthusiasm are aroused by the unusual or the adventerous. (Very true!)
Your stress sources
Wants to overcome a feeling of emptiness and to bridge a gap which she feels separates herself from others. Anxious to expierience life in all its aspects, to explore all its possibilities, and to live it to the fullest. She therefore resents any restriction or limitation being imposed on her and insists on being free and unhampered. (I wouldn't say I feel empty.)
Your restrained characteristics
Believes that she is not recieving her share-that she is neither properly understood nor adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform and close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity. (*blush*)
Your desired objective
Intense, vital, and animated,taking a delight in action. Activity is directed toward success or conquest and there is a desire to live life to the fullest. (Yep.)
Your actual problem
Fights against restriction or limitation, and insists on developing freely as a result of her own efforts. (How is that a problem?)
Your actual problem #2
The fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants leads her to play her part with an urgent and hectic intensity. (Wow...that's so true.)
This is scarily accurate.
Your Existing Situation
Acts calmly, with the minimum of upset, in order to handle existing relationships. Likes to feel relaxed and at ease with her associates and those close to him.
Your Stress Sources
Feels unappreciated and finds the existing situation disagreeable. Wants personal recognition and the esteem of others to compensate for the lack of like-minded people with whom to ally herself and make herself more secure. Her sensual self-restraint makes it difficult for her to give herself, but the resulting isolation leads to the urge to surrender and merge with another. This disturbs her as she regards such instincts as weaknesses to be overcome; only by not succumbing to them, she feels, can she withstand the difficulties of the situation. Wants to be valued as a desirable associate and admired for her personal qualities.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Unhappy at the resistance she feels whenever she tries to assert herself. However, she believes that there is little she can do and that she must make the best of the situation.
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
Your Desired Objective
Longs for sensitive and sympathetic understanding and wants to protect herself against argument, conflict, or any exhausting stresses.
Your Actual Problem
Greatly impressed by the unique, by originality, and by individuals of outstanding characteristics. Tries to emulate the characteristics she admires and to display originality in her own personality.
Last edited by Iris (10-05-2008 07:16:22 PM)
I shall now provide commentary on my hilarious results (and yes I love tests like this, based on such scientific and credible analysis
Very fun to play with)
Existing Sitch
Active, outgoing, and restless. Feels frustrated by the slowness with which events develop along the desired lines. This leads to irritability, changeability, and lack of persistence when pursuing a given objective.
Hmm must have clicked on the colors too quickly. The true signification is that I'm hungry and my dinner's waiting!
Stress Source
The existing situation is disagreeable. Has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and to stand out from the rank and file. Her control of her sensual instincts restricts her ability to give herself, but the resulting isolation leads to the urge to surrender and allow herself to merge with another. This disturbs her. as such instincts are regarded as weaknesses to be overcome; she feels that only by continued self-restraint can she hope to maintain her attitude of individual superiority. Wants to be loved or admired for herself alone; needs attention, recognition, and the esteem of others.
Oh no, I have a "disagreeable situation!"
I notice most of you do too...
I sound like an arrogant sex-fiend. Surely that's not true?!
Restrained Characteristics
Emotionally inhibited. Feels forced to compromise, making it difficult for her to form a stable emotional attachment.
Wow that's the most inaccurate thing the test has discovered yet! But since we're talking "restrained characteristics" it should really say I have no problem with being tied up.
Desired Objective
Wants to make a favorable impression and be regarded as a special personality. Is therefore constantly on the watch to see whether on the watch to see whether she is succeeding in this and how others are reacting to her. this makes her feel she is in control. Uses tactics cleverly in order to obtain influence and special recognition. Susceptible to the esthetic or original.
Wow this sounds exhausting. I think I should go and lie down on the couch.
Actual Problem
Needs to be valued and respected as an exceptional individual, in order to increase her self-esteem and her feeling of personal worth. Resists mediocrity and sets herself high standards.
YES!! At LAST I will find out my "actual problem". And I didn't even have to pay any money to a health professional, just click on a couple funny-lookin' colors. Yes!
On second thought...that sounds like really bad advice...since when did anyone increase their self-esteem by looking to others' perceptions of them as the answer?
Actual Problem 2
Afraid that she may be prevented from achieving the things she wants and therefore demands that others should recognize her right to them.
Okay okay, at last I shall find out the truth in this, my 2nd actual problem.
Yes, I do demand that you all recognize my right to uh, my rights. I demand it. Um...what am I demanding?
More people take this test! It's fun.
Root: under-active (-6%) Apparently I'm fearful and nervous. This is news to me.
Sacral: open (31%) I'm open to intimacy and sexuality. Oh goody. That sounds fun.
Navel: open (63%) I feel in control in a group and have good self esteem. Once again yay for me. Sounds like I rock.
Heart: open (25%) Aww I'm compassionate and friendly. I want to be friends with me.
Throat: over-active (81%) Oh no! I speak too much, dominate, and am a bad listener. I must be punished for these serious crimes.
Third Eye: over-active (75%) *crys* I live in the world of fantasy too much. I may hallucinate at any second (please let it be Akio).
Crown: under-active (-13%) OMG I'm unaware of my spirituality and rigid in my thinking. With a theology degree under my belt and so many friends from all walks of lives...I must really go and kill myself now. I won't go anywhere if I do...well...that I'm aware of with my denseness...
Well I admit to having always liked red!
Hmm I'll have to summarize because the description of how absolutely amazing I am seems to go on and on and on.
Oh but I have to quote this astoundingly astute sentence:
"A person who likes red can express many personality traits."
The key info seems to be my apparent good and bad points.
Good: Passion, energy, and money making. Um, I don't have any money to speak of. *starts weeping brokenly*
Bad: Addictions such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders or emotional instability. Oh well that doesn't sound too bad. I'm sure I'll get over all that in a jiffy. Especially after I go and get trashed.
At first I was like, ooh a color my results back...none too happy. But eh....I felt like yelling "Whatever colorquiz you don't know me!" but there are some good points it made.
Current situation:
Under considerable stress due to the demands of the existing situation. Trying to extricate herself from the things which restrict her or tie her down.
Your Stress Sources
Has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and to stand out from the herd. This desire for preeminence isolates her and inhibits her readiness to give herself freely. While she wants to surrender and let herself go, she regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, she feels, will lift her above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality
Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels she is receiving less than her share, but that she will have to conform and make the best of her situation.
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left her listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him.
Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Sensitive and sentimental, but conceals this from all except those very close to him.
Your Desired Objective
Hopes that ties of affection and good-fellowship will bring release and contentment. Her own need for approval makes her ready to be of help to others and in exchange she wants warmth and understanding. Open to new ideas and possibilities which she hopes will prove fruitful and interesting.
Your Actual Problem
Feels insufficiently valued in her existing situation, and is seeking different conditions in which she will have greater opportunity of demonstrating her worth.
Last edited by lex (10-08-2008 03:18:46 PM)
Em's Existing Situation
Acts calmly, with the minimum of upset, in order to handle existing relationships. Likes to feel relaxed and at ease with her associates and those close to her.
Em's Stress Sources
The existing situation is disagreeable. Has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and to stand out from the rank and file. Her control of her sensual instincts restricts her ability to give herself, but the resulting isolation leads to the urge to surrender and allow herself to merge with another. This disturbs her, as such instincts are regarded as weaknesses to be overcome; she feels that only by continued self-restraint can she hope to maintain her attitude of individual superiority. Wants to be loved or admired for herself alone; needs attention, recognition, and the esteem of others.
Em's Restrained Characteristics
Feels that she is burdened with more than her fair share of problems. However, she sticks to her goals and tries to overcome her difficulties by being flexible and accommodating.
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left her listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied her.
Em's Desired Objective
Has an imperative need for some bond or fusion with another which will prove sensually fulfilling, but which will not conflict with her convictions or sense of fitness.
Em's Actual Problem
Greatly impressed by the unique, by originality, and by individuals of outstanding characteristics. Tries to emulate the characteristics she admires and to display originality in her own personality.
Em's Actual Problem #2
Has a fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants. This leads her to employ great personal charm in her dealings with others, hoping that this will make it easier for her to reach her objectives.
Your Existing Situation
"Is strong willed and unwilling to take advice from others; however, finds herself currently in a dangerous situation which finding a solution should be top priority."
Your Stress Sources
"Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. her need to feel dominate and superior leaves her feeling isolated and does not allow for her to give freely of himself. she would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as a weakness she must not give in to. Holding back will allow her to stand out for the crowd and earn a higher status, recognized by others as unique and important."
Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels unhappy and isolated because she is unable to succeed in finding the cooperation and understanding she desires.
"Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has."
"Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic and sticks to them stubbornly, even though circumstances are forcing her to compromise. Very precise in the qualities she seeks in a partner.
Your Desired Objective
Seeks to be known for something she has accomplished and uses her social abilities to win people over. Emotional and sensitive and romantic
Your Actual Problem
"Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities. Tries to takes the characteristics she likes in other people and apply it to herself as well as coming across as a unique individual."
I love it when tests are accurate. This was pretty dead on however, I took it earlier and my results were different. I found those more accurate, but these are close too.
I've taken this one a few times. I took it again with these results:
Your Existing Situation
"Is reckless and short-tempered. her decisions are made with little thought out the consequences, often times leading to unnecessary stress and conflict." (semi-accurate as I am easily agitated by people and situations and express it through outbursts at times)
Your Stress Sources
"Looking to stand out in the crowd and wanting to keep her rank and status. her current situation is irritating her because she can't seem to find anybody out there who values the same high standards she does. she is feeling isolated and wants to give in to her carnal urges, but can't bring herself to appear weak in the eyes of others. Wants others to see her unique qualities and character but can't stand to come off as needy, so instead she has an ""I don't care"" attitude and pushing people away. she turns her back on those who criticizes her behavior, but beneath her indifference is a person who is in desperate need of approval." (I guess it describes me somewhat these days, though I usually care too little for caring about rank, but the rest is pretty much fitting)
Your Restrained Characteristics
"Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has." (that's kinda vague)
"Feels she is not receiving her fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy. she keeps her emotions bottled up, leaving her quick to take offense to small things. she tries to make the best of her situation." (story of my life)
Applies tough standards to her potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in her sex life. (I have a sex life?)
Your Desired Objective
"She feels life in general is handing her to many difficult and unpleasant things, but no one else seems to agree with her. she is resistant to joining in with others and want to be left alone." (Not as much nowadays. I try not to be so isolated or fatalistic if I can motivate myself)
Your Actual Problem
"Struggles with her need for respect and admiration from others; feels she needs to make a name for herself and stand out from the crowd. she acts out by insisting she be the center of attention, and refuses to step back, stand down, or take on a minor, insignificant role." (This fluctuates though I do want to be successful but not at other people's expenses. Quite the contrary. Let's call it making up for a mediocre, insignificant past and trying to develop other aspects of my personality which I have neglected for a long time.).
For my current life phase, I would say 'I agree' but I try to take these things with a grain of salt, too, but it's more accurate than not, I think. But it's a lot that a lot of people could probably identify with if they wanted to, so who knows. I try to keep an open mind but with a dose of reasonable skepticism.
Last edited by spoon-san (09-04-2009 10:28:36 PM)
Your Existing Situation
Organized and detail-oriented, she has a very precise and methodical manner. she needs relationships which offer her understanding, respect, and approval.
I'm a cataloger, of course I have a precise and methodical manner. I definitely tend to crave approval as well. So far, so good.
Your Stress Source
Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. her need to feel dominate and superior leaves her feeling isolated and does not allow for her to give freely of himself. she would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as a weakness she must not give in to. Holding back will allow her to stand out for the crowd and earn a higher status, recognized by others as unique and important.
I don't want to admit to how accurate some aspects of that statement are.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.
Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence.
Feels as if too many walls and obstacles are standing in her way and that she is being forced to make compromises. she needs to put her own needs on hold for the time being.
I'm really not so sure about this part. Maybe in the past, but I'm moving away from a lot of those feelings anymore.
Your Desired Objective
Seeks to be known for something she has accomplished and uses her social abilities to win people over. Emotional and sensitive and romantic.
Very true, although I can't use social abilities to win people over, and don't really strive to. I focus on accomplishments and getting recognition for them. Definitely emotional, sensitive, and a (hopeless) romantic.
Your Actual Problem
Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities. Tries to takes the characteristics she likes in other people and apply it to herself as well as coming across as a unique individual.
The first part is incredibly accurate, for both deep reasons and shallow reasons (I wanna pull off the same outfits dollface can pull off!), but I don't try to do those things. I know what I can and cannot do, and while I long for them, I don't actually attempt to do them because deep down it's not me.
I love wasting my time with personality quizzes!
Your Existing Results:
"Outgoing but unpredictable and unstable. Likes things to go her way, otherwise she becomes agitated, indecisive, and fake in her activities."
Your Stress Sources:
"Feeling empty and isolated from others and trying to bridge the gap between herself and others. Wants to live life to the fullest and experience as much as possible. she cannot stand any restrictions or obstacles put in her way and only longs to be free."
Your Restrained Characteristics:
""Finds satisfaction in sexual activity, but is emotionally detached which prevents her from becoming too involved."
"Struggles to make her demands clear, but feels ignored. Feels resentful, but acts as if she doesn't care, doing what is necessary to keep peace."
"His arrogance causes her to take offense quickly. Only those closest to her know deep down she is sensitive and sentimental."
"He is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity, but can be restless and emotionally distant so she never really gets too involved with others."
"Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation."
Your Desired Objective:
"Has a strong desire to contribute and influence others, but it can make her restless. she is driven by her desires and hopes. Enjoys a wide range of activities, but she may spread herself to thin taking on too much."
Your Actual Problem:
"Feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, looking for a solution that will give her more freedom and less obstacles."
Your Actual Problem #2:
"Fears she will be held back from achieving things she really wants, leading her to search endlessly for satisfaction and become involved in activities which are pointless."
Sort of accurate in some ways, but not really. I'm not very outgoing. Maybe if I look at this later I can understand it better.
Having just taken this test, yet it turned out not so accurate for me after all. Is it the test's insight? Or my personality matters?
Your Existing Situation
"Outgoing but unpredictable and unstable. Likes things to go her way, otherwise she becomes agitated, indecisive, and fake in her activities."
I don't totally agree. I think my situation is stable enough.
Your Stress Sources
"Feels empty and isolated from others and wishes to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer her than what she was experienced thus far, and doesn't want to miss out on anything. she purses all her goals and dreams, fearful that any missed opportunity will cause her to miss out on even more. Quickly becomes an expert in any field she pursues and can sometimes come off as overbearing and nosy."
First sentence, yes. Second sentence, no. I believe how much I can have for my life has been determined before my birth, so I never feel I've missed anything. Thus, I never persue anything really hard and am an expert in nothing.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
Emotionally demanding and will involve herself in close relationships but won't get too involved or give too much of himself.
"Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has."
Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.
Why yes, I always know that sex can't change a thing. I like sex to a certain extent, but I always prefer spiritual communication.
Your Desired Objective
"Has a strong desire to contribute and influence others, but it can make her restless. she is driven by her desires and hopes. Enjoys a wide range of activities, but she may spread herself to thin taking on too much."
Sorry I don't take much things seriously. I have interest in nearly nothing. I do want to influence others, but only through my writing and nothing else.
Your Actual Problem
"Fears she will be held back from achieving things she really wants, leading her to search endlessly for satisfaction and become involved in activities which are pointless."
Your Actual Problem #2
"Feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, looking for a solution that will give her more freedom and less obstacles."
At last, I can find a part that I can fully agree with.