This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
FencingCaptain wrote:
rhyaniwyn wrote:
... I only recently started joining communities. Do I have to wait for them to add me as a friend to view the entries after I've added them? That's what it looks like.
I want to see the movie signet...
You can view the locked entires in the community once you become a member. Just make sure you're logged into your LiveJournal account before checking out the the main page or clicking on any of the links on the + Index + sidebar.
Hmm, I've logged into my account, and friended the usr_fanbase, but I still can't see the entries.
Adrasteia wrote:
Hmm, I've logged into my account, and friended the usr_fanbase, but I still can't see the entries.
You'll have to be a community member; adding the community to your friends list or being a watcher won't give you access to the product listings. ^^ To join usr_fanbase, log into your LiveJournal account, then click here. ^^ There's a similar link on the community info page.
I hope that helps. *smiles*
FencingCaptain wrote:
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
... Does anyone happen to have pictures if they own any of these rings? *_* I have a few weeks til I get mine and I'm giddy and excited.
Some people have posted their on the LJ community's feedback page. Come to think of it, I haven't posted mine either... I'll wait until I get my locket this coming month.
Thank you for the link, but I've already seen it and squeed over it. I was over-hopefully hoping that more people had pictures they didn't post there because I'm so excited to get mine..
I am actually quite happy that there are different artists who make different signet rings.. the variety of metal types (fine and sterling silver), prices, and styles is a good thing, to me, because it means fans will have more options to choose from. And the fan-made rings are all beautiful and a LOT better than the official ones.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (12-05-2007 11:56:55 PM)
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
FencingCaptain wrote:
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
... Does anyone happen to have pictures if they own any of these rings? *_* I have a few weeks til I get mine and I'm giddy and excited.
Some people have posted their on the LJ community's feedback page. Come to think of it, I haven't posted mine either... I'll wait until I get my locket this coming month.
Thank you for the link, but I've already seen it and squeed over it.
I was over-hopefully hoping that more people had pictures they didn't post there because I'm so excited to get mine..
I am actually quite happy that there are different artists who make different signet rings.. the variety of metal types (fine and sterling silver), prices, and styles is a good thing, to me, because it means fans will have more options to choose from. And the fan-made rings are all beautiful and a LOT better than the official ones.
It also makes it hell on us collectors.
For me to to get one of each variety from USR_Fanbase, which I honestly want to do, it's pushing past $500 dollars and that's a lot to pay for what are essentially fan items. Tallying up everything I've spent on the 5 signets I currently own, and the sixth that's on the way, and I've already spent about $300. It blows my mind that in the end, I'm probably going to end up spending more than $1000 on this hobby. And I thought my BSSM fandom had gotten out of hand way back during the height of it's popularity.
But I do loves them so.
Last edited by Ashnod (12-06-2007 10:43:18 AM)
I ordered mine either last week or two weeks ago. Can't remember. SO EXCITED.
SleepDebtFairy & Emiemipoemi wrote:
I think I can relate to the excitement... I'm going to get my locket --- tomorrow. *insert stupid grin here* ^^
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
I am actually quite happy that there are different artists who make different signet rings..... is a good thing, to me, because it means fans will have more options to choose from. And the fan-made rings are all beautiful and a LOT better than the official ones. ^^
True. There are all sorts online, which is an advantage for the discerning --- not to mention rabid --- fan. *chuckles* I was really reluctant to buy a sterling silver-plated NICKEL ring that turned one's finger green, even if the label on the packaging read "official release".
Not to mention the design looked off-putting. And I'm very particular about detailed design too.
Ashnod wrote:
It also makes it hell on us collectors. >.<
Another sad but glaring truth. ^^0
Ashnod wrote:
...For me to to get one of each variety from USR_Fanbase, which I honestly want to do, it's pushing past $500 dollars and that's a lot to pay for what are essentially fan items... It blows my mind that in the end, I'm probably going to end up spending more than $1000 on this hobby...
I've but only recently felt that blow from my recent expenses. Try spending $780 on a fanmade locket. *is currently minding the hole in my pocket* So while I'm really happy about getting the item, I won't deny that, for the first time in my life, I'm left flat broke. ^^0
Last edited by FencingCaptain (12-07-2007 01:28:46 AM)
You're talking about the usr_fanbase locket, right? Gawd that thing is beautiful. Those people are amazing.
I actually like the official release ring strictly based on its appearance. Obviously, the green skin thing makes me a bit reluctant to wear it, but of all the signets I've collected thus far, it is the one that most resembles the one in the series.
I have a rather nice one I scored off E-Bay and I have no idea where it came from. When I remember to get batteries for my camera I'll up load some pics of the ones I have.
I'm quite fond of the USR_Fanbase ring. I got the movie one. In some ways it's not exactly like the drawings in the movie, but I think the spirit of it, the engraving, is closer to what I would expect from the ring in real life.
It is hand made, and mine arrived ever so slightly too large for my left ring finger and with a patina. It doesn't detract from the appearance, but it definitely doesn't look mirror-smooth.
I love mine, but I did want to mention it for those who are considering it. It's worth the's very solid and weighty. And I can't stress enough how much I love the engraved signet--it's bold and...stark. But you can definitely see toolmarks, which may come as a surprise if you're not used to hand-made stuff. Here's scans from when I got it:,
I wear it every day ;-) and have for almost a year now. I haven't been on LJ much this year, I am now really itching for another ring or that locket. I don't like gold though, so I wonder if they'd consider doing nonplated sterling silver....I love that manga ring, too! Sigh. If only I were rich.
rhyaniwyn, your ring looks gorgeous on you. *_* Thank you for posting those.
I love the detail of the signet!
That's the only thing I'm not sure about, if I picked the right ring or not. They're all so beautiful, it's hard to choose!
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (12-08-2007 11:31:50 AM)
...See, now I'm confused. I have a ring like the official one, which I've worn everyday for years, has been scratched to hell, and his never tarnished or made me change colours.
(This might be noted that I'm hideously amused by the sound it makes when it hits a solid surface. )
Now that I think on it, I really have no idea where my ring came from since a friend took the original packaging and wrapped it up for me... But it looked pretty new when I got it. And it most closely represents the original ones.
...And fortunately for me, I have no use for a Juri locket, cause I'd look like a sissy in one. Nor an image to put in one. (But seriously, if I did spend that much on a locket, I'm putting my own picture of someone in it)
I this thread. If this was LiveJournal, I'd be adding each post to my Memories even if just to see myself smile amidst a very rotten day.
And while I'm here, I'll take this opportunity to express my sincerest gratitude to everyone who helped put USRF to where it is now. Thank you very very much! We hope for your continued patronage, and kind support in the future.
(FencingCaptain, report to duty; USRF has a business proposal for you.)
Last edited by Seitokaichou (05-24-2008 08:56:47 PM)
Seitokaichou wrote:
I <3 this thread. If this was LiveJournal, I'd be adding each post to my Memories even if just to see myself smile amidst a very rotten day. *hugs to all*
So there you are all of a sudden. I was starting to wonder whether you'll ever grace this place with your presence. *grins*
And this is sort of an old thread already: let me guess, you haven't anything better to do again, have you?
Seitokaichou wrote:
FencingCaptain, report to duty. *cracks whip*
USRF has a business proposal for you. *$$$*
Oho? And what business might you want with me?
Just make sure it's within the scope of my skills --- and doesn't involve anything... well, you take my meaning, I'm sure. *laughs*
FencingCaptain wrote:
let me guess, you haven't anything better to do again, have you?
More like boredom is death--and I don't wish to die just yet.
FencingCaptain wrote:
Oho? And what business might you want with me?
Just make sure it's within the scope of my skills --- and doesn't involve anything... well, you take my meaning, I'm sure. *laughs*
Nothing shady (I admire that word to bits) don't worry. You are required to appear in business attire though--and no, not in pants but wearing a corporate suit and skirt. Business protocol and I will not entertain more questions. *snorts*
Last edited by Seitokaichou (05-24-2008 08:17:02 PM)