This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
It should be noted that January is the only month without a character birthday and that Taurus and Scorpio are the only star signs not in use.
Um, Ruka's birthday was January 23rd. He just turned 27.
Happy birthday, Shiori. I'm discovering my inner Shiori lately... it's probably a good thing.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
It should be noted that January is the only month without a character birthday and that Taurus and Scorpio are the only star signs not in use.
Um, Ruka's birthday was January 23rd. He just turned 27.
If thats the case, then hopefully Gio or Yasha will ad that factoid to the character stats in the Empty Movement website. This would also make Ruka an Aquarius like me and Shiori.
Happy Birthday! **
It's Feb 3, 1:45pm here in Japan, so I'm a bit late.
I'm an Aquarius also. My birthday is in 5 days. I'll be 22.
Haha, I see no resemblance, but maybe if I got into a long conversation with someone who knows Shiori inside and out () I might.
Last edited by TenjouUsagi (02-02-2008 09:53:04 PM)
Stormcrow wrote:
Babe, I don't need the credit. You do the work on your own.
Happy birfday, Shiori!
Adrasteia wrote:
I share my birthday with the Gemini's as well.
I'm not a big Miki fan, but Kozue and Touga suit me just fine. It's nice to share something with them that isn't an STD.
Oh, and Happy Birthday, Shiori!If she is still alive by now, I can only assume Jury is either dead or in an asylum.
Actually, I wonder what kind of career Shiori would have at 26? I can't think of anything that really suits her...
Stripper/DMV assistant
I'd like to think...something else I can't think of right now.
Last edited by Persephone (02-03-2008 02:38:44 AM)
I actually liked Shiori but this forum really helped me to understand why, so Happy Birthday Shiori!!!
Last edited by Romanticide (02-03-2008 03:43:58 AM)
Raven Nightshade wrote:
It should be noted that January is the only month without a character birthday and that Taurus and Scorpio are the only star signs not in use.
Um, Ruka's birthday was January 23rd. He just turned 27.
Thanks for telling me and damn I missed it oh well happy belated birthday ruka...hugs for you.
I tried to find out if characters like Aiko and Yuuko also had listed birthdays but I wasn.t able to find out those facts.
All I could find out was that Aiko and Yuuko's family names which were Wakiya Aiko and Oose Yuuko respectfully.
Name meanings
Aiko = Love Child
Keiko = Adored One
Yuuko = Gentle Child
A happy belated to Miki and Kozue... you kids behave now!
(Though actually, they'd be what... in their mid-20s by now wouldn't they?)
Belated birthday? But it's not May yet!
My regards to those twins! Kozue has probably made Miki a man by now.
dollface wrote:
Belated birthday? But it's not May yet!
Guess I want summer to get here? Ironic seeing as that's my least favorite season. Wow, I need to look more carefully at my calendar. I think my biological clock is a month fast.
Thank you, dollface.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (04-30-2008 08:48:51 PM)
Except that Miki and Kozue are in late May, Tamago. Touga's isn't for well over a month yet. Unless Australia has some weird Daylight Savings Time variant where you advance your calendars by a month?
Nanami...shares the same sign with me?! Hocrap I never would have guessed!
Happy Birthday to Miki and Kozue, and Touga as well!
I was born three days after poor Kanae... late happy birthday to her. ...and yes, Aries is ironic, but I have some of the same people-pleasing attitudes and it is explained with a Libra Ascendent. I don't know exactly how that is calculated, but I could always do a BS account at Future Minder and find out each one.....
Goddammit, was this year leap year? I totally missed my beloved's birthday.
satyreyes wrote:
Except that Miki and Kozue are in late May, Tamago. Touga's isn't for well over a month yet. Unless Australia has some weird Daylight Savings Time variant where you advance your calendars by a month?
I'm sorry, for some reason my brain seems to be a month ahead of itself, I think I got some kind of brain AIDS or something... my bad!
Tamago wrote:
brain AIDS
Do tell.
Happy (ugh, belated?) birthday, Shiori!
Now I'll leave the chick alone so she can enjoy her b-day gift from Juri.
Ooh, I just noticed that the twins' birthday is coming up. I mean, I can't see a party thrown by Miki and Kozue would be all that exciting, but maybe if it was a surprise party someone else threw for them.
This sounds like a terrible/awesome fanfic waiting to happen.
An entire year has passed, and we are back to our starting point:
You are more beautiful today than ever before.