This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Yep that or The Game of Death, as soon as I saw the intro I though of the yellow tracksuit that Bruce Lee wore.-
Also, this bugged me: why does she not wear her hair down all the time?! When her braid gets cut she is way hotter: … 7.jpg.html
So I guess I'm the only loser who thinks that Nanami has cute eyes and smexy uniform. Wow
I don't dislike her eyes at all (they are so....narrowable....) I just wonder why the whites aren't colored in. And the uniform. I like the design, how it's different fromt he other duelists....just that particular shade...
hollow_rose wrote:
Also, this bugged me: why does she not wear her hair down all the time?! When her braid gets cut she is way hotter: … 7.jpg.html
I agree. But, to me, she looks a lot like Kanae with her hair down so maybe that's why...
I really hate kozue in the manga....she's such a little twerp...
Yeah, I much prefer slutty Kozue. I actually dislike most of the manga, so it's kinda stupid for me to say anything about it. I read it, but I really hate it.
By the end of the series, I just didn't know how much of Anthy was real, if that makes sense. It didnt piss me off so much as leave me with a lot of questions. I wasn't sure how much was all part of Akio's plan and how much was part of Anthy's act. Did she really dislike large gathering because everyone's faces started to look alike? Did she ever really like hanging out with Utena? I know it was probably meant to leave you wondering, but I just wish I had -some- clarification. It wasn't a major annoyance, and the fact Anthy left to find Utena should be clarification enough for me really.
Also, I'm silly and wanted Saionji to realise the error of his ways and get with Wakaba, and then for them be happy forever. OK, that's again not something that truly pissed me off, I just really felt bad for Wakaba and wanted her to get a happy fairytale ending even if no-one else did.
The only real annoyance I can think of is the animation. Some parts just don't look as good as others. Most the time it's easy to ignore, for me at least, but every now and then there's a shot where I think "What the hell is going on there?!"
I know what you mean about wondering how much of Anthy was real and how much was an act. I generally think that she DID enjoy spending time with Utena (when Touga won her, and she was imagining Utena sitting across from her?) but that in the beginning she probably thought of Utena as just another bone-head duelist until it started to become clear that Utena was different and really wanted the best for Anthy as a person, not an object.
The part about crowds of people.. I'm not sure if Anthy knew Nanami's plot or not (she probably did) but I tend to be of the opinion that Anthy really doesn't like crowds of people. To me, the shadowed faces seemed like Anthy's real perception of the people. And to me it mostly was a forshadowing of what we would see of Anthy later: the crowd of people surrounding her and stabbing her with the swords of hatred.
I mean, if that happened to you, wouldn't you really hate being around a lot of people too?
From a technical standpoint, I'm most annoyed by how lazy the animation gets at times. How much is recycled in each ep for instance. Also, Mikage's fighting animation being mirrored directly over Juri's. Meh.
I'm pissed off by how hard it is to convince people to watch the series based on the first arc. It's good enough and all, it's hard to convince your friend that it only gets better as you watch more.
I'm pissed that Saionji is so pathetically weak-willed, but it also endears me to him.
I'm annoyed that the movie doesn't have more meaning to it. I know Ikuhara just looked at it as a chance to go insane with a large budget, but more depth thrown in would have been nice. More backstory, elaborating more on the different angle, something.
It's hard to find things I don't like... I just love it too much. ;-;
Really? I found the movie pretty profound - the depth just stems more from the allegory than the character's motivations and personalities -which makes sense because A) it only has so much time and a large cast and complicated set of ideas and B) you already get a lot of the character-driven stuff from the series.
In fact, one of my favorite feats of the movie is that you get such a multi-dimensional view of the characters without a lot of backstory. Everything is shown, not told. The character's actions and subtleties reflect their stories and their personalities, not flashbacks. **
** With the notable exception of Saionji, Miki and Kozue of course. But this stems from the fact that they aren't meant to be big, dynamic players in this movie...more like...examples.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (03-16-2010 09:32:56 PM)
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Really? I found the movie pretty profound - the depth just stems more from the allegory than the character's motivations and personalities -
I'm not about to say it's on the level of... say... the Escaflowne movie by any means. Just, I don't know. I feel that way too much of it is just purely eye candy. There are aspects of it that I do think are pretty amazing, like Akio's desperate search for the keys and his reaction to Anthy being conscious during rape, but still. I guess I just always compare movies to the tv series. The tv series was just so close to perfect in my eyes... and I have a bad habit of looking at things like, say, the long race scene and think "that's 5-10 mins that could have gone to more development." It's just the picky writer in me I guess.
Scortia wrote:
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Really? I found the movie pretty profound - the depth just stems more from the allegory than the character's motivations and personalities -
I'm not about to say it's on the level of... say... the Escaflowne movie by any means. Just, I don't know. I feel that way too much of it is just purely eye candy. There are aspects of it that I do think are pretty amazing, like Akio's desperate search for the keys and his reaction to Anthy being conscious during rape, but still. I guess I just always compare movies to the tv series. The tv series was just so close to perfect in my eyes... and I have a bad habit of looking at things like, say, the long race scene and think "that's 5-10 mins that could have gone to more development." It's just the picky writer in me I guess.
You just touched unto one of my biggest beefs with the movie... the car chase. I love it, I get every step, but it is just plain too long of a scene, and I would have preferred it if the Utena-mobile wasn't so gaudy.
That's the song that plays on the radio. For reals.
Yeah, that scene is basically my least favorite in the whole movie. I understand its purpose and everything, I just wish they could have gotten to the point faster.
I actually like the car scene maybe its just because I like long slow movies that are paced out. Although I understand that it was long and somewhat excessive.
I think the car scene would have better if they played "The Touch" through it! /Transformers dork
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
The part about crowds of people.. I'm not sure if Anthy knew Nanami's plot or not (she probably did) but I tend to be of the opinion that Anthy really doesn't like crowds of people. To me, the shadowed faces seemed like Anthy's real perception of the people. And to me it mostly was a forshadowing of what we would see of Anthy later: the crowd of people surrounding her and stabbing her with the swords of hatred.
I mean, if that happened to you, wouldn't you really hate being around a lot of people too?
Ohh, I never thought of it like that! That makes a lot of sense now! When I'd finished watching the series, I kept thinking about the earlier episodes and wondering "How much of Anthy is an act?", particularly episode 3 for some reason.
I still used to tear my hair out trying to figure out how much Anthy knew. I assume she knew more or less everything.
It took me a while to figure out how some duels were more or less exactly the same. The first I figured out was Juri's duels, she does exactly the same things up until her locket breaks, except some things are Ruka and Juri which were Juri and Utena before. I was like "Oh come on! Was the budget really that low?!" xD I dunno if I'm just slow, or if it's because I watched the series over a long period of time and got forgetful.
Cherry wrote:
It took me a while to figure out how some duels were more or less exactly the same.
OH MY GOD I HATE THAT. One huge deja vu if you ask me. Especially for Juri's second duel, I was like, "Seriously, Juri, this is how you fought last time and you lost. You're (kinda) the captain of the fencing club. Don't you know any other ways to swordfight than this by now?!"
If you’re inclined to be gracious and make excuses for the animators , then it works pretty well as a metaphor: the characters really only know one way to fight their problems. After all, all of the duelists get stuck emotionally in their particular issues, unable to work past them, because they can’t find another way of dealing—they’re just trying the same things over and over again. They refuse to let go of something, even when it’s obviously not working.
Yeah, I’m reaching, but it’s fun, trying to justify this stuff. Although nothing can justify the failtastic lapses in animation quality towards the end.
LectitoErgoSum wrote:
If you’re inclined to be gracious and make excuses for the animators
, then it works pretty well as a metaphor: the characters really only know one way to fight their problems. After all, all of the duelists get stuck emotionally in their particular issues, unable to work past them, because they can’t find another way of dealing—they’re just trying the same things over and over again. They refuse to let go of something, even when it’s obviously not working.
Yeah, I’m reaching, but it’s fun, trying to justify this stuff. Although nothing can justify the failtastic lapses in animation quality towards the end.
I completely agree. I'm sure that at some point, Juri must have questioned herself why she still loves Shiori... but when push comes to shove, she will continue to love her eventhough she knows that it's not healthy. It's the case of A) not solving their problems another way and B) inability to let go of their problems.
Or maybe the animators are just lazy, who knows?
Last edited by randomprojects (05-09-2010 01:29:28 AM)
What really pisses me off is that almost every girl at that school crowded around Touga like he was a God. It seemed that only a choice few girls had enough self respect for themselves to not lick his shoes! I feel like this is less important though after reading about all the things I didn't even care to catch like, recycled animation, uniforms from Hell and Utenas' Naivete.
With the way all the girls crowd in masses around Touga, he must be a walking fire hazard.
Razara wrote:
With the way all the girls crowd in masses around Touga, he must be a walking fire hazard.
There is a fire in his pants!
Mostly everything about Nanami gets on my LAST nerve. The only time she isn't pissing me off is when she's being made fun of.
Last edited by BlackRoseVixen (05-13-2010 08:58:54 PM)