This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I've probably put it off too long, but Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I have this thing about costumes, I like to do fairly obscure things--not obscure to fans of the same things, of course! Like one year I was Neo-Queen Selenity. Then I missed a couple and the next time I did "Priestess of Kushiel." This year I really want to do Child-Anthy. … ap0155.jpg … ap0160.jpg
Maybe with a bit less gaping a top and a couple of extra inches on the skirt. ;-) Maybe even with a big brown robe and fake witch nose to wear over it. That'd be fun!
I was wondering if anyone here could sew, or had any ideas on how to manage it before Halloween. I can make a pillow, but that's about the limit of my sewing skills. However, looking around has not yet yielded any dresses of a similar cut and color.
And--who else is dressing up? As what?
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (10-10-2007 12:33:47 PM)
For little Anthy's clothes, I'd look around for a store that has a similar pattern to that, but then just take a bit more off of it in areas where it needs to be shorter or more low cut. Do you have any fabric stores around where you live? (Even Wal-mart has some, too.)
I'm still debating over what to go as for Halloween... Maybe a catgirl Movie-Juri, so that I can do an SKU cosplay with my friends, but still not break my tradition of going as a catgirl...?
I'm working Halloween, but it's only a half shift in the afternoon so I'll have time to do something fun in the evening... I am SO wearing my fangs to work. Hey, it's not in violation of the dress code to wear vampire fangs.
I"ll probably be working both jobs, and both jobs allow me to dress up. I might wear my ren gown. :shrug: Or sew a couple sheets together and be a greek type person. Dunno.
Well, I'm probably going to go as Supergirl, but that's only if I can get the stuff to make it from scratch. My other idea was to take my homecoming dress, put in vampire teeth, wear a tiara, and some fake blood on my face and hands and be a Vampire Homecoming Queen or something.
Anthy's dress looks like an oversized tank dress with a well-hidden belt. I'd go with that. Either find one or make one. Both are relatively easy. A basic A-line dress like that can be made in a day or two by someone who knows what they're doing. Someone who doesn't know what they're doing can probably do it in a week.
rhyaniwyn wrote:
I've probably put it off too long, but Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I have this thing about costumes, I like to do fairly obscure things--not obscure to fans of the same things, of course! Like one year I was Neo-Queen Selenity. Then I missed a couple and the next time I did "Priestess of Kushiel."
You did that....Holy fucking shit that is hot
would you mind posting pics please. As i love the idea of both good luck with your Child Anthy.
As for what i will be wearing it will involve my new corset and a push up bra !
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (10-11-2007 02:10:31 PM)
My costume is really cheap. I'm just going to use clothes I wear everyday and make a new combination and try to make myself look like Gandalf, or a young version of him. I have a white Sri Lanka robe and a 50 cm recorder that can be my makeshift quarterstaff
With a little imagination, I don't think I look half bad
I'm probably going to be allegoriest's pet red devil or an angel to be the opposite, seeing as we have a class together that night.
O:!! I should be a red devil lolita.
No idea how I'd get a dress in time though. fuuu.
It appears that this year, I'm going as a witch. Again.
I'm looking forward to how many people will not understand my references to swords.
I have black feather mini-wings and a set of horns. I'll add anything else I can find to further the demon look but I have to be careful cuz I don't know if I'll be working.
Last year I got some cheap prop set and went as a cat-girl I found out later on that my tale kept throwing people.
I think I have a simple long red dress somewhere. With some scissors and minor construction I could have Anthy's Rose Bride dress. If I still have it that is...
But in the meantime I still have to find a red pointy tail and a little plastic pitchfork.
I was going to be Anna Wintour (The Editrix of VOGUE), however due to lack of funds for high fashioonable looking clothes . . . I've gone to Dominatirix, that way I can wear the black pumps and bob I got weeks ago.
Sevelle wrote:
I was going to be Anna Wintour (The Editrix of VOGUE), however due to lack of funds for high fashioonable looking clothes . . . I've gone to Dominatirix, that way I can wear the black pumps and bob I got weeks ago.
What happened to the dress you were making?
Red Angel wrote:
I'm probably going to be allegoriest's pet red devil or an angel to be the opposite, seeing as we have a class together that night.
O:!! I should be a red devil lolita.
No idea how I'd get a dress in time though. fuuu.
Actually we don't have class that night.
I'm probably just going to be kinda sorta dandyish with devil horns.
I have black feathery wings, but someone is still borrowing them.
They're awkward to wear anyway.
Okay, this time I think that I finally settled on something. My friend and I are going to swap clothes. He can wear my Ohtori school uniform, and I can wear his long-sleeved red shirt, black pants, and purple tie. I'll tie my hair back in a ponytail, and go as Akio for Halloween! (Only as a cat-girl... Or cat-boy... Cat-Chairman?)
My sister-in-law is going bag snatching as George W. Bush this Halloween. THE HORROR! My brother will be the getaway driver.
As for me, I'ma gonna sit around and feel my ass grow. Done it for close to seven years now.
Last edited by BioKraze (10-16-2007 05:48:41 PM)
I think I was 13 the last time I wore a costume not for a theatrical performance. I really miss it, but I don't know what to be. Plus, no Halloween plans, so I'll feel rather bummed if I dress up for the Trick-or-Treaters only to find there are no Trick-or-Treaters. I still do want to dress up though...anyone have any suggestions?
Cerise, I have an idea.
Make a T-shirt that says in big bold letters "MANAGEMENT SUCKS". Wear it with a button that says "Fuck Off And Die". Say you're a disgruntled employee of where you work at.
I see oversized tank dress with a string tied around the waist. I also looked for patterns online, but I wansn't too happy with what I saw. I can use a sewing machine...but I don't know any fancy stitches or techniques. Follow the line...
I really wanna do it. :-(
Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of either Neo-Queen Selenity or Priestess of Kushiel. My mom and I made the Selenity dress out of a sheet and some felt and beads. I got a black robe at a Halloween store, painted my face gold, and carried a riding crop as Priestess of Kushiel. I normally avoid cameras, bleh!
Cerise wrote:
I still do want to dress up though...anyone have any suggestions?
I do!!!!!!!!!! I love Halloween! Cerise, you've totally gotta go as a COP! You could go traditional, just blue (or black) slacks and a dress shirt, with a trip down the kids toy isle to get your badge & gun. OR, you could go as a sexy cop... like something from a sex toy shop.
Last edited by Frosty (10-16-2007 11:42:13 PM)
Every goth chick I know has went as Death for Halloween, so I'm mixing it up and going as Delirium. It affords me a little artistic creativity. I already have the clothing part straight (cut up black shirt I wrote "Hello" on and a tattered yellow and red skirt and some fishnets)
What I need to get still is a blonde wig (easier to spray-dye) and some dye and hairspray, and possibly a stuffed fish or spiders or something. Anyone else have something they always wanted to see on a Delirium costume?
EDIT: And how could I forget the crowning jewel of my costume?
Delirium smells of sweat, sour wines, late nights, and leather.
Ladies and gents, I give you Lucky Number 6.
Last edited by Hinotori (10-16-2007 11:42:12 PM)
Some great ideas! I'm part of the campus haunted house, and we're doing a carnival/circus theme. I'm going to be the cute bubbly assistant who'll get kidnapped halfway through the haunted house and show up butchered at the very end. Since my voice is naturally quite deep and not in the slightest bit cheerful, it should be a challenge.
What I need to get still is a blonde wig (easier to spray-dye) and some dye and hairspray, and possibly a stuffed fish or spiders or something. Anyone else have something they always wanted to see on a Delirium costume?
Love the idea! You should someone else to do Desire. Always liked Desire. Do you have any piercings?
Last edited by Jellineck (10-17-2007 12:51:10 AM)
A bunch I never wear but am willing to re-open for the purpose of my costume. Sadly I don't have an eyebrow ring, which seems like it'd be the most recognisable. I'm going to wear my nostril ring, though.
Frosty wrote:
Cerise wrote:
I still do want to dress up though...anyone have any suggestions?
I do!!!!!!!!!! I love Halloween! Cerise, you've totally gotta go as a COP! You could go traditional, just blue (or black) slacks and a dress shirt, with a trip down the kids toy isle to get your badge & gun. OR, you could go as a sexy cop... like something from a sex toy shop.
Hmm... a cop. Forget the trick or treaters then, Paradox and I shall have fun instead. Except no going into the sex toy shop. I tried that last winter, managed a few feet in before I melted into a puddle of absolute humiliation and drained back out the door. I'm just too pure.
I want to be a sexy mad hatter.
I don't know if i can pull it off though.