This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
What the heck happened?? Where did the entry go?
it can not beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That puts a crimp in my plans.
Guys, everything's fine.
They made a LJ community: wrote:
usr_fanbase has been finally created. We are now inviting interested parties to come and join so we could easily attend to your orders and inquiries without flooding this lovely community.
As for the good news, our fan-made Adolescence Mokushiroku Movie Signet is now available, and product shots are up for viewing. For more details, visit the community. Entries are visible to members only so don't forget to register. Furthermore, please read the rules before joining.
( + This way please. + )
Note: Please update your Memories because the previous related entries have already been deleted.
Yay! I don't have time to be a member there, though.
Oh well. We'll see what happens.
lol its just one of those things that i have like accounts for everthing so i got a LJ account a long time ago but never really used xenga and myspace...
UtenaFanGirl wrote:
it can not beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
HAHAHA Legend of Dragoon.
I'm glad they made a comunity. Now it's all organized and pretty. Whta do you guys think of the movie rings they made?
Emiemipoemi wrote:
UtenaFanGirl wrote:
it can not beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHAHAHA Legend of Dragoon.
XD *highfive*
Now I want to draw Legend of Dragoon art! *flies away to draw*
Emiemipoemi wrote:
UtenaFanGirl wrote:
it can not beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHAHAHA Legend of Dragoon.
I'm glad they made a comunity. Now it's all organized and pretty. Whta do you guys think of the movie rings they made?
Okay, not so much with the Dragoon. But yeah, I LOVE the movie ring. I should have enough cash for one in two or three months. I definitly think I'll get one.
morosemocha wrote:
Emiemipoemi wrote:
UtenaFanGirl wrote:
it can not beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHAHAHA Legend of Dragoon.
I'm glad they made a comunity. Now it's all organized and pretty. Whta do you guys think of the movie rings they made?Okay, not so much with the Dragoon. But yeah, I LOVE the movie ring. I should have enough cash for one in two or three months. I definitly think I'll get one.
Yeah I was quite surprised what they did with it! I thought they were going to replicate the official movie ring but instead they made the actual ring! I was like THAT IS AWESOME.
If you look closely at the enamel, it's sparkly! Totally seals the deal. I'm such a whore for sparkly things.
I hate jewelry, it annoys me. I don't wear anything and probably never will.
So I didn't think much of this offer until last night, when I went to see what the rings look like once again.
Sooooo pretty I'm in love
I want a ring so bad, but it's too expensive for me to have it and never even wear it.
Argh. I've never been really "into" LJ. I use mine occasionally, but I only recently started joining communities. Do I have to wait for them to add me as a friend to view the entries after I've added them? That's what it looks like. I want to see the movie signet...
rhyaniwyn wrote:
... I only recently started joining communities. Do I have to wait for them to add me as a friend to view the entries after I've added them? That's what it looks like. :( I want to see the movie signet...
You can view the locked entires in the community once you become a member. Just make sure you're logged into your LiveJournal account before checking out the the main page or clicking on any of the links on the + Index + sidebar. ^^
Last edited by FencingCaptain (02-06-2007 01:34:53 AM)
Yay late birthday present! I ordered the movie signet. Now I just have to try not to die from anticipation before it arrives. I'll take pictures when it gets here.
For those of you who are having to budget, don't forget the fee for Western Union. They have a calculator on the site you can use to figure out how much it will be.
I have a prepay phone with Verizon wireless, it only costs 25 cents to send international txts and 10 cents to receive them (which is the same as receiving normal txts for me). I have to add a 011 before the country code & number. So, I did get that to work.
But apparently you can (try, at least) to SMS through AIM. We couldn't get it to work for me to the Philippines, but now I can spam my local friends' phones.
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (02-08-2007 07:20:58 PM)
Squee! I can't wait until I get mine!
Even with the 25% discount it was expensive, for me. But it will be so worth it. I got my mom to help pay for it as an early Christmas present. I'm really picky about rings, I don't like to wear a lot of them, just one or two special ones, and this would definitely be one of them.
*giddy* The manga one is gorgeous, too, although my favourites are still the series and movie ones. And the locket. Damn, if I could afford that, I'd wear it just so I could put a picture of a cupcake or something inside it.
(Sorry. I'm babbling so much about the rings lately, but I can't help it, I'm excited.. )
I cant even see the damn rings I wanna see them and congrats SleepDebtFairy! post pics when you do
Thank you! And I will! My sister got a new camera recently, so they'll be nice photos too, not those crappy cell phone pictures I keep taking.
You have to have a LJ account and join there. I'm not sure what there policy is on linking their pictures in other places, but you can kind of see the rings in their layout.
I am so going to buy the regular and black rose version of the student council rings,they are so pretty.
Besides they would be fun to stare at if they sparkle,lol
I wish I could afford more than one. I'd want a black one and movie too, and possibly a student council one with red enamel.. I couldn't decide. I just hope I'm not disappointed with my decision! But I doubt I will be, they're all gorgeous.
Does anyone happen to have pictures if they own any of these rings? *_* I have a few weeks til I get mine and I'm giddy and excited.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
... Does anyone happen to have pictures if they own any of these rings? *_* I have a few weeks til I get mine and I'm giddy and excited.
Some people have posted their on the LJ community's feedback page. Come to think of it, I haven't posted mine either... I'll wait until I get my locket this coming month. ^^
When I was with this guy Dave, he bought me a beautiful necklace, and when we broke up he said he didn't want it back..
That was, like, four years ago...and I feel guilty wearing it.
If I can sell it for a decent price...the money will be going towards a kurobara ring for my Keiko costume...
YES! I knew that thing was good for somethin'!!
Calliston wrote:
I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone while I was browsing this forum. He asked, "What happens if we don't turn out how we want?" Me: "I'd love you anyway, swe-OMFG I WANT IT!!!"
Him: "What?!"
Me: "I... ... Utena signet?" *scrolls down to the price and heart SHATTERS*. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! It's $200!!"
Him: "Birthday present....?"
Me: "......*very tempted*"
My husband is going to commission a white gold one for me for our 10th anniversary. It's gonna be my new wedding ring. XD
Sadly, the link to those rings don't work anymore. I'm sure they're lovely, but you can't beat my price of $35 each for sterling silver. XD
What can I say? I pride myself as a crafter/artist.
TenjouUsagi wrote:
My husband is going to commission a white gold one for me for our 10th anniversary. It's gonna be my new wedding ring. XD
Wow, that's really wonderful. I saw something like that crafted by the Morpheus Company, though it's made of 14k white and rose gold.
TenjouUsagi wrote:
Sadly, the link to those rings don't work anymore.
Product links to the signet rings (all four versions of them --- Series & Black Rose, Movie, and Manga) can be found at usr_fanbase. Well, you have to be a community member to view them. ^^
TenjouUsagi wrote:
I'm sure they're lovely, but you can't beat my price of $35 each for sterling silver. XD
What can I say? I pride myself as a crafter/artist. :dance:
As someone who bought one of these rings, I think it's quite unfair to compare fine silver jewelry prices with sterling silver. After all, the two metals have different market value. ^^ And while I respect you as an artisan, their work is also as impressive as yours. *smiles*
But then, we all have different tastes and opinions, don't we? ^^